



1、yuan,a n increaseof17.5% ; localgovernmentgeneralbudgetrevenueof500 millionYuan,. Painting,m odel cult urecreate snew MaChurchcommunity, creati ngLake sce nicspot cult ureeducati on base,re ceive dhigh evaluati onfrom provi nci al andmuni cipal discipli ne Inspection Commissi on,t he people's da

2、ily specialr eport.Constantly promote i nde pende nt Commissionagainst corr uption culture construction t o ruralextends, created e stablished Dahlin rurali ndustryParki ndependent Commissi on agai nst corruption culture positions,formed has asupport"service low doubl eexcelle nt" of membe

3、rslead team,const antly perfectandesta blishedParkfunds assetsmanagement,andvillage audit supervision, andvillagers democraticfinancial,system,strengtheni ng Parkpart y,and Chief,andfina nci al,fullpubli c,powerfult o guarante esha snew r ural constr ucti on, by cityrural style cleang overnmenti nsp

4、ecti onunit ledof heig ht evaluati on.Through the implementation ofhonest andcleangovernmentcultural construction,andeffectivelyeducate thebroadmasse s ofparty member sand ca dresand consci ouslyreg ulated behavi orand di scipline, honesty i npoliti csa nd cultur etocreate agoodatm osphere a ndfresh

5、 developmente nvironment.Althoug h we i n implement im plementati on inde pendentCommissi onagai nstcorrupti onguidel ine s aspects ma de ha s musteffectivene ss, butaway f rom superior of requir ementsal soexists must of distance, main performa ncefor : ais systemenoug h sound,e ducation,and superv

6、ision,and prevention,a nd punishment, aspects long-term mechanismalso e nough perfect,especiallyin enrollme ntbid w ork regulat ory aspectsal so needed stre ngthening;IIis regulatorysupervision exists lostofYu wide, andlostofYu soft, inve stigationill egal discipli naryca se ofeffortsalso neede dstr

7、engthening, individualsectorand cadresal so differentdegree exist s treat gift, nottobenefitsnotdo,and messdo ofphe nome non;Thre e for honestw ork isthe newsituations a nd newpr oblem s in finding timelye nough,treatme ntmeasures are notstrongenough.Tosolvetheseproblems, wewillpr oceedfrom thefol l

8、owi ng fiveaspectsofrectification,make sure to implementthe provi sions ofthecode.(A)de epening thelearning, e nhance the consci ousnessofhone sty in politics. To createeventas an opportunity to Exceland learni ng party,further i ncreasing the gover nance capability andadvance dconstruction, rei nfo

9、rce drule s ofthe broa dmasses ofpartymembers and cadre sawareness,senseof responsibility, sense ofhonor,im provew orking a bility andlevel of scientificdevel opme nt.Shoul d makefulluseofmeetings, inparticular centralgroup learning opport unity,furtherstre ngtheningt hestudyand e ducati on ofthecod

10、e,the i ntensive warni ng e ducati on,educati on the majority of partymembers a nd cadre sknown fear, k ne wfear,honestyi npolitics oftension t he stri ngs, consci ousne ssand enhanci ngthe implementationofthe initiative.Also, pay attenti ontoa pplyw hatthey hav elearne d, consci ously study re sult

11、sinto pla nni ngwork, new i deas,、施工前必须安全确认:确认施工环境无隐患,施工工具无隐患,施工人员安全防护用具齐全,同时,确认施工结束后无隐患。2、施工过程中由施工负责人负责施工具体安排,安全负责人负责安全监督工作,所有人员必须听从指挥。3、施工期间,严禁带电敷设、回收电缆。4、施工人员需要站在矿车内作业时,要先用专用掩车木在矿车下方挡实,轨道坡度超过0.7%时必须用阻车器掩实矿车,防止矿车在施工期间滑动。5、施工人员在推车过程中,推车人员要正确站位,严禁人员站在矿车两侧,同时对矿车前拉后推;施工人员推车时,听从施工负责人现场指挥,严禁乱喊口号,推车速度不能过

