



1、江苏省泰州地区2019-2020年上学期八年级英语期中试卷分类汇编:任务型阅读(包含答案)泰州地区2019-2020年上学期八年级英语期中试卷分类汇编任务型阅读泰兴市济川中学Mom and dad are two of the most important people in your life. You probably see at least one of them every day. And, they're likely to influence(影响)you more tlian anyone else you xnll meet m your lifetime. So

2、if your mom loves to read, you just might grow up carrying a book wherever you go, just like she does.But parents do a lot more than just passing on their hobbies. Morns and dads caie fbr their children fiom the rnuiute they were bom Tliey are the people we should respect and love best Ifs very impo

3、rtant to stay close, get along, and build a strong relationship with your parents. But not every child knows how to do this. Here are some ways to help you:Spend tiiue together. Don't spend much time playing a computer game or watching TV. Ask your mom and dad to play with you Go outside togethe

4、r, or read a book out loud.Be kind Little things might mean a lot to yoiir mom or dad. You can bnghten a parent's day with a hug, a card, or joke. Ifs also lovely when a kid cleans up his or her room without being asked. And if you try not to fight with your brothers or sisters might be very hap

5、py?Do your best at whatever you do. You don't have to be peiiect, but when you do youi, best, you make your paients proud. It makes them happy to see how you're turning mto a gieat kid. Why? Because it lets tliem know you're domg a good job.66 uifluence childien mostReasons fbr respectmg

6、 parentsParents pass their 67 to their kids.Parents care fbr their 68 from the nmiute they were bom.Some 69 on how to get along with your parentsSpend time togetlier 70 parents, such as playing vnth tliein.gomg outside together and 71 a book out loudBe 72 to youi, parents.A hug, a card or joke means

7、 73 to them.Getting on well with your brothers or sisters might make them veiy74.Domg your best to do everything caii make your parents proud and happy because it lets them know you are domg 75 m something66.Parents 67.hobbies 68.children69.wavs7O.with74.happy 75.well71.reading 72.kind 73.much泰兴市洋思中

8、学Tlianks to better health care, most people are living healthier and longer lives. Someone who is bom today can expect to live about thirty-five years longer than someone who was boni in the nuieteenth century. It is even tliought tliat in the ftiture more and more people will celebrate then, hundre

9、dth birthdays. Here are some mles fbr a healthy life.Get off the sofaSure, it is comfortable to sit on the sofa and watch TV. But doctors say you should get off the sofa. To keep fit, you have to walk at least 10,000 steps every day. In the past, people's jobs required more physical effort. Tlie

10、y often had to walk fbr miles eveiy day. Wlien fanners were working in the fields, they were keeping fit at the same tune. Think about it: Do you get the same amoimt of exercise today as they did in the past?Eat healthv food OrIt is important to eat food that is fresh and natuiab such as fruit and v

11、egetables. Fast food is not healthy. You should only have it once in a while. Eating too much of the wrong food will haiin youi, health.Rest while vou canWhen we were babies t we slept fbr much of tlie night. Teenagers do not need as much sleep as babies but it is important fbr you to sleep for abou

12、t eight hours a night At weekends > you have more time, so use it not only fbr your friends, but also for rest too.Do not worry, be happyMany people believe that happiness is important to our general health Sometmies it is not easy to be a teenager because of die difficulties of school, exams or

13、friendships. If you aie womed about something, talk to your parents or youi, teachers.66For A Healthy LifeGetting off the sofaYou should walk at least ten _67 steps a day.*Ybu should get enough exerciseevery day.68 healthy food*Ifs important fbr you to eat69 and natural foodFast food is 70 . So you

14、shouldn't eat too much of it.Resting while you can* Teenagers should get about eight 71 sleep every night.At weekends, you have more time, you can use it 72 for your friends and fbr rest.Not worrying but being 73* Happmess is 74 to our healtli.If something 75 you, you can ask your parents or tea

15、chers for help.66 67. 68. 69 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 66.Rules 67.thousand 68.Eating 69.fresh 7O.unhealthy71 .hours' 72.both 73.happy74. important75.worries泰兴市实验初级中学教育集团联盟What is DIY9 Why do many people like it9Yang Chen works for a computer business m Beijmg He enjoys his work, but it is not eas

16、y for him to relax after work. One day when he saw many toy dogs in a toy shop, he had ail idea. lcWhy not make them myself?” Then he began to make model planes, model ships and something else. He lias great mterest in it because it bniigs Inni lots of fbn and makes life colorfill. So what is DIY? Y

17、es, it is making or creating(创造)things on your own, with your ovn handsIt may take much time, but some people, now known as DIYers-do-it-yoiirselves, enjoy domg it very much. They enjoy it because it is fiin. And they also say it helps them save money, too. What's more, they thuik it is a good w

18、ay to protect the environment(环境).It is a kind of green hfe.Ill fact, DIY is not a modem thing m China. Many people remember when it was once a way of life in the past. During the 1960s and 1970s, when there were not enough living things for people to live on. they had to use their own hands to do m

19、any things. If you wanted something, you had to do it yourself, and if you needed something, you made it yourselfTimes have changed and DIY also has different meanings.Yang Chen's storyIt is 76 fbr him to relax after workHe had the idea of DIY and soon became 77 in it.DIY brings him 78 firn and

20、makes life colorful.What is DIYIt is maknig or creating things by 79 .80DIY ispopularIt is fiin It can 81 people save money. And it is a kind of gieen life.DIY in the 82It was once a way of life. People had to choose DIY 83 there were not enough living things.Now84 have changed and DIY has different

21、 meanings, 85 .76. hard/difficult 77. interested 78. much 79. vourself/vourselves 80. whv VOfv81. Help82. past83. because 84. times85. too姜堰区张甸初级中学You are going to high school from middle school Making fiiends in high school doesn't always come easily. And because makmg friends is a process(过程).

