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1、更多精品文档2016-2017 学年海珠区初一(下)期末英语科试卷总分:110 分时间:100 分钟一、语音(共三节,满分 10 分)第一节 音标辨别。找出划线部分与所给音标发音相同的单词(共 4 分)B. care C. diamond D. voice2. i A. lie_ B. patient C. appear3. u A. towel B. bottom C .produce D. radio4. t A. change B. school C. rush D. finish第二节 语音辨别。找出四个选项中划线部分与其他三个发音不同的单词分,满分3 分)5. A. climb B.

2、 tip C. fight D. tidy7. A. dig B. flag C. oxygen D. forget第三节 重音辨别。指出四个选项中重音不同地点单词。(共8. A. batteryB. ordinary C. fin ally D. disagree9. A. supportB. aloud C. probably D. reply10. A. continue B. member C. prefer D. example二、语法选择(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,选择可以填在横线上的最佳选项。Do

3、you like Chin ese poems? Did you enjoy the TV show-Ch in ese Poetry Conference on CCTV? Areyou also a fair of the_ 11_winner of-Wu Yishu?Wu Yishu was born_ 12_ May 10, 2001. She_13_at the High School Affiliated to Fuda nUniversity (复旦附中)in shanghai. She is known among her classmates and teachers as

4、she loves read ingpoems and weari ng ancient Chin ese clothes. Lu You, Su Shi and Li Bai, three of_ 14_ most famouspoets, are Wu s id 偶像(). 15 she was very young, she showed a great love for Chinese poemsand bega n to lear n the poems by_ 16_. Wu_ 17_remember at least more tha n 2,000 Chin esean cie

5、 nt works. “I get feeli ngs from ancient poems that moder n people cannot give me. I don result of thecompetiti ons,_ 18_I love poems, because they bring me_ 19_ fun and happ in ess.Wu said.As the old saying goes, Knowledge makes efe有 a 诗书气自华) .” _20_excellent teen ager Wuis!11. A. 16-year-old B. 16

6、-years-old C. 16 years old D. 16 year oldC. onD. toC. is studying D. studiedC. anD. theC. SoD. BecauseC. hers D. herselfC. must D. shouldC. orD. so学习-好资料6. A. poor B. foolish C. rootD. shoot12.A. at13.A. studyB. i nB. will study14. A. /B. a15. A. IfB. When16. A. sheB. he17. A. canB. may18. A. asB. b

7、ut4 小题;每小题 1 分,满分1.A. valuableD. disease(共 3 小题;每小题 13 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 3 分)更多精品文档学习-好资料19. A. many B. fewC. a lotD. lots of20. A. What a B. What an C. How D. How a三、完形填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,选择可以填在横线上的最佳选项。Americans not only like eating hot dogs but also enjoy living with dogs. So t

8、here are many expresions (表达) with the word“ dog”.People in the United States love their dogs and treat them _21_ . they take their dogs for walks inthe_22_, let them play outside and give them good food and medical care. They call dogs best friends ”and tell people“Love me, love my dog ” . these pe

9、t dogs are lucky dogs. Howeverhomeless dogs in the street lead daifferent life. So the expresion“ to lead a dog s life ” deswho has a _23_ life. If a man is a“ single dog ” , he is not married. He doesnt haSome people say we live in a dog-eat-dog world. That means many people are _25_ for the same t

10、hings,like good jobs. If people want to do well in their jobs, they have to _26_ like a dog. That makes themdog-tired.Still, people say every dog has its day. This means every person becomes successful at a particular time ofhis or her life. To be _27_ , people often have to learn new skills. Yet, s

11、ome people say that you can_28_ teach an old dog new skills. They believe that older people do not like to learn new things.Dog expresions are also used to describe the _29_ . the dog days of summer are the _30_ days ofthe year. Nobody wants to go out. At that time, people are looking forward to a r

12、ainstorm, but they don t wantit to rain cats and dogs.21. A. safely22. A. school23. A. happy24. A. wife25. A. asking26. A. eat27. A. careful28. A. never29. A. temperature B. season30. A. warmest B. hottest四、阅读(共两节,满分 25 分)第一节 阅读理解 2 篇(共 10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20 分) AAnna was going travelling. She was very

13、 excited. She did not want to go to bed. She asked hermother,“ What time are we going to Planet Earth tomorrow?We are going to leave at eight in the morning.”Local time on Venus? ”Anna asked again, “ Is Chimelong Paradise a popular sightseeing spot?“ Her mother saChimelong is one of Zhuhais famous p

