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1、.空心板梁毕业设计篇一:空心板桥毕业设计内 容 提 要预应力混凝土空心板桥由于其具有构造简单、制作方便,受力明确、建筑高度小、结构整体性好、桥梁下部尺寸小、可标准化集中预制生产等诸多优点,目前在公路桥梁工程中应用非常广泛,是高等级公路桥梁中量大面广的常用桥型。本次毕业设计主梁选用了先张法预应力混凝土空心板。考虑到时间和能力的欠缺,只对中板进行了设计计算。在本次设计中,首先进行了桥式方案的比选,确定简支板桥方案后,就其进行了结构设计,设计的内容主要有:拟定截面尺寸计算控制截面的设计内力及其相应的组合值;估算预应力钢筋的数量并对其进行布置;计算主梁截面的几何特征值;计算预应力损失值;正常使用极限状

2、态下构件的抗裂性及变形验算;持久状态下和短暂状态下构件截面应力验算。接着对对本桥的施工方案进行了简单的概述。关键词预应力;空心板;混凝土Design of Pre-stressed Concrete Hollow Slab BridgeZhang Jingjing Tutor: Zhang DayingAbstractPretested concrete hollow slab bridge because of its simple structure, easy production, and force clear, building height is small, structura

3、l integrity is good, the lower bridge the advantages of small size, and present in highway bridge construction is widely used. The graduation project for the design of a highway overpass across lines, the main beam selected pre-tensioned pretested concrete hollow slab. Taking into account the lack o

4、f time and ability, only to middle plate design calculations. In this design, the first bridge for the scheme comparison to determine the program simply supported Itabashi, after the conduct of the structural design, design elements are: developing cross-section size calculation of the control secti

5、on of the design of internal forces and their corresponding In this design, Estimate the number of pretested steel and layout of their conduct; calculate the geometric characteristics of the main girder cross section value; calculate the value of priestess loss; limit state of crack resistance and d

6、eformation of component checking; persistent state and transient state checking under the member section stress. Preceded to the construction of this bridge a brief overview of the program.Key wordsPretested; Hollow slab; Concrete目录第一章 方案比选 . 61.1 方案编制 . 61.2 推荐方案 . 7第二章 设计资料 . 错误!未定义书签。第三章 构造形式及尺寸选

7、定 . 错误!未定义书签。第四章 空心板毛截面几何特性计算 . 错误!未定义书签。4.1 毛截面面积A . 错误!未定义书签。4.2 毛截面重心位置 . 错误!未定义书签。4.3 空心板毛截面对其重心轴的惯距I . 错误!未定义书签。第五章 作用效应计算 . 错误!未定义书签。5.1永久作用效用计算 . 65.2 可变作用效用计算 . 85.3 作用效应组合 . 错误!未定义书签。第六章 预应力钢筋数量估算及布置 . 错误!未定义书签。61 预应力钢筋数量的估算 . 错误!未定义书签。6.2 预应力钢筋的布置. 错误!未定义书签。6.3普通钢筋数量的估算及布置 . 错误!未定义书签。第七章 换

8、算截面几何特性计算 . 错误!未定义书签。7.1 换算截面面积A0 . 错误!未定义书签。7.2 换算截面中心位置. 错误!未定义书签。7.3换算截面惯性矩I0 . 错误!未定义书签。7.4换算截面弹性抵抗矩. 错误!未定义书签。第八章 承载能力极限状态计算 . 错误!未定义书签。8.1 跨中截面正截面抗弯承载力计算 . 错误!未定义书签。8.2 斜截面抗剪承载力计算 . 错误!未定义书签。第九章 预应力损失计算 . 错误!未定义书签。9.1 锚具变形、回缩引起的应力损失?l2 . 错误!未定义书签。9.2 加热养护引起的温差损失?l3 . 错误!未定义书签。9.3 预应力钢绞线由于应力松弛引

