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1、高一英语外研版必修1 Module 5 A Lesson in a Lab 学案一、知识要点1. When we use metal, it is important to know how they react with different substances, for example, water and oxygen. 使用金属时,要了解金属和不同的物质怎样发生反应,例如水和氧气,这一点很重要。react 作不及物动词,“起化学反应”,react with sth. 与某物起化学反应它还有“对某人或某物做出反应”之意,常与介词to连用 react to sth./sb.2. The r

2、eaction of metals with these substances can be put in order.(不同的)金属与这些物质的反应程度可以按顺序排列起来。in order“按顺序、次序”,还有“适当的;能用的”意思,反义词组为out of order例如 He put his business affairs in order before he went to travel.翻译:The lift was out of order and he was trapped.翻译:3数字表达法(1)1,000以上词的表达法: 先从后向前数,每三位数加一个逗号,用这个方法把数目分

3、作若干段,再一段段的念;第一个逗号前的数为thousand, 第二million, 第三billion. 一般用作单数,若用复数形式,要用“复数形式of”。例如:4,007 four thousand and seven54,256,000 fifty-four million two hundred and fifty-six thousand14,800,000,000 hundreds of books 好几百本书thousands of young people (2)分数词构成法:分数词有基数词和序数词构成,基数词代表分子,序数词代表分母。分子是1时,分母用单数,分子不是1时,分母都

4、用复数形式。例如:1/2 one-second 1/4 one-fourth 3/4 three-fourths 2/3 two-thirds 5/9 five-ninths 1/2,1/4,3/4还可表示为 1又1/2 one and half 7又3/4 seven and three quarters3又2/5 three and two-fifths 47又3/8 4. The science facilities are very good,with laboratories that have all the latest equipment. 这些科研设施非常好,实验室配有最新的

5、设备。 (1)facility 常用作复数名词,表示为某种目的提供的设施(如房屋、设备、服务等)。例如:This is a 5-star hotel with good facilities.翻译: 也可用作单数,“设备;天赋;才能。”例:She has an amazing facility for maths.练习:We need to consider what we will be using for language training.A. abilities B. appliance C. facilities D. qualities (2)with在句中意为“带有,具有”,引导

6、短语对句子作附加说明,that have all the latest equipment 是定语从句,修饰先行词laboratories。例:He left for Beijing with a suitcase that contained a lot of money. 翻译: 5. The Nobel Prize is the highest scientific prize there is, so we should be very proud of that.诺贝尔奖是目前最高的科学奖,我们应该为此感到骄傲。be proud of 为而自豪 例如:We are proud of

7、our motherland.翻译: pride 是名词,词组有:have/take (a)pride in,be proud to do sth.例如:He took (a)great pride in being a student of Beijing University.I feel very proud to be a part of the team.二、语法要点 形容词和副词的比较级关于形容词和副词的比较级的用法,应注意以下具体问题:1. 表示比较的表达方式:(1) 表示倍数的三种结构: A: times as + 形容词原级 +as B: times the + 性质名词(s

8、ize, weight, height, length)+ of C: times + 形容词比较级 + than例如:This table is 3 times as big as that one. This table is 3 times the size of that one. This table is 3 times bigger than that one. (2) 同级的比较,用 asas, the same as, suchas构成:例如:She is as tall a girl as Ann. She is such a tall girl as Ann.The si

9、tuation is not so/as good as we hope. She got the same mark as John did.翻译以上各句。2. 比较级的特殊用法 (1) the + 比较级, the + 比较级 越 越.例如: The more you talked, the less attention he paid to you.你说的越多,他越不注意听你讲。The longer you stay, the better (it will be). 译: (2) 比较级 + and + 比较级 越来越例如: The new city is becoming more

10、and more beautiful. (3) the + 比较级 +of the two +名词 两者中较例如: The taller of the two boys is my brother. (4) 否定词+ 比较级 没有 比更例如: There is no greater love than that of a man who lays down his life for his friends. 为朋友而放弃生命的人的爱是最伟大的爱。He has never spent a more worrying day. 他度过了最担心的一天。 (5)no +比较级 + than 的特殊含义

