1、刮板输送机的常见故障及对策摘要:刮板输送机是煤矿常用的机械,它的正常使用与安全运行对于提高煤矿的生产效率和经济效益具有重要作用。刮板输送机在运行过程中经常会出现断链,磨损失效,上窜下滑等故障。这些故障严重影响了输送机的正常运转,因此必须采取相应的措施来进行预防和维修。关键词:刮板输送机;断链;磨损失效;上窜下滑。1 刮板输送机断链原因分析(1)随着采煤机械化的提高,刮板输送机在使用过程中,基本上都是满负荷运载。时间久了两链轮磨损严重磨损程度不一样或两链轮不对称导致两链受力不平衡,极易造成连接环被拉断。(2)刮板链在运行中突然被煤炭中的刚性物卡住,或在溜槽对口处错位,容易挂住刮板或连接环,此时会
5、底部不要有浮煤,有浮煤应及时清掉以减少刮板链在运行中的阻力。3 磨损失效形式及机理(1)中部槽磨损中部槽是刮板输送机的机身部件。在工作过程中,刮板输送机两边链由机头电机牵引与刮板一起带着货载在中部槽中移动。中部槽的磨损主要分为货载(煤及矸石)、刮板和链对中板及槽帮的磨损,以及采煤机沿中部槽移动所造成的槽帮上翼磨损。其中中部槽的槽帮、接头处舌板磨损往往特别严重,一般中板还能正常工作时,槽帮、舌板就会磨损失效导致中部槽的过早失效。(2)刮板链磨损刮板链使用的链条,早期为板片链和可拆模锻链,现在都用圆环链。刮板链的失效形式主要是断链,调研过程中了解到断链约占刮板输送机事故发生总数的52.2%,新链使
6、用90 d后断链事故明显增多。现场所反映出来的断链事故除少数刮板链制造质量或操作维护不良引起的“事故性”断链外,绝大多数为磨损零部件检查更换不及时引起的“自然性”断链。刮板输送机工作中,链条与溜槽及货载发生接触摩擦,链环与链轮在啮合时会产生滑动摩擦,链环与链环间相对运动引起的摩擦等种种原因都导致链环在工作中极易产生磨损。图1是链环磨损部位示意图,主要出现在3个部位:直边部分外侧,如图中1剖面线所示,这部分是链环磨损最严重的部分,主要是链与溜槽及货载之间的摩擦所致;圆弧部分外侧,如图中2所示,这部分磨损主要是由于链环在经过机头链轮时与链轮啮合过程中产生相对滑动摩擦而形成的;圆弧部分内侧,如图中3
7、所示,这部分磨损主要是由于链环与链环之间的接触在直线运动部分挤压而产生疲劳,并在通过链轮时,链环之间的相对滑动摩擦与挤压而磨损。链环的磨损直接导致链环直径减小,强度降低,如更换不及时将会发生断裂。图1圆环链磨损部位Fig.1Wear parts of chain据统计,已磨损的刮板链传动效率要比正常链条降低6%左右,且使平环肩部磨损加剧,甚至形成“啃肩”现象;同时,平环与链轮轮齿的接触部位上升,容易造成爬链;此外,磨损后的链条运行中的动负荷较大,易造成机电事故。据估计,我国每年因输送机机电事故而损失的煤炭产量约2 000万t以上。由于刮板输送机工作环境极为恶劣。链条在运行过程中除了受滑动摩擦的
10、,随着裂纹的生长,会产生小颗粒并彻底从齿面上脱落,形成点蚀。此这种麻点的形成又加速了齿轮的磨损,使齿轮的磨损更加严重。此外,在井下,因工作环境差,粉尘多,即使齿轮箱密封很好,也阻挡不住粉尘侵入箱体,造成润滑油的污染。油中的硬颗粒极易进入齿轮啮合区,造成严重的磨粒性磨损,从而促使齿轮轮齿表面磨损加剧,发热量增大。(4)链轮及轴承的磨损链轮在运转中除受静载荷外,还受到很大的脉动载荷和冲击力,其失效形式主要是磨损。刮板输送机通用技术条件(MT 105-1993)规定:轻型(<40 kW)刮板输送机的链轮寿命不低于1 a,中(4090 kW)、重(>90 kW)型刮板输送机的链轮寿命不低于
11、1·5 a。经分析,造成链轮轮齿不耐磨的原因是:热处理方法不当,即淬火层太浅,火焰淬火不均匀,淬火硬度偏低。刮板输送机中轴承的磨损失效主要是在井下恶劣的环境中,轴承的润滑条件非常差所导致的。有的轴承甚至是在缺油的情况下工作,而这将直接导致轴承的急剧磨损和温度上升,使轴承过热烧坏。此外,工作过程中还伴随着振动冲击,因此轴承磨损失效是冲击与摩擦耦合作用的结果。刮板输送机中除上述主要零部件存在严重的磨损外,其它一些零部件也同样存在着较为严重的磨损,如减速箱中承受载荷最大一轴、减速箱轴承孔、机头架中的链条入口和出口处、盲轴轴肩以及头轴卸载处等。4对策(1)深入开展磨损机理研究,研究刮板输送机
13、、商讨、分析和试验,改进设计及生产制造工艺。但在现实生产中,设计、研发单位往往不了解具体使用单位对刮板输送机的要求,只是使用统一的标准进行设计、生产、制造,这直接导致刮板输送机实际使用寿命远远达不到设计寿命。5 刮板输送机上蹿下跳的分析从工作面刮板输送机的受力分析可知:只有工作面下端头超前上端头距离(或伪倾斜角度)选择得比较恰当,推移或拉移刮板输送机时,沿工作面倾斜方向向上的分力和刮板输送机同底板岩层间的摩擦力二者合力,与刮板输送机的重力沿工作面倾斜方向向下分力平衡,才可使得推移或拉移刮板输送机产生的上窜量刚好补偿因重力作用而使刮板输送机产生的下滑量,从而防止刮板输送机“上窜下滑”。6工作面刮
14、板输送机“上窜下滑”的危害综放工作面前、后部输送机“上窜下滑”影响工作面正常生产,具体危害可列为以下几个方面:(1) 引发机械事故。工作面前、后部刮板输送机之间“上窜下滑”是伴随的、相反的,若前部刮板输送机“下滑”,势必造成后部刮板输送机相对“上窜”;若前部刮板输送机“上窜”,势必造成后部刮板输送机相对“下滑”。由于工作面前、后部刮板输送机与工作面运输巷转载机转载搭接不合理,势必造成两部刮板输送机底链将煤炭带入底槽,最终出现刮板输送机过载开不动,强行“开车”或“倒车”,从而导致刮板输送机断链条等机械事故出现。(2) 影响工作面工程质量。工作面刮板输送机“上窜下滑”后,必然要采取一定措施,如工作
15、面两端按比例调采。这就造成煤壁大线不直、支架调斜等问题,调整过程也是工作面工程质量容易出现问题的过程。降低了生产效率。工作面刮板输送机“上窜下滑”后,无论采取什么样的措施,一方面增加了生产环节,另一方面影响产量。如工作面两端按比例调采,造成工作面一端推进困难,煤机开机率低,劳动组织不合理,不能按正规循环作业,减少循环数等。4 增大了安全生产事故几率。工作面刮板输送机“上窜下滑”后,正常生产秩序被打破,不能正规循环作业,增加了煤壁新暴露顶板无支护时间,不利于对顶板的管理,易造成煤帮冒顶事故。5 造成煤矿生产安全隐患。因刮板输送机“上窜下滑”而堵塞采煤工作面的安全出口,一方面减少了通风的有效断面,
20、干部必读.M.吉林人民出版社、19903梁杰等:工程机械与电子控制.M.人民交通出版社、19984连为民.刮板输送机断链事故原因分析及预防J.煤矿开采,2002,7(4):75-77.5郑树琴,王琨.浅析煤矿机械传动齿轮的胶合失效J.山西煤炭,1996,(6):38-42.The common faults of scraper coveyor and countermeasuresSummary: Scraper conveyor is mine of mechanical, and it's normal use and safe operation of coal for imp
21、roving production efficiency and plays an important role in the economic benefits. In the process of scraper coveyor we often appear to break the chain, failure, such fault. Slide channeling. We must adopt corresponding measures to prevent and repair because these fault seriously affected the normal
22、 operation of belt conveyor .Keywords: scraper conveyor; broken chain; due to wear and failure; the channeling.1 Scraper conveyor chain of fault analysis of the reasons(1) With the increase of mining mechanization, Scraper conveyor in use process, basically is carrying loads. Long hours of two sproc