14、laces. But we are not going there to enjoy ourselves. We are going thereto see how human beings react when they are frightened.”学习-好资料B. hardlyB. parkB. hardB. teacherB. lookingB. sleepB. patientC. badly D. wellC. supermarket D. stationC. funnyC. friendC. fightingC. workC. helpfulD. boringD. sisterD

15、. comparingD. playD. excellentD. oftenB. sometimes C. alwaysC. weather D. rainC. coolest D. coldestHer mother更多精品文档Anna asked, “ What do huma ns do whe n they are frighte ned? Do their bodies become gree n or smaller,just like us?” Her mother kissed her forehead and said,oudlycNo, but they cry lroll

16、er-coaster (过山车) and other excit ing rides whe n they are frighte ned.”Anna said, “It seems terrible. I am not brave eno ugh to go on rides. By the way, do other ani mals go on therides too? ”“No,” her mother answered continued, a cageoT heyaqaarium(水族馆),uni ess they perform. But not all ani mals pe

17、rform. Some sea ani mals like dolph ins and sea lions are good atdancing, and they perform.”“ What about sharks? ” Her mother an swered,to train them. ”Anna asked aga in,“ Will I also see Asia n ani mals such as gia nt pan das, red pan das and Chin esealligators (鳄鱼) at the park? Ive checked on the

18、Net. Theyre dan gerous. Do you know gia nt pan daseat bamboo? They ”Her mother said,“ Yes, yes. Time for bed now. Close your eyes.”31. Where does Anna live?A. On Earth B. On Venus C. In Zhuhai D. In Asia32. What does the un derli ned word“ them” refer to?A. Dolphi nsB. Sea lionsC. SharksD. Pan das33

19、. Whe n did the conv ersati on take place?A. In the morning B. In the after noonC. at noon D. at ni ght34. What may happe n to Anna whe n she feels afraid?A. She may cry loudly.B. Her hair colour may cha nge into red.C. She will become differe nt in size. D. Her eyes will be closed.35. Which of the

20、following is TRUE according to the story?A. Anna and her mother will go to Chimel ong for fun.B. Huma ns train some an imals to perform in Chimel ong.C. Animals stay in cafes or aquarium all the time in Chimelong.D. Anna will enjoy roller-coasters and other exciting rides in Chimelong.BRossbank Scho

21、ol newsletter12 AprilHOMENEWSABOU TDEPARTMENT S STUDENT S CONTAC TComing eve ntsExams for Years 11-13 are beg inning on 12 th May. Click here for a link to our exams timetable.This yearsSouther n Regi on Schools Swimmi ng Champi on ship is tak ing place at the WoodfordPool on Saturday 3 rdMay. Stude

22、 nts from Rossba nk are swim ming in many differe nt races. Come and support them!Friday 25 th April, 7:30 pmRossba nk School and Joh n Boyd College prese nt Beauty and the Beat in the Rossba nk School“Sharks dont perform. They are vetysctagferous. I更多精品文档学习-好资料Hall. Buy tickets at theschool office

23、or on li ne at www.rossbank.sch.uk/theatre.A remin der of the Year 8 trip to Germa ny (17 th -23 rd May). We in vite pare nts to come to a meetingin the library onThursday 24 th April at 8:00 pm. Parents who cant come to the meeting can click hin formati on page.We are making some cha nges to the mu

24、sic cen ter duri ng the summer holidays and we are add ing two new classrooms.The work is begi nning in the first week of August.Mr. Davis, one of our Science teachers, is leaving the school at the end of this term. He is going to take up a new jobin Scotla nd. We would like to tha nk him for all hi

25、s work at Rossba nk and we will send him our best wishes for thefuture.36.Where can stude nts buy tickets of Beauty and the Beast? A. At Rossba nk School Hall.B. At the musiccen ter.C. On the in ternet.D. In the library.37. When is the pare nts meeti ng of the Year 8 trip to Germa ny?A. On 24 th Apr

26、ilB. On 25 th AprilC. On 17 th MayD. On 23 rd May38. Why will we se nd our beat wishes to Mr. Davis?A. Because he is our Scie nee teacher.B. Because it is the end of the term.C. Because he gets a new job in Scotla nd.D. Because he works hard at the school.39. Accord ing to the passage, which id the

27、right order of the follow ing eve nts?a. the Year 8 trip to Germa nyb. the show of Beauty and the Beastc. cha nges of the music cen terd. Schools Swim ming Champi on shipe. exams for Year 11-13A. d e -b -a -cB. b -d e -a -cC. d -e -a -c -bD. b -d -e -c -a40. Where can we find this notice?A. In the s

