已阅读5页,还剩18页未读 继续免费阅读




1、ObjectivesIn this chapter, you will learn: To understand PHP data types, operators, arrays and control structures. To understand string processing and regular expressions in PHP. To construct programs that interact with MySQL databases.ClientServerJavaScript, VBScriptPHP, ASP, JSPObjectivesIntroduct

2、ion for PHPPrintOperatorProcessingConditional statementLoopUseful functionString functionMySQL connectionIntroductionPHPPHP: Hypertext PreprocessorOriginally called “Personal Home Page Tools”1997, PHP3Popular server-side scripting technologyOpen-sourceAnyone may view, modify and redistribute source

3、codeSupported freely by communityPlatform independentPHPEmbedded directly into XHTML documentsWithout having to use multiple print statements (CGI)Basic applicationScripting delimitersMust enclose all script codeVariables preceded by $ $ symbolCase-sensitive (有大小寫之分的)End statements with semicolon “;

4、”Comments/ for single line/* */ for multilineFilenames end with .php by convention7 PHP hello worldweb page titleOutput: hello world!By PHPhttp:/localhost/php_practice/helloworld.php PrintOutput stringecho “test”; / print “test”; 雙引號可以代換變數$a = “John;echo “I am $a”;echo “I am “.$a;Output:I am John單引號

5、 裏面所包含所有字串都會直接顯示,不會代換echo I am $a;echo I am $a;http:/localhost/php_practice/practice_print.php operators算術運算子算術運算子 運算子運算子範例範例用途用途+$a + $b$a 和 $b 的和。-$a - $b$a 和 $b 的差。*$a * $b$a 和 $b 的乘積。/$a / $b$a 除以 $b 的商。%$a % $b$a 除以 $b 的餘數。基本的指定運算符就是”=“。並不稱做”等於”,實際上意味著把右邊運算式的值指定給左運算數。例如:$a = $a + 2;指定運算子指定運算子位元

6、運算子位元運算子 範例範例名稱名稱結果結果$a & $bAnd(且)將在 $a 和 $b 中都為 1 的位設為 1。$a | $bOr(或)將在 $a 或者 $b 中為 1 的位設為 1。$a $bXor(互斥)將在 $a 和 $b 中不同的位設為 1。 $aNot(補數)將 $a 中為 0 的位設為 1,反之亦然。$a $bShift right(右移)將 $a 中的位向右移動 $b 次(每一次移動都表示“除以 2”)。範例範例名稱名稱解釋解釋$a = $b等於TRUE,如果 $a 等於 $b。$a = $b全等TRUE,如果 $a 等於 $b,並且它們的類型也相同。(PHP 4 o

7、nly)$a != $b不等TRUE,如果 $a 不等於 $b。$a $b不等TRUE,如果 $a 不等於 $b。$a != $b非全等TRUE,如果 $a 不等於 $b,或者它們的類型不同。(PHP 4 only)$a $b大於TRUE,如果 $a 大於 $b。$a = $b大於等於TRUE,如果 $a 大於或者等於 $b。比較運算子比較運算子執行運算子執行運算子?php $output = dir; echo “ $output ; ? PHP 支持一個執行運算符:反引號 . 。注意這不是單引號!PHP 將嘗試將反引號中的內容作為shell命令來執行,並將其輸出資訊返回(例如,可以賦給一個

8、變數而不是簡單地丟棄到標準輸出)。 加一減一運算子加一減一運算子範例範例名稱名稱解釋解釋+$a前加$a 的值加一,然後返回 $a。$a+後加返回 $a,然後將 $a 的值加一。-$a前減$a 的值減一, 然後返回 $a。$a-後減返回 $a,然後將 $a 的值減一。邏輯運算子邏輯運算子範例範例名稱名稱解釋解釋$a and $bAnd(邏輯與)TRUE,如果 $a 與 $b 都為 TRUE。$a or $bOr(邏輯或)TRUE,如果 $a 或 $b 任一為 TRUE。$a xor $bXor(邏輯互斥)TRUE,如果 $a 或 $b 任一為 TRUE,但不同時是。! $aNot(邏輯非)TRU

