已阅读5页,还剩2页未读 继续免费阅读




1、1,接待客人的礼貌用语,专业用语2,酒店资料(如设施,餐厅等一定背熟3,你所在城市的旅游设施,交通信息,餐饮资料4,和旅行社沟通的方式(为旅客预定机票,景点门票等等5,培训一些door men or bell men 的知识和礼仪,方便帮手6,对语言的培训也是很重要的国外酒店英语对话大全1.Ill take a look at the hotels booking situation.我来查看一下本店房间的预订情况。2.Im glad that well be able to accept your extension re-quest.很高兴我们有办法接受您延长住宿的要求。3.But Im

2、afraid that it will be necessary for us to ask you to change rooms for the last two nights.不过,恐怕最后两天我们得请您搬到别的房间去。4.We have already let your room to another gentleman.我们已经把您住的房间租给了另外一位先生。5.Thats no problem at all.没问题。给您房间的钥匙,布拉德利先生。您的房间号码是1420。7.It is on the 14th floor and the daily rate is$90.房间在14层

3、,每天的房费是90美元。8.Please make sure that you have it with you all the time.请务必随时带着它。9.My business negotiation has progressed much more slowly than I had expected.我的业务谈判进行得比我原先预料的慢了许多。10.I wonder if it is possible for me to extend my stay at this hotel for two days.我想知道是否可以让我在这儿多呆两天。11.Yes,we do have a re

4、servation for you.对了,我们这儿是有您预订的房间。12.Would you please fill out this form while I prepare your key card for you?请您把这份表填好,我同时就给您开出入证,好吗?13.What should I fill in under ROOM NUMBER?“房间号码”这一栏我该怎么填呢?14.Ill put in the room number for you later on.过会儿我来给您填上房间号码。15.You forgot to put in the date of your depar

5、ture.您忘了填写离店日期了。Receiving a walk-in guest. 为散客登记How many people do you have ,XX Mr./Mrs.? 先生/小姐,请问您有几位?What kind of room do you prefer,XX Mr./Mrs. Please ? XX先生/小姐,请问您想要哪种房间?Just a moment, I have to check if theres a room available XX Mr./Mrs.XX先生/小姐,请稍等,我看看有没有空房。Here is a brochure of our hotel and

6、our tariff, XX Mr./Mrs. 先生/小姐给您我们酒店介绍和价目表。Well give you a 10% discount, XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,我们给您九折优惠。Would you like to register, please? XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,请您登记,好吗?You have to register individually, please. XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,请您们分开登记,好吗?Would you fill in this registration form, please? XX Mr./Mrs.

7、 XX先生/小姐请您填一下登记表。Would you please put your nationality there, sir? 先生,请您将您的国籍写在这儿。Would I ask you to put your name in block capital? XX Mr./Mrs.XX先生/小姐请用大写字母写您的名字,好吗?May I have your occupation, please? 请问您的职业?Would you sign your name, please? /Ill need your signature. XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,请签名。Would I

8、 see your passport, please?/Sir, would you mind showing your passport? XX Mr./Mrs.XX先生/小姐,能出示一下您的护照吗?Im afraid your room is not ready yet. Would you mind waiting, please? XX Mr./Mrs.XX先生/小姐,恐怕您的房间还没收拾好,希望您不介意在这里等一下。How would you like to pay by cash or credit card,XX Mr./Mrs. ? XX先生/小姐,请问您是现金或是信用卡付款?

9、How long will you stay here,XX Mr./Mrs.? XX先生/小姐,您准备在我们酒店住多久?How would you like to settle you Account? In cash or by credit card? XX Mr./Mrs.XX先生/小姐,您付现金还是用信用卡付账?Please pay at the cashier over there,XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,请到那边的收银台付款。Would you mind filling out this form while I prepare your keycard? XX

10、Mr./Mrs.XX先生/小姐,在我准备钥匙卡的时候,您能填一下这张表吗?May I have your passport so that I can fill in you visa number and place of entry , xx Mr./Mrs.XX先生/小姐,能用一下您的护照填一下您的签证号码和入境口岸吗?Would you tell me your departure date? / What time will you check out? XX Mr./Mrs.XX先生/小姐能告诉我您的离店日期吗?Our rack rate is RMB 498,XX Mr./Mrs

11、. XX先生,我们的门市价格是498元。The room rate for a double room is RMB 368 plus 15% service charge, not including breakfast. XX Mr./Mrs.XX先生/小姐,双人房是368元加上15%的服务费,不包括早餐。I have to ask you to pay RMB1500 for deposit,XX Mr./Mrs. XX先生/小姐,您需要付1500元人民币作为押金。As a hotel policy, we require one days room charge as deposit

12、for guests without a reservation.按酒店规定,没有预订的客人得付一天房费作为押金。Would you like a smoking or non-smoking room , XX Mr./Mrs.?XX先生/小姐,您需要一间吸烟房还是不吸烟房?XX Sir/Madam, you room number is 2103. This is your room key. The rate is RMB 498 forone night, no service charge. And the bellboy will show you to your room. Ha

13、ve a nice stay.XX先生/小姐,您的房间号码是2103。这是您的房间钥匙,房间是498元每晚,免服务费。行李生会带您去房间的,祝您愉快。Please remember to return your key before you leave our hotel , XX Mr./Mrs.XX先生/小姐,在您离开酒店前,请记住归还钥匙。Sir, Here is your room key and room card for you. And your room rate includes one buffet breakfast in the western restaurant.先

14、生,这是您的房间钥匙和房卡,您的房费包括西餐厅的一次(自助早餐。The check-out time is postponed to 2:00pm/ You can check out before 2:00 pm tomorrow. XX Mr./Mrs.XX先生/小姐,我们的退房时间延迟到下午2:00。XX Mr./Mrs. Would you please sign your name here? XX先生/小姐,请您签一下名?XX Mr./Mrs. May I confirm your departure date , Please ? XX先生/小姐,能确认一下您的离店日期吗?Reg

15、istering a tour group 为团队登记XX Mr./Mrs. Who is the Tour leader, please? XX先生/小姐,请问谁是领队?Id like to reconfirm your reservation and the schedule for the period of yo Registering a tour group 为团队登记XX Mr./Mrs. Who is the Tour leader, please? XX先生/小姐,请问谁是领队?Id like to reconfirm your reservation and the sch

16、edule for th e period of your stay. XX Mr./Mrs.XX先生/小姐,我想确认一下贵团的预订和日程。Is there any change in the number in your group ,XX Mr./Mrs.? XX先生/小姐,您的团队人数有变化吗?You have made a reservation for 14 double rooms and 6 single rooms. Here is the rooming list, is that right? XX Mr./Mrs.XX先生/小姐,您们预订了14个双人间和6个单人间。这是住房名单,对吗?XX Mr./Mrs. Here are the room keys and breakfast vouchers. XX先生/小姐,这是房间钥匙和早餐券。XX Mr./Mrs. Your che


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