



1、新译林英语5B-unit7知识点讲解Unit7 知识点讲解【Story time】1. Chinese festivals中国节日2. 中国传统节日:Spring Festival春节/Chinese New Year中国新年;Dragon Boat Festival端午节;Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节;Double Ninth Festival重阳节补充:Tomb-Sweeping Day清明节;Lantern Festival元宵节;May Day五一节;National Day国庆节;Mothers Day母亲节;Fathers Day父亲节;Teachers Day教师

2、节;Womens Day母亲节;Childrens Day儿童节以“Day”结尾的节日,前面的介词用on,否则用at3. 月分类单词:January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December4. 月份前面的介词用in意为“叫做,称作” 如:We call him Xiao Wang.我们称他小王。 补充:call还可以译为“打电话”。如:call you打电话给你5. get together with their families与他们的家人相聚在一起 together“一起”。

3、如:We often go home together.我们经常一起回家。6. Some people eat dumplings.一些人吃饺子。 rice dumplings粽子7. dragon boat races赛龙舟(race意思为“比赛”) 补充:car race赛车8. in some places在一些地方(place“地方”)9. Where do you often go =What places do you often go 你经常去什么地方10. People look at the moon at night with their families.look at

4、the moon赏月;enjoy the moon赏月(注:moon意为“月亮”,是独一无二的,独一无二的东西前面必须加the)at night在夜晚with为介词,意为“和,与”11. eat moon cakes吃月饼12. old people老人young people年轻人13. visit their parent and grandparents 看望他们的父母和祖父母 visit意为“看望,拜访;参观” 如:visit my aunt看望我的阿姨;visit the Great Wall参观长城 visitvisitor参观者,访问者;游客14. climb mountains

5、爬山15. rice cakes米糕【Grammar time】TheSpring FestivalisinJanuaryorFebruary.Dragon Boat FestivalMayJuneMid-Autumn FestivalSeptemberOctoberDouble Ninth FestivalOctoberNovember月份缩写JanuaryJan. JulyJul.FebruaryFeb. AugustAug.MarchMar. SeptemberSept.AprilApr. OctoberOct.MayMay NovemberNov.JuneJun. DecemberDe

6、c.时间介词in,at,on讲解1. in:年代(in 2015),季节(in spring),月份(in May),一天早中晚(in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening)2. at:在具体的时刻前(at six oclock;at lunchtime在吃晚饭时);固定搭配(at night/noon);不以Day结尾的节日前(at Spring Festival);年龄前(at the age of twelve)3. on:星期(on Sunday,on Saturday morning);日期(on May 31);以Day结尾的节

7、日(on Childrens Day)【Fun time】阐述春夏秋冬分别在哪几个月,描述季节特点以及在每个季节人们可以进行的活动。1. Spring is in March,April and May. In spring,its warm. We see trees and flowers in spring. We fly kites and go boating in spring.2. Summer is in June,July and August. In summer,its hot. We see in summer. We go swimming and eat ice c

8、reams in summer.3. Autumn is in September,October and November. In autumn,its cool. We see in autumn. We go climbing and have picnics in autumn.4. Winter is in December,January and February. In winter,its cold. We see snow in winter. We make snowmen and go skating in winter.【Sound time】Thirty-three

9、songbirds sitting in the tree. Thirty-three songbirds singing songs to me. Today is my birthday. Im happy as can be.mouth thank thin think thirty three / /songbird黄莺 sing song to me给我唱歌【Culture time】Halloween is on the thirty-first of October. Children usually dress up. They knock on peoples doors a

10、nd shout “Trick or treat?” for sweets.1. the thirty-first of October十月三十一日2. On the thirty-first of October在十月三十一日(日期前面的介词用on)3. 日期表达法:the+序数词+of+月份 如:the first of June 六月一日4. dress up 打扮5. knock on/at doors敲门6. shout动词,意为“喊”7. Trick or treat不招待就使坏【Cartoon time】1. It is Mothers Day today.今天是母亲节。2. D

11、o you know 你知道吗?3. Its a day for mothers. Its on the second Sunday of May. the second Sunday of May 五月的第二个星期日4. What do people do on Mothers Day 人们在母亲节干什么5. They give their mothers presents.他们给他们的妈妈礼物。 give sb. sth.=give sth. to sb. 给某人某物。 present名词,意为“礼物”。6. talk about sth. 讨论,交谈7. What should we give Mum 我们应该给妈妈什么8. should 是情态动词,后面加动词的原形。9. What about a card and some flowers 一张卡片和一些花怎么样 What about 怎么样 (是一种建议性的句型)10. a good idea 一个好主意;an idea一个想法/主意11. Happy Mothers Day! 母亲节快乐!


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