9、E,如果 $a 不為 TRUE。$a & $bAnd(邏輯與)TRUE,如果 $a 與 $b 都為 TRUE。$a | $bOr(邏輯或)TRUE,如果 $a 或 $b 任一為 TRUE。Variable (con.)Practice 1.$a= 4;$b= 6;$c= $a + $b;$a+;$b=$b%2;$c= $a + $b;http:/localhost/php_practice/practice_variable_1.phpPractice 2.Please show me the “dir” result in command mode.http:/localhost/p

10、hp_practice/practice_variable_2.phpConditional statementif (condition) statement; if (condition) statement1; else statement2; $a = 123;if($a = = 123)echo A= $a;Print : A= 123 $a = 123;if($a 100)echo A 100;Print : A 123Conditional statement(con.)if ( condition 1) statement 1; elseif (condition 2) sta

11、tement 2; else statement 3; if ($a 100)echo A 100 & $a 100 and A 200;Print : A 100 and A 200Conditional statement(con.)switch ( switch condition ) case value 1 : statement 1; break; case value 2 : statement 2; break; . default : statement n; break;$a = 2;switch ($a)case 1;echo 冠軍;break;case 2;ec

12、ho 亞軍;break;case 3;echo 季軍; break;Print : 亞軍亞軍Take off those “break”http:/localhost/php_practice/practice_switch.php Loopwhile ( condition ) statement; do statement; while ( condition)for (start; end; step) statement; $a=1;while ($a10)echo $a;$a+;$a=1;doecho $a;$a+; while ($a10)For($a=1;$a10;$a+)ech

13、o $a;Loopcontinue: causes the iteration to be skipped.break: causes the loop to stop and program execution to begin at the statement immediately following the loop. Print : 1 3 5 7 9Print : 2 4 6 8http:/localhost/php_practice/practice_continue.php String processingstrlenReturns the length of the giv

14、en string .int strlen(string str);substrReturns the portion of string specified by the start and length parameters.string substr(string string, int start, int length);strip_tagsThis function tries to return a string with all HTML and PHP tags stripped from a given str .string strip_tags(string str);

15、String processing /php%20bible/ltrimStrip whitespace (or other characters) from the beginning of a string. string ltrim(string str);trimThis function returns a string with whitespace stripped from the beginning and end of str.trim() will strip these characters: (ASCII 32 (0 x20), an

16、 ordinary space. t (ASCII 9 (0 x09), a tab. n (ASCII 10 (0 x0A), a new line (line feed). r (ASCII 13 (0 x0D), a carriage return. 0 (ASCII 0 (0 x00), the NUL-byte. x0B (ASCII 11 (0 x0B), a vertical tab. string trim(string str);Practice.$a = “atacgatcgaagagatatatacgcatc”;print $a lengthPrint the “atac

17、gatcgaagagatatatacgcatc”;http:/localhost/php_practice/practice_string.phpFrame姓名: $name = $_POSTname; Output: MySQL connectionmysql_connectOpens or reuses a connection to a MySQL server. mysql_connect(address, name, password);Examplemysql_connect(localhost,root,);mysql_select_dbSelect a MySQL databa

18、semysql_select_db(“database name”);Examplemysql_select_db(“sequence”);MySQL connection(con.)mysql_querySend a MySQL querymysql_query(“sql query”);example$SQL = “select * from subject”;$result = mysql_query(SQL);mysql_fetch_rowGet a result row as an enumerated arrayExample:while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result) for($i=0;$icount($row);$i+ ) echo $row$i.“|; MySQL connection(con.)mysql_fetch_arrayFetch a result row as an associative array, a numeric array, or bothExample:$total=mysql_num_rows($result);


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