



1、人教PEP版六年级下册英语填空题名校专项习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 用括号中所给单词的恰当形式补全句子。1My hobby is _(swim).2I had _(a) English party yesterday.3My mother will _(take) me to the hospital.4_(That) are cows.5December is the _(twelve) month of the year.6It is one of the _(tall) towers in the world.7_(Do) you hav

2、e a good time last Sunday?8We used words and sentences to tell _(story).9There are so _(much) people.10Here _(be) a lot of things for Hope School.2. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1We can finish the work _ (easy).2What _ (do) your father do? He is a doctor.3Whose is this bag?

3、60; Its my _ (mother).4Our computer room is on the _ (two) floor.5The boy has two _ (knife) in his pencil box.6What _ (do) the sign mean?It _ (mean) “No Smoking.”.7What about _ (go) running this weekend?Good idea!3. 用所给动词的适当形式填空。1Look!

4、 They _ (swim) in the river.2My mother _ (cook) lunch at the moment.3I think Daniel _ (lie) in the playground now.4Look! Here _ (come) Daniel!5_ the students of Class Two _ (have) an English lesson now?6Listen! Who _ (sing) in the next

5、 room?4. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1My teacher taught me _ (read) these words.2W_ do you like English?Because I think it is interesting.3I like English b_ I don''t like math.4My father wants us _ (go) to Beijing with him.5My favourite s_ is English.5. 填空题。1Its Steven 

6、;_ (call).2Skating is easy for you, but it is _for me.3You can jump _. I can jump low.4What time does it begin?It _ (begin) at 9: 00.5Please dont _ (tell) her.6. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1Where _ you _ (go) yesterday?2John _ (hurt) h

7、is foot last weekend.3I often _ (go) to a forest park with my friends.4Look! Mike _ (ride) a horse now.5Come and look at my _ (photo).7. 填空题。1It''s going to be _ (snow) tomorrow.2He is going to _ (buy) some cola.3A: What are you going to do?B

8、: I''m going to _. 4What are you going _ (do) there?5My friend _ the play yesterday. I _ it tomorrow. (see)8. 用下列单词的适当形式补全句子。1I want _ (eat) a hamburger. Can you buy one for _ ( I )?2Sam doesnt like _ (drink) any _

9、60;(drink).3Look, he can _ (fly) a kite on the grass.4My brother often _ (fly) kites in the park on Sundays.5We should have more _ (water).6There _ (be) some cola in the fridge.7Can you show _ (we) the stamps.8Tom, _ (come) here, please?9Yo

10、u should _ (listen) to your teachers at school.10I am _ (health).9. 根据句意,选择适当的短语完成句子,填序号。A. zebra crossing B. Ocean Park   C. on your leftD. dirty and messy   E. watch fireworks F. From then on1Ill go to Hong Kong next month. Ill go to Disneyland and _.2_, they bec

11、ame friends.3What are you going to do this evening?Were going to _.4Excuse me, wheres the cinema? Look, its _.5To cross the road safely, you should look for a _.6Who made the room _?The dog.10. 根据句意,首字母或所给词提示填入所缺单词。1March, April and _ are in spring.2July is the s_&

12、#160;month in a year.3Tom likes vegetables. He eats potatoes, _, _ and_.4There are six _ (giraffe) in the zoo. Let''s _ (go) to the zoo tomorrow.5He _(put) them on this shelf yesterday.6How many _ (bench) are there under the tree?11. 把句子补充完整,

13、填入合适的单词或词组。1Thats good _(锻炼).2We are all _(不同) now.3I _(骑自行车) with my friends yesterday.4Mike is wearing a _(粉色的T恤).5There was no _(饭厅) in our school.12. 填空题。1My mother is good at _ the dish. 2I _ _ _. So I didnt go to school. 3Sarah _

14、 a _ with her friend last night. 13. 根据句意,用“How”或和“How”有关的词组填空。1_ are these balls?They are twenty yuan.2_ do you eat vegetables?I always eat vegetables.3_ boys are there in your classroom?There are 25 boys.4_ is the weather today?It''s sunny and warm.5

15、_ are you?  I am 13 years old.6_ is the Great Wall?It''s more than twenty thousand kilometres long.7_ is it from Beijing to Shijiazhuang?It''s 278 kilometres.14. 根据首字母或汉语提示补全单词。1C_ Day is on June1st in China.2That _(小丑) is very funny.3Linda b_&

16、#160;some snacks and drinks from home.4A bus _(出现) around the corner.5These colourful _(气球) are beautiful.6The class _(开始).7There is a p_ at Wang Bings house.8Su Hai is going to bring some toys and play with her f_ at the party.15. 填空。1 noodle_2Look! What does this 

17、;_ mean?  3 What''s this?  It''s a _.4She was short then. She wasn''t _ then.5Pandas e_ for twelve hours a day.16. 用所给词的适当形式填空。1We _ (visit) my grandparents tomorrow.2Mike is from _, so he is an _ (Australia) boy.3London and Sydney are interesting _(country).4We cant wait _ (read) the stor


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