



1、手机防水标志将强制推行Push for mandatory use of Water Indicator in Cellphones手机是否进液一看试纸便知Has water penetrated the mobile phone? One Look at the Indicator will tell记者近日从信息产业部获悉,鉴于目前在手机三包执行过程中存在维修商、消费者甚至手机经销商等多方因为“进液” 问题而互相推卸责任的情况,国家今后将在手机生产过程中强制推行手机防水标志,以更好地明确责任。Recently, the Ministry of Information Industryrev

2、ealed to reporters that during the implementation of the“ System for Three Guaranteesdisputes have surfaced between the“ After-Sales Servicing Vendors” , the End User, the Mobilephone Distributers and other parties about who is ultimately responsible for warranty services of phone malfunctions due t

3、o water penetration. Because of these disputes, the Chinese authoritiesshall make the use of a“ Water Indicating Label” compulsory.据信息产业部质量监督处负责人马民介绍,即将强制推行的这种防水标志,是一层镀了防护膜的试纸。 这种试纸上涂了一层边缘清晰的橙红色或橙黄色的、由对水敏感的材料做成的小条, 作为一个必不可少的零件加贴在手机主机内部和电池外部的某个部位。这种试纸在没有遇到明水浸泡时一般不会变色,边缘也很清晰。 但一旦遇到水, 试纸的边缘会把颜色扩散,即平常所说

4、的“发洇” 。有了这种试纸,将对手机是否进液增添了一个相对科学的判断依据。 Ministry of Information Industry Spokesperson Ma Min introduced the label as onecomprising of a protective layer over a paper layer which has a stripe of water sensitive red ororange ink printed on.This will be placed on a component inside the phone and also on

5、the cellphone battery. The edges on the strip of ink is clear and distinct until the label contacts water.Upon contact with water, the paper will spread the“ colour ” (ink) and“ indicate ” , providiscientific method for determining water penetration or contamination.手机进液成为不予保修的借口 The Excuse not to h

6、onour cellphone warranties because of water contamination.据了解,目前在手机三包规定的执行过程中,经常有消费者的手机被手机维修商或者经销商以“进液”为理由停止保修,有许多消费者对维修商和经销商的这种理由并不认同,认为这是一种推诿责任的说辞。 但消费者一般又没有一个明确的证据证明自己的手机不存在“进液”的可能,而维修商和经销商遇到一些明明“进液”的刁钻消费者时,也苦于找不出一个很具有说服力的证据来说明问题。因此,增加一个相对科学、合理的“进液”检测依据已经势在必行。 According to sources, in the process

7、 of rolling out the mobile phone 3 Guarantee System, warranty and service claims by End Users are often refused on the grounds of water comtamination. Many of these End Users feel that this is just an excuse offered by the phone servicing Vendors and Agents but are helpless as they are unable to pro

8、ve that their phones have not been contaminated by water. The situation is reverse when the servicing Vendors and Distributing Agents are unable to offer a convincing explanation to the End User when they are faced with a malfunctioning phone that has obviously been caused by water contamination. Th

9、erefore a scientific and reasonable solution for indicating contamination/penetration must beimplemented.电池已使用防水标Cellphone batteries already use such a water indicating label马民告诉记者, 目前包括诺基亚、阿尔卡特、 三菱等知名品牌的手机已经开始在部分手机主机或者电池上使用这种标志, 但绝大多数消费者对此并不十分了解。 而且,目前国家也没有加贴这种防水标志的强制性要求。 如果这种标志被强制加贴后, 这种标志就成为了手机必不

10、可少的一个零部件, 这对将来判断手机某些故障的责任能起到很大的帮助作用。 Ma Min told reporters that although Nokia, Alcatel and Mitsubishi and other major brands have already started using these labels in the phone body itself or on the cellphone battery, the majority ofconsumers are unclear about the usage of these labels. Moreover C

11、hinese Authorities have not made the use of such an indicator mandatory. The use of such a label, if enforced, will becomean integral component of a mobile phone and provide much help in the identification of what is causing the malfunction.“我们所生产的诺基亚手机电池上,都有这种防水标志,它一般在遇到明水时会发洇,但遇到潮湿气体不会发生变化,因为标志的外面