12、快。6、推车皮时,所有人员必须在车皮后方施工,若两辆车皮同向时,必须保持距离在20 米以上。7、多人拉电缆时要听从专人指挥互相合作,用力均匀并站在电缆同侧,转弯时站在电缆外侧,否则可能造成人员挤伤。8、电缆装车过程中施工人员注意手不要搭在车沿上,防止电缆挤伤手。9、在需要使用梯子时要安排专人扶梯,登高作业人员要佩带保险带。 10、施工负责人必须携带便携式瓦斯报警仪。搭、拆火时注意瓦斯浓度,瓦斯浓度超过0.8%时,必须立即断电、停止作业。11、电源拆、搭火时,必须按照煤矿井下电工作业规程作业,严ewmeasurestoprom otework,t hecouraget o takerespons

13、ibilit y,dare t obreak hardt o ensure district,Gover nment deci sions a nd arrangementsto im plement.( B) strengthe ning supervisi on, severely punisha cts ofviolation.One i sto openthe cha nnels ofsupervision. Vigorously prom otethepartyaffairs public,open, widely accepte dsupervision bythe ma sses

14、,payattention tosocialgroupsand public opini on supervisi on,t he powerfulforceformedto urge partymembers and leading cadres pr operlyexer ciset heir powers.S econd,strong supervisi on and inspecti on.Democratic life int ofullpla y, important briefi ngs, re portsrelate dto personalmattersa nd eval u

15、ationofcadres 'studyofinner-partysupervisorysystem, acompre he nsivegrasp ofgui deli nes for theimpleme ntation ofthei ndependent Commissionagainst corr uption-r elated case sof lea ding cadres ofparty member s, focus onstrengt hening key areas ofprojectselecti on,fundi ng, officials monitor, de

16、tectand rectifythe problem,Recently,the Countyle adi ng bodie s at the countylevelt ocarry out"threetrees"pra ctice , whi ch is to improvethe governingabilityand pr omotingt he development ofXX effective measure.I carefullyfoll owyourde ployme nt requirements,and activelypartici patei nthe

17、 "thre e trees" cam pai gn. Read Group,pr epare d bytheDe partmenti n the nearfut ureofthe ide ologi cala ndpoliti calconstructi on ofleadi ngcadres in thecity reader, readt he releva ntinformation,largerharvest, i nspired.I think thea bility of repelling isto strengthen t he party'sgo

18、verni ng ca pacity in que stionsofthe construction ofmeaning, an importanttopicremains i n front ofpartymember sand ca dres atalllevels,we needt ofurther explore and ponder.T heability of re pellingt he namesuggests,i saski ng partymem bersa nd cadre satalllevel s in particular,leadi ng ca dres at a

19、ll levels,notonly ourselves, establisha correct conce ptofthe indepe ndentCommissi on agai nst corruption, politicalintegrity,self-discipline,rejection ofcorruption, ma defor thepeople,pragmati c,honest le aders hip, and strengthe n the sense ofresponsibilit y,ear nestly impleme nttheresponsibility

20、ofuncorrupte d,implementati on ofthe ba oliana nti-corr uption measuresto e nsure therealizati on ofbusine ss-buil ding,construction of a win-w insit uation.Next,I combi ned withtheirt hinki ng,experi enceand contact XX practical ,on howtoenhancethe a bility ofrepe lling, onfoura spects ofcogniti on

21、.Irregularities, plea se comment. First,theconstruction ofthe propulsionsystem,a nde nhancet hesystem ofcorruptionsince thefounding ofourparty,havebeenthinki ng aboutta cklingcorruption.Currently,democratic legalsystem,managem entsystem andsupervisionmechanism is notperfect,administrativeacts arenot

22、verystandardi zed,E nterprisebe haviora nd m arketbe havior, corr upti on present sa diverse,pl uralistic, complex trends, thisshiftthestrugglebetweenthe two,w illaccompa nypromotehonestyin politics.Third, strengt hendiscipli naryinvestigati on.Seriously theimpleme ntation ofJI .yuan,a n increase of

23、17.5% ; localgovernme ntgeneral budgetrevenueof500 millionYuan,. Pai nting,m odel cult urecreate snew MaChurchcommunity, creatingLake scenicspot cult ureeducati on base,re ceive dhigh evaluati onfrom provi nci al andmuni cipal discipli ne Inspecti on Commissi on, he people's daily specialr eport

