1、七选五专练三根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最正确选项。选项中 有两项为多余选项。AWhen I first met Bud, I knew we were going to be frie nds, eve n though he was white and I was black. We first met at the All-City Chorus. _A_ We stood side by side in the chorus, and he always made me look good, eve n if I missed a no te.Bud went to
2、 an all-white high school in a beautiful, all-white n eighborhood. There were very few big buildings in his community. As a matter of fact, you would have to walk four or five blocks to get to the n earest shopp ing cen ter. 2 In his baseme nt, he had a complete min i-gym .In his bedroom, he had a n
3、ice desk, complete with reference books and his own little TV on which he could play his video games.3 My family lived in a nice apartment in an all-black housing project. Our project housed many families, so we were used to living in small crowded houses. 4 There were all kinds of stores n earby. F
4、or beauty, we had basketball courts and the rose garde n in front of the project build ing.We were n ever jealous or looked dow n on one ano ther, either. We both felt we had lost someth ing because we lived in worlds set apart from others. Bud's only con tact 接触with blacks of his age was in the
5、 All-City Chorus. _5_ And it was not as interesting as it would have been if he had grown up with people of different groups and races living together. I felt the same way. Both races could learn a great deal from one ano ther, and I knew this because Bud and I surely did lear n from each other.A. B
6、ud's house was ano ther point of in terest.B. Because of this, he felt his life was sheltered.C. We n ever had to walk far to the n earest store.D. My home and n eighborhood were totally differe nt.E. People said we both had the same kind of pers on ality.F. I could si ng a little, but Bud reall
7、y had a very good voice.G. After practice, the two of us would always go to McD on aid's.BIf you are a do-it-yourself type of pers on, the n lear ning how to build agreenhouse will provide you with a lot of satisfaction. You might want to build a greenhouse in order to protect your plants during
8、 the time the weather is extremely cold, or you may simply want to get an early start for the spri ng. 1The first thing you n eed to do is check your local laws. Do you n eed to get abuild ing permit? Do you have to have your gree nhouse pla ns first approved before you start build ing? 2Once you de
9、cide to build your gree nhouse, you will n eed to determ ine what materials to purchase. Usually the gree nhouse coveri ng is con structed from polycarb on ate 聚碳酸酯,glass, plastic, or fiberglass. 3 The frame will usually be made from wood or plastic pip ing.Usually a larger gree nhouse is called a h
10、othouse or glasshouse. A smaller unit is referred to as a cold frame. 4 At the same time, you have to con sider the budget you have available for materials, tools, and so forth.Whatever you do, it is wise to have some kind of un dersta nding of how to build a gree nhouse before you begin. 5 You can
11、also check out a how-to book from your local library or bookstore. However, if you are not certain about how to do it, then you might want to buy a gree nhouse kit 成套工具.In side the kit you will find all of the parts you n eed and the directi ons on how to fix them together.A. Use recycled materials.
