Unit 2 Colours and Clothes Lessons 11、12知能提升作业(含解析)(新版)冀教版.docx_第1页
Unit 2 Colours and Clothes Lessons 11、12知能提升作业(含解析)(新版)冀教版.docx_第2页
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Unit 2 Colours and Clothes Lessons 11、12知能提升作业(含解析)(新版)冀教版.docx_第4页




1、Unit 2 Colours and Clothes Lessons 11、12 知能提升作业(20分钟50分)I. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词(io分)1. The boy is from I.2. Here is a r.3. We have fun at the shopping (4. We don t go to school on _5. The clothes around then.单项选择(io分)1. The pair of shoes new.A. is; areC. are; i s2. Mrs. Green is Canada.A. in; toC. with

2、; from3. Jenny has . She doesnA. five pair of pantsC. five, pairs of pant4. Look, Jenny! How is my new(星期六)。(世界)are colourful.Whose the shoes?B. are; areI), is; isShe goes to the zoo us.B. to; withD. from; witht need new ones.B. five pairs of pantsI), five pair of pant skirt?A.They* regoodB.It s nic

3、eC.It s oldD. Yes,itis5.My American fricn.d islearningto eatchopsticks (筷子)A.inB. withC.toD. on6.Danny,let* sour homework, now.OK.A.doesB. doingC. doD.to do7.Lisaa cowlxoy hat. She ils nice.8.We will goto the party3: 00the afternoon.A.on; inB.at; inC.in; atD.in; on9.We willat sCehool.A.has funB.funC

4、.funsD.have fun10.How many 一_ are thereat the shopping centre?A.menB.mansC.man1).two manC. will wearD. put onin.补全对话(io分)从方框中选择最佳选项完成对话A. Oh, it s not my coat.B. I think it s my coat.C. Whose coat is this?D. Thank you very much.E. What colour is it?A: Excuse me. 1R: Let me have a leek- 2 T think it

5、s Lily sA: Lily, is that your coat?C: 3A: It s rqd.C: _4_I can t find(找到)it.A: It* s over there. Put it on(穿上它),please.C: 51. 2. 3. 4. 5.IV.阅读理解(20分)B: Li Ming is wearing a red shirt.A: Is red his favourite colour?B: Yes, it irS. L.ook! Jenny is wearing a purple skirt.A: Oh, it* s a nice skirt. Do y

6、ou like purple, Lily?B: No, Jim. I rlike orange.A:Your orange bag is nice, too. What s in it?B: My new skirt. It* s orange, too.1. Li Ming is wearing.A a shirtC. a coat2. B. pantsD. shortsis Li Ming* s favourite colour.A.GreenB. Red3.is wearing, purple.A.LilyC.Jenny4.Lily,sis orange.A.penB. ruler5.A (nJ _is in Lily* sbag.A.bookB. skirtC.C. BlueD. WhiteB. JimD. Li MingC. shirtD. bagkeyI), apple答案解析I .答案:1. India


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