



1、2016 2017 第二学期四年级英语期末质量检测模拟卷一、 从 A.B.C.D 四个选项中选择正确的字母或字母组合完成单词。(10 分)对于单词记忆 情况的检查()1. bl k. A. ai B. ay C. au D. ac()2. p pie A.ur B. ar C. or D. er()3. m ker A.ir B. ar C.ur D. or()4. d k A.ee B.ea C.es D.ei()5. li ary A.ar B. br C. er D. dr()6. s w A.on B.ni C. no D. in()7. e ser A. ra B.ar C.rs D

2、. sr()8. d n t _A.a,u B.o,u C.u,a D. u,o()9. r d A. ee B. ei C. ea D. ey()10.th A.oy B. ey C. ir D.ay二、 把所给的单词分类。(15 分)名词分属的检测marker library rainy wi ndy blackboard pencil snowy gloves chalk schoolcloudy shorts paper socks eraserSchool things :( 学习用品 )_Places : (处所)_Weather : (天气 _Clothes :(衣服)_三、 单

3、项选择,把正确的序号填在题前括号内。(20 分)检测了学生基本知识的掌握情况()1、You can call Mr. Wood .A 、I B、my C、me( )2、Are you ready English class .A 、to B 、in C、for( )3、They are books in the library .A 、seeing B 、reading C 、looking( )4、 favourite fruit is orange .A 、You B、I C、My( )5、 is June first .A 、Children s Day B、National Day C

4、 、Women s Day( )6、The school is from my house .A 、long B 、near C 、far( )7、 is your birthday ? _ December first .A 、What B、When C、Who( )8、Can you point the donut.A 、to B 、in C、on()9、What s your ? It s 858 Ninth Avenue .A 、address B 、 name C、old( )10、I like to play my doll and my skipping rope .A 、to

5、B 、 on C 、with四、连线.(10 分)重点问答句式的检测1、What s your favourite school work ?By car .2、When is lunch ?I like to read books .3、How do you go to school ?Its twelve o clock4、What are you weari ng ?Its Saturday .5、What day is it ?I m wearing shorts .五、根据汉语意思,完成下面的句子( 15 分)单词在句子中的运用情况的检测1、今天是星期几?day is it toda

6、y ?2、 你最喜欢的衣服是什么?What is your clothes .3、我们的点心是相同的Our desserts are the4、你有多咼?How are you ?5、今天的天气怎么样?How is the today ?六、连词成句( 15 分)英语句式的构成规则1、what to like do you do ?2、you are old how 3、you do live where 4、how pencils there are many 5、school hard work at I七、阅读短文,回答问题( 15 分)运用所学知识进行阅读理解,做出正确选择There

7、are seve n days in a week . They are Sun day Mon day Tuesday Wedn esdayThursdayFriday Saturday . Sun day is the first day of the week .In Sun day , I am play ingcards with my friends . Mon day is the sec ond . We are walk ing to school . Tuesday is the third . I often doing my homework . Wed nesday

8、is the fourth . We are flyingThere are days in a week .()2 、What is the first day of a weeksame weather tall favourite whatkites in the park . Thursday is the fifth Wareworking hard at school . Saturday is.Wedoingmy()1A 、sixBfiveC、sevenA、MondayB、Saturday C 、Sun day()3、What am I doing in TuesdayA、do

9、my homework . B 、fly kites . C()4 、The fifth day of a week is ._、do my math .答案:一. DABCB CABCB二.学习用品: marker blackboard pen cil chalk paper eraser处所: library school天气:rainy windy cloudy snowy衣服:socks shorts gloves三.CCBCA CBAAC四.略 五。1.what 2.favourite 3. same 4.tall 5. weather六.1.what do you like to

10、do ?2. How old are you ?3. Where do you live ?4.How many pen cils are there ?5. I work hard at school.七.CCABC命题说明本套试题的考试内容覆盖了小学英语各个阶段的重要内容,谨遵小学英语教学大纲中的目标要求,并且以基础性知识为主,关注全体学生,重在考查他们的综合语言运用能力,通过考试会对教师的“教”和学生的“学”起到导向作用。对于学生基础知识的考查,既要依据课 本,但又避免教材中知识的机械运用(如试题中对于动词的时态和短语的考查等)。突出了语言的交际能力,同样是根据小学生的年龄特点和学习语言的规律,


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