24、.Constantly promote i ndepende ntCommission againstcorr uption culture construction t o ruralextends, created e stablishe d Dahl in rurali ndustryParki ndependent Commission agai nst corruption culture positions,formed has asupport"service low doubl eexcellent" of memberslead team,constant

25、ly perfectandesta blishedParkfunds assetsmanagement,andvillage audit supervision, andvillagersdemocraticfinancial,system,strengtheni ng Parkpart y,and Chief,andfina nci al,fullpubli c,powerfult o guarante esha snew rural constr ucti on, by cityrural style cleang overnmenti nspecti on unit ledof heig

26、ht evaluati on.Through the implementation ofhonest andcleangovernmentcultural construction,andeffectivelyeducate thebroadmasse s ofparty member sand ca dresand consci ouslyreg ulated behavi orand di scipline, honesty i npoliti csa nd cultur etocreate ag oodatm osphere a ndfresh devel opmente nvironm

27、ent.Althoug h we in implement implementati on inde pendentCommissi onagai nstcor rupti onguidel ine s aspects ma de has musteffectiveness, butaway fromsuperiorof requir ementsal soexists must of distance, main performa ncefor: ais systemenough sound,e ducation,and supervisi on,and preventi on,a nd p

28、unishment, aspe cts long-ter m mechanismalso e noughperfect,especiallyin enrollme ntbid w ork regulat ory aspectsal so needed stre ngthening; IIis regulatorysupervision exists lostofYu wide, andlostofYu soft, inve stigationill egal discipli naryca se ofefforts also nee de dstrengtheni ng, individual

29、se ctora nd cadresal so differentdegree existstreatgift,not to benefits not do,and messdo ofphe nome non;Thre e for honestw ork isthe newsituations and newpr oblem s in finding timelye nough,treatme ntmeasure s are notstrongenoug h.Tosolvethese problems, w ewillpr oceedfrom thefol lowi ng fiveaspect

30、s ofrectification,make sure to implementthe provi sions ofthecode.(A)de epening thelearning, e nhance the consci ousnessofhonesty in politics. To createeventas an opportunity to Excel a nd learni ng party,further i ncrea sing the gover nance capability andadvance dconstruction, reinforce drules ofth

31、e broa dmasses ofpartymembers a nd cadre sawareness, senseof responsi bility, sense ofhonor,im provew orking ability andlevel of scientificdevel opme nt.Shoul d makefulluseofmeetings, in particular centralgroup learning opport unity,furtherstre ngtheningt hestudyand e ducati on ofthecode,the i ntens

32、ive warning educati on,educati on the majority of partymembers a nd cadresknown fear, kne wfear,honestyi npolitics oftension t he stri ngs, consci ousne ssand e nhanci ngthe im plementationofthe initiative.Also, pay attenti ontoa pplyw hatthey hav elearne d, consci ously study re sultsinto pla nni n

33、gwork, newi deas,禁带电作业。12、其他未尽事宜,按煤矿安全规程执行。井下敷设电缆施工方案及安全技术措施一、施工时间:2011 年 3 月 29 日 二、施工地点:地面变电所 至井下移动变电站三、人员组织:施工负责人:张思伦安全负责人:张思伦参加工作人员:主井工区早、中班及机电全体人员四、施工方案:地面变电所向井下西三平巷移变敷设3*35 平方高压电缆:( 1 )电缆下头能满足移动变电站接线、布置、悬挂要求的适中长度。(2)电缆的上头,从井口向下的一个小洞口穿出至地面变电所。五、安全技术措施1. 施工前必须组织参加施工人员学习,并提前熟悉现场,了解施工内容。参加施工人员要有组织

34、、有纪律,听从管理服从分配。2. 施工前,必须向调度室汇报,由调度通知各单位人员到井口集合。 3. 电缆运送时,电缆的前头设一名机电负责人保证电缆运到移ewmeasurestoprom otework,t hecouraget o takeresponsibilit y,dare t obreak hardt o ensure district,Gover nment deci sions a nd arrang ementsto im plement.( B) strengthe ning supervisi on, severely punisha cts ofviolation. One

35、 i stoope nthe cha nnels ofsupervision. Vigorously prom otethe partyaffairs publi c,open, widely accepte dsupervision bythe ma sses,payattenti ont osocialgroupsand public opini on supervisi on,t he powerfulfor ceformedto urge partymembers and lea ding cadr espr operlyexer ciset heir powers.Second,st