12、还镀有一层防护膜。”为诺基亚手机生产配套电池的三洋能源北京有限公司品质保证部一位姓惠的小姐告诉记者。Miss Hui (ProductWarranty Department of Sanyo Energy Beijing Pte Ltd) told reporters,:” The batteries wemanufacture for Nokia all have a water indicating label.These labels will indicate upon contactwith water but not under high humidity because they

13、 have a protective layer on the surface.有些品牌已在主机上加贴Some brands already use such a label in the phone body“阿尔卡特手机除了一些很老的型号外,目前市场上销售的手机在主机和电池上都有这样一个标志,我们一般把它叫做防水标,一旦遇到水以后就会发洇。因为有的消费者如果不小心把手机掉到水里之后, 如果把外壳晾干后就看不出明显的痕迹,故障责任不好判定。有了这种防水标以后, 即使晾干了, 依然能够看出涂料边缘的模糊,作为手机进液的一种判断依据。”阿尔卡特公司的一位负责人告诉记者。A spokesperso

14、n from Alcatel said,Most of ourphones except for the very old models use such a label which we term as“ Water Proof LabelReason for using this is that the label provides an evidence/indication of water contamination evenif endusers who drop their phones in water thoroughly dry the phone afterwards.”

15、“需要说明的是,这种防水试纸尽管很有效,但它并不是检验是否进液的惟一依据,它只是主要证据之一。 例如有的消费者可能对这种标志的功能并不是很清楚,偶而用出过汗的手或者潮湿的手碰到标志, 也可能会发生试纸颜色变淡或者发洇的现象,但这并不说明手机已经进液了。判断手机是否进液,还要加入一些其他的判断依据,如主板是否发霉、电池是否已经短路等” ,三菱数源移动公司的负责人这样表示,“而且, 有时也会有这种可能,手机由于使用上的不小心, 消费者可能致使手机在某一部位进液,而在贴有试纸的部位并没出现这种情况, 这就要加进一些其他的判断依据。 ”It is important to note that alth

16、ough this kind oflabel is very effective, It only provides thefirstindication that water has penetrated the phone. Itshould be used in conjunction with other methods to further determine the cause of malfunction for eg. A mouldy PCB board, a short-circuited Battery.This is because sometimes a perspi

17、ring or wet hand can cause such a label to indicate. Also,sometimes there is the possibility that the malfunction is caused by water entering the phone at locations where the label is not present, this would require further tests to determine thecause.” Says Spokesperson from Mitsubishi“在手机出厂前,信息产业部

18、都要求生产厂商要做一些在高温、高湿条件下手机能否正常使用的例行试验,应保证手机在这样一些严格的条件下能经得起恶劣使用条件的考验。在一般意义上的潮湿条件下,正常的手机都应能够使用,只有这样的手机才达标。因此,有许多经销商和维修商以进液为借口对消费者的手机不予包修或者要收费维修,是不对的”,马民这样告诉记者, “如果加上防水标志这样一种科学的判断方法,则这种故障责任很容易分清,因为按照手机三包规定,如果确实属于消费者不小心造成事实上的进液,属于消费者人为的损坏, 就已经不属于保修范围,而且也就不再享有保修的权利了。”Ma Min told reportersthat all mobile phon

19、es would have gone through stringent temperature/humidity testing at themanufacturing location before reaching the consumer. Therefore it is not right when someVendors or Distributors demand payment for repairs or refuse to replace, repair, or compensate(System of 3 guarantees) faulty mobile phones

20、using water contamination/penetration as theconvenient excuse when in actual fact, the malfunction is due to hardware or software reasons.With a scientific method such as the label, if it is indeed the End User s carelessness and mthe warranty would no longer be valid and he/she would not have the right to demand the phone to be serviced.没有一位消费者知道防水标Consumers are not aware of the water indicator就手机的防水标志的问题,记者随机电话采访了20 位使用手机的消费者,但他们全部不知道手机上还有这种设置。其中一位姓冯的消费者当即表示,自己曾经有一款手机,就是被 维 修 商 以 进 液 为 借 口 停 止 保 修 的 , 自 己 只 好 又


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