已阅读5页,还剩7页未读 继续免费阅读




1、面试高中英语教师要试讲十分钟,要如何准备阅读课和语法课?2012-06-06 20:548961277| 分类:求职就业| 浏览3896次我打算面试一个高中的英语教师,试讲十分钟,不过没有学生,现在也不知道试讲哪课、哪个部分,讲课要中英结合,因为评委不是全部都是英语专业的,有校长、教育局那些人,请问讲什么内容比较好?没有教材,评委也不一定听得懂英语,我觉得讲阅读不太好,但是讲语法的话又会很枯燥。我打算准备两种课型,阅读课和语法课,请问我该如何准备?提问者采纳2012-06-06 21:48应该是面试的时候会给你一篇文章,一般来说是高中课本随机的课文,给你一段时间准备,然后让你根据课文实时上课,




5、试讲评委的要求来,而不是你自顾自准备好了,结果到时候他们的要求与你准备的并不一样。最常见的是给你课本指定第几课要你试讲,没有别的要求,给一点时间做准备就开始。你可以结合阅读与词汇,语法讲课,也就是英语精读与语法的结合,将重点放在你擅长的地方,尽量使讲课流畅,有内容。如果你不喜欢这样的方式,退一步的选择是只讲词汇和语法,这个要你把握好时间,另外对你的基本功要求非常高;但是千万不要只讲阅读,分数一定会很低。 还有很重要的一点,千万不要以为评委不懂英语就不知道你讲课的好坏。 最好的建议是:找上一届应聘同一所学校的老师问一下,当初他们是怎么试讲的,有的放矢才能增加胜算,祝你成功。追问同学和老师我都问了

6、,不过我觉得没什么建设性的东西。按你说的讲精读,那我必须有教材,这样我就先提前准备一下讲精读的内容讲阅读的时候把翻译、language points和语法都讲,十分钟的话应该就是一两段。不过如果到时他安排的是另外一本书,那我就完蛋了,没准备回答恩,你不要纠结于是否一定要讲完整这个问题,说到底,大家都知道刚开始讲课的老师没有经验,因此时间的安排只要不是特别的离谱,这方面一般来说扣分都不会很多,你要弄清楚评委最在意的是哪些方面,当然是你的基本功是否扎实,其实不管最后要讲的内容是什么,只要自己有料都不怕,如果现在给你随便一篇课文,你准备半小时后能够知道如何讲授,就没有问题了。如果到时候他给你的文章是

7、你没有准备的,也不要慌张,最坏的是把文章从头到尾分析一遍,将其中的词汇,词组提炼出来,将语法点找出来,逐句分析,高中英语一篇课文讲十分钟完全没有问题,万一到时候时间多了,建议你附加课后练习拖时间,至于你说的假装提问我倒不建议,与其说:do you know?不如说:we know.追问可以的,280113677,我很少上线,有问题你可以给我留言,写上我的百度名,不然可能会被我忽略掉了 评论(10)|22欢乐拔丝薯|四级采纳率37%擅长:英语考试地下城与勇士欧美流行乐宠物电影按默认排序|按时间排序其他4条回答2012-06-06 21:54tjt555|四级这就是说课,当然是阅读好上了,只有十分

8、钟,只讲一下教学步骤,教学设计就行,网上很多的,高中英语新课程一般是warming-up reading一个课时上,语言点一个课时, 后边听力,learning about language, using-language是另外的课时,但惟独第一个课时的最好上,你可网上随便下个课件,语法一般不愿上公开课,但也有涉及特别新颖的,就会的高分追问是试讲,不是说课,说课和试讲我还是分得清楚的回答就是说课的最后一个步骤,是说一下教学步骤吧,当然不用说理论。也就是你课堂实录中去掉学生的活动剩下你所有的语言要在十分钟表现出来,一堂课从导入到课堂总结,把你要说的全写下来,差不多要这么长。所以就想准备45分钟的


