1、Course Evaluation Forms Compared 2007/12/22Note: Yellow: what EngSite does not have. Grey: the focus for the 2007F seminarDept. versionSchool versionEngSite version學生自評部份SELF-EVALUATION1. 我在課堂上專心投入I participated very actively in class.1. 課堂上認真學習且專心投入I concentrated and participated very actively in c
2、lass28.學生自評:我在課堂上專心投入。I participate actively in class.2. 我在課外認真寫作業並思考相關議題I actively thought about issues related to the course content.2. 主動思考與課程相關之問題I actively thought about issues related to the course content27.學生自評:我在課外認真寫作業並思考相關議題。I actively think about issues related to the course content.3. 我
3、認真學習,滿意自己的學習表現I studied hard and am satisfied with my performance in this course.3. 整體而言,我滿意自己的學習表現In general, I am satisfied with my performance inthis course.26. 學生自評:我認真學習,滿意自己的學習表現。I am satisfied with my performance in this course.38*學生自評:課程的教學錄音我都配合文字教材聆聽。I listen/watch teacher's lecture an
4、d do the reading.39. *學生自評:本學期我每週跟上課程要求的進度。I follow the course's weekly schedule.教師評量部份COURSE EVALUATION4. 上課教學認真Well prepared, serious teaching4. 教學認真且具教學熱誠Well prepared, earnest teaching25. 講課:教師上課教學認真。Well prepared, earnest teaching5. 課程內容豐富、組織有系統One can learn a great deal in this course, and
5、 the course is well-organized.8. 課程內容豐富且有組織The course content is abundant, fulfilling, and organized.9. 教材內容恰當有助學習The teaching materials are appropriate and helpful to learning24. 講課:教師課程內容豐富、組織有系統。Abundant and fulfilling course content; the course organization and schedule are systematic.6. 授課表達清楚有
6、條理The instructor's explanations are clear and rational. 6. 授課表達清楚有條理The instructors explanations are clear and rational23.講課:教師授課表達清楚有條理。The instructor's explanations are clear and rational7. 評分標準合理清楚且事先告知Grading policies are clear and reasonable; students are well-informed of grading polici
7、es in advance.11. 評分標準事先告知且清楚公平合理Students are well-informed of grading policies in advance and the policies are clear, fair, and objective12.*課程說明:清楚說明科目宗旨、學習目標和評分標準。Course purposes, objectives and grading policies clearly explained22.評量回饋:教師評分標準合理清楚。Grading policies are clear, fair, and objective.8
8、. 確實批改作業、考卷,並給予回饋The instructor reads and responds to student assignments and exams. 21*評量回饋:教師確實批改作業、考卷,並給予回饋。Offer appropriate feedback.9. 樂於回答學生問題,解決課業疑難The instructor is happy to answer student questions and help solve student difficulties.5. 樂於回答學生問題The instructor is happy to answer student que
9、stions20.*評量回饋:教師樂於回答學生問題,解決疑難並及時提供有效學習方法的建議。Answer questions, solves problems and offers timely suggestions related to learning.10. 鼓勵學生參與、發問、討論或表達意見The instructor encourages students to participate in discussion and express their ideas.10. 重視學生的反應,並對教學作適當調整The instructor makes appropriate adjustme
10、nt based on student reaction.36.英語學習:本課程教材內容能夠引發我學習英文的興趣。The course arouses my interest in English learning.11. 教學方式能啟發學生學習興趣(若課程有採用遠距教學方式,請將遠距教學部份一併列入評量)The teaching methods arouse student interest to learn. (If the course utilized online teaching, please include it in your response.)7. 教學方式能啟發學生學習
11、興趣The teaching methods arouse student interest to learn18.*教學活動:引起學習者學習動機。Learning activities can motivate students.12. 教學助理善盡職責,對我的學習有幫助(本課程無教學助理者免填)The teaching assistant is dutiful and helpful to my learning. (If no teaching assistant, please skip this one.)12. 教學助理善盡職責,對我的學習有幫助(本課程無教學助理者免填)The t
12、eaching assistant is dutiful and helpful to my learning. (If no teaching assistant, please skip this one.)31.*師生互動:我的課程助教是這門課重要的一部份。The TA plays an important role in this course.13. 整體而言,我對本課程滿意In general, I am satisfied with this course.13整體而言,我對本課程滿意In general, I am satisfied with the course.30*總評
13、:我推薦本課程繼續以同樣方式授課。I recommend that the course be offered in the same manner.2. 師生互動提供線上辦公室時間,供學習者線上與教師互動。Teacher and TAs have office hours to allow students to interact with them.3. 師生互動我可以由線上互動中學習到科目內容。I can learn more about the course content through online interactions.4. 師生互動我喜歡本課採用之合作學習策略 (如:小組報
14、告或同儕互評)。 I like the cooperative learning strategies used by this course (such as group report or peer response)5. 師生互動有學習困難時,我知道要找誰協助而且有及時獲得有效學習方法的建議。I know whom to ask for help and get timely help in learning effectively.6. 教材與學習選用的教材能涵括所有的教學目標。The chosen teaching materials meet the course objectiv
15、es.7. 教材與學習選用的教材品質優良且份量合宜。The course materials are both in quality and quantity.8. 教材與學習提供生動的實例或個案以說明或印證科目的內容。There are lively and concrete examples to learn from9. 教材與學習依據不同的學習目標選用多種合宜的教學活動方式。There are multiple teaching methods meeting the different teaching objectives.10. 教材與學習提供適當的練習或課後反思活動。There
16、 are adequate exercises and activities for post-learning reflection.11. 教材與學習對練習或課後活動提供適當的回饋。There is adequate feedback to exercise and learning activities.13. *課程說明:提供適當的單元架構及學習進度表。Offer clear structure and schedule for learning.17. *教學活動:線上討論以主題分類符合課堂內容。Discussion areas sorted out by themes, and r
17、elated to course objectives.19. *教學活動:提供適當的練習或課後反思活動。Offer appropriate post-lesson practice and reflection.29.*遠距模式:我樂意選修遠距課程用網路教學來學習。I like taking DL courses and learning via internet.32.*遠距模式:我覺得本課程透過網路進行教學可以達到預期效果,並不差於傳統教學。This DL course can reach the expected goals as well as a regular course.33
18、.*系統服務:本課程網路教學系統的設計使用友善便利。The system is easy to use.34.英語學習:教師對寫作的批改有助於改善我的英文寫作。The course helps improve my writing abilities.35.英語學習:本課程每週議題討論作業有助於我的英文表達。The course helps improve my oral expression.37*師生互動:課程隨時公告的資訊我都收到。I can receive the notices sent by the teacher through the system.Open questions
19、1. 請列出你覺得受益和不受益的教學法和教材. Please list the teaching methods and teaching materials you find useful or not useful. 5.請列出你覺得受益和不受益的教學法和教材。Please list the teaching methods and teaching materials you find useful or not useful.2. 教材與學習請對課程教材與作業份量提出建議開放式問題 Open Questions Below please write in a language you know your instructor can read.2. 你學習上最大的困難何在(包括使用電腦等器材)?有何解決方法? What are your major problems in learning? How do you solve them? 4.你學習上最大的困難何在(包括使用電腦等器材)?有何解決方法?What are your
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