1、1Unit 6 Earn as you learn?FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING AND RESEARCH PRESS HEBEI UNIVERSITY2apply the reading skill understanding signal words3write a simple research report with paragraphs of listing4translate postpositive attributives5develop an awareness of keeping a balance between study and part-ti
2、me jobsuse the key language to talk about positive and negative effects of taking part-time jobs1 Objectives Section A To work or not to work That is the questionProject of the unitInspiring your thoughtsEnhancing your skillsPresenting your projectProject forecastingInspiring your thoughtsEnhancing
3、your skillsPresenting your project Project of the unitLead-inWatch the video clip and discuss the following questions in pairs.Step 1What work did Paige and Eddie do? Why did Eddie want to get the job? Project of the unitLead-inTalking about part-time jobsTaskThey took a part-time job as waiter and
4、waitress. Eddie wanted to get the job because he had no money.Work in groups and discuss the following questions.Step 21. If you are going to work part-time, what job would you like to take? Why?2. Do you think taking part-time jobs while learning is good or bad? Explain your reasons. Project of the
5、 unitLead-in1. If you are going to work part-time, what job would you like to take? Why? I would like to work as a teaching assistant in kindergarten, because I really enjoy spending time with children. I would like to work in a company, because in the future I plan to establish my own business. The
6、 part-time job would give me some ideas of how to run a company, and what job a boss should do, etc. Project of the unitLead-inAdvantages Disadvantages Acquire communicative skillsBe too busy with work and neglect other responsibilitiesGain work experienceEndanger health because of less time to rest
7、Build connections for future careerNot have much time to spend with family and friendsLearn to manage timeMake pocket money Project of the unitLead-in2. Do you think taking part-time jobs while learning is good or bad? Explain your reasons.Lead-inInspiring your thoughtsEnhancing your skillsPresentin
8、g your project Project of the unitProject forecastingPlease get prepared by doing the following activities. You have had a basic understanding of the advantages and disadvantages of taking part-time jobs in college. But how does working affect your school performance in a real sense? Thats what you
9、are expected to learn and talk about in this unit. By the end of this unit, you will conduct a survey on how part-time jobs affect university students performance based on a questionnaire. Then summarize your findings and write a report. Project of the unitEnhancing your skillsPresenting your projec
10、tProject of the unitGlobal understandingDetailed understanding Inspiring your thoughtsIts a reference to a quote from Shakespeares Hamlet: “To be, or not to be, that is the question.” For Hamlet it is a life-or-death question. Here the author means “to work or not to work” is an important question,
11、which requires careful consideration. Look at the title of Text A and think about its meaning.Inspiring your thoughtsGlobal understandingTask Global understanding of the text Step 11) What type of writing is the text? How do you know that? Its a report of research. Tips: research, data, result 2) Wh
12、at parts are included in the text? Objective, methods, findings, explanations, and conclusion.Skim the text and answer the following questions.Step 2Inspiring your thoughtsGlobal understandingGlobal understandingEnhancing your skillsPresenting your projectProject of the unitDetailed understanding In
13、spiring your thoughtsRead the text again and answer the following questions.1) What is the objective of the research?2) What methods are used to do the research?3) What are the findings of the research?4) How does the author explain the findings?5) Whats the conclusion?Task 1Detailed understanding o
14、f the textInspiring your thoughtsDetailed understanding1) What is the objective of the research?To measure the impact of employment on student achievement.Inspiring your thoughtsDetailed understandingto be continued2) What methods are used to do the research?Comparing the grades of studentsContrasti
15、ng students commitment to studyFollowing students over timeAssessing the effects of different employment patternsInspiring your thoughtsDetailed understandingto be continued3) What are the findings of the research? Working students have less time to do school assignments.get less rest and eat less h
16、ealthy meals and are often too tired from work to study.lose interest in school.use drugs and alcohol more often than non-working students.Inspiring your thoughtsDetailed understandingto be continued4) How does the author explain the findings?Working long hours seriously affects school performance a
17、nd commitment.Working for about 10 hours per week or less does not seem to affect school performance much.Normally more disengaged students are more likely to work long hours, and working makes them even less devoted to study.Inspiring your thoughtsDetailed understandingto be continued5) Whats the c
18、onclusion?Students should work no more than 10 hours per week if they want to succeed in school. We should get rid of the wrong idea that early employment builds character.Inspiring your thoughtsDetailed understandingThink over the following questions and share your ideas with your classmates. 1) Do
19、 you agree with the author on all the negative impacts of working while studying? Why or why not?2) How to strike a balance between work and study?Inspiring your thoughtsDetailed understandingTask 2Critical thinking1) Do you agree with the author on all the negative impacts of working while studying
20、? Why or why not?Yes, I agree with the author on the negative impacts, such as not getting enough rest, decreased school performance, abuse of drugs and alcohol. As ones time and energy are limited, working, even part-time, will affect ones study. No, I dont. I have many classmates who are working p
