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1、2020;2020高考英语二轮单项选择-通用题+交际用语专题(3)(答案)1. Wemust work hard and make continuous progress so that we can makegreat contribution to our country in the future.A. / ; a B. the ; a C. a ; a D. / :/2. -Thanks for your help, but can you do me one more favor, please?-What ' s it then?A. Just a minute. B. I

2、t' s very nice of you.C. That' s all right. D. At your service.3. It might rain tomorrow and we ll have to put off the sports meetinguntil next Friday.A. in which case B. if possible C. in case D. in that case4. You can take away you like most.A. whatever B. whichever C. no matter what D. no

3、 matter which5. is mentioned above that the number of the students in senior high schools is increasing.A. Which B. As C. That D. It6. The cook is we dropped in the other day.A. whom B. on whom C. the one D. the one on whom7. I 'll appreciate if you do me the favor to send this message toMr. All

4、en.A. that B. it C. thisD. you8. I was nearly killed by a car yesterday which passed me at I thoughta very dangerous speed.A. asB. which C. whatD. that9. to the sunshine for too long in summer, your skin will get burnt.A. Being exposed B. Exposing C. Exposed D. To expose10. The milk has. Could you g

5、o to the supermarket to get some?A. run out of B. given out C. used up D. been run out11. - You promised to call me las t night.-I called, but I just couldn' t.A. get through B. get across C. get down D. get around12. - How do you like the food in the new restaurant?-Delicious! Actually their di

6、shes couldn' t beA. stricken B. hit C. beatenD. struck13. I don' t believe what you said. It is not like her father, whois an honest man,anyone in business.A. cheating B. to cheat C. cheats D. cheated14. - You should have stopped him when he in a nger.-I, but it so happened before I could.A.

7、 left; was going to B. had left; had to C. left; did D. had left; would 15. Do you think it ' s it to spend a hot summerhelping poor childrenlearn English?A. worthy B. worth C. worthwhile D. meanwhile1-5 ADDAD 6-10 DBCCB 11-15 ACBAB结束*21 . (2020;2020 浙江十校期中联考 ) We have booked a room for today an

8、dtomorrow.,sir.A. I'm sure B.My pleasureC. It's all rightD. I'll check解析I'll check我将核实一下。答案D22. (2020;2020安庆市模拟)It seems that she doesn't like the dinner verymuch.In fact, she's been on a diet following the doctor's advice.A. You're rightB. So she doesC. Never mindD.

9、Not really解析not really并非如此。答案D23. (2020;2020山西诊断)Would you give it another guess?tell me the answer.A. Let me thinkB. You never knowC. Never mindD. I give up解析I give up我放弃了。答案D24. ( IM建龙岩第次质检 )Tom, if it doesn't rain, we can go climbing and have a picnic there.I like climbing.A. Well doneB. That

10、's greatC. No problemD. That's it解析A项表示“干得不错”;B项表示“太棒了”; C项表示“没问题”;D项表示“那就这样吧”。句意:一汤姆,如果不下雨的话,我们去爬山,然后在那儿野餐吧。一。我喜欢爬山。由此可知,空白处表示同意对方的提议,故 B项 正确。答案B25. (福州八中第五次质检)一I'm afraid I can't return the book to you before Friday.A. Don't be afraid B. Be carefulC. Not at allD. Take your time

11、解析A项表示“别害怕”;B项表示“小心点”;C项表示“一点也不,根本不”; D项表示“不着急,慢慢来”。句意:恐怕我星期五前不能把书还给你了。答语应是D项“不着急”。答案D26. ( 辽宁沈阳第四次阶段测试) Believe it or not, Tyler failed the final exams.? What a pity!A. Why not B. What forC. How come D. So what解析所给选项的意思分别如下:为何不呢;为何;怎么回事呢、怎么会呢 (尤表示 惊讶);那有什么了不起、那又怎样(对事情表示不关心或生气地告诉某人事情与他 无关)。根据语境可知选择h

12、ow come最佳句意:一信不信由你,期末考试 Tyler 失败了。一怎么会呢?多么遗憾啊!答案C27. (宁夏银川第五次月考)一Shall we go to Xufu Cultural Fair right away?A. It's your opinionC. That's your decisionB. I don't mindD. It's all up to you解析意:一我们马上去参加徐福文化博览会好吗? 一 0所给选项的意 思分别如下:这是你的观点;我不介意;是你的决定;你来决定吧。由句意知这里 选才D D项最佳。答案D28. ( 吉林东北第三次