10、只有在阅读课堂中你预设问题,假定和学生的的互动才是新课改的一学生为主题的理念。虽然要看你的表演,但千万别只顾自己表演。我也同意: 就算无生授课也要环节完整,而且各个环节之间要注意衔接和连贯性。各环节内部可以通过设置问题来激发课堂气氛也能调动听课评委的兴趣。十分钟试讲应该也是完整的一堂课!只是去掉学生的活动部分后你的整个课堂语言压缩在一起的。追问你所指的环节完整,例如在十分钟内,讲完阅读精读的两段,算不算完整? 回答高中英语阅读课不是挨着讲句子翻译哟,我们指的是通过课文提高学生的阅读能力,一般,先有预测,在略读找出大意,在查读找信息(像考试样的,考试技能)略读和查读包括预测能力的培养是新课程英语

11、所必须的。还有细读弄清楚更细节的信息,再还有总结summary或讨论一个深层次问题,一般是情感目标的实现环节。不要像大学精读老师样逐句地翻译分析句子哟!所以十分钟足够完整的讲完你的课堂指令。追问你所说的阅读式教学我知道,先是skimming让学生浏览一遍文章总结文章大意,,然后scanning根据问题找答案,十分钟内讲阅读课,首先要展示warming up 和pre-reading设一些问答、讨论环节,然后再假装提问,进行skimiming ,scanning,就算给学生自己看书的时间是可以跳过,但是教师引导学生给出general idea和问题答案总结这块还是要进行,按你说的十分钟要弄一个完

12、整的课,可能么?回答warming up 和pre-reading设一些问答、讨论环节即使有学生参与,也不能用时过多,我们会控制在2-5分钟,因为阅读课就要突显阅读,让学生读!你用两个问题,图片什么的快速导入,学生所有的活动时间略过,老师在课堂上本来就只有一个引导作用,学生完成任务的活动省去了,应该十分钟没问题呀,我们说课还要说大量理论依据,前边大量的什么重难点就只要十分钟呢评论(1)|42012-06-07 09:05 图书试用网|网友试讲的时间很短暂,正常的一节课肯定是需要准备很多内容的。这里你不妨只针对课文前几段自己把握时间,至于读不读课文,我认为这就不需要了。你更应该讲解的是你如何根据

13、自己的理解对每一段落提出问题,让学生来自己阅读课文回答。这个如果没有学生的话,你就假装学生们已经阅读过5分钟了,实际你就是停顿了一下下。这个有很多不确定的因素,你自己备课时又要多手准备。保证试讲的完整性和你的专业性追问嗯嗯,这个我明白,你说的是上阅读课,那么你觉得像这样的面试试讲,讲短语或者词汇,或者语法,会不会比阅读容易呢?起码停顿的地方,互动的地方比较少评论|02012-06-06 22:26daviss122|二级其实无论哪种课主要是搞好课堂气氛,就算无生授课也要环节完整,而且各个环节之间要注意衔接和连贯性。各环节内部可以通过设置问题来激发课堂气氛也能调动听课评委的兴趣。当然如果有非英语

14、专业在场的话可以将问题适当翻译一下的篇二:高中英语说课试讲稿good morning, teachers. i am . i am very happy to be here sharing my lesson with you. the content of my lesson is the reading and vocabulary part taken from new standard english 5, module 4-carnival. there are five parts in my lesson-teaching material, teaching aims, te

15、aching methods, studying methods and teaching procedures. while presenting these parts i will do the blackboard design properly.ok, lets begin the first part.part 1 teaching materialthe reading and vocabulary contains 5 partsone text and 4 exercises. the topic of this lesson is “the magic of the mas

16、k”, which concerns about the origins of carnival. through this lesson, we will enable the students to know carnival and develop their interest in the festival cultures home and abroad. besides, the students can improve their reading skills and strategies, and also learn the new words in the context.

