1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上i学答案1-11 . is the relationship between nutrition and health and development? 答案:Nutrition is an input to and foundation for health and development._2 .hat is the basic human right according to the website?答案:Freedom from hunger and malnutrition is a basic human right.3 .hat has the Worl
2、d Health Organization traditionally focused on? 答案:WHO has traditionally focused on the vast magnitude of the many forms of nutritional deficiency, along with their associated mortality and morbidity in infants, young children and mothers.4 .hat are associated with malnutrition? 答案:All forms of maln
3、utritions broad spectrum are associated with significant morbidity, mortality, and economic costs.1-21-4. CBDA 5.To avoid mainutrition.6. Current weight, anything for depressoin and eating habit. 1 critical 2 tolerate 3 fainting 4 anemia 5 positive 6 .anxious 7. weight 8 .binge 1-31. composed 2. nou
4、rishment 3. intake 4. utilized 5. energy 6. nutrients 1 Whats the definition of a nutrient? 答案A constituent of food necessary for normarl physiological function.2 What categories can nutrients be divided into? 答案Macronutrients and Micronutrients.3 What are protein chains made of? 答案Protein chains ar
5、e made of almost unlimited combinations of 20 different Amino Acids.4 What are the functions of lipids in our body? 答案Lipids help to absorb micronutrients, provide energy for the body in-between meals and during times of fasting. They are used to make hormones and provide cushioning.1. H 2. F 3 .A 4
6、. I 5 .B 6. D 7 .G 8. C 9 .J 10 .K 11. E 12. L 1-41. growth 2. repair 3 .maintenance 4. energy 5. hydrated 6 .development 7 .facilitate 8-12 TFFTF13. trans fats 14. hydrated trans fats 15 .burn 16 .cardiac diseases 17 .diastrous 18 .safe 19. intake 20 .beneficial 21. improve 22. strength 23. increas
7、e 24 .burning 25 make a stir 26 my goal is 27 component of 28 provided to 29 are categorized as 30 relating to 31 declares that 32 has appeared 33 has been linked with 34 comprehend 35 The infinite distances of space are too great for the human mind tounderstand. 36 pertaining to 37 The inspector wa
8、s interested in everything pertaining to the school. 38 resort to 39 Theres a lot of In recent years, some groups have resorted to threats and even violence in efforts to disrupt important research 40 validate 41 This discovery seems to validate the claims of popular astrology. 42 discredit 43 They
9、realized there would be difficulties in discrediting the evidence. 44 A. English-Chinese translation.通过摄取不同种类的食物,给身体提供了营养物,这些营养物使得身体能恰当地发挥各种功能,从而保护自己免受病毒,细菌和毒素的侵害。45 丰富的营养物不仅保持身体健康,而且降低疾病和早逝的风险。46 既然我们了解了不同的营养物,我们就应该知道每种营养物在身体里的独特地位,以及缺乏哪一种会导致营养不良。47 垃圾食品影响他们正在发育的身体,使得他们的身体缺乏必要的营养物。48 尚不清楚饮食中的胆固醇是如何
10、提高血液中的胆固醇的,但是现在可以得出以下结论: 比起饮食中的胆固醇,转换脂肪(通过氢化处理从天然油脂中分解出来的人工加工脂肪)更能提高血液中的胆固醇。49 正如我以上所提到的,现在的证据很大程度表明,食物中的胆固醇不与血液中的胆固醇成正比,但在科学研究的时钟摇摆前,关键的方法就是自我节制。50 正如我一直所主张的, 如果你坚持摄入合理的量,(几乎)没有什么东西会对你真正有害; (几乎)没有什么东西会杀害你。51 B. Chinese-English translation.French Paradox DietThe French have some of the lowest obesit
11、y rates in the developed world and highest life expectancies, despite the rich food they eat. Signature foods include full fat cheese and yogurt, butter, bread. Small but regular amounts of cheese and chocolate are some of thehallmarksof this rich diet. Some researchers think that the so-called “Fre
12、nch Paradox” has more to do with lifestyle than anything French people eat. For instance, their portions are small, they dont snack, they walk everywhere and they eat very, very slowly.1-51.无2 a global problem 3 treated 4 for example 5 take part in 6 inflammatory 7 in the risk of 8 The bottom line 9
13、 Lets turn this around 10 the core of health care 1-61 E 2 G 3 I 4 J 5 L 6 N 7 P 8 R 9 T 10 V 11.无1-7(这题乱写都是对的。) 第二单元2-1What other names do genetically modified foods have?答案 genetically engineered foods (GE foods), or bioengineered foods.2 What is the meaning of GM food? 答案 foods produced from orga
14、nisms that have had changes introduced into their DNA using the methods of genetic engineering.3 What is the first geneticallly modified food on the market?答案 delayed-ripening tomato2-21 B 2 A 3 D 4 C5Why was the modified soybean plant resistant to Roundup herbicide?答案 It contained a Roundup persist
15、ent gene.6Why did the Mexican farmer in the video prefer the more expensive local corn to its American counterpart?答案 Local corn was natural, more nourishing and had better yield.1-20Put the pieces of the puzzle positionsreducing agricultural impactherbicideresist the application ofone pass ofburn d
16、owncontrols the weedspull the excess weeds by handlabor-intensivegenetic structureharvested frommicroscopic particlespenetratesresistant tocorn diversitythe massive importationhighly subsidizedyieldtransgenic conquest2-31 Traits 2 mating 3 mold species 4 dietary needs 5 selectively breeding 6 snip i
17、t out 7 transplant1What are the areas in which genetic modification techniques have been used?答案 agriculture, medicine and bioremediation2What are the examples of genetic modification applied to agriculture?答案 略?3What are the factors affecting the survival of microorganisms used in bioremediation?答案
18、 temperature, pH, oxygen levels and nutrients1 C 2 I 3 E 4 A 5 K 6 B 7 L 8 J 9 D 10 G 11 H 12 F2-4Beginning of Human-directed genetic manipulation of food19731980s1993Several genetically modified crops resistant to pesticides/herbicides were approved for cultivation and marketing in the USACreation
19、of golden rice2015 8-12TFFFT1 GMOs may be toxic to non-target organisms. 2 Pests or weeds targeted by transgenic methods can adapt to pesticides and herbicides. 3 Biodiversity is put at risk by GMOs. 4 Many scientific data indicate that animals fed by GM crops have been harmed or even died. 5 Some e
20、xamples indicate a link between GM food consumption and human health problems. 6 not labeled1 changed2 stops3 with the expectation4 make5 sell6 close to7 required8 on the threshold of 9 Our team is on the threshold of making a major scientific breakthrough.10 void of 11 In a very real sense his life
21、 is totally meaningless and void of any value in the greatest scheme of things.12 enable sb. to do sth. 13 These glasses will enable you to see in the dark.14 call for 15 At the UN conference, indigenous people called for more attention to them in reaction to global climate crisis.土壤变得干燥,失去了所有的养分,这通
22、常是生长过程中不可或缺的一部分。这种杂草对除草剂的抗药性似乎成为大豆难以控制的问题。有机贸易协会和许多消费者团体长期以来一直呼吁在市场上给转基因食品贴上标签。但这种关注超越了消费者和有机贸易协会的利益。Genetically Modified Food/GMF refers to food produced by applying the technology of genetic engineering. It has the advantages of high productivity, rich nutrition and strong disease resistance, etc. But its defect is also apparentit may lead to gene contamination. Thus, the safet
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