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1、一、熟悉下列句子的翻译1. In addition to the revolution in new classes of drugs, an equally momentous revolution is taking place in drug delivery. 除药物种类的革命外,药物给药系统也在进行一场同样令人震撼的革命。2. The body can make about a trillion different antibodies, produced by shuffling and reshuffling their constituent parts.通过对构成成分的改组和

2、再改组,机体可以产生约一万亿个不同的抗体。3. Under current law, all new drugs need proof that they are effective, as well as safe, before they can be approved for marketing.现有法律要求,所有的新药都必须具有其有效、安全的证据才能被批准上市。4There is no agreement whether nursing mothers could use Alexan.哺乳期妇女是否能用爱力生尚无统一意见。5. The prescription must be sig

3、ned and dated by the practitioner and include his address.处方必须由医生亲笔签名,并注明日期和医生的地址。6. Cells possess a nucleus which contains genetic information in the form of DNA.细胞含有一个细胞核,其中含有以脱氧核糖核酸(DNA)形式表达的基因信息。7. A drug that is not covered by patent rights may be available in several proprietary formulations o

4、f the same generic preparation.没有专利权保护的药物可以用于同一个仿制剂型的多个专利配方中。8. When a drug is used by millions, there are certain to be adverse reactions even though the risk to any individual is small.当某种药物被数百万人使用时,肯定会有不良反应出现,尽管具体到个人,这种危险性并不大。9. The end point is also called equivalent point, since the titrant and

5、 tested sample are chemically equivalent. 滴定终点也称为等当点,因为测定剂和被测样本在化学量上是相等的。10. It is estimated that less than 30% of the hypertensive patients have their blood pressure adequately controlled.据估计,只有不到30%的患者的高血压得到了适当的控制。11. Based on the data collected, numerous valuable compounds can be determined witho

6、ut reference to specimens of that same compound. 从已收集的资料中可以看出,通过高通量筛选,已经发现了很多有价值的化合物。12. General-sales-list preparations are medicines that can be supplied by most retailers in supermarkets, etc.普通销售药是可以在超市等普通店铺销售的药品。13. The maintenance dosage is determined by response of the patient.维持剂量视患者对药物的反应而定

7、。14. There is a possibility that some patients may show hypersensitivity to the drug. 有可能某些患者对本品过敏。15. Such small molecule agents are simpler to develop and many be clinically superior.这样的小分子制剂较容易开发,临床上也比较有优势。16. The range of novel chemical entities developed has occasionally led to unexpected toxic

8、ity.一些新型的化学制品,偶尔会产生意想不到的毒副作用。17. Living cells continually transform materials.活体细胞不断转化一些物质。18.To continue to exploit natural sources for drug candidates, the focus must be on exploiting newer approaches for natural product drug discovery.我们要继续开发自然资源选择候选药物,其重点必须放在探索天然药物的更新开发方法上。19.No physician should

9、 rely on the package insert as his sole source of drug information.医生不应该仅仅依赖药品说明书作为他了解药品信息的唯一来源。20. Drugs with such serious potential dangers as these should be used only if life is threatened and nothing else will work.这些有严重危险性的药物只有在生命垂危或其他地方无效时才使用。21. It has been assumed that the plasma drug conce

10、ntration is directly proportional to the clinical effect of that drug.现在普遍认为,血浆药物浓度与该药的临床效果有直接的对应关系。22. Absorption is the process of a drug entering systemic circulation from its site of administration吸收是药物从其给药位点进入体循环的过程。23.Water for injection is the most widely used vehicle for parenteral preparati

11、ons注射用水是肠胃外制剂最常用的溶剂。24. Dietary supplements containing ephedra present an unreasonable risk of illness or injury, and should not be consumed.含有麻黄的膳食补充剂存在严重风险,会引发疾病和造成伤害,不宜服用。25. The world of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) vaccines has suffered a baffling setback. The first trial of a vaccine des