17、原因: reading is one of the skills that the students must have. it belongs to the input during the process of language learning, which has great effect on output, such as speaking and writing. in addition, this kind of reading passage takes a big portion, so how to improve the students reading skills

18、and how to raise their awareness of culture background is of great importance.part 2 teaching aims 教学目标according to the new standard curriculum and syllabus, the teaching aims of this lesson can be set as follow:1、knowledge aims:(1) the students can understand the content of the passage, know foreig

19、n cultures, and try to describe a chinese festival in their own words.(2) the students can master the usage of the important words and expressions.2、ability aims:(1) to improve the students reading ability, especially the skimming and scanning.(2) to train the students to guess the meaning of new wo

20、rds through the text, andalso to extract and select the important information.3、cultural consciousness(1) to learn the differences between the chinese festivals and foreign ones.the key points and difficult points in my lesson are listed below:key points in teaching(1) through studying the passage,

21、the students should learn how to get the main idea of the passage, analyze the structure, and obtain useful information.(2) the students should be trained how to do skimming and scanning.the difficult points:there is only one.(1) the students in senior two are not familiar with the reading skills su

22、ch as skimming and scanning, so we need to guide them to practice the skills through the reading tasks, for instance, reading the text in limited time.part 3 teaching methodsin the senior high school, to teach english is to increase students abilities, such as reading, writing and speaking. therefor

23、e, i will adopt the following teaching methods:(2) whole language teaching (整体语言教学法)(3) task-based language teaching (任务教学法)整体语言教学法:强调整体。在语言教学中,听、说、读、写是不可分割的整体。语言要和文化、社区相结合,教师要和学生相结合。学习语言的目的是为了满足学生在现实生活中的真实需要,能够进行有意义的人际交流,解决生活中的实际问题,而不是为了学习语言而学习语言。单元以主题为中心o 在一个单元中,所有的学科都围绕着同一主题来进行。主题应激发学生的兴趣,能够将各门科目

24、结合在一起,组成一个完整的教学单元。through these ways, i will make the students the real masters in class while the teacher acts as a director.in order to practice my teaching methods well, i need some teaching aids:2、a projector 投影仪3、the blackboard.part 4 studying methods(1) purposeful readingduring reading, studen

25、ts have the ability to catch the main ideas of the text, but when doing exercises, they cannot find the correct answer. therefore, teachers have the duty to lead students to read with purpose and do the detail reading.(2) collaborative learning 协作学习(3) autonomous learning 自主学习autonomous learning is

26、to make students as the main body of learning. it means that the students achieve learning goals by their independent analysis, exploration and practice.part 5 teaching procedurethere are 6 steps in my lesson.step 1 lead-in (5mins)activity 1 video-watchingq: what do you see in the video?q: what are

27、people doing?q: what do they wear on their faces?activity 2 free talkfirst divide students into several groups, and lead them to discuss freely with the questions before, and then invite someone to answer the questions.purpose: 1、 to catch students attention about the topic2、 to encourage them to sa

28、y something about their ideas.then enter the text.step 2 pre-reading (3)activity 1 play the cd once, ask students to just listen and finish the exercise 1 individually. let them to check the answer with a partner.activity 2 teachers call back the answers from the whole class.purpose: train students

29、listening ability and try to grasp the main idea of the text.step 3 fast reading (10)activity 1 ask students to read the passage in limited time. while doing the fast reading, finish exercise 2 and find out the main idea or the topic sentence of each paragraph.activity 2 teachers ask students about

30、the main idea or topic sentence of each paragraph. and conclude each paragraph.paragraph 1: peoples general impression of carnival.paragraph 2: the meaning of carnival and how it was celebrated in history. activity 3 call back the answer of exercise 2.purpose: 1、 improve students fast reading skills

