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1、2013年中职对口升高职模拟试题一一. 单选 ( 1 X 40 )1. Well, I am afraid I must _now. Thanks for the meal.A. to leave B. off C. be going D. go away2. _does Lily prefer _ bananas?A. Which, to B. What, to C. Which, than D. What, instead3. After fininshing reading the letter, he went on _ an answer.A. writng B. to write

2、C. with D. for4. Did you help farmers _ vegetable garden _ harvest time?A. look after, on B. water, at C. to water, in D. to grow, during5. _ the first day of new term, our English teacher introduced himself _ the class _ the beginning of the first lesson.A. At, to, in B. At, in, on C. On, to, at D.

3、 On, in, at6. Since the boy is_ maths, it is not difficult to work out these problems.A. interested in B. interesting to C. good at D. good for7. Here are some dos and some donts _, do _ the teacher tells you to do.A. At the beginning, that B. For the first time, asC. At first, what D. First of all,

4、 what8. Did you lock the front door? - I think so, but Id better _.A. be sure B. make sure C. find out D. look out9. Nobody _ to smoke in the cinema.A. allow B. allows C. is allowed D. are allowed10. Dont go to school in the morning _ breakfast.A. unless B. except C. instead of D. without11. _ you k

5、eep your things in order, you cant find them easily when you want them.A. Until B. Unless C. If not D. While12. The meat _.A. is tasted rather bad B. tastes rather too badC. is tasting much badly D. tastes much too badly13. Mum, I think Im _ to get back to school. - Not really, my dear. Youd better

6、stay home for another day or two.A. so well B. so good C. well enough D. good enough14. Make sure _ there in time.A. you get B. getting C. youll get D. to get15. _ you understand the rule, you will have no further difficulty.A. Only B. Before C. Once D. As模拟 ( 一 ) 第 一 页16. The man was speaking too f

7、ast for me to _.A. know B. catch C. listen to D. follow17. Not _ are away on holiday.A. my all friends B. all of friends C. all my friends D. My friends all18. Will you give this message to Mr. White, please? - Sorry, I cant. He _.A. doesnt any more work here B. doesnt any longer work hereC. doesnt

8、work any more here D. doesnt work here any longer19. She never told anyone she _ English _.A. hasnt learned, before B. didnt learn, agoC. hadnt learned, before D. wouldnt learn, after two years20. He has _ in changing these sentences into indirect speech. You can ask him to help you. A. some difficu

9、lties B. few difficulties C. not a difficulty D. no difficulty21. You should do the experiment _ the same way _ your teacher does.A. in, as B. by, like C. on, to D. with, that22. The bookstore _ open until eight oclock at night every day.A. becomes B. starts C. stays D. turns23. Yesterday I met an o

10、ld friend of _.A. me B. my C. myfather D. my fathers24. Sarah is leaving _ Japan. Her fiendsll go to the station _.A. to, seeing her off B. for, to see off herC. for, seeing her off D. for, to see her off25. The thieves were about to go out of the bank _.A. by money B. after being caughtC. in an hou

11、r D. when the police came26. You can get there very easily. The buses run every _ minutes.A. few B. a few C. other D. fifth27. Im very glad that youll have an _ holiday this vacation.A. eight day B. European C. pleasant D. eight days28. Hi, Alice, _ to my party on time!A. you come B. do come C. must

12、 come D. comes29. Our foreign teacher _ the five oclock plane this afternoon.A. arrived at B. is arrived on C. arrives at D. is arriving on30. - I m going to Spain tomorrow. - _.A. Good bye B. Have a good time C. See you later D. Have a nice trip31. The handsome young boy in a red T-shirt _ rather c

13、ool.A. look B. looking C. looks D. looked模拟 ( 一 ) 第 二 页32. _ is my friend. _ name is Carl.A. This, hers B. That, his C. This, his D. That, his33. This is a dog. _ eyes are big and black. A.It B.Its C. Whose D. Its34. My parents enjoy _ together _ my grandparents.A. live, with B. living, with C. live

