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1、学生姓名:年级:任教学科:英语教学次数:教学时间:指导教师:江洪教学模式:教学地点:滨湖联创新区宝龙匚1胡球校区匚1牛津环林版必修2gm/«灯钠拓展:场方也J 、月一口廿I期月 TUQN甘Th-1. convince vt.使确信,使信服;说服convince sb.of 使某人确信convince sb.that 使某人确信convince sb.to do sth. 说服某人做某事convinced adj.确信的convincing adj.有说服力的,令人信服的 That explanation doesn't convince me.那种解释无法使我信服。 I tr

2、ied to convince them of her innocence.我努力使他们相信她是无辜的。 Her smile convinced me that she was happy.她的微笑使我确信她是快乐的。 We convinced him to go to New York by train.我们说服他乘火车去纽约。反馈 1.1Scientists are convinced the positive effect of laughter physical and mentalhealth.A. of; at B. by; in C. of; on D. on; at反馈 1.2

3、 that the government can lead them out of the financial crisis, people are optimisticabout the future of the country.A. ConvincingB . Convinced C . To convince D. Having convinced2. due to 由于,因为due (1)到期的”应付(给)的:通常只用作表语。(2)预定的“约定的”预定要到达或发生的:也通常用作表语,其后可接不定式。(3)适当的“合适的“应得的",通常只放在名词前作定语。 My salary

4、 is due tomorrow.我明天领薪。 A great deal of money is due to you.要付给你一大笔钱。When is the train due ?火车什么时候到?The meeting isn't due to start until four.会议预定要到四点才召开。 We should pay due attention to this problem.我们应对这个问题予以适当的关注。用法拓展 because of , owing to , due to , on account of 和 thanks to 的用法比较这一组词都表示由于&qu

5、ot;,在使用时应该注意以下区别:1) because of意为 由于,因为:强调因果关系,在句中仅作状语,修饰句中的一部分,与其他成分 不用逗号隔开。2) owing to与because of一样,也强调因果关系,除作状语外,也可作表语。作状语时修饰整个句 子,可在句首或句末,用逗号隔开。3) due to引出造成后果的原因,在句中作表语、状语和定语。作表语和状语时与owing to同义,作状语时,一般不与其他成分隔开。还有 "due to '的意思是"caused by;如果在句子中due to可以被caused by代替,那么这个句子就是正确的,反之则是错误

6、的。它和 because of , caused by的用法区别可看如下 几个例子:Incorrect; Th己 game was postponed due to rain.Correcti The <3 jme was potl .jntd because of rain.Correct: The ganpl: rjr ytponement'd5 due to rain.4) on account of与because of , owing to同义,但语气较为正式。可作状语、表语,不作定语。5) thanks to表示幸亏,多亏”,多用于表达正面意思,相当于感谢,在句中作状

7、语和表语。 They decided to cancel the flight owing to the storm.由于这场暴风雨,他们决定取消这个航班。Her success was due to her hard work.她成功是因为她努力工作。 He was late due to the heavy traffic.由于交通拥挤他迟到了。Thanks to your advice , much trouble was saved.幸亏你的建议,省去了很多麻烦。反馈 2.1 (2013 浙江第一次五校联考)Often organized outdoors or at big venu

8、es theirpopularity , music festivals provide one day or even several days of non- stop entertainment.A. due toB. in spite of C. in honor of D. apart from反馈 2.2Their failure is the lack of care and attention.A. owing at B. due toC . because D . the reason of反馈 2.3The sports meet , originally be held

9、last Friday , was finally delayed because of thebad weather.A. due toB . thanks toC . owing to D . according to反馈 2.4 the lack of workforce in many industries , workers are now commanding higher salaries than they used to.A. Regardless of B. Due to C . In case of D . According to反馈 2.5 the large amo

10、unt of immigration , Toronto is considered as the most multicultural cityin the world.1. Owing to B . Catering to C . Leading to D. Bound to反馈 2.6 How about your trip to Italy?Oh , the fine weather , we enjoyed ourselves indeed.A. but forB. thanks toC. in spite ofD. because of3. look into调查;检查The po

11、lice began to look into the case.警方开始调查那个案子。用法拓展含有look的短语look like.看起来像look on旁观look about四下环顾look after 照看look ahead考虑未来;预做准备look on A as B 认为 A 是 Blook at 看look out向外看;注意;警戒look away from 转移目光look back回头看look back on/upon回忆;回顾look down on/upon俯视;蔑视look for 寻找look forward to 期待;展望look in顺便看望 We mus