22、It doesn't always happen quickly. But if you want to make new fiiends, there are some tips for you:Being on a team gives you more opportunities(机 会)to talk to new people. If you're not suie of your sportmg ability, tiyjommg a club If you are good at sports , look fbr a team sportElectives(选修

23、)are another way to team up with people who share the same interest. Electives offer the oppoitumties to get to know new people. Many electives happen after school. Stayuig with a group of people after school, you have much time to get to know each other in a more relaxmg place.Both W'Oiking and

24、 voluiiteeiing are good for your school expenence and your social group. bhmteenng can be a great way to meet people fi-om different backgrounds(背景)and age gioups. Look fbr local vohinteemig clubs m your town.Reach people who you already know and try to develop the relationslup fuilher. Look fbr opp

25、ortunities to talk to them and leam more about them. If thmgs go well, invite them to do sometlimg with you after school, which will help you develop the friendslupHow to Make 91 FriendsIt's not easy or 92 fbr us to make new friends m lugh school.Join a club or a team sport.If you're not sur

26、e of your sportmg 93 , try joining a fim club.If you aie good at 94 . you can take part in a team sport.Take elective courses.95 electives, and then you can get to know new people.You have enough 96 to get to know new people after school.97 or get a jobIf you want to have good expenence at school, y

27、ou can volunteer or woikWhen you volunteer, you can meet 98 kinds ot people.Start Eh people you already know.Try to 99 the people you already know.Inviting them to do something with you helps you make 100 with tliem.91. new 92. quick 93. ability 94. sports 95. Take96. time 97. Volunteer 98. differen

28、t 99. reach 100. friends泰州中学附属初级中学School always look the same-square buildings and rooms, rows of desks, and a teacher standuig m the front. How can schools be better and different? What will future schools look like? Some schools have a new try. Lefs take a lookOpen <& interactive (互动的)With

29、the mtemet, schools are no longer the place where students have lessons. "In the mtemet age, a school is social space to meet and leam from each other;' said Tliomas, a Bntish arcliitect (建筑师)."It offers more chances to teachers and students to interact.The schooPs classrooms are all r

30、ound. Students can sit aioiind round tables and have a discussion when studying.Creative & sportySome schools don't have their playgrounds because they don't have enough land But this is not the case for a primary school in Hangzhou. The school is round, with a iiuining track (跑道) on its

31、 roof. But students don't have to woiry about falling down from the buildmg. steel fences (不 锈钢栏杆)along the tiack are there to make students safe. The open track gives students a way to stay fit and makes them creative.Closer to natureFuture schools should not be like factones, but gaidens. Tlie

32、re is a good example of such a “garden school." Some of the buildings in tlus school are tall and some are short. And the roofs are covered with green grass. This makes tlie school look like hills. In the students7 eyes, there are big and small gardens m eveiy part of tlie school Sometimes they

33、 can have lessons among the beautiful flowers.School of the76Present schoolsModem schoolsFeaturesDetails77buildings and rooms Rows of desksA teacher standing in tlie frontOpen & interactiveBe social space78of theplace only to have lessons.79more chances to teachers and students to interact.Botli

34、 teachers and students sit around and80togetherNo playgioundsCreative & sportyHave a nimuiig track on its roof.Use steel fences to stop people from 81downKeep students fit and make them creative.Be like8283to natureHave buildings that are84Have green grass on tlie rooftops. Be85of gaidens in the

35、school.76-80.future Square instead Offer discuss81-85. falling factories Closer different full兴化市One of the most pleasant pails of ti avel is sharing your stones with people when you get back home. And that's what we'd like you to do. The True Stones section of otir magazine is for yow stran

36、ge expenences, heartwarming tales, and ftimiy stones on your tnp. So do you have a good story? E-niail us at TrueStones Budget T or mail us at True Stones, Budget Travel, 5307th Ave., New York, NY 10018.Well choose the best one fiom all the stones ve receive between November 1st , 2014 andNovember 3

37、0山,2014. Tlie vnter will win a 10-day trip to Kenya(肯尼亚).Tlie prize(奖品)has a value (价值)of at least S3,200, mcluding nme viewing dnves, 16 meals, air tickets and more For more infbiination, please call on 866 2374 or 462 2374 or visit to AAnd here are a few things to remember:1 Keep the story bnef an

38、d lively; (eighty words at most). Please send your story as the body of your e-mail not as an attachment(附件).2 .Most of the stones we print ha*e photos, so send pictures but try not to go crazy. Only send the best one and tell us who and what is m the photo.3 . We need to be able to get in touch wit

39、h(与联系)you, so tell us your phone number andhome addiess.Tell iis yoiir ti avel stoiy and win a big surpnsePrizeA 10 Yay _1to KenyaE-mail: Tme StoriesBudge Travel. com2to sendMail: Tnie Stones, Budge Travel, 530 7th Ave., New York, NY 100183From November 1st, 2014 to November 304,2014.Keep the stoiy

40、witluii5words and6it as the body of the4_ to rememebere-inailSend the7_ picture and tell us who and8is in the photoTell iis your phone9_ and _10addressl.trip 2. Where 3. Time 4.ThingsAMiat 5.80/eighty6.sencl 7.best 8. what 9.number lO.home姜堰区励才实验学校Do you hope to live a better life? Then how to make youiwish come true? Ke


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