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1、整理ppt整理ppt整理pptA. recommend people how to select suitable reading materialsB. introduce some ways that enable people to be competent readersC. advise people to do more practice in readingD. advise people how to make reading enjoyable1. The writer of this passage hopes to _ .整理pptA. glance at how the

2、 text is organized before reading itB. make any comments when reading in detailC. read in detail after previewing the textD. stick to one way when reading different types of text2. If you are a good reader, you would NOT _.整理pptA. ignore their meanings as long as you can understand the general idea

3、of the textB. look them up in a dictionary if they prevent you from understanding the textC. decide an appropriate way to deal with them based on your purpose for readingD. guess their meanings and keep your purpose for reading in your mind3. If you meet the unknown words or phrases in the text, fir

4、st you should _.整理pptA. people should vary their reading speed according to their purpose for reading B. practice is important to improve your reading skillsC. a good reader will never accept the views in books he readsD. plenty of time spent on reading enables you to be a successful reader4. It can

5、 be inferred from this passage that _.整理ppt5. The word “relevant” in the 9th paragraph is close in meaning to _. suitableB. closeA.C. favorableD. Related整理pptA. If someone is regarded as an auditory learner, he needs to circle all the numbers in that column.B. If someone likes to follow a map rather

6、 than spoken direction, he is likely to be a visual learner.C. If someone loves to build things with his hands, it is impossible for him to be an auditory learner. D. If someone relies on a written list when shopping, she will enjoy reading very much.6. Which of the following statements is true acco

7、rding to the passage?整理ppt7. According to the context, the word “vague” means _.A. confusedB. curiousC. ConcernedD. unclear整理pptA. Make good use of diagrams and teachers explanation to remember grammar points.B. Observe sentences and find out grammar rules through discussion with his classmates.C. R

8、ead grammar books and memorize the rules in them.D. Use the words and sentences they learn by reading English materials in their writing and speaking.8. If someone circles “2, 3, 6, 9, 13, 14, 18, 23, 25, 26, 29, 31”, what will be the best way for him to learn English grammar according to the passag

9、e?整理pptA. It is impossible for someone to prefer all of the three learning styles.B. Realizing what kind of learners youre can help you avoid the learning style you get used to.C. Tactile learners prefer concrete experiences rather than listen to explanations. D. The more learning styles someone pre

10、fers, the better he will learn.9. Which of the following statement can be inferred from the passage?整理pptA. feel puzzled about what kind of learners they areB. want to find out suitable ways to help them learn betterC. are interested in knowing more about their situation in learningD. desire to give

11、 advice to the people who want to learn best10. This passage is written for those who _.整理ppt1. 阅读本单元的第一篇课文阅读本单元的第一篇课文, 然后根据文章然后根据文章的内容结构的内容结构, 填写下表:填写下表: _makes perfect How to become a _reader Choose _to make _ enjoyable. Learn _ the techniques of good readers Practicesuccessfulsuitable textsreadin

12、g整理ppt2. 请对上表的内容进行整合请对上表的内容进行整合, 补全下面补全下面的摘要。的摘要。 To be a successful reader, we need to keep practising reading with the help of the techniques adopted by good readers and the suitable texts that we choose to make reading enjoyable.整理ppt阅读本单元第二篇课文阅读本单元第二篇课文, ,并根据要求并根据要求, ,写写一篇一篇150150词左右的英语短文。词左右的英语

13、短文。 内容要点内容要点 1.1.你认为自己属于哪种类型的学习者?你认为自己属于哪种类型的学习者?2.2.你在英语学习方面遇到了什么困难?你在英语学习方面遇到了什么困难?3.3.说明你是怎样利用恰当的学习方法说明你是怎样利用恰当的学习方法, ,或打算怎样利用这些方法克服这些困难。或打算怎样利用这些方法克服这些困难。整理ppt Thanks to the quiz, I have a better idea of my learning style and find I am an auditory learner, because listening to a cassette has alw

14、ays been my favourable means to learn English. Besides, I am always attentive in class when my teacher illustrates language points.整理ppt As for my English learning, I find it a big challenge for me to apply the words and expressions to my written and spoken English. Although I can not find any diffi

15、culty in memorizing their meanings, yet I do not have any idea whether it is appropriate to use them in my writing. 整理pptSometimes, I even find the vocabulary stored in my mind goes blank whenever I make a conversation with an English speaker, which does frustrate me a lot. Having read this text, I