23、kets badly worn wear different or two sprockets asymmetry cause two chains stress imbalance, easily connected ring is pulled.(2) Scraper chain in the operation of the rigid content in coal was suddenly stuck in the mouth, or dislocation, easy in chute in scraper or connection, will ring scraper chai
24、n or produce very big impact, causing broken chain.(3) Scraper chain too tight, scraper conveyor, not only increase the operation of the early scraper chain tension, also make the scraper chain, and when the scraper chain stuck, no buffer room, scraper chain link, and the tension loading, it is easy
25、 to break. Scraper chain too loose or two chain scraper accident is differ, cause imbalances in operation, scraper chain sprocket place happening easily jump to connect, the impact of sprocket teeth are ring, deformation, fracture and chain scraper bending.(4) Scraper conveyor, coal, or in the overl
26、oad overload situation suddenly after stopping the chute didn't empty again started coal, increases the scraper chain under tension, especially early scraper chain wear to a certain extent easily broken.(5) Scraper chain severe wear, strength, impact load at repeatedly scraper chain fatigue dama
27、ge caused by the increase, and two scraper chain, from the chain link, make whole load were concentrated in a chain, that rupture.(6) Without bolt connection link in operation or loss caused by connecting bolts, only one force, connecting link chain ring is easily broken breakage. By underground wat
28、er corrosion, chain and peeling, rust scar section, it is easy to break strength.(7) Face slab, face is not straight, chute bottom float coal more stress caused by uneven chain scraper conveyor resistance increases, easy and broken chain.2 the measures takenAbove causes scraper conveyor chains are b
29、roken in the actual work frequently encountered .Do strengthen scraper chain of inspection and maintenance and adopt corresponding measures In order to make the scraper conveyor normal safety operation.(1) adjust sprocket wheel, making use of the sprocket teeth symmetrical . When two sprockets wear
30、degree, replace two sprockets that two chains, two chains in the balance of forces of scraper not inclined.(2) Insist on using hydraulic coupling, start to reduce no-load chain by impact load. Coal is the chute of coal must empty the chute in start-up, reduce the tension of the chain chain extension
31、 service life.(3) Use a period of scraper chain, chain removed flip 90 ° to use, exchange level with vertical chain scraper chain scraper so as to change the position of the worn parts to extend chain using life.(4) We should use the same length, wear the scraper chain, almost two scraper chain
32、 and best use of symmetrical to prevent chain pitch.(5) To prevent scraper chain too tight, too loose, the simplest method checking scraper chain tightness degree is: reverse some motivation, tighten the first motor chain, tighten scraper chain if the helicopter appeared two or more completely relax
33、ed scraper chain.(6) Scraper conveyor in use process, must be flat, straight, namely the conveyor, spread into a straight face. Scraper conveyor should avoid sharp curve; there should not be coal in scraper conveyor chute bottom; clean off the coal promptly to reduce scraper chain in the operation o
34、f the resistance.3 failure form and mechanism(1) the central trough wearThe central trough is scraper conveyor airframe components. In the process of operation, the side chain scraper conveyor by helicopter traction motor scraper and together with cargo slot in the middle. The central trough wear ma
35、inly divided into 5 (coal and gangue), scraper and chain plate and help to wear, and the coal mining machine movement along the central trough caused by the wear on wing tank. Among the central trough, tongue shall wear plate, plate usually especially serious can work normally, trough, the board wil