11、no more than 两者都不 no lessthan 两者都很not morethan 不如 not lessthan 并不弱于3. 比较句型应注意以下几点:(1) 用介词by加数字与计量单位表示相差的程度。 例如:She is taller than I by three inches. 翻译: I missed the last train by one minutes. 翻译: (2)修饰比较级的常见修饰语有:rather, much, still, even, far, any(用于否定句或疑问句),a lot, a little, a great deal, by far, a

12、 bit, three times 等。例如:The students study even harder than before. 学生学习比以前努力得多。A car runs a great faster than a bike. 翻译: (3)比较的对象不能相互包容的有:any other + 单数名词,all (the) other +复数名词,比较级 +than +anyone else, any of the other +复数名词。例如:The Mississippi River is longer than any other river in the United State

13、s.密西西比河比美国任何其他一条河都长。China is larger than any other country in Asia. 中国比亚洲的任何其他国家都大。 (4)比较的对象应该相同。例如:The weather here is warmer than that of Shanghai.这里的天气比上海的暖和。(天气和天气相比)China has a larger population than any other county in the world.中国的人口比世界上任何其他国家的都多。(国家与国家相比较) (5)比较状语从句中代动词的使用。两个比较对象应在同一层面上比较,但从

14、句中除助动词、情态动词和系动词be外,其他动词不能重复使用,须用动词do 的适当形式代替。不同的人或物相比,时态应相同。例如:Bob looks younger than he is. 鲍勃看上去比实际年轻。I know you better than he does. 我比他更了解你。I know you better than him. 我了解你比了解他更清楚。 (6)比较结构中的省略现象,在日常交际中,彼此都明白,比较对象往往省略。例如:A: What do you think of the film? 你认为这部电影如何?B: I have never seen a better on

15、e. 我从来没看过比这部更好的了。(后边省略了than this film)Toms composition, if not better(后边省略了than Jacks ),is at least as good as Jacks. 汤姆的作文,如果不比杰克好的话,至少和他的一样好。4. 常用的比较级词组:no more than 只是;不多于not more than 至多no less than 至少;起码 not less than 不少于反馈检测I. 根据所给词首字母或汉语释义写出各单词的正确形式。 1. He came to the c that heavy objects fel

16、l faster than light ones. 2. When you cool the metal, it c . 3. He noticed a piece of wood f on the water. 4. Air is a m of gases. 5. Water can have three states: l , solid and gas. 6. All the machines cant run without (电). 7. The nails do not rust in the tube with (无空气). 8. Whats your (反应) to what

17、the newspaper said? 9. It is important to know how they react with different (物质). 10. Heat gently until the sugar (溶解).II. 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。1. Wouldnt it be wonderful world if all nations live in peace with one another? A. a; / B. the; / C. a; the D. the; the 2. -Yesterday we learnt the fifth,

18、? -Im sorry, Mr. Li. I dont understand everything.A.didnt you B. have you got it C. do you think so D. how about3. - I want to know how you react my lecture. - On the whole, its very excellent, but I react strongly the thoughts on human nature. A. to; with B. to; against C. with; against D. against;

19、 with4. The terrible weather our difficult in building the road.A. added B. added up C. added to D. added up to 5. Its not enough. We need more than that.A. quite B. most C. very D. rather 6. -Can I use your telephone? - .A. Its all right, thanks B.Yes, go ahead C. It doesnt matter D.No, please dont

20、 do it 7. -Simon is watching TV. - Hes watching TV? Hes to be cleaning his room. A. regarded B. believed C. supposed D. considered 8. He used to in the city, but now he is used to in the village.A. live; living B. living; live C. living; living D. live; live9. The better we liked the oil painting, w

21、e looked at it.A. as B. while C. the moment D. the more10. The science lab being built in our school is the former one.A. twice as big as B.twice more bigger than C.as twice big as D.the twice size of 11. The clerks are busy preparing for the journey, theyll be away for .A. the few next weeks B. nex

22、t a few weeks C.a few next weeks D. the next few weeks12. Boys and girls, the noise, will you? I have news of great importance.A. put down B. keep down C. go down D. keep out13. To keep the room tidy, you are supposed to put everything .A. in the order B. in orders C. in order D. out of order14. He

23、didnt laugh at your joke because he didnt it.A. so B. get C. that D. what15. - I didnt do well in the last English contest. How about you? - . A. Ill do better next time B. I like English, though C. A lot better D. Even worseIII. 下列各句中均有一处错误,找出并改正。1. There are laboratories that have all the latest e