21、art-time to cover their tuition. They are responsible as they want to share the financial burden with their parents. They also study very hard for scholarships. In fact, working may benefit their study because they can apply what is learned in class in practice.Inspiring your thoughtsDetailed unders
22、tanding2) How to strike a balance between work and study?It is no easy task for a working student to strike a balance between work and study. The following tips may help.Good time management: Plan your time wisely and you can make the best of it.Modest working hours: Working too long can weaken your
23、 health and affect your school performance.Efficiency in work and study: Learn to work and study more efficiently because higher efficiency saves your time and energy.Good health: Get good sleep and do some exercise. After all, you can neither work nor study well if you are sick.Inspiring your thoug
24、htsDetailed understandingStructure analysisPresenting your projectProject of the unitInspiring your thoughts Language highlighting Language learningLanguage focusParagraph(s) of listing Enhancing your skillsEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage learning Find the words and phrases concerning th
25、e negative or positive influences of part-time jobs from the text and match them with their meanings.Step 1Task 1Learning words and phrases concerning influences of part-time jobs on school performanceEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage learning Adjectives VerbsPhrases academicdecreaseinterf
26、ere withsignificantaltercut classcommittedunderminetake a toll onstrikingwithdrawat risk (of)permanenterodeburn the midnight oilintensivedepressdrop outcontroversialformativedecreasealterunderminewithdrawerodedepressinterfere withburn the midnight oildrop outchange, or make sb. or sth. changebecome
27、less or go down to a lower levelno longer take part in sth. make sb. feel very unhappygradually make sb. or sth. less strong or effectivegradually reduce the strength or importance of sth.work or study until late at nightleave a school or university before your course has finishedprevent sth. from s
28、ucceeding or from happening in the way that was planned1. The treatment is _ because it may have serious side-effects.2. Perhaps the most _ aspect of this computer is that it is so easy to use.3. Parents and our educational institutions play a vital role during the _ years of the young. 4. Children
29、with severe and _ learning difficulties should have the right to attend school, too. striking permanent controversial formativecontroversialstrikingformativepermanentEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage learning Step 2Fill in the blanks with the words in the box.Step 3Choose some words or phr
30、ases from the above list to talk about the influences of part-time jobs on school performance.Some experts believe part-time employment has significant effect on students academic performance and undermines students commitment to school. They may have to work in the evening time, which can interfere
31、 with homework, sleep and diet. They may gradually lose interest in school and even drop out completely. Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage learning Work in groups to add a list to your word bank that can be used in a research report to show methods, findings, explanations and conclusion. E
32、nhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage learning Task 2Learning words and phrases that you can use in a research reportParts of reportWords or phrasesMethodscompare, contrast, assessFindingsindicate, overall, on the other hand, approximately, seemingly, whereasExplanationscontribute to, owing to,
33、 lead to, in other words, in turnConclusionconclude, to summarizeSignal words of listing to begin with, first, also, second, additionally, third, finally 1. contrast (Para. 1)In this article, we contrasted the academic performances of working students with non-working pare two things, ideas, people,
34、 etc. to show how different they are from each other 使成对比;使成对照Translation:在这篇文章中,我们对比了打工学生和不打工学生的学习表现。Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting Task 3Detailed learning of key vocabulary1. contrast (Para. 1)Over half of part-time students say their finances are in good shape. In contra
35、st, many non-workers say their finances are in poor shape.n. C, U a difference between people, ideas, situations, things, etc. that are being compared 差异;差别Translation:一半以上的打工学生说他们的财政状况良好。相比之下,许多不打工的学生说自己的财政状况不佳。Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 2. assess (Para. 1)They are con
36、ducting a survey to assess the impact of part-time jobs on college students academic performance.vt.make a judgment about a person or situation after thinking carefully about it 评价;评定Translation:他们正在进行一项调查,测评兼职对大学生学业的影响。Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 3. overall (Para. 2)Ove
37、rall, I am very pleased about this new turn in my career.ad. generally 一般地;总体上Translation:总的来说,我对自己职业生涯中这一新的转变感到很满意。Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 3. overall (Para. 2)The overall result is that an increasing number of college students begin to take part-time jobs. a. (only
38、before noun) considering or including everything 包括一切的;全部的Translation:总的结果是越来越多的大学生开始兼职。Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 4. commit (Para. 4)Before you start a job, consider how much time you want to commit and plan accordingly.vt. 1. decide to use money, time, people, etc. fo
39、r a particular purpose 投入(钱、时间、人力等)Translation:在开始一份工作前,你应该考虑一下你想投入多少时间,并制定相应的计划。Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 4. commit (Para. 4)Because so many factors lead individuals to commit crimes, it is extremely difficult to predict the trends.vt.2. do sth. wrong or illegal 犯(错误或
40、罪行)Translation:由于造成个人犯罪的因素实在太多,因此要预测犯罪趋势是极其困难的。Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting commit a crime, commit suicide4. commit (Para. 4)commitment n. the use of money, people or time for a particular purpose (为某种目的)的投入committed a. willing to work very hard at sth. 坚定的;尽心尽力的Enhancing