9、起的预应力损失?l5 . 错误!未定义书签。9.4 混凝土弹性压缩引起的预应力损失?l4 . 错误!未定义书签。9.5 混凝土收缩、徐变引起的预应力损失?l6 . 错误!未定义书签。9.6 预应力损失组合 . 错误!未定义书签。第十章 正常使用极限状态计算 . 错误!未定义书签。10.1 正截面抗裂性验算 . 错误!未定义书签。 10.2 斜截面抗裂性验算 . 错误!未定义书签。 第十一章 变形计算 . 错误!未定义书签。11.1 正常使用结算的挠度计算 . 错误!未定义书签。 11.2 预加力引起的反拱度计算及预拱度的设置 . 错误!未定义书签。 第十二章 持久状态预应力验算 . 错误!未定

10、义书签。12.1 跨中截面混凝土法向压应力?kc验算 . 错误!未定义书签。 12.2 跨中截面预应力钢绞线拉应力?p验算 . 错误!未定义书签。 12.3 斜截面主拉应力计算 . 错误!未定义书签。第十三章 短暂状态应力验算 . 错误!未定义书签。13.1 跨中截面 . 错误!未定义书签。 13.2 l/4截面 . 错误!未定义书签。 13.3 支点截面 . 错误!未定义书签。 第十四章 最小配筋率复核 . 错误!未定义书签。 第十五章 铰缝计算 . 错误!未定义书签。15.1 铰缝剪力计算 . 错误!未定义书签。 15.2 铰缝抗剪强度验算 . 69 致谢 . 71 参考文献 . 71篇二

11、:毕业设计开题报告-空心板篇三:16m预应力空心板毕业设计郑州航空工业管理学院毕 业 论 文(设 计).cSPengbo.CoM 蓬 勃范 文网:空心板梁毕业设计) 2013 届土木工程专业 0909052 班级题 目 京港澳高速跨河16米预应力空心板桥设计 姓 名赵 怀 学号 090905242指导教师 侯晓英 职称副教授二0一三年 五 月 二十三日京港澳高速跨河16m预应力混凝土空心板桥计 学号:090905242 作者:赵 怀 指导老师:侯晓英 职称:副教授内 容 提 要预应力混凝土空心板桥在我国桥梁建筑上占我重要的地位,在目前对于中小跨径的永久性桥梁,无论是公路桥梁或者城市桥梁,都在尽


13、所设计的构造和配筋进行说明。关键词跨径;分幅式;空心板;预应力16m Prestressed Concrete Hollow Slab DesignStudentID:090905242 Author:zhaoHuai Instructor:HouXiaoYing JobTitle: Associate ProfessorAbstractPestressed concrete hollow slab bridge in China on the bridge architecture of my important position, for the moment, for small and

14、 medium-sized span of the permanent bridge, whether the highway bridge or city Bridges, as far as possible in the prestressed concrete hollow slab bridge, because this bridge has use local materials, industrial construction, good durability, strong adaptability, integral sex is good and so on many k

15、inds of advantages, to decide the design in the choice of the form, the whole calculationmethod.The bridge is located in Beijing Hong Kong and Macao high-speed Wenfeng Avenue., is one of a bridge on the road, single-span of 16 metres, good geological conditions, the split with the central highway to

16、 three meters, is designed tosub-sites. This design is divided into the upper structure design. The lower part of the structure and design of two major parts. Superstructure design, first determine the type ofbridge, structural design, the choice of beam layout and positioning, the bridge is used in

17、 assembly-prestressed concrete simple hollow plate girder bridge, followed has been set in accordance with the structural design and calculation with Tendons. Including the section size,the calculation of the sketch identified, calculation methods, load, the calculation of internal forces and internal 11forces drawn map, influence line, bending envelope from the map, and so on. The lower part of the design of the structure, identified as buried-rigid foundation for expanding abutment design, the basis of checking to meet the design requiremen


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