16、realize the means I have adopted in my English learning are far from enough. I should turn to more alternative means that are suitable to my learning style. 整理pptFor example, when I learn a new word or expression from a textbook, I will consult the examples given by a dictionary to see in what circu

17、mstance we can use it properly and then I will use it to make meaningful sentences of my own. In this way, I am confident that my proficiency in English can increase a lot.整理ppt整理ppt1. efficient adj. 有效率的有效率的; 高效的高效的(working well and without wasting time, money or energy)例句例句: Ive been looking out f

18、or an efficient teaching method. 我一直在寻求一种有效的我一直在寻求一种有效的教学法。教学法。整理pptefficiently adv. 有效地;效率高地有效地;效率高地efficiency n. 效率;功率效率;功率inefficient adj. 效率不高的效率不高的拓展拓展区别区别: effective adj. 有效的有效的整理ppt 做计划最高效的办法是把任务按轻重缓做计划最高效的办法是把任务按轻重缓急安排好。急安排好。_to plan is to put your task in order of priority. 这个计划旨在提高效率和客户服务。

19、这个计划旨在提高效率和客户服务。This proposal aims at _ and customer service. 运用运用 根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子。根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子。improving efficiency The most efficient way 整理ppt2. competent adj. 有能力的有能力的; 胜任的胜任的(having enough ability or skill to do something satisfactorily)例句例句: We have to admit that hes a highly competent man. 我

20、们必须承我们必须承认他是个非常能干的人。认他是个非常能干的人。整理ppt(be) competent to do. 能做能做/胜任某事胜任某事be competent in (doing) sth. 做做能够胜任能够胜任拓展拓展competence n. 能力能力 incompetent adj. 没有能力的没有能力的; 不胜任的不胜任的搭配搭配整理pptcapability n. 能力能力capable adj. 有能力的有能力的; 胜任的胜任的 be capable of (doing) sth. 能做某事能做某事同义同义整理ppt 通过训练她获得高水平的英语能力。通过训练她获得高水平的英

21、语能力。She gained a high level of _ English through being trained. 他非常善于交际。他非常善于交际。He is very _ communicating. 运用运用 根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子。根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子。competent at/capable ofcompetence in整理ppt3. adopt v. 采用;收养采用;收养(take and use something as ones own)例句例句: One way to know what techniques to use is to study t

22、he techniques that good readers use and then adopt them in your own reading. 要知道用什么方法的一条要知道用什么方法的一条途径就是要学习好的阅读者所使用的方法途径就是要学习好的阅读者所使用的方法, 然后把它应采用到自己的阅读当中。然后把它应采用到自己的阅读当中。整理ppt拓展拓展adopted adj. 被收养的;被采用的被收养的;被采用的adoption n. 采用;收养;接受采用;收养;接受adapt to. 适应适应adaptable adj. 适应力强的适应力强的adaptation n. 适应;改编本适应;改

23、编本整理ppt 他决定采取更激进的方法来解决这他决定采取更激进的方法来解决这个问题。个问题。He decided _a more radical approach to the problem. 运用运用 根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子。根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子。to adopt 整理ppt 对大部分学生来说对大部分学生来说, 适应大学生活没适应大学生活没什么困难。什么困难。Most students have little difficulty in _ college life. 他们专门从事将工业建筑改建成住房他们专门从事将工业建筑改建成住房的工作。的工作。They specializ

24、e in _ of industrial buildings for housing. the adaptation adapting to整理ppt4. consult v. 咨询咨询; 查阅查阅(ask for information from someone/to look in a book to find information)例句例句: If this is a serious problem for you, consult your doctor. 如果这对你来如果这对你来说是个严重的问题说是个严重的问题, 咨询一下你的医生。咨询一下你的医生。整理pptconsult sb.

25、 about sth. 就某事请教某人就某事请教某人 拓展拓展consultation n. 咨询;磋商咨询;磋商consultant n. 顾问顾问搭配搭配整理pptrefer to sth. 查阅查阅refer sb. to sth. 向某人咨询向某人咨询refer to sb. 谈及某人谈及某人比较比较整理ppt 查一下时间表查一下时间表, 看看末班火车看看末班火车什么时候开出。什么时候开出。Consult/ Refer to the timetable to see when the last train leaves.运用运用 用上面的词和搭配翻译下列句子。用上面的词和搭配翻译下列句