14、s, to D. lived, by35. Toms great parents show great _ about his life and study in the school.A. help B. concern C. interest D. mean36. My friend and my brother are both handsome young _.A. woman B. men C. women D. man37. The red box is much _than the white one.A. heavy B. more heavy C. heavest D. he

15、avier38. Its _ quarter past seven. Lets have _ rest.A. the, a B. a, a C. the, the D. a, the39. He didnt visit her aunt yesterday, _/A. didnt he B. did him C. didnt his D. did he40. What _ good men they are!A. a B. the C. / D. an 二. 阅读 ( 2 X 10 )A Long,long ago, there was a war between the birds and

16、the beasts. No one knows what they fought about. The bat did not know whose side he should take. He thought and thought, then decided he must try to be on the side of the winner. So he watched from far away. After a while, it seemed that the birds were going to win. He flew over to join them. “What

17、on earth are you doing here?” a bird shouted at him. “Cant you see Im a bird?” the bat said with a mile, “Look I have wings just like you. “ Come along, then,” said the bird. “Dont hide behind others” But things changed soon. Now it seemed that the beasts were winning. So the bat left the birds in a

18、 hurry and went over to the beasts. “ What are you doing on our side?” an animal called out to him. “Are you spying on us?” “Dont you know Im one of you?” asked the bat, showing his teeth. Look, cant you see Ive got teeth, too?” Who are you trying to fool?” said the animals. “We saw you fighting on

19、the side of the birds just now.” So the beasts drove him off. Of course the birds refused to take him back . When the beasts and birds saw neither side could win, they decided to stop fighting. Neither beasts nor birds would have the bat as their friend, so he was afraid to leave his home. Ever sinc

20、e then, he comes out only at night. 模拟 ( 一 ) 第 三 页1. Please choose the Chinese Meaning of the underlined word in the first paragraph.A. 鼯鼠 B. 鸸鹋 C. 蛞蝓 D. 蝙蝠2. What make the birds believe the bat is a bird?A. It has teeth. B. It has ears.C. It has wings. D. It has tail.3. Why did the bat leave the bi

21、rds?A. It seemed that the birds would lose the war. B. It was called by the animals.C. It has teeth. D. It finished his task as a spy.4. Which is the reason that make the bat comes out only at night?A. It was diven off by the beasts. B. It was refused by the birds.C. Both the beasts and the birds wo

22、uldnt have it as their friends. D. It fought for the birds at the war between the birds and the beasts.5. When the beasts and the animals found neither side coul win,what did they decide?A. They turned to the bat for help. B. They asked the men to judge the winner.C. They changed the way of fighting

23、. D. They stopped the war.B The Suzukis live in a big city. They have a son named Masao. His hobby is reading. When he comes home from school, he always goes to his room and just reads books. He never plays outdoors. One day, Mrs Suzuki said to her husband, “It is not good for Masaos health to live

24、in the city all the time.” They found a small house in the country. They took him there for a vacation. They left home at eight and got there at eleven in the morning . When they reached the house, his mother said, “ How clean the air is!” She said to Masao, “ Wre are going to stay here for a week.”

25、 Masao ran into the house. A few minutes later, he ran back to his mother and said, “I cant find a desk.” His mother answered, “ We came here to spend our vacation in the country. You must play outdoors and not read books here. Enjoy your vacation!” Masao cried. “Oh, how terrible!”1. According to th

26、e first paragraph, we know _。A. Masao live in the country B. Masao like playing outdoorsC. Masaos family name is Suzukis D. Masaos father is a doctor2. Masaos parents took him to the country because they wanted him _.A. to read in the country B. to spend the vacation in the cityC. to study D. to pla

27、y outdoors3.How long did it take them to get to the country?A. Two hours B.Three hours C.Four hours D. Five hours4. Why did Masao say, “Oh, how terrible!”模拟 ( 一 ) 第 四 页A. Because he could not play outdoors. B. Because he had to read. C. Because he was told not to read there. D. Because he wanted to play outdoors.5. Do you think which nickname is proper to call Masao?A. Big pota


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