24、quipments.2. I was used to go surfing, but now I dont.3. In the last twenty hours we beat three teams.4. Im becoming more and more interested in physics, and decided that I want to study it at university.5. The more books I read, the much information I learn.知识点回顾1 .react with  _  

25、60; react  to  _  react  on _2.add  to _  add.to _ add up_  add up to_3.keep out _    keep  out  of _  keep   off_keep down_  keep  up _ keep  away _4. used to do¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬

26、¬¬¬_ 否定结构_5. be proud of sb/ sth / doing _  take proud in_6. find out  find  填空: We should _ who took the machine away.       He has _ his lost bike.7. putin order _8. in turn_  by turns_  in return _9. follow sbs instructions_10.

27、electrical equipment_ electric fan_11.air-free water_ trouble-free areas_12.at the top _  at the bottom _13.be supposed to do _  be supposed to be done_14.go ahead_    15.got it _ make it_ 16.Its your turn_17.Keep the noise down_18.Where do we go from here? _重点句型:1.

28、0;修饰比较级的词语: a bit / a little / a lot / a great deal / much / rather / any / still / even / far / by far /E.g: Is he _ better today?      This one is _ worse.2. the more the more _  more and more_E.g: It is _ (越来越冷).    The more you read,_(你发现越容易).

29、60;      The more you sleep, _(你越懒)单词拼写1)Is steel a _ (混合物) of iron and other substances?2)Professor Wang will give us two _ (演讲) tomorrow morning.3)The science facilities are very good , with laboratories that have all the latest _ (设备).4)After discussing it for several day

30、s ,they finally drew a _ (结论)  .5)Montreal and Ottawa University both have good Physics _(系).6)Its important to know how they _(反应) with different substances.7)I saw some fallen leaves _(漂浮) in the river.8)His parents were _ (吃惊的) at what he said.9)Its important for us to keep the _ (平衡) of nat

31、ure.10)When you heat a metal ,it _(膨胀).单项选择 1. I am proud _what I have done.   A. for                B. in                 C. of&#

32、160;              D. to 2. There are only _natural resources as there were thirty years ago.   A. as half much        B. as half many        C. half s

33、o much       D. half as many3. Her hair's the same colour _.   A. of her mother        B. as her mother      C. with her mother's    D. as her mother's4. Would you please pu

34、t these sentences _? They are jumbled now.   A. in the order         B. in order            C. to the order        D. to order5. Medical experts of China are de

35、voted to _the _of SARS and ways  of dealing with it.   A. finding out; cause    B. find out; cause     C. finding out; reason   D. find out; reason6. _you forget it,  _you'll suffer from it.   A. Sooner; less  &

36、#160;                          B. The earlier; less    C. The earlier; the less            

37、0;          D. The sooner; the less7. The Great Wall has been _several times. The repair work is done every  year.   A. added              B. adding to    

38、      C. added to           D. added in8. You can't, imagine that rats eat 40 to 50 times _.   A. in weight           B. by weight     &

39、#160;    C. of weight          D. their weight9. Mr Smith is _a teacher. He is also our good friend.   A. only               B. more than    

40、;      C. no more than       D. nor more than10. This is the _model, which has just been developed.   A. late               B. latest     &#

41、160;        C. later              D. lately11. We don't do it in this way now, but it _in this way.   A. used to do          B. used to be do

42、ne    C. was used to be done D. was used to doing12. He _to come at eight, but in fact he never comes before nine.   A. is supposing        B. supposes           C. is supposed  &#

43、160;     D. supposed13. Look! The _leaf is floating just like a little plane.   A. falling             B. growing            C. grown   

44、0;        D. fallen14. _of the forest is covered with trees of broad leaves, while the rest pine trees.   A. Three quarters; is    B. Three quarters; are   C. Three fourths; are   D. Three fourth; is15  With a lot o

45、f difficult problems _, the _ president is having a hard time.A. settling; newly-elected                  B. to settle; newly-electedC .settled; newly-elected                    D. to settle; new-elected16  Canadian researchers have shown that the shorter the index finger is , _ the ring finger,_ aggressive men are likely to be.A. compared with; more  


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