36、l help to wear the premature failure of central trough.(2) scraper chain wearScraper chain plate chain and early use forged chain,but now be with rings. Scraper chain is the main failure forms of the broken.And the investigation process chain to break chain about scraper conveyor accidents, new chai
37、n of therapeutic use 90 d cut increased obviously after the accident of chain. The scene with a broken accident of chain scraper chain manufacture quality or operation and maintenance of the "bad" broken accident, for the majority of chain of wear parts inspection replacement in the "
38、naturalness" caused by fault chain. Scraper conveyor chain and chute, cargo and contact friction, link and sprocket generated in the mesh chain chain and sliding friction, between the friction caused by relative motion to link all reasons work in susceptible to wear. Figure 1 is a chain worn pa
39、rts schemes. Wear mainly appear in three parts: the straight section, as shown in figure 1 line, this section is the worst part of the chain worn parts, mainly is the chain and chute and lots of friction betweenAs part of the circular arc, 2, this section is mainly due to wear after the helicopter w
40、ith chain sprocket wheel meshing process relative sliding friction; As part of the circular arc, 3, this part of the wear is mainly due to the contact between link chain in straight-line movement part extrusion and fatigue, and through the sprocket, link between the relative sliding friction and wea
41、r with extrusion. Link to wear directly, strength decreased diameter link, if not timely change will happen.Fig.1Wear parts of chainAccording to statistics, has worn scraper chain efficiency is lower than normal chains, and 6% to flat ring wear shoulder, even form on the shoulder "phenomenon, A
42、t the same time, flat ring and sprocket teeth, the contact area to climb chain, In addition, the chain operation after wearing the dynamic load, easy cause mechanical accident. Estimates, China every year because of the loss of accident of mechanical conveyor and coal output about 2 million tons. Be
43、cause of scraper coveyor working environment is bad. Chain during operation of the sliding friction role, even under a lot of static load and dynamic load, and mine water erosion, therefore, causing damage to the natural factors and dynamic load, general instantaneous impact stress corrosion and etc
44、.(3) gear wearWith mechanization and raise the level of modernization, the power of coal mine machinery is increasing, the machine, the output torque increase of coal mine machinery components of gear stress increases, especially But due to the use of coal mine machinery limited conditions and the s
45、ize of the gear, but not much change. In underground work environments of scraper coveyor gear teeth, the unit load value high (cm), 20kN/tooth surfaces wear very serious. See section scraper conveyor ZhuDongZhou arc tooth wimble gear 'reducers dao has worn. Gear failure seriously affect the nor
46、mal work of the scraper conveyor. Usually gear, gear tooth surface except in section for pure rolling line contact between the surfaces are relative sliding, inevitable meeting produces friction friction heat, and the temperature rise, make the tooth. Although gear transmission adopts gear oil lubri
47、cation, but because the vibration machine, the gear lubrication when nocd and boundary condition is poor, edge, variable impact and often start and stop to the existence of factors, even good lubrication measures, it will be difficult to form good lubricationConfiguration, so between normally bounda