13、摸底)一Jenny, what would you like to eat for lunch, pizza, pasta or sushi?I have a good appetite.A. Sounds good. B. You're so considerate.C. It's up to you. D. It depends.解析所给四个选项的意思分别为:听起来不错;你如此体贴;你决定吧;看情况 / 视具体情况。句意:一珍妮,午饭你想吃什么:匹萨,意大利面还是寿司?一您说 吧。我的胃口比较好。故 C项最符合语境。答案C29. ( 福州八中第一次质检)-Would you

14、 mind if I open the window?A. I don't like it.B. Yes, please.C. No, please. D. No, I'm sorry.解析问句句意:我打开窗户你介意吗?若表示不介意,答语应是Of course not;Not at all ; Certainly not; No, go ahead 等;若表示介意,则常用答语为: You'd better not ; It's not allowed here.由语境可知C项正确,表示不介意。答案C30. ( 皖南八校第一次联考 )I am always fee

15、ling nervous before an exam.:. Do believe your hard work will surely pay off.A. Take your time B. Take a good restC. Take it easy D. Take your turn解析take your time “不要着急,慢慢地做";take a good rest "好好休息一 下";take,it easy "别紧张,别着急,轻轻松松地";take your turn "依次, 轮流,接替”。句意:一我考试前总是很

16、紧张。一 。一定要相信你的努力 工作一定会有回报的。因此,空白处应表示“别紧张”,故 C项正确。答案C31. . ( 沈阳二中月考)Tom, your lazy bone! You left the dishes unwashed again!? Mum isn't at home and she can't . hear you.A. Why B. So whatC. For what D . How come解析so wh rat “那又怎么样”,表示不在乎。答案B32. (合肥一中第一学期第一次月考 )一Don't you feel cold, Tim? You

17、wear such a jacket in a day at 5 C . I'm boiling.A. No worry B. Take it easyC. Not in the leastD. That's OK解析A项表示“不担心”;B项表示“别紧张,别着急”;C项表示“一点也不”;D项表示“可以;不用了”。句意:一蒂姆,难道你不感觉冷吗?在零下 5摄氏度 的天气里穿这么一件外套。一?我要沸腾了。由句意可知C项正确,指“一 点也不冷”。答案C33. ( 山东第三次诊断性测试)-What were you saying just now?. Let's get dow

18、n to the English speaking contest tomorrow.A. Don't mention itB. Take it easyC. That's all rightD. Forget it解析轮意:一你刚才在说什么? 一 。咱们认真准备明天的英语演讲比赛 吧。A项意为“不用谢”;B项意为“不着急,别紧张”;C项意为“不用谢,别客 气”;D项意为“不必在意”。由语境和四个选项的意思可知 D项正确。答案D34. ( 淄博第一学期期末检测)I'd like to take a chance and run a factory. Do you kno

19、w about the local market?.A. No problemB. Better safe than sorryC. Do as you pleaseD. Think nothing of it解析A项意为“没有问题”;B项意为“小心不出大错;安全胜过遗憾”;C项意为“你可以随意行事”;D项意为“别放在心上”。句意:一我想抓住机会开个工 厂。一你了解当地市场吗? 。由语境和四个选项的意思可知 B项正确。答案B35. ( 山东莱芜高三复习诊断)Your iPad looks nice. Can I borrow it?A. Help yourself. B. Go ahead.C

20、. Out of the question.D. Come on!解析上句句意:一你的iPad真好。我能借用吗? A项意为“别客气;请随便吃”; B项意为“用吧,干吧”,表示同意做某事;C项意为“不可能”;D项意为“加油”, 表小鼓励;“得了吧!”表小不耐烦。由语境可知 B项正确。答案B36. ( 泰安高三期末考试 )I have got a chance to be a volunteer at the London Olympic Games.! Me, too.A. Congratulations B. Good luckC. That's great D. No problem

21、解析A项意为“祝贺!” ; B项意为“祝你好运! ” ; C项意为“太棒了!” ; D 项意为“没问题”。由句意“我获得了参加伦敦奥运会志愿者的机会”可知这是一 个好消息,应该向对方祝贺,故 A项正确。答案A37. ( 福建六校联考)一Hi, Tom. I'm going out for a walk along the river.A. That's all rightB. Good exerciseC. How nice you areD. Sounds great解析Sounds great!好极了,表示同意对方的建议。答案D38. ( 山东济南教学质量调研)-Do you like cooking, Sally?. Luckily I've never had t


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