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1、Lesson 21一· 根据括号内所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1.He is _(下决心的) to go to the small village to work as a teacher.2.Miss Sophie didnt come here for some _( 原因 ).3.He borrowed a large _( 量 ) of money from the bank.4.The man was nearly driven _( 疯狂地 ) by the noise.5. Luckily, they_( 提供 ) me a job in t

2、hat big company last month.6. She will _( 可能 ) be here in a few minutes.二·单项选择。1. The terrible weather nearly made him _mad.A. driveB. goC. turn D. become2.The library didn t _into use until last month.A.comeB. makeC. takeD. get3.They made such loud noise that it could _even the street.A.hearB.

3、 be hearingC. have heardD. be heard4.That young man must _seriously in the car accident yesterday.A.have hurtB. be hurtC. have been hurt D. be hurting5.I am _to keep on working until I finish it.A. determineB. determiningC. determined D. to determine6. The _cars always make a lot of noise.A. passing

4、B. passedC. pass D. to pass7. They spent _money to maintain(保养 ) the beach.A. A large number of B. a large sum ofC. a great many of D. a plenty of8.An exhibition of paintings _at the museum next week.A. will to be heldB. will be held C. will be holding D. will hold9.Unluckily, that little girl was _

5、down by a car.A. knockedB. beatenC.hitD. striken10. You should at least tell the reason _ what you have done.A. ofB. withC. forD. at三把下列主动语态的句子转换成被动语态的形式。1. They will send you a bill at the end of the month._2. We must look after young trees well._3. Students must clean their classroom every day._4.

6、 You must correct your mistakes in your exercises._5. You can t use a dictionary in the exam._6. She will type the letters this afternoon._Lesson 22一· 根据括号内所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1.The ship sailed through the _(海峡) .2 It is impolite to ask a womanabout her(年龄)in somewestern countries.3.I h

7、ave been _ (梦想) of becoming a doctor.4.Hi, Tom! Please _(扔给) me that book!5.He goes to the club to take some exercise_(定期地).6.Yesterday I _(收到) a gift from someone, but I didnt know who hewas.二用适当的介词填空,以完成下列句子。1. Parents should help their children get rid _bad habits.2. Jane received a letter _a gir

8、l of her own age in another country.3. Nothing can prevent us _going to visit that old man.4. The young man is very experienced_ computers.5. He congratulated me _winning the competition.6. You can rely _ him. He will surely give you some help.7. Are you interested _climbing the mountains?8. Have yo

9、u ever heard _Jackie Chan, the famous film star?三单项选择。1. I got separated _my friends in the crowd.A. ofB. byC. withD. from2.The teacher came into the classroom with a book _his hand.A.onB. inC. atD. of3. The little girl dreamed _she was a beautiful cloud in the sky.A.ofB. aboutC. thatD. when4.It _hi

10、m more than three hours to finish that work.A.tookB. spentC. costD. paid5.I warned him _the danger, but he still decided to go on with it.A. withB. ofC. aboutD. for6.Today in the garden I met a girl who is _age as I.A. the same B. of my own C. as the same D. as old7. Water is running along the _to t

11、he plants in the gardens.A.wayB. roadC. pathD. channel8.He said he but would write to us but so far we _from him.A.didn t hear B. hadnt heard C. havent heard D. don t hear9.After_ the rubbish away, the boy ran back to his seat.A. regularlyB. hardlyC. nearlyD. simply10.The old man goes to see the doc

12、tor_ to treat his illness.A. regularlyB. hardlyC. nearlyD. simplyLesson 23一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词, 并注意运用其正确形式。1.The new library will be _(完成 ) next year.2.He woke up and found he was in a _(陌生的 ) place.3.Which house do you like better, the traditional or the _(新式的 )one?4. I live in a_(地区 ) where ther

13、e are a few beautiful parks.5. Do you know that_ ( 美丽的 ) girl who is standing by the window?6. What a pleasant_ (惊奇 ) to meet you here!二用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空。I. After he_ (type) the letter, he went shopping.2. She is singing so loud that it can_ (hear)in the street.3. If you _(see)him this afternoon, plea

14、se tell him to call me.4. He said that he_ (be) to that place twice.5.I _(read) newspapers this time yesterday afternoon.三用 it或者 there填空 , 完成句子。1._ is necessary for us to learn a foreign language.2._ is a waste of time training(训练 ) your dog all day.3._ will be five more students here tomorrow.4._ i

15、s very sunny and warm today.5._ were some children playing in the garden.Lesson 24一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词,并注意运用其正确形式。1.I didn't believe in Helen's_(诚实 ).2.Our_( 经理 ) comes from America.3.He always has a_(邪恶的 ) smile on his face.4.What does this bottle_(内装 )?5.The old woman is_( 抱怨 ) about the

16、 bad service in this hotel.6.Why are you so_(不安 )? What happened?7.She said she was very_(表示同情的 ) to that poor girl.二单项选择 ( 从所给选项 A, B, C 和 D 中选出最佳选项 ) 。1.Mr. Smith gave us _on how to learn English well.A. some advicesB. a few adviceC. an advice D. some pieces ofadvice2.It is easy_ her to write _Tom