26、子。整理ppt Mr. Bell 说他已经向他的律师说他已经向他的律师咨询了这件事。咨询了这件事。Mr.Bell said he had consulted his lawyer about this matter/had referred his lawyer to this matter.整理ppt5. acquisition n. 获得获得(act of gaining sth. by ones own ability)例句例句Some three hundred educators attended a seminar on second language acquisition. 三

27、三百位教育学专家出席了第二语言习得的研讨百位教育学专家出席了第二语言习得的研讨会。会。拓展拓展 acquire v. 获得;获取获得;获取整理pptinquire (about) v. 询问;打听询问;打听require v. 要求要求搭配搭配比较比较acquire skills/knowledge/a reputation .整理ppt 这么大量的知识,怎样才能学到呢?这么大量的知识,怎样才能学到呢?How can such a large amount of knowledge _ . 他们在忙于寻找适合小孩阅读的资料。他们在忙于寻找适合小孩阅读的资料。They are busy with

28、 _ of the reading materials for the kids. 运用运用 根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子。根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子。the acquisition be acquired整理ppt6. tend v. 往往;倾向于往往;倾向于(be likely to behave in a certain way)原句原句: I tend to see pictures in my mind when I am reading or listening. 当我读和当我读和听的时候听的时候,我的头脑里往往会浮现出图画。我的头脑里往往会浮现出图画。派生派生 tendency

29、 n. 倾向;趋势倾向;趋势整理pptintend (sth.) to do 打算;计划打算;计划 attend 出席;参加;照顾出席;参加;照顾搭配搭配tend to do易于做某事易于做某事; 有做有做的倾向的倾向have a tendency to do有做有做的倾向的倾向比较比较整理ppt 班里的每一个人都必须出席毕业典礼。班里的每一个人都必须出席毕业典礼。Everyone in the class is expected to _ the graduation ceremony. 健身房在六点钟左右往往很热闹。健身房在六点钟左右往往很热闹。The gym _ very busy at

30、 around 6 oclock. 运用运用 根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子。根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子。tends to be/has a tendency to be attend整理ppt 她由进行她由进行24小时看护的护理人员照料。小时看护的护理人员照料。She is _by a 24-hour nursing staff. 你打算对这个怎么办?你打算对这个怎么办?What do you _ to do about this? intendattended整理ppt7. be up to sth. 符合符合 (数量或水平数量或水平)达到达到例句例句: There are certain

31、 techniques you can learn and then it is up to you to practise. 有有许多技巧可以供你学习许多技巧可以供你学习, 究竟选择哪些去训究竟选择哪些去训练就取决于你。练就取决于你。同义同义 depend on 取决于取决于整理ppt运用运用 根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子。根据汉语意思完成下列英文句子。 我们大家都有责任解决街区的问题。我们大家都有责任解决街区的问题。It is _to try to solve all the problems in our neighbourhoods. up to all of us 整理ppt 恐龙身

32、长可达恐龙身长可达27米。米。Dinosaurs were _. 雇员如果达不到公司规定的标准就会被解雇员如果达不到公司规定的标准就会被解雇。雇。 Employees will be dismissed if they failed to _set by the company. be up to the standardsup to 27 meters in length整理ppt1. The text you choose to practice with should not be too difficult or you will soon get frustrated or bore

33、d. 你所选择你所选择的文本不应该太难的文本不应该太难, 否则你就会因此而否则你就会因此而感到沮丧和烦闷。感到沮丧和烦闷。整理ppt句型句型: . should. or. 应该应该否则否则提示提示: -or前面的分句可用情态动前面的分句可用情态动词或祈使句词或祈使句, or后面的分句的时后面的分句的时态用态用will,表示将会带来的后果。表示将会带来的后果。整理ppt 我们应该坚持自己的梦想我们应该坚持自己的梦想, 否则我否则我们将失去许多成功的机会。们将失去许多成功的机会。We should stick to our dreams, _.仿写仿写 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。根据汉语意思完成下

34、列句子。will lose a lot of opportunitiesor weto succeed整理ppt 每一个人都应该有责任节约自然资每一个人都应该有责任节约自然资源源,否则我们人类的生存将受到威胁。否则我们人类的生存将受到威胁。Everyone should take the responsibility of saving natural resources, _survival of us human beings will be threatened. or the 整理ppt2. I find it tiresome to sit and concentrate on an