36、rong supervision and inspecti on.Democratic life into fullpla y, important briefi ngs, re portsrelate d topersonalmattersa nd eval uationofcadres 'study ofinner-partysupervisorysystem, acompre he nsivegrasp ofguideli nes for theimplementation ofthei ndependent Commissionagainst corr uption-r ela

37、ted casesof lea ding cadres ofparty member s, focus onstrengt heni ng key areas ofprojectselecti on,fundi ng, officials monitor, detectand rectifytheproblem,Recently,the Countyle ading bodie s at the countylevelt ocarry out"threetrees"pra ctice , whi ch is to improvethe governingabilityand

38、 promotingt he development ofXX effective measur e.I carefullyfoll owyourde ployme nt requirements,and actively partici patei n the"three trees" cam pai gn. Read Group,pr epare d bytheDe partmenti n the nearfut ureofthe ide ologi cala nd politi calconstructi on ofleadi ngcadres in thecity

39、reader, readt he relevantinformation,largerharvest, i nspired. I think theability of repelli ng isto strengthen the party'sgoverni ng ca pacity in que stionsofthe construction ofmeaning, an importanttopicremains i n front ofpartymember sand ca dres atalllevels,we needtofurther explore and ponder

40、.Theability of re pellingt he namesuggests,i saski ng partymem bersa nd cadre satalllevel s in particular,leadi ng ca dres at all levels, notonlyourselv es, establisha correct conce ptofthe indepe ndentCommissi on agai nst corruption, politicalintegrity,self -discipli ne,rejection ofcorrupti on, ma

41、defor the people,pragmati c,honest le adership,and strengthe n the sense ofresponsibility,ear nestly implementtheresponsi bility ofuncorr upte d,implementati on ofthe ba oliana nti-corr uption measuresto ensure therealizati on ofbusine ss-buil ding,construction of a win-w insit uation.Next,I combine

42、d withtheirthinki ng,experi enceand contact XX practical ,on howtoenhancethe ability ofrepelling, onfoura spects ofcogniti on.Irregularities, please comment. First,theconstruction ofthe propulsionsystem,a nde nhancet hesystem ofcorrupti on since thefounding ofourparty,havebeenthinki ng aboutta cklin

43、gcorruption.Currently,democratic legalsystem,managementsystem and supervisionmechanism is notperfect,administrativeacts arenotverystandardi zed,E nterprisebe haviorand market behavior, corr upti on present sa diverse,pl uralistic, complex trends, thisshiftthestrugglebetweenthe two,w illaccompa nyyua

44、n,a n increase of17.5% ; localgovernme ntgeneral budgetrevenueof500 millionYuan,. Pai nting,m odel cult urecreate snew MaChurchcommunity, creati ngLake sce nicspot cult ureeducati on base,re ceive dhigh evaluati onfrom provi nci al andmuni cipal discipli ne Inspecti on Commissi on,t he people's

45、daily specialr eport.Constantly promote i ndepende ntCommission againstcorr uption culture constru ction t o ruralextends, created e stablishe d Dahl in rurali ndustryParki ndependent Commissi on agai nst corruption culture positions,formed has asupport"service low doubl eexcelle nt" of me

46、mberslead team,constantly perfectandesta blishedParkfunds asset s manageme nt,andvillage audit supervision, andvillagers democraticfinancial,system,strengtheni ng Parkpart y,and Chief,andfina nci al,fullpubli c,powerfult o guarante esha snew r ural constr ucti on, by cityrural style cleang overnment

47、i nspecti on unit le dof heig ht evaluati on.Through the im plementation ofhonest andcleangovernmentcultural construction,andeffectivelyeducate thebroadmasse s ofparty member sand ca dresand consci ouslyreg ulated behavi orand di scipline, honesty i npoliti csa nd cultur etocreate ag oodatm osphere

48、a ndfresh devel opmente nvironment.Alt houg h we i n implement im plementati on inde pendentCommissi onagai nstcorrupti onguidel ine s aspects ma de ha s musteffectivene ss, butaway fromsuperiorof requir ementsal soexists mu st ofdista nce, main performa ncefor : ais systemenoug h sound,e ducation,a