17、_ Chinese.A.to; to;inB.for;to, inC.for;to;with D.to; to;with3.He said he_ his work before we came to visit him.A. FinishedB. have finishedC. had finishedD. would finish4.The police_the thiefwho stolea largesum of money from the bank.A .are lookingfor B.islooking toC.lookedfor D.had lookedfor5.The ca

18、relessgirlsentherletterwithout_the postcode( 邮编 ) onthe envelope.A. WriteB. have writtenC. writingD. written6. When she was complaining to her mother_ the weather, she heard a knock_ the door.A. on: atB. on: onC about; byD. about;, at7. You can' t jump off that high building._ is impossible.A. T

19、hereB. ItC. WhichD. One8._, have you heard from John recently?A. By the wayB. On the wayC. In the wayD. In this way9. If you_ Jack, tell him that I_ to visit him this weekend.A. will see: goB. will see: will go C. see; goD. see, will go10. My mother doesn'tallow me_outsideaftereleven o'clock

20、A. goB. to goC. goingD. goneat night.三根据括号中的汉语提示完成下列句子。1. Watch!I am watching but_(我没看见任何东西 )2. Do you_(喜欢你的新工作 )?I hate it. I just don' t like the work, you see.3.It is important for young people_(尊敬老人 ).4.Please_( 记得关灯 ) before you leave.5.Does this new umbrella_(属于你 )?Lesson 25一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出

21、相应的英语单词, 并注意运用其正确形式1.I was_( 对感到奇怪 ) what had happened.2.He is going to the_(铁路 ) station to meet his friend.3.That girl married a_(外国人 ) last year.4.I have read this book_(几个 ) times.5.Where can I find a_(搬运工 )? My bag is too heavy.6.Will you_( 重复 ) that question, please?7.They were talking politel

22、y and_(认真地 ) with the teacher about aclass party.8.A good teacher must_(理解 ) children.二请从下面的方框中选择适当的连词填空, 完成以下句子 ( 可重复使用 ) 。and, both.and, but, either.or, neither.nor, so, not only . but also, yet,or1. Don't drink too much tea in the evening,_ you won't fall asleep.2. It was very late. She w

23、ashed her face_ went to bed.3. Which do you like better, apples_ bananas?4. My grandfather could_ read_ write because he was too poor to go to school in the old days.5. He felt a little tired_ he still went on working.6. He has a lotof work to do there,_he wont come back untiltomorrow.7. My brother_

24、 I study in the same school.8._the students_ the teacher gives the money to our school.9._Li Ping_ Mary are going to the Great Wall tomorrow.10._come in_ go out.三单项选择 ( 从所给选项A,B,C 和 D中选出最佳选项) 。1.He_the station at about ten o'clock, but only found that the last trainhad just left.A. reached inB.

25、arrived atC. gotD. arrived2.In fact, I don't know the way_ that primary school.A. toB. forC. inD. on3.The teacher, as well as his students_ football.A. LikeB. likesC. enjoyD. play4.Does the young man_ Japanese?A recognizeB. realizeC. noticeD. understand5.These childrenwere veryhappy, because the

26、y caught_fish in theriver.A. SeveralB. muchC. a large numberD. a great many of6.I wonder_ Mr Jones will come to attend our party tomorrow.A. WhenB. whereC. ifD. why7._Jack_Tom watched TV yesterday evening because they were busywith their lessons.A. Both; andB. Not only: but also C. Not; but D. Neith

27、er, nor8.He worked very hard and passed the examination_.A. at leastB. at lastC. at the end D. at the beginning9.None ofthe shoes aretherightsize.They are _ too big_ toosmall.A. or, orB. either: orC. neither, norD. both: and10. I don' t understand why you spoke to your grandfather _ that.A. asB.

28、 likeC. inD. byLesson 26一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词, 并注意运用其正确形式1.The little boy _(假装 ) to be ill so that he could stay in bed.2.I _ (注意到) that the leaves of the trees had turned green.3.I wonder _(是否 )he will go there with us.4.Sophie is _(悬挂) the picture on the wall.5.He looked at my painting_(批评地) fora

29、 whilebutsaidnothing.二句型转换。1. When does the train arrive? Please tell me.( 改为宾语从句 Please tell me _ _ _ _.)2.What does he do ?Do you know?(改为宾语从句)Do you know _he _?3.Do they want fried chicken ?He asked the boys.(改为宾语从句)He asked the boys _they _fried chicken.三单项选择。1. When his mother came in, the boy

30、pretended _to sleep.A. goingB. to be goneC to goD gone2.Have you ever _that girl at the gate of our school?A.noticedB. caughtC. realizedD. listened3.I reallyappreciatethat allofyou _a great party for my birthday!A. making B. to makeC. madeD. having made4.She told me the sun _in the east.A.riseB. ros