31、 like skimming reading and scanning reading.2、train students to learn to read with specific questions.3、understand the general idea of each paragraph.step 4 intensive reading (25)activity 1 teach every paragraph in details about vocabulary and grammar.例子: such as one sentence in the textdress up: th

32、is phrase means:穿着打扮;装饰eg: she likes to dress up for a party.她喜欢把自己打扮起来去参加聚会。dress: 名词:1、连衣裙、女服2、衣服;服装;外衣;礼服he was in special dress for the ceremony.他穿了身特别的衣服来参加典礼。a full dress 大礼服动词:穿衣,给某人穿上衣服dress yourself quickly. 你快点穿衣服dress 的一些特殊用法:dress ones hair. 梳理头发new word:activity 2 ask students to do the

33、 exercises 3 and 4, and then show the whole the class the answers and make the necessary explanation.purpose: further understand the textstep 5 post-reading (1)this part i will lead students to retell the text in their own words and made a short summary, for the purpose of checking if my students re

34、ally understand the whole text and if they master the knowledge of this text. whats more, through this way i want to practice their oral english and encourage them to bravely express their thoughts.step 6 homework (1)write an article about a chinese festival.in this way to improve students ability o

35、f writing.thats all. thank you for listening.篇三:高中英语教师说课稿good morning, interviewerspart one. analysis of teaching materialhere i will analyze this part from 3 points:the first point is “status and functions”this unit is unit_in term_ _taken from new standard english book and my lecture is the readin

36、g part of it. by learning this passage, the students can master some language points and reading skills.the second point is “teaching aims”firstly, knowledge aims: the students should understand all the key words andexpressionssecondly, ability aim is to improve the students ability of getting the m

37、ain idea and detailed information of this passage.thirdly, emotional aims: to enable the students to develop good manners oflearning.the third point is “importance and difficulties. the important points are to master usage of key words and phrases such as_. the difficult points mainly focus on how t

38、o develop the students reading ability.part two. analysis of the learnersas senior high school students, most of them are very shy and they seldomparticipate in class activities. so in order to activate my students, i will adopt somepart three. teaching & learning approachespart four. teachi

39、ng proceduresin order to arrange my teaching procedures systematically and logically, i will divide my teaching procedures into 5 steps.step one is “warming up”at beginning, i will play an english song for my students because it can not only help them relax, but can also bring them into an english a

40、tmosphere.step two is “leading-in”i will have a free talk with my students about_, thus leading mystudents to the topic were going to learn.step three is “reading” it will cost 20 minfirst. class workskimming: here i will ask my students to read the passage quickly and loudly, and then give them som

41、e t or f questions to see if they have a general understanding of this passage. they will answer it together.second. group workscanning: here my students should read the passage very carefully and silently, and work in groups to discuss the following questions. by doing this, i can check whether my

42、students have a detailed understanding of this passage.third. pair worklearning language points: ask students to work in pairs and pick out the important sentences, and then introduce to others, of course showing the reasons why your pairs choose. i will do example, such as_ (板)because this sentence

43、 has a important phrase or sentence structure.fourth individual workconsolidation: here i will show my students a short passage with key words and phrases missing.of course, those words or phrase is taken from this passage we have learnt today. and then ask some students to retell the passage by fil

44、ling the blanks, finishing them by individual.part five. blackboard designin order to make the blackboard design clearly and neatly, i write the sentence on the left. then i show the sentence structure and example on the right. in the middle, i will use an arrow symbol to connect.in a word, the whol

45、e teaching plan is based on tasks and cooperation which are design from easy to difficult. the students is a agent, the teacher just is a organizer.well, thats all for my presentation, i appreciate your attention very much!篇四:高中英语教师试讲开场白及穿插语开场白good morning,everyone.my name is lina.its my pleasure to

46、 stand here and show you my trial teaching.now lets get ready for class. today we are going to learn a new lesson. 穿插语 讨论部分lets go to the reading part.lets have a free talk about xxx and then discuss the following questions. i will ask someone to talk about your ideas.time is up.now, pls answer my q

