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1、【双语干货】从危险化学品企业重大隐患认定指导目录(试行)征求意见稿,看未来安监执法2015-10-19EHS最新资讯速递Predicting the future law enforcement carried out by the Safety Supervision Departments from the Consultation Draft of the Catalogue for Guiding the Identification of Serious Hidden Risks for Hazardous Chemicals Enterprises (Trial)新安全生产法第38

2、条要求企业建立安全隐患的排查制度,并且要求地方安监局“建立健全重大事故隐患治理督办制度,督促生产经营单位消除重大事故隐患”。同时,在第67条中指出“负有安全生产监督管理职责的部门依法对存在重大事故隐患的生产经营单位作出停产停业、停止施工、停止使用相关设施或者设备的决定,生产经营单位应当依法执行,及时消除事故隐患。”因此,何为“重大隐患”?这将成政府对企业行使执法权力的重要依据。It stipulates in the Article 38 of the Work Safety Law of the Peoples Republic of China (2014 Amendment) that

3、a business entity shall establish and improve rules for the screening for and elimination of hidden risks of work safety accidents, requiring the departments with work safety regulatory functions of the local peoples governments at and above the county level “to establish and improve rules for super

4、vising the elimination of hidden risks of serious accidents to impel business entities to eliminate such risks”. Meanwhile, it points out in the Article 67 that “the department with work safety regulatory functions shall, according to law, make decisions on suspension of business operation or produc

5、tion, construction, or of use of related facilities or equipment against any business entity in which serious hidden accidents exist, and such business entity shall execute such decisions according to law and eliminate hidden risks of accident without delay”. Therefore, what are serious hidden risks

6、? This will become important basis for government to exercise law enforcement powers over enterprises.本次危险化学品企业重大隐患认定指导目录(试行)对第67条的执行将产生重要影响。因此,请大家关注:This Catalogue for Guiding the Identification of Serious Hidden Risks for Hazardous Chemicals Enterprises (Trial) (hereinafter referred to as this Cat

7、alogue) will have great influences on the implementation of the Article 67. Therefore, attention should be paid.本目录共列举了43种可被认定为“重大隐患”的情况,现整理并摘录部分企业常见情况,以方便大家认真对照,防止此类事件在企业内发生。更多详细内容请阅读原文。This Catalogue has listed 43 situations that can be identified as serious hidden risks. We hereby collate and ext

8、ract part of the common situations of enterprises to make you convenient to compare, in order to prevent the occurrence of such incidents in enterprises. For more detailed information, please refer to the original text of this Catalogue.一:企业证照不全及周边条件不满足要求将列入重大隐患:Firstly, it will be identified as ser

9、ious hidden risks if the enterprise has incomplete licenses or the surrounding situations do not satisfy the requirements二:对人员要求:无资格、不合格、不懂都将成为重大隐患。Secondly, requirements for the personnel: personnel without qualification certificate, unqualified personnel and personnel lack of knowledge will become

10、 serious hidden risks.三:设计及制度缺陷导致的重大隐患:Thirdly, hidden risks caused by the fault of designs and rules.四:硬件及执行不完善(注:这部分涉及的条文较多,这里仅摘抄几个经常性隐患。)Fourthly, the incomplete of hardwares and the implementation (Notes: many articles are involved in this part, so only several common hidden risks are extracted

11、here.)本目录中还提出了地方安监部门的执行过程要点:This Catalogue has also proposed the main points of execution for local safety supervision departments.“2.各省(区、市)安全生产监督管理局要根据辖区内化工(危险化学品)产业特点,制定辖区内的危险化学品企业重大隐患认定指导目录和行政处罚标准。“2. The safety supervision departments of all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities dire

12、ctly under the Central Government) shall develop the catalogue for guiding the identification of serious hidden risks for hazardous chemicals enterprises and the standards for administrative penalties within their respective administrative regions pursuant to chemicals (hazardous chemicals) industri

13、al characteristics in their respective administrative regions.3.化工(危险化学品)企业要高度重视重大隐患排查治理工作,定期将本企业重大隐患排查治理情况报所在地县级安全生产监督管理部门。3. Chemicals (Hazardous chemicals) enterprises shall pay high attention to the screening, identification and control of serious hidden risks, regularly report the screening, id

14、entification and control work of serious hidden risks in their enterprises to the local safety supervision departments at the county level.4.地方各级安全生产监督管理部门要认真开展危险化学品企业重大隐患排查治理的监督检查工作,对检查中发现的重大隐患,必须依法对相关企业予以行政处罚。”4. The local safety supervision departments at all levels shall earnestly carry out the

15、screening, identification and control work of serious hidden risks in hazardous chemicals enterprises, and impose administrative penalties over the corresponding enterprise in accordance with law if serious hidden risks are discovered.编者注:Editors Note:天津爆炸事故之后,如何监管危险化学品企业成为一个“看似不可能完成”的任务。为此,界定重大隐患、迅

16、速对存在重大隐患的企业进行处理,以降低整体行业风险成为安全监管部门的首要方法。After the Tianjin blasts, how to supervise hazardous chemicals enterprises has become a “mission impossible”. Therefore, it has become the primary methods for safety supervision departments that to identify serious hidden risks and to rapidly deal with enterpri

17、ses with serious hidden risks so as to reduce risks for the entire industry.与此同时,为减少未来更多不确定性风险,安全评价、环境影响评价机构、地方消防及安监部门对危险化学品企业新增、扩建及技改项目也持有更加审慎态度,收紧了许证、证照的办理及核准。Meanwhile, in order to reduce future uncertain risks, safety evaluation departments, evaluation departments of environmental influence, local fire protection departments and safety supervision departments shall keep a cautious attitude towards the newly building and expansion of hazardous chemicals enterprises and their technical improvement projects, tightening


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