48、ry lubrication condition. Gear work under huge loads, as between temperature elevatory, lubricant, the rupture between will direct contact area, causing wear, finally agglutination failure. Besides, surface fatigue failure plywood (pitting) is worn gear failure of main form, Due to the gear tooth su
49、rface work, contact stress is according to the change of circulation, if the pulsation of the tooth contact stress than material contact fatigue limit, tooth surface in load under the action of repeated tiny cracks will crack growth, with, can produce granules and completely off from tooth surfaces,
50、 pitting formation. The formation of hemp dot and accelerate the gear, gear abrasion wear more serious. In addition, in underground work environment, because, dust, even gear box seal is very good, also cannot stop dust into the oil pollution, cabinet The hard particles into gear area, easy cause se
51、rious abrasive wear, which prompted the sexual gear tooth surface, increase calorific value.(4) sprocket and bearing of wear and tearExcept in the operation of sprocket static load, still very big ripple load and impact, the failure forms of the main is worn. The general condition of scraper coveyor
52、 (MT 105-1993) : light (< 40 kW) scraper conveyor chain of life not less than 1, (40-90 kW), heavy (> 90 kW) scraper conveyor chain of lifeBelow 1, 5. Through analysis of the reasons sprocket teeth don't wear is undeserved, namely, heat treatment, flame hardening layer is too shallow uneve
53、n hardness, quench hardened. Scraper conveyor in bearing failure is mainly in the underground bad environment, the lubrication condition is very poor. Some bearing is under the condition of oil in the lack of work, but it will directly cause bearing temperature rise sharply, abrasion and bearing ove
54、rheating burn out In addition, the working process with vibration shock, therefore bearing failure is the impact and friction coupling results. Scraper conveyor in addition to the main component exists serious wear, other parts also exists serious wear, such as gearbox of axial load, the largest red
55、ucer bearing hole, head of the plane entrance and exit, blind chain axial shaft shoulder and axial uninstall place etc. Head,4 countermeasures(1) further study, wear mechanisms of different parts of scraper coveyor and process, especially wear form to strengthen key components of the wear mechanism,
56、 it is clear to wear mechanism, can effective measures, such as strengthening the tribological design, so as to improve the application of longevity.(2) Accelerate new materials, especially the development of composite materials. Aimed at the working characteristics of scraper coveyor r&d low fr
57、iction abrasion-resistant materials, so as to improve the equipment of wear-resisting performance. In the research and development of new materials, notice the material surface engineering research, such as using wear-resisting coating surface protection methods to solve the scraper conveyor wear pa
58、rts.(3) Improve equipment conditions of use, strictly abide by the procedures, strengthen the maintenance, avoid to use the deteriorating conditions, such as speed, overload, bad lubrication, etc. This will be conducive to improving the working reliability.(4) The production, use and research unit t
59、ogether, common development, to discuss, analysis and test, improved design and manufacturing process. But in reality, the design, the production of r&d unit often do not understand specific use unit of scraper coveyor, just use uniform standard design, production and manufacturing, the direct cause of scraper coveyor actual life far less than the design life.5 scraper conveyor jumping analysisFrom the face of scraper coveyor stress analysis shows that only
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