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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上裙房 skirtsk:t building建筑高度 building altitude æltitju:d耐火极限 durationdjurein of fire resistancerizistns Fire resistance rating 不燃烧体 noncombustiblekmbstbl componentkmpunnt难燃烧体 hardcombustible component Difficult-combustible component 燃烧体 combustible component综合楼 multipleuse building商住楼

2、 businessliving building网局级电力调度楼 largescale power dispatcherdispæts building高级旅馆 highgrade hotel高级住宅 highgrade residence半地下室 semibasement地下室 basement安全出口 safety exit挡烟垂壁 hang wall Ceiling screen 商业服务网点 commercial serving cubby/facilities 闪点 Flash point 爆炸下限 Lower explosion limit 重要公共建筑 Importan

3、t public building 明火地点 Open flame site散发火花地点 Sparking site 封闭楼梯间 Enclosed staircase 防烟楼梯间 Smoke-proof staircase 防火分区 Fire compartment 防火间距 Fire separation distance 防烟分区 Smoke bay 充实水柱 Full water spout Accessible Means of Egress 易通行的疏散通道Accommodation stairway 简易楼梯Alarm (in control room) (控制室内)报警Alarm

4、 and protection system 报警保护系统Alarm device 报警装置Alarm display panel 报警显示器Alarm of fire 火灾警报Alarm pressure 报警压力Alarm signal 报警信号Alarm system 报警系统Area of Refuge 避难区域Automatic fire alarm system 火灾自动报警系统automatic fire equipment 自动消防设备Automatic sprinkling fire extinguishing system 自动喷水灭火系统AA auto-alarm 自动报

5、警back stair 后楼梯,辅助楼梯back staircase 后楼梯,辅助楼梯间back up 1、备用的,候补的2、倒转,回退back-up battery 备用电源Burning behavior 燃烧性能 call back 1、消火灾报警箱 2、英公用电话亭 3、消召回 Catch pit 集流坑Chimney effect 烟囱效应combustibility 可燃性Dead end 袋形走道(死胡同)dead out 消熄灭Deluge system 雨淋灭火系统Dry sprinkler system 干式喷水灭火系统effective date 有效期Electrolu

6、minescence 席间走道Elevator Evacuation system 电梯疏散系统Elevator Lobby Door 电梯前室门Emergency lighting 事故照明Enclosed staircase 封闭楼梯间 escalators 自动扶梯 Evacuation 疏散Evacuation Exit 疏散出口Evacuation Guiding Strip 疏散导流标志Evacuation Indicatory Sign 疏散指示标志Evacuation route 疏散路线External stairway 室外楼梯fireproof roofing 防火屋面F

7、ire alarm device 火灾警报装置Fire alarm installations 火灾报警装置Fire bund 防火堤Fire separation 防火分隔Fire damper 防火阀Fire detector 火灾探测器Fire door 防火门Fire Evacuation Lamp 火灾疏散照明灯Fire extinguisher 灭火器fire fighting access 消防通道Fire hose 消防水带Fire hydrant 消火栓Fire ladder 消防梯Fire lift 消防电梯fire pool 消防水池Fire priming pump 引

8、水消防泵Fire protection control room 消防控制室Fire pumps 消防泵Fire resisting beam 耐火粱Fire resisting column 耐火柱Fire resisting damper 防火阀fire resisting door 防火门Fire resisting duct 耐火管道Fire resisting floor 耐火楼板Fire resisting partition 耐火隔墙Fire resisting roof 耐火屋顶Fire resisting shaft 耐火竖井Fire resisting Shutter 防火

9、卷帘Fire resisting suspended ceiling 耐火吊顶Fire resisting window 防火窗Fire retardant coating 防火涂料Fire risk 火灾危险性Fire Safety Evacuation Sign 消防安全疏散标志Fire stability 耐火稳定性Fire vehicles 消防车Fire wall 防火墙Fire water branch 消防水枪Fire water monitor 消防水炮fire water pump 消防泵fire water supply 消防水源fire water tank 消防水箱Fi

10、re-proof door 防火层门Fire-proof plate 防火板Flush fire hydrant 地下消火栓FABL fire alarm bell 火警铃FABX fire alarm box 火警箱gallery 1、长廊,走廊 2、阳台gallery over the main hall 走马廊half-space landing 楼梯平台Heat fire detector 感温火灾探测器hose reel 消防卷盘HAD heat-actuated device 消感温式火灾探测装置,感温式火灾探测器 Indoor fire hydrant 室内消火栓Ionizati

11、on smoke alarm 离子感烟报警器jack lamp 安全灯mall sprinkler 消手动洒水喷头Means of evacuation 疏散设施Mechanical smoke control 机械控烟Natural smoke control 自然控烟natural smoke extraction 消自然排烟Outdoor fire hydrant 室外消火栓partial evacuation 消局部疏散Post fire hydrant 地上消火栓Preaction system 预作用灭火系统Protected stairway 疏散楼梯Public-fire alarm address system 火警广播系统Roof resist


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