12、B. Gree nhouse pla ns can be found on li ne easily.C. A gree nhouse project is very differe nt from no rmal garde ning.D. These materials allow the sun light to shine through your gree nhouse.E. Be aware of all of these requireme nts, or you may experie nee a sad ending.F. You should build your gree
13、 nhouse based on the amount of space you have available.G. Whatever reas ons you have, knowing the basic steps of build ing a gree nhouse coun ts.CHow to set goalsWhether you have small dreams or great expectati ons, setti ng goals allows you to plan how you want to move through life. Some achieveme
14、nts can take a lifetime to attain. _A_ No matter what goals you are setting, getting started can be difficult, but we'll show you how to build up to eve n the biggest dream.?Determ ine your life goals. 2 What do you want to achieve: today, in a year, i n your lifetime? The an swers to this quest
15、i on can be as gen eral as“I want to be hapior “I want to help people. A career life goal might be to ope n your own bus in ess. A fitness goal might be to become fit. These goals can be amazingly broad.?Set priorities 优先的事物.At any given moment, you probably have a numberof goals all in differe nt s
16、tates of completio n. 3 If you find yourself with too many goals, you're going to feel lost and are less likely to accomplish them.?Keep track of your progress. Writi ng in a journal is a great way to keep track of both pers onal and professi onal progress. Ack no wledg ing the progress made tow
17、ards a certa in goal is key to stay ing motivated. 4 Ask ing a frie nd to keep you on track can also help you stay focused.? 5 Once you have achieved goal even major life goals you will want tocon ti nue to grow and set new goals for yourself. Once you run your marath on, you should assess what you&
18、#39;d like to do n ext. Do you want to run ano ther marath on, but improve your time? Or do you want to run Ion ger dista nces?A. Keep sett ing goals.B. So be realistic about your goals.C. It may eve n en courage you to work harder.D. Others, however, can be completed in the course of a day.E. Break
19、 the big picture dow n into smaller and more specific goals.F. So deciding which goals are more important than others is important.G. Ask yourself some importa nt questi ons about what you want for your life.DHow to overcome shyn essDoes the thought of talk ing in front of people make you embarrasse
20、d?_1 Many people in the world suffer from mild to extreme shyness and are struggling to overcome it. Remember that break ing out from that shell does n't magically happe n overnight. It takes time, effort, and of course, the desire to change. You're on the right track by just read ing this a
21、rticle now let's keep going.Figure out your triggers 诱因.Do you become shy in front of new audie nces? Or whe n surroun ded by people you know and admire? Try to find out the thoughts that go through your head right before the shyn ess hits. 2 You're okay being around your family, right? Are
22、they differe nt from the stra ngers around you? Of course not you just know them better and what's more, they know you.Place your attention on others. For 99% of us, we become shy when we think if we speak up or sta nd out, we'll embarrass ourselves. 3 When we stop focus ing on ourselves, we
23、 stop worry ing about our performa nee.4 You have gotte n used to heari ng your own voice! Record yourself prete nding to have conv ersati ons. Sounds ridiculous, sure, but you'll no tice patter ns, when and why you drop off, etc. At the beginning you'll feel like an actor, but it will becom
24、e an old habit. Practice makes habits, you know!Don't compare yourself to others. The more you compare yourself to others, the more you will feel that you are not able to measure up. There is no use comparing yourself to an ybody else. 5 Every one else has his own con fide nee problems, too!A. I
25、f so, you are far from alone.B. Even if you do, do it realistically.C. Practice speak ing clearly to yourself.D. Chan ces are not all situati ons make you shy.E. That's why it's importa nt to focus on others.F. Practice placing yourself in not-so-comfortable situations.G. After all, you may
26、never see them again, so who cares what they think about you?答案A. 1-5 FADCB B. 1-5 GEDFB C. 1-5 DGFCA D. 1-5 ADECB解析A 篇家庭、朋友与周围的人 本文是记叙文。一位黑人少年向我们讲述了自己和一位白人同龄人之间的友谊。1. F。由本空前后的 the All-City Chorus 和 We stood side by side in the chorus可知,作者在此讲述他们所参加的合唱团,故F项内容符合此处语境。2. A。由本空后的In his basement和In his be
27、droom等信息可知,作者在介绍Bud 所居住的房子。3. D。由第二、三段内容可知,Bud所在的社区和作者生活的社区大不相同,D项是过渡句,在此起承上启下的作用。4. C。由本空后的There were all kinds of stores nearby可知,C项内容符合此处语 境。5. B。由本空前的 we lived in worlds set apart from others可知, 正是由于这样的 原因, Bud 感到自己的生活被隔绝了 。B 篇周围的环境 本文是说明文。文章介绍了搭建温室的步骤。1. G。本空前说的是搭建温室的 原因下文内容说的是搭建温室的步骤故选G项。2. E。根据本段中的laws, permit,即proved可知,要先了解搭建温室的相关规定, 否那么你可能会遭遇不好的结局 。3. D。根据本段开头的determine what materials to purchaser随后列举的材料可知 D 项符合本段语境。4. F。根据本段中的larger, s
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