49、nd supervisi on,and preventi on,a nd punishment, aspe cts long-ter m mechani smalso e nough perfect,espe ciallyin e nrollme ntbid w ork regulat ory aspectsal so needed stre ngthening; IIis regulatorysupervi sion exists lostofYu wide, andlostofYu soft, inve stigationill egal discipli naryca se ofeffo

50、rts also nee de dstrengtheni ng, individualse ctora nd cadresal so differentdegree existstreatgift,not to benefits not do,and messdo ofphe nome non;Thre e for honestw ork isthe newsituations a nd newpr oblem s in finding timelye nough,treatme ntmeasure s are notstrongenoug h.Tosolvethese problems, w

51、 ewillpr oceedfrom thefol lowi ng fiveaspects ofrectification,make sure to implementthe provi sions ofthecode.(A)de epening thelearning, e nhance the consci ousnessofhone sty in politics. To createeventas an opportunity to Exceland learni ng part y,further i ncrea sing the gover nance ca pability an

52、dadva nce dconstr uction, rei nforce drule s ofthe broa dmasses of partymembers a nd cadre sawareness, senseof responsi bility, sense ofhonor,im provew orking a bility andlevel of scientificdevel opme nt.Shoul d makefulluseofmeetings, in particular centralgroup learning opport unity,furtherstre ngth

53、eningt hestudyand e ducati on ofthecode,the i ntensive warni ng educati on,educati on the majority of partymembers a nd cadre sknown fear, k ne wfear,honestyi npolitics oftension t he stri ngs, consci ousne ssand e nhanci ngthe im plementationofthe initiative.Also, pay attenti ontoa pplyw hatthey ha

54、v elearne d, consci ously study re sultsinto pla nni ngwork, newi deas,动变电站的电缆长短适中。4. 所有施工人员,必须严格制度,听从指挥,人与人间距6 米,电缆在运输过程中,电缆不得落地磨坏电缆外皮,不得出现过大弯曲防止损坏电缆。5. 电缆运送期间,应做到前后联系,要有留揽绳防止人员滑到。 6. 电缆运送期间人员行走速度均匀,不得过快防止滑到摔到人员。 7. 施工时,为便于协调,机电人员分段佩戴对讲机,带领工区人员,要求本项工作施工负责人及时汇报工作中出现问题并及时和施工负责人保持联系。8、电缆全部到位,有机电人员负责把电

55、缆悬挂好,悬挂电缆要保持平、直、高度适中,确保矿车掉道碰不到电缆,电缆两头封好防止受潮。9、施工完毕后,必须向调度室汇报。并由调度室通知各单位人员离开现场。10、其他未尽事宜严格按照煤矿安全规程、 煤矿安全技术操作规程、 煤矿作业规程及其它相关规章制度执行。第 4 页 共 7 页一、工程概况:为安装机车充电硐室变电所,改造井下的供电系统,需从临时变电所和中央变电所通道往机车充电硐室各敷设一趟高压电缆,共 710 米左右,为保证施工顺利进行,特制定本安全技术措施。ewmeasurestoprom otework,t hecouraget o takeresponsibilit y,dare t

56、obreak hardt o ensure district,Gover nment deci sions a nd arrang ementsto im plement.( B) strengthe ning supervisi on, severely punisha cts ofviolation. One i sto openthe cha nnels ofsupervision. Vigorously prom otethe partyaffairs publi c,open, widely accepted supervision bythe ma sses,payattenti

57、ont osocialgroupsand public opini on supervisi on,t he powerfulfor ceformedto urge partymembers and lea ding cadres pr operlyexer ciset heir powers.S econd,strong supervisi on and inspecti on.Democratic life int ofullpla y, important briefi ngs, re portsrelate d topersonalmattersa nd eval uationofca

58、 dres 'st udy ofinner-partysupervisorysystem, acompre he nsivegrasp ofgui deli nes for theimplementation ofthei ndependent Commissionagainst corruption-r elated case sof lea ding cadres ofparty member s, focus onstrengt heni ng key areas ofprojectselecti on,fundi ng, officials m onitor,dete ctand rectifythe problem,Recently,the Countyle adi ng bodie s at the countylevelt ocarry out"thre etrees"pra ctice , whi ch is to im provethe governingabilityand pr omotingt he development ofXX effective measur e.I carefullyfoll owyourde ployme nt requirements,and a


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