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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上程序分析题(共6小题,每小题5分,共30分)1. 写出下面程序的运行结果。 public class ArrayExamplepublic static void main(String args) long a=2011,2012,2013,2014; long b=100,200,300,400,500; b=a; System.out.println("Length="+b.length); System.out.println("b0="+b0); 运行结果:Length=4 b0=20112. 请写出下面程序的运行结果

2、。class MyString public String getString(String s)StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder ();for(int i = 0;i < s.length();i+)if(i % 2 = 0)char c = s.charAt(i);str.append(c);return new String(str); public class StringExercise public static void main(String args) String s = "ABCDEFGH"MyStrin

3、g ms = new MyString();System.out.println(ms.getString(s);运行结果:ACEG 3.请写出下面程序的运行结果。class EXA int add(int x,int y) return x+y; class EXB extends EXA int add(int x,int y) return x-y; public class ExtendsExercise public static void main(String args) EXA a=new EXA(); System.out.println(a.add(80,20); a=ne

4、w EXB (); System.out.println(a.add(80,20); 运行结果:100 604. 请写出下面程序运行的结果。 class ex int u, v;void p2(int x, int y) int i, j;for (i=1; i<=x;i+) j = y+i; System.out.print(j+" "); void p( ) u=3; v=2; p2(u, v);System.out.println();u+=v; v*=u; p2(u, v); class Exam11 public static void main(Strin

5、g args) ex A = new ex();A.p();运行结果:3 4 5 11 12 13 14 155. 请写出下面程序的运行结果。 public class RegexTesterpublic static void main(String args) String regex="(13d|15036-9|18089)d8$" String number1="" String number2="$" String number3="" String number4="" System

6、.out.println(number1.matches(regex); System.out.println(number2.matches(regex); System.out.println(number3.matches(regex); System.out.println(number4.matches(regex); 运行结果:true false true false 6. 写出下面程序的运行结果。public class Figure public int xPosition,yPosition;public void draw()System.out.println(&quo

7、t;drawing Figure");public class Rectangle extends Figurepublic void draw()System.out.println("drawing Rectangle");public class Circle extends Figurepublic void draw()System.out.println("drawing Circle"); public class Testerpublic static void main(String args)Figure figures =

8、 new Figure3;figures0=new Figure();figures1=new Rectangle();figures2=new Circle();for(int i=0;i<figures.length;i+)figuresi.draw();运行结果:drawing Figure drawing Rectangle drawing Circle7. 写出下面程序的运行结果。 import java.util.*; public class ArrayTester public static void main(String args) int arrays1 = 1,3

9、,5; int arrays2 = 2,4,6; int arrays3 = new int3; arrays2=arrays3; for(int i=0;i<arrays3.length;i+) arrays3i=arrays1i; for(int i=0;i<arrays2.length;i+) System.out.println(arrays2i); 运行结果:1 3 58. 写出下面程序的运行结果。public class ExceptionExample public static void main(String args)tryString str = new St

10、ring("");char mychars = str.toCharArray();for(int i=0;i<=mychars.length;i+)System.out.print(mycharsi);if(i=mychars.length-1)System.out.println();catch(ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e)System.out.println("ArrayIndexOutOfBounds!");catch(Exception e)System.out.println("Excep

11、tion!");finallySystem.out.println("Program End!");运行结果: ArrayIndexOutOfBounds! Program End!9. 写出下面程序的运行结果。public class Exam4 String str=new String("aust"); char ch = 's','s','j'public static void main(String args) Exam4 ex = new Exam4(); ex.change(ex.

12、str,; System.out.println(ex.str+" and"); System.out.println(; public void change(String str,char ch) str = "jsjxy" ch0 = 'j' 运行结果:aust and jsj10. 写出下面程序的运行结果。 import java.util.*; public class CollectionTester public static void main(String args) Vector teamLis

13、t = new Vector(); teamList.add("Zhang Wei");teamList.add("Liu Hong"); teamList.add("Yu Hongshu"); teamList.set(2,"Liu Na"); teamList.remove(0); teamList.remove(0); System.out.println(teamList.get(0); Hashtable ht = new Hashtable(); ht.put("key","

14、;Zhang Wei"); ht.put("key","Liu Hong"); Iterator its = ht.values().iterator(); while(its.hasNext() System.out.println(; 运行结果:Liu Na Liu Hong 11. 请写出下面程序的输出结果。public class Exam extends TT public static void main(String args) Exam t=new Exam ("Tom."); publi

15、c Exam (String s) super(s); System.out.print("How are you?"); public Exam () this("I am Jack."); class TT public TT() System.out.print("Hi!"); public TT(String s) this(); System.out.print("I am "+s); 运行结果:Hi!I am Tom.How ar you?12. 请写出下面程序的输出结果。public class Me

16、thodParameter String str=new String("Java"); char ch = 'A','S','P' public static void main(String args) MethodParameter ex = new MethodParameter(); ex.change(ex.str,; System.out.print(ex.str+" and"); System.out.println(; public void change(Stri

17、ng str,char ch) str = "Android" ch0 = 'J' 运行结果:Java and JSP13. 写出下面程序的运行结果。 public class PhoneValidation public static void main(String args) String regex = "(13d|15036-9|1889)d8$" String number = "" number=number.replace('5', '6'); boolean match

18、 = number.matches(regex); System.out.println(number + "n" + match); 运行结果: false14. 写出下面程序的运行结果。 import* ; public class Exam8 public static void main(String args ) int i ; int a = 11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99 ; for (i = 0 ; i <= a.length / 2 ; i + ) System.out.print( ai+aa.length-

19、i-1+" "); System.out.println(); 运行结果:110 110 110 110 11015. 写出下面程序运行的结果。class Exam9 public static void main(String args) people p=new graduate();class peopleString name;int age;people()people(String name,int age)=name;this.age=age;System.out.println("In people");class st

20、udent extends peopleString school;student()this(null,0,null);System.out.println("In student1");student(String name,int age,String school)super(name,age);;System.out.println("In student2");class graduate extends studentgraduate()System.out.println("In gradua

21、te");运行结果:In peopleIn student2In student1In graduate16. 写出下面程序运行的结果。public class Exam10 String str=new String("good"); charch='a','b','c' public static void main(String args) Exam10 ex=new Exam10(); ex.change(ex.str,; System.out.print(ex.str+" and &q

22、uot;); System.out.print(; public void change(String str,char ch) str="test ok" ch0='g' 运行结果:good and abc17. 写出下面程序运行的结果。class Employee static void expenseAllowance() System.out.println("in class Employee!"); class Manager extends Employee static void expenseAllowanc

23、e() System.out.println("in class Manager!"); class exam12 public static void main(String args)Manager man = new Manager(); Employee emp1 = new Employee(); Employee emp2 = (Employee)man; man.expenseAllowance(); emp1.expenseAllowance(); emp2.expenseAllowance(); 运行结果:in class Manager!in class Employee!in class Employee!18. 写出下面程序的运行结果。public class ExceptionExample public static void main(String args)tryString str = new String("Thinking in Java"


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