35、ything for a long time. 我觉得长时间我觉得长时间坐着并集中精神于一些东西真是很烦人的。坐着并集中精神于一些东西真是很烦人的。句型句型: I find it. to do . 我觉得做某事是我觉得做某事是的的提示提示: it是是to do 的形式宾语。的形式宾语。整理ppt 我发现当一名亚运志愿者是一件非常有我发现当一名亚运志愿者是一件非常有意义的事。意义的事。 _to be a volunteer in Asian Games. 她发现提高公众的安全意识很必要。她发现提高公众的安全意识很必要。 _ to raise the public awareness of saf

36、ety.仿写仿写 根据汉语意思完成下列句子。根据汉语意思完成下列句子。She finds it necessaryI find it very meaningful整理pptFor other tasks such as finding certain facts you can read much faster, slowing down to read more carefully only when you see a sentence that might be relevant to your task.对于其它一些任务例如寻找特定的事实对于其它一些任务例如寻找特定的事实, 我我们可

37、以读得快很多。只有当我们读到一个跟们可以读得快很多。只有当我们读到一个跟任务相关的句子时任务相关的句子时, 才需要放慢阅读的速度。才需要放慢阅读的速度。(P33)整理ppt结构分析:这个句子的主干是结构分析:这个句子的主干是 _. slowing down是主干中谓语动词是主干中谓语动词 _的伴随的伴随状语。状语。“when you see a sentence .” 是非谓语动是非谓语动词词slowing down的时间状语。在这个时间状语从的时间状语。在这个时间状语从句中句中, “.that might be relevant to your task”是是 _从句从句, 修饰先行词修饰先

38、行词a sentence。句脉把握:句脉把握:For other tasks.you can read much faster, slowing down when.定语定语you can read.read整理ppt整理ppt1. continue v. 继续继续 _ adj. 继续的继续的; 不间断的不间断的 _ adj. 不断的;频繁的不断的;频繁的 _ n. 持续持续continuancecontinuous continual整理ppt2. suppose v. 猜想;认为;假定猜想;认为;假定 _ adj. 应该的应该的; 信以为真的信以为真的 _ conj. 假定;假设假定;假设

39、 _ adv. 大概;可能大概;可能 _ n. 假定;猜想假定;猜想supposition supposedsupposing supposedly整理ppt3. equal adj. & v. 相等的相等的; 同样的同样的; 与与相等相等 _ adv. 同等地同等地; 相等地相等地 _ n. 平等平等 _ v. 使相等使相等equalizeequallyequality整理ppt4. frustrate v. 使懊恼;使懊丧使懊恼;使懊丧 _ adj. 懊恼;懊丧懊恼;懊丧 _ adj. 令人懊恼的令人懊恼的frustrating frustrated整理ppt5. bore v.

40、使厌烦使厌烦 _ adj. 厌倦的厌倦的; 烦闷的烦闷的 _ adj. 令人厌倦的令人厌倦的; 厌烦厌烦 _ adv. 令人厌烦地令人厌烦地 _ n. 厌烦厌烦; 无聊无聊boredom bored boringboringly整理ppt6. adopt v. 收养;采纳收养;采纳 _ adj. 收养的收养的; 移居的移居的 _ n. 收养;采用收养;采用 _ adj. 收养的收养的adoptiveadopted adoption整理ppt7. depend v. 依靠;信赖依靠;信赖 _ n. 依靠依靠; 信赖信赖 _ adj. 可靠的可靠的 _ n. 可靠性可靠性dependability

41、 dependencedependable整理ppt8. efficient adj. 效率高的效率高的; 有能力的有能力的 _ adv. 效率高地效率高地 _ n. 效率;功能效率;功能efficiencyefficiently整理ppt1. It is _(bore) to listen to the same story.2. Please stop your _(continue) questions.continual boring整理ppt3. We must improve our _ (efficient) as soon as possible.4. Find a job a

42、nd end your _ (depend) on your parents.dependence efficiency整理ppt5. The terrible weather _ (frustrate) our hopes of going out.6. _ (suppose) that there is no pure water; what shall we drink?Supposing/Suppose frustrated整理ppt7. As they had no children of their own, they _(adopt) an orphan.8. A small a

43、djustment will _ (equal) the temperature in the two rooms.equalize adopted整理ppt1. _ 不同种类的不同种类的2. _得出结论得出结论3. _详细地详细地4. _宁愿宁愿也不也不5. _ 浏览浏览; 粗略地看粗略地看glance atdifferent kinds ofdraw a conclusionin detailwould rather.than.整理ppt6. be supposed to do sth. _7. tend to do sth. _8. up to. _9. cut sth. in half