31、eC. riseD. had risen5.He asked _or not I wanted to go there by train.A. ifB. whichC. whatD. whether6.Does the American spellsthis word in the same way _the British?A.asB. thatC. likeD. which7.I can t understand _the boy alone.A.why she leftB. why did she leave C. why had she left D. why she hadleft8

32、.The worker looked for jobs in New York for months, _he could notfind any work.A.andB. yetC. orD. and but9.-Is this your coat?-No. Mine _behind the door.A.is hangedB. hangedC. hungD. is hanging10. I don t know if he _tomorrow. If he _ , Ill meethim.A.willcome; comes B. comes; comesC. will come; will

33、 come D. comes; willcomeLesson 27一根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词, 并注意运用其正确形式1.It is raining _(大量地) outside.2.Weve been having _(极好的) weather recently.3.They were working in the cotton _(田地) .4.The stream _(蜿蜒) through the village.5.I slept _(香甜地 )last night.二、用适当的介词填空,完成句子。1.We called _Mike s house yesterday

34、.2.I came _him first in Beijing.3.When she appliedforherpassport( 护照 ),Helenhad to fill_severaldifferent forms.三单项选择。1. This kind of fruit smells _but it tastes (尝起来 ) good.A. wellB. badC. goodD. badly2._the early morning, he came and asked me to go out with him.A.InB. OnC. AtD. To3.Will you _your a

35、ddress here on the paper?A.put away B. put outC. put down D. put up4._ I get to Beijing, I will write to you.A.As well asB.As soon as C.As long as D.As possible as5.They began to cook a meal_ an open fireafter they put up thetent.A.atB. overC. toD. in6.Yourlettercalls_the days when we worked togethe

36、rfifteenyearsage.A.upB. onC. atD. for7.Dont make any noise or you will wake up _baby.A.sleepingB. sleptC. sleep D. to sleep8.After the _ofthe bigcake, we beganto celebrate ( 庆 祝 )hisbirthday.A. arriveB. arrived C. its arrivalD. arrival9.My sister_the Youth League last year.She _a Youth Leaguemember

37、for about a year now.A. joined; has becomeB. joined; has beenC. has joined; has beenD. did join; had been10.He said he was so _that he could eat a horse.A.hungryB. hungerC. hungrilyD. being hungryLesson 28一、根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词, 并注意运用其正确形式。1.The Greeks had many _(神话故事 ).2.This had a great _( 影响 )up

38、on the future of us.3.I had little _(麻烦) learning English grammar.4.These flowers are very _(罕见的 ) in this country.5.I am very interested in _(古老的) buildings in China.6.I don t _(相信) a single word he says.二请从 who, whom, which, that, whose中选择恰当的词填入体重的横线上。1.She heard a terrible noise, _brought her hea

39、rt into her mouth.2.I like the second football match_ was held last week.3.Please show me the book _you bought yesterday.4.The man _you saw in the street is Henry.5.The girl _is singing an English song in the next room is Tom sister.s6.His parents wouldn t let him marry anyone _family was poor.三、单项选

40、择。1.He says he always has trouble _making friends.A. WithB. inC. onD. to2.To tell the truth, this is the _news I have ever heard.A.betterB. goodC. bestD. well3.It is the Sues Canal _separates Asia _Africa.A.which, toB. where; fromC. that; fromD. that; with4.The boy was late for work again _the traff

41、ic on the road.A.becauseB. because ofC. asD. since5.What he had said had a great effect _the girl.A.onB. inC. withD. at6.Unluckily,_ of his three phones are working.A.no oneB. neitherC. noneD. nothing7.The house _windows open to the south is Zhang Shans.A.whichB. thatC. whoseD. its8.He did not _Howa

42、rd s honesty at all.A.believe inB. believesC .trusts D. trust in9._three days ago, he has been staying here.A. Ever since B. Soon afterC. Before D. When10. This is one of the stories that _written by him.A. wasB. wereC. isD .areLesson 29根据括号中所给的汉语提示写出相应的英语单词, 并注意运用其正确形式 .1.You don t have to take _(出

43、租车 ).It is very near.2.The pilot has _(使降落 )the plane in a rice field.3.They are now live in a _(公寓房 )near the bus station.4.Farmers usually _(耕地 )in spring or autumn.5.That old man lives in a _(人迹罕至的)mountain village.6.The rains coming. We have to fix the _(屋顶 ).7.They walked and walked, and then g

44、ot to a _(废弃 )garden.8.Our school building stands near a _(大楼 ) of office.二单项选择。1. The old manliveson a(n)_islandand he always feelsvery_.A. alone; lonelyB. alone; aloneC. lonely; lonelyD.lonely; alone2.This must be a _house. It is very old and no one lives in it.A. desertedB.desertC.todesertD.deser

45、ting3.Visitors are _not to take pictures in this museum.A. requestedB. orderedC. forcedD. begged4.The reason why he failed is _he was too careless.A. becauseB. thatC. forD. becauseof5.The first textbooks _for teaching came out a long time ago.A. writeB. wroteC. writingD. written6.When he came into the city h


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