12、igned to elicit strong cellular immunity has shown no protection against infection. 艾滋病病毒(HIV)疫苗研究领域遭受了一次令人困惑的挫折。一种为引发细胞增强免疫力而设计的疫苗初次试验就显示对感染毫无保护作用。26. Mean peak serum concentrations of tobramycin occur between 30 and about 60 minutes after intramuscular administration.肌肉注射后约3060分钟之间妥布霉素的平均血药浓度达到高峰。

13、27. Migraine and symptoms that may suggest a vestibular disorder (vestibular symptoms-VS) often co-exist. In part due to a lack of standardized diagnostic criteria, this relationship remains unknown to many physicians.隐匿性偏头痛和前庭功能紊乱症状(前庭症状-VS)往往并存。在某种程度上,由于缺乏规范化的诊断标准,很多内科医生仍然对二者之间的关系了解不够。28. OTC drug

14、s play an increasingly vital role in America's health care system by providing easy access to certain drugs that can be used safely without the help of a health care practitioner.OTC药品提供无需医生指导就能安全用药的简易途径,它们在美国的保健体系中起着越来越重要的作用。29. Prolonged and high levels of corticosteroids are used by Western m

15、edical practitioners to help in the treatment of SARS.西医延期并大剂量使用皮质类固醇以辅助治疗非典型肺炎。30. Relatively insoluble amine salts of penicillin, such as the procaine salt, are also stable as dry powders for a period of 3 years or more at room temperature, as are combinations of procaine and potassium penicillin.

16、相对不溶性的青霉素铵盐,如普鲁卡因盐,和普鲁卡因和青霉素钾的混合物一样,以干燥粉末状态在室温下也可以保存3年或者更长时间。31. The purpose of the FDA control of the package insert is not to legislate thepractice of medicine.美国食品和药物管理局控制药品说明书的目的并不是对医疗工作立法。32. The basic unit of DNA is a linear polymer of four different monomeric subunits, deoxyribonucleotides, a

17、rranged in a precise linear sequence.脱氧核糖核酸的基本单位是由四种不同的脱氧核糖核苷酸单一亚单位以精确的线性序列进行排列而构成的线性聚合物。33. Drug development aims to produce a novel therapeutic agent which is superior in efficacy to existing remedies and which causes less frequent or less severe adverse effects.药物研发旨在生产出在疗效上优于现存药品、且副作用发生率及程度降低的新型

18、治疗药物。34.The endocrine system consists of a widely distributed group of glands that release specific chemical substances called hormones.内分泌系统由一组广泛分布于人体各处的腺体构成,腺体释放出被称为激素的特异化学物质。35. It is an interesting development that an old technique sometimes achieves new importance when it is modified with the i

19、ncorporation of modern advances in instrumentation.有意思的进展是,随着现代仪器分析方法的进步,当老方法与其相结合而得到改进时,老方法有时候便有了新的意义。36. The fact that the physician followed the recommendations in the package insert does not absolve him from responsibility for harm resulting to his patient, nor does failure to follow the recomme

20、ndations in the package insert necessarily render him legally culpable.医生按照药品说明书上的建议开药的事实并不能使他开脱药物对其病人造成伤害的责任,同样,医生不按照药品说明书上的建议开药也必然使他受到处罚。37. The foregoing situation must be distinguished from use of the drug when the package insert states that the drug is contraindicated in infants or children on

21、the basis of studies showing it to be unsafe or ineffective in these age groups.上述情形应区分在以下情况使用药物:药品说明书已声明此药物禁忌用于婴幼儿或者儿童,因为种种的研究结果表明该药物对这个年龄组的人群不安全或者无效。38. A senior executive with Britain's biggest drugs company has admitted that most prescription medicines do not work on most people who take the

22、m.英国最大药业公司的一位高级行政官员承认大多数处方药对大多数的服药者没有效果。39. Studies in animals have not demonstrated a teratogenic effect; however, in the absence of clinical data, the risk of malformation cannot be excluded. Therefore, for safety reason, it is preferable to avoid prescription during pregnancy.动物实验没有提示致畸作用;但是由于缺乏临