44、 _10. in the distance _在远处在远处被期望或被要求做某事被期望或被要求做某事易于;往往会做某事易于;往往会做某事取决于取决于把把切成两部分切成两部分整理ppt1. _I can not find any difficulty in memorizing their meanings, yet I do not have any idea _it is appropriate to use them in my writing.whether Although整理ppt2. Sometimes, I find the vocabulary _(store) in my mi

45、nd goes blank _I make a conversation with an English speaker, _does frustrate me a lot.which storedwhenever整理ppt3. When I learn a new word or expression from a textbook, I _ _(consult) the examples _ (give) by a dictionary to see in what circumstance we can use _ properly.it willconsultgiven整理ppt4.

46、So _would be better to go abroad after they have finished their college at home, when they are more capable _ learning and living _ their own.on itof整理ppt5. We have a _ (tend) to follow whats urgent instead of whats important.6. Chinese people use up _three billion plastic bags a day.to tendency整理pp

47、t7. You must realize that you must have a strong will to face it, or you _ _ (beat).8. _(face) with the pressing burden, I find _difficult to balance my hobby with study. it will bebeatenfaced整理ppt9. Since the financial crisis hit, her monthly salary has been cut _ half.10. Worse still, _(play) the

48、game would not only _(low) their abilities of dealing with realistic problems _also have an influence _their establishing a normal and harmonious social relationship in reality.oninplayinglowerbut整理ppt1. A. break B. turn C. calm D. pull 五、完形填空五、完形填空 I watched a child screaming in the supermarket yes

49、terday. Her parents were trying their best to 1 her down. C因为因为she was screaming(她正在哭她正在哭), 因此她的父因此她的父母亲正在尽力地让她安静下来母亲正在尽力地让她安静下来(calm her down)。(因果推断因果推断)整理pptSome people passing by shook their 2 and saw the child as a 3 child. Others paused and offered a few kind words to both the child and the par

50、ents. 2. A. faces B. heads C. shoulders D. stomachsB根据常识及语境可知填根据常识及语境可知填heads。3. A. separatedB. Polluted C. deserted D. spoiledD根据下文的根据下文的I think shes spoiled可知。与可知。与spoiled是原词复现。是原词复现。整理ppt “Youre such a beautiful little girl. Such a beautiful girl shouldnt 4 .” one lady said. “Dont be so sad. We a

51、ll have bad 5 ,” added another. 4. A. cry B. laugh C. fight D. struggleA因因cry与本文第一句中的与本文第一句中的screaming是近义词复现。是近义词复现。5. A. times B. days C. mornings D. weeks B下文的下文的The child was neither spoiled nor having a bad day有提示。与有提示。与days是原词复现。是原词复现。整理ppt “I think shes spoiled, ” I heard one 6 to a friend. No

52、ne of them was right. The child was neither spoiled nor having a bad day. She was 7 afraid. 6. A. whisper B. whistle C. whirl D. threatA根据常识及语境根据常识及语境, 在这种情况下通常都是在这种情况下通常都是whisper(低声低声地说地说)。7. A. hardly B. closely C. simply D. loudly C根据逻辑根据逻辑, 因为前面说这个女孩因为前面说这个女孩neither spoiled nor having a bad day,

53、 所以她仅仅只是所以她仅仅只是(simply)害怕。害怕。整理pptThe parents told me afterwards that someone walking a dog had 8 her. She was afraid of dogs. They went on to explain that it was a 9 for them to go to some places. 8. A. accepted B. scared C. criticized D. snappedB因因scared(吓到吓到)与前句中的与前句中的afraid是词语同现。是词语同现。9. A. joke

54、 B. task C. cruelty D. challenge D因为下文说到因为下文说到Friends had dogs, and nearby neighbors walked their dogs down the street, 所以对于怕狗的人来说所以对于怕狗的人来说是一种挑战是一种挑战(challenge)。整理ppt Friends had dogs, and nearby neighbors walked their dogs down the street. I can remember the feeling of 10 when I was a child. Every

55、 time while I was walking up steps at 11 , I would get the feeling that someone or something was going to grab my feet. I ran most of the time. 10. A. fearB. Delight C. astonishmentD. excitement A由下句中的由下句中的I would get the feeling that someone or something was going to grab my feet可推出。可推出。11. A. noon B. night C. ease D. hand B根据常识根据常识, 在晚上在晚上(at night)才会怕的。才会怕的。整理ppt Fear can 12 at any time in our life, and sometim


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