28、chool n ewspaper. B. In the school postcard.C. On the school no tice board. D. On the school websote.第二节 阅读填空 1 篇(共 5 小题;每小题 11 分,满分 5 分)How to be civilized (文明的)bike-sharing usersHave you tried a mobike, a bluegogo or an ofo? 41._More and more people go to school, go towork orgo traveling around Gu

29、angzhou on these bikes because it s cheap and convenient to use them._ It s学习-好资料good for our environment. However, the sharing bikes are facing many problems caused by the uncivilizedusers.ere for an更多精品文档So, how can we be civilized bike-sharing users?It is everybody s duty to take good care of the

30、 shat=ring bikes. 43. _ After using the bikes, parkthemin the right places. Don t park them wherever we likep.oMrtoasntliym, never keep the bikes for ourown useor even steal the bikes.44. _ For example, never play with others on the road. Children under twelve mustnsharing bikes.Ask our family, rela

31、tives, friends or classmates to do these together. 45. _ Not only must webehavewell ourselves, but also try to change others.Let s work together to be civilized users!A. We must follow the traffic rules while we re on the bikes.B. What s more, it s a greener way to travel.C. Don t damagheetbikes, br

32、eak the locks or mark on them.D. Bike-sharing is now a popular way to travel around Guangzhou.E. When we see people doing something bad to the sharing bikes, we should stop them.五、语言知识(共三节,满分 30 分)第一节 单词拼写(共 8 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 8 分) 根据下列句子及所给的单词的首字母写出所缺单词46. It s convenient to have an email a_. We can s

33、end and receive letters on the Internet in asecond.47. Don t t_ the microwave when it is on. It s dangerous!48. There is n_ in the box. It s empty.49. Carrefour provides us with different kinds of f_ fruit and vegetables.50. Three people died in a fire because they took in too much h_ gases.51. You

34、must r_ the book to the library in a week, or you have to pay 1 yuan a day.52. Ashly is a cheerful girl. She always has a big s_ on her face.53. Teenagers under 18 shouldn t go out a_ after midnight. Parents may worry about them第二节 完成句子(共 6 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 12 分)54. 每天,我要穿过一大群人才能挤上三号线的车。Every day, I ru

35、sh into Line 3 through _ large _ _ _ .55. 晚上,广州塔多么漂亮啊!_ _ the Guangzhou Tower looks at night!56. 海珠区以前是一个绿色的小岛。Haizhu District _ _ _ a green island many years _.57. 当火灾发生的时候,不要使用电梯。 _when the building is on fire.58. 速度与激情 8是如此精彩,以致每个人都想去看。学习-好资料Speed 8 is _ wonderful _ everyone would like to see it.

36、59. 我在做作业时,我妈妈正在看我是歌手。I _ _my homework while my mother _ _ I m a singer.第三节 短文填空(共 10 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分) 根据短文内容。写出空白处各单词的正确形式。每空更多精品文档不限填一词。-Fire! Fire!It was a large, old, wooden house and my room was on the top floor. I jumped out of my bed, opened the doorand stepped outside the house. There 60.

37、 _ (be) a lot of thick smoke.I began 61. _ (run) , but as I was still half-awake, instead of going towards the stairs, Iwent in the opposite direction. The smoke grew 62. _ (thick) than before. I could 63._ (see) fire all around. The floor became hot. I found an open door and ran into a room to get

38、to thewindow. But when I reached it, one of my 64. _ (foot) caught in something softand I fell down. The thing 65._ (介词) the ground felt like a hundred of clothes 一( 捆布),and I picked it up 66. _(protect) my face from the smoke and heat. I crashed downstairs with pieces of burning wool all around me.

39、 As Ireached the cold air outside, the clothes in my hand 67. _ (give) a thin cry. What! I felt so68._ (surprise). The n I found myself surroun ded 被包围)by people in the street. A woma n with anightdress shouted when she saw me and came running madly. She was the MayorI hadhasdwife,andsaved 69._ (s h

40、 e) baby.六、书面表达(共 1 题;满分 15 分)There are several people who love us and give us help and support. Sometimes they also encourage us whenwe feel unhappy. Please write an article about one of your favourite persons. And follow some tips from thethinking map.My _ ( a favourite person )更多精品文档学习-好资料注意:1外貌、性格特点描写和喜欢他/她的原因都需要至少两点的描述2.不得透露学校、姓名等任何真实个人信息,否则不予评分。更多精品文档学习-好资料答案语音(


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