41、 your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 1. Theyll have to _ more time to the school work if they want to win the scholarship. 2. Students who work long hours may become less _ to school. 3. Working heavily may significantly affect school achievement and _. commit committed commitmentFill in
42、the blanks with the words in the box, and translate the sentences into Cmitcommittedcommitment如果想要获得奖学金,他们必须把更多的时间投入到学业上。长时间打工的学生对学习的投入可能会越来越少。长时间打工可能会严重影响学习成绩和学习的投入程度。Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 5. interfere with (Para. 2)Anxiety can interfere with childrens performance
43、 at school.prevent sth. from succeeding or from happening in the way that was planned 妨碍;阻止Translation:忧虑紧张会影响孩子在学校的表现。Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 6. owing to (Para. 5)Owing to the poor financial situation of his family, he had to do a part-time job as a freshman.prep. (
44、fml.) because of sth. 因为;由于Translation:由于家庭贫困,他不得不在大一时就开始打工。Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting Synonyms: due to, because of, thanks toOwing to, due to, because of, thanks to:The four phrases are prepositions (they come immediately before a noun). They are not conjunctions (they
45、 cannot connect two parts of a sentence).Owing to and due to are slightly formal. They are often used in official notices and public statements. In spoken English, it is more usual to use because of than owing to or due to.Thanks to is used to explain why sth. good has happened.Enhancing your skills
46、Language focusLanguage highlighting 7. contribute to (Para. 9)Part-time work contributes to the improvement of students communicative ability.help to make sth. happen 促成,造成(某事发生)Translation:兼职促进了学生交际能力的提高。Tips:Whats the difference between “contribute to” and “attribute to”?contribute to 表示“促成,造成(某事发
47、生)”attribute to 表示“把归因于”Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting Fill in the blanks with the two phrases, and translate the sentences into Chinese.Everyone on the team _ winning the game.队里的每一个人都为赢得这场比赛出了力。One should not _ ones error _ objective conditions.一个人不应该把自己的错误归咎于客观条件。contrib
48、uted toattributetoEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 1. We have simplified and classified the data and the results are clear: The stakes are high. (Para. 2)stakes: 赌注;风险They finally rejected the idea of building a shopping center in the small town because the stakes were high.T
49、ranslation:他们最终还是放弃了在小镇上建一座购物中心的想法,因为风险太大了。Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting Task 4Sentence analysis2. Nevertheless, given that (Para. 3) given that: taking sth. into account 考虑到;鉴于一般用在句首,后面接表示原因的句子。Given that I dont earn that much from the part-time job, I have to be sensible
50、 with money to relieve my parents of the financial burden.Translation:由于我打工赚不了那么多钱,所以我必须省着点花以减轻父母的经济负担。Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 3. Whereas it is true (Para. 4) whereas: although sth. is true of one thing, it is not true of another 但是;尽管;却Whereas taking part-time jobs
51、may be beneficial, its undeniable that college students have to learn how to keep a balance between work and study.Translation:大学生兼职是有益的,但是不可否认的是,大学生必须学会在工作和学习中保持平衡。Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 4. To summarize, convention has long held that early employment builds charact
52、er. (Para. 9) to summarize: (usually used at the beginning of a sentence) 总之To summarize, it is science and technology that decide the development of a nation.Translation:总之,是科学技术决定了一个国家的发展。Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting In other words, over time, the more students work, th
53、e less committed to school they become. (Para. 4) the more ., the more / less .: used to say that if a particular activity increases, another change happens as a resultExample:The more I learn, the more I realize how much I dont know. Albert EinsteinEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highli
54、ghting Task 4Language appreciation Language focusPresenting your projectProject of the unitInspiring your thoughts Language highlighting Language learningStructure analysis Paragraph(s) of listing Enhancing your skillsWhat parts are included in a research report?Enhancing your skillsStructure analys
55、isParagraph(s) of listingTask 1Identifying the organization of a research reportResearch objective, research methods, research findings, explanations, and conclusion.How are the different parts organized in the text?Research reportPart 1: Research objective/purpose + methods (Para. 1)Part 2: Researc
56、h findings (Paras. 2-4)Part 3: Explanations (Paras. 5-8 ) Part 4: Conclusion (Paras. 9) Enhancing your skillsStructure analysisParagraph(s) of listingRead Para. 1 and Paras. 5-8, and answer the question: How does the author introduce different methods and explanations?Step 1Listing with signal words
57、!Listing is one of the common ways to organize ones ideas, reasons, causes, or even possibilities. Before listing information, the author often starts with a topic sentence, in which expressions such as some causes, in many ways, different attitudes are used as signals for a listing pattern. Then th
58、e author goes on to list different pieces of information with the use of signal words like first, second, also, finally, etc.Enhancing your skillsStructure analysisParagraph(s) of listingTask 2Identifying the listing patternAnalyze Para. 1 and figure out the listing pattern.Step 2There are numerous
59、and reliable ways by which one can measure the impact of employment on student achievement, and we used several in our research. We compared the grades of students who work a great deal with those who work in limited amounts or not at all. We also contrasted workers with non-workers, on different in
60、dicators of their commitment to education. Additionally, we followed students over time as they increased or decreased their work hours, and we assessed how different patterns of employment altered school performance and engagement.Enhancing your skillsStructure analysisParagraph(s) of listingStruct
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