23、床资料,致畸的危险不能排除。因此,出于安全理由,最好避免在妊娠期间服用该药物。40. Do not take a double dose to make up for a forgotten dose, just carry on with the next dose at the usual time.不要服用双倍药量以弥补漏服的情况,只要下次正常时间服用就可以了。41. Calcium ion plays a critical role in coupling surface membrane depolarization to muscle contraction 钙离子在偶联表面膜去极

24、化和肌肉收缩方面起到关键作用。42When the hospital started extensive use of erythromycin, however, resistant staphylococcus strains began to appear.然而,自从医院开始广泛应用红霉素以来,耐药葡萄球菌菌株开始出现。43. Halcion is a potent short-acting hypnotic agent, which produces its hypnotic activity from the first night of administration.海尔神是一种强

25、力短效催眠药,它从服药后的第一个夜晚开始产生催眠作用。45.Failure of the kidney to eliminate potassium leads to hyperkalemia along with other electrolyte imbalance and acidosis. 因肾脏衰竭而对钾的吸收排斥会导致高钾血症和其他电解质紊乱以及酸中毒。46The compounds discovered suffer from inadequate diversity, have low hit rates, and some of them are of poor bioava

26、ilability or toxicity profiles. 已发现的化合物结构缺乏多样性,成功率低,有些生物利用度不高,毒性大等。47. Patients with well established pneumococcal pneumonia appear acutely ill.确诊肺炎球菌性肺炎的患者呈急性病容。48. Although there is no doubt that microbes were observed and discovered as early as the 17th century, microbiology is only getting start

27、ed as a science.毫无疑问,尽管早在17世纪人们就观察并发现了微生物,但是微生物学作为一门科学才刚刚起步。49. A variety of early detection methods have been introduced to identify adverse drug reactions as swiftly as possible.有多种早期检测方法可以帮助我们尽可能快地发现不良反应。50. Other factors that influence the efficacy of different drugs must be taken into account,

28、and appropriate therapies should be made according to the particular conditions of different patients.决定适当的治疗方案时,还必须考虑药物的各种影响因素,并结合病人的具体情况。51. This method provides a means of evaluating the potency of many pharmaceutical products.这种方法可用于许多药物的效力评价。52. For instance, insulin is an example of a hormone

29、that experiences triggered release in the body.例如,胰岛素就是一种在生理条件下经过触发而释放的激素。53The benefit of the treatment should be assessed after 3 months.三个月后评价治疗效果。54. To fight disease, the immune system generates proteins known as antibodies that bind to invading organisms.为了对抗疾病,免疫系统生成了被称为抗体的蛋白质,它们附着在入侵的生物体上。55

30、. In patients with this disease the daily dose should be reduced and the patients carefully followed.对于患有该病的病人,应减少每日用药剂量,并对病人进行仔细观察。56. There is great economy of parts and processes, achieved by regulation of the catalytic activity of key enzymes.通过关键酶催化活性的调控可以省去很多反应部分和反应过程。57. When an enzyme is syn

31、thesized in response to chemical stimulus, the phenomenon is known as induction.酶对化学刺激起反应而被合成的现象称为诱导。59. Nor should they discourage certain preventive uses of antibiotics which have proved extremely valuable.对于被证明是有效的抗生素,人们也不应阻挠它们的预防性作用。二、熟悉以下概念直译和意译:尤金奈达对翻译的定义。直译:不失原文的语气、结构和风格,比较完整的按照原文的意义翻译。意译:不按照原文的语言结构,根据译入语的语言习惯将原文的意思翻译出来。语义翻译和交际翻译:彼特纽马克提出。语义翻译:重视原文的形式和原作者的原意。交际翻译:强调译文的效果归化和异化:归化:译者将原外语语言文本用适合译入语语言的方式表达出来。 异化:译者将原外语语言文本的表达方式直接引入到译入语当中,使原文保留原来的风格。尤金·奈达提出的翻译步骤:分析、转换、重组、检验药学英语语篇的词汇特征:专业术语多、两栖词汇多、隐喻性词语、首字母缩略词多语段连接:附加、相反、原因、时间药学英语语篇的特


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