47、uestions.单词句型部分read the text carefully again and underline the new words and phrases. now listen to the tape of paragraph one. .well ,look at the blackboard.these are the main words and phrases of this text.pls read after the tape and then read it one by one. you have pay attention to their pronunci

48、ation.look here pls. this is the sentence pattern.pls make sentence by yourself. i will give you 1 minutes.who would like to tell me your sentence?lets go through the language points of this lesson once again.深入阅读部分retell the passage.these are the general idea of all paragraphs.结束语thats all for my t

49、rial teaching. thanks for your listening.篇五:2014高中英语教师资格证统考面试语音课型实战篇-精致讲稿语音课型 四色笔 讲稿模板红色字体为板书内容蓝色字体为设计目的黑色字体为口述内容 绿色字体为提示内容双元音教学案lessen plan for the pronunciation of /i?/teaching aims:(1)knowledge aim: be able to know how to pronounce the diphthong /i?/(2)ability aim: by the end of the class, studen

50、ts should be able to pronounce the diphthong/i?/(3)emotion aim: be able to pronounce the /i?/more confidentlyteaching methods: 3-p model(presentation, practice, production)teaching aids: chock, blackboard, some cardsteaching procedure:pronunciation(板书内容)stepgreeting and lead-in(回答完评委的两个结构化问题,不要再想了!开

51、始上课吧!自己站在讲桌后,右手压左手,自然摆放在腰带扣的地方,也就是肚脐眼的地方,告诉自己放松,再放松!双手越自然越好!气定神怡,平心静气,微笑对评委以及评委身后那不存在还要假装存在的学生,说:)t: class begins. good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. nice to have this english class with you. today we are going to learn a diphthong in english.step presentationshow some cards to the students. le

52、ad in the diphthong /i?/t: first,i will show some cards. do you know, what is this in english?s: this is a deer.t: yes, very good. this is a deer. now read after me, deer.s: deert: deers: deert: ok, very good. then the second one, what is this in english?s: this is a girl.t: good. this is a girl. an

53、d what is she doing now?s: she is crying.t: so in her eyes, there is s: tearst: excellent! there are tears in her eyes. read after me. tears: teart: tears: teart: ok. now, another picture, what is this in english?s: this is beer.t: you are great. this is a bottle of beer. now read after me, beers: b

54、eert: beers: beers: they all have the sound /i?/step practice practice the students the sound /i?/, and explain the right way to pronounce the sound. t: yes, very good. these words all contain the sound/i?/. now read after me, /i?/ /s: /i?/t: /i?/s: /i?/t: /i?/s: /i?/t: ok, very good. now who can pr

55、onounce the sound? cuqi, you, pleases: /i?/t: /i?/, read after me.s: /i?/.t: yes, very good. lyly, can you?s: /i?/.t: ok good. xixi, pleases: /i?/t: yes, very good.s: /i?/t: ok, excellent. now, the whole class read after me. /i?/s: /i?/t: /i?/s: /i?/t: good. now, do you know the right way to pronoun

56、ce the diphthong /i?/?s: no.t: this is a diphthong. it begins with the first sound /i/,( write the /i/ on the blackboard) and glide towards the second sound /?/,( write the /?/ on the blackboard) remember, when you pronounce the zhaozhao . you, please. diphthong/i?/, you should change the shape of y

57、our mouth as you move from one sound to another. now, / look at the position of my lips when i pronounce this sound. /i?/, /i?/, /i?/. now read after me, /i?/ s: /i?/.t: /i?/.s: /i?/.t: /i?/.s: /i?/t: very good. now, i will divide you into two groups. group 1 read the sound three times, and then group 2. are you clear?s: yes.t: /i?/. one two go.s: /i?/i?/i?/. / /t: very good. now group2s:/i?/i?/i?/ / / /step productionsound discrimination and tongue twis


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