12、t look after our elderly parents.我们必须照顾年迈的双亲。look out for 提防look over从(某物上面)看过去;仔细检查look through 透过看去;浏览;(从头到尾)粗略地翻阅look up to sb.尊敬/钦佩某人look up向上看;查阅(词典或参考书)look sb.in the eye/face 直视某人 Looking at it in this light , it seems like a good idea.从这个角度看,那好像是个好主意。 We look back on those years as the best

13、in our life.回想起来,那些年是我们人生中最美好的时光。反馈 3.1 (2012 宁夏银川一中月考)The authorities willthe case further before they can cometo a conclusion about it.A. look outB . look up反馈 3.2 for the glass! It's OK.I'm wearing shoes.A. Look out B. Walk outC. look thoughD. look intoC. Go outD. Set out反馈 3.3 The buildi

14、ng around the corner caught fire last night.The police are now the matter.A. seeing through B. working out C. looking intoD. watching over反馈 3.4We meant to call you , but there was no way to your number.A. looked up B. took in C. worked out D . brought about 反馈 3.5I often the words I don't know

15、in the dictionary or on the Internet.A. look up B . look at C . look for D . look into反馈 3.6 "Goodbye, then , “ she said, without even from her book.A. looking downC. looking afterB. looking upD. looking on反馈 3.7We had a really bad time about six months ago but now things areA. looking upB. com

16、ing upC . making upD . turning up4. make up编造,化妆,弥补,组成 She made up a beautiful silk dress for the party.她为聚会缝制了一条漂亮的丝裙。 We need one more player to make up a soccer team.我们再有一名球员就能组成一支球队。用法拓展含有make的短语be made from 由原料制成be made of由材料制成be made out of 由制成be made up of 由所组成be made into 被制成make oneself und

17、erstood/heard使自己被理解 /听至Umake out理解;看清楚;辨认make up弥补;补偿;起草;捏造;化装;构成,占;言归于好,和解make a living 谋生make the bed 铺床makeclear 表明;说明make ends meet应付开支;维持生活;使收支相抵make friends with 与交朋友make one's way to. 向走去make room for 为腾出位置make sure/certain 一定要;保证做到;核实make sense 讲得通,有意义make sense of 理解,明白make the best/mos

18、t of尽量利用;充分利用make up one's mind 决心; 决定make a fire 生火 Have you seen the film which made her into a star overnight?你看过那部使她一夜成名的电影了吗? We only have one day in Paris , so we'd better make the most of it.我们在巴黎只待一天,因此我们最好充分利用好这一天。 We couldn't make out what they were talking about.我们听不清楚他们在谈论什么。

19、 John is working harder to make up his lost time.约翰正在更加努力地学习以弥补他失去的时间。 Perhaps we need to clear away these books to make room for our new students.为了腾出房间给新生,或许我们需要把这些书搬走。 Now that you've got a chance , you might as well make full use of it.你既然得到了一个机会,你就该好好地利用它。 Mr Reed made up his mind to devote

20、 all he had to setting up some schools for poor children.里德先生决定倾其所有为贫困的孩子建一些学校。反馈 4.1 (2012 江西新余一中模拟)While at school ,we were often taught that constant communication understanding.A. makes out B . makes for C . leaves out D . leaves for反馈 4.2American Indians about five percent of the USA population

21、.A. fill upB . bring upC . make up D . set up反馈 4.3I couldn't what she meant.A. listen to B. make outC . hearD . make up反馈 4.4 The fog was so heavy this morning that drivers could hardly the things just ten meters away from them.A. figure out B . look out C. make out D . rule out反馈 4.5What did y

22、our next- door neighbors quarrel about last night?I could hear voices but I couldn't what they were saying.A. take out B . hear about C . make out D . work out反馈 4.6 Does that make any ? Yes , it matters a great deal.A. moneyB. sense C. difference D. trouble反馈 4.7Would you mind giving your advic

23、e on how to improve our study?-If you make most of your time , there will be rise in your study efficiency.A. /; / B. the ; a C. /; a D. the; /反馈 4.8Cotton is first made thread and then cloth.A. up of B . into C . ofD. from5. Witnesses also say they saw Justin walking towards his house at 10.45 p. m

24、.证人们也说他们看到贾斯汀在晚上十点四十五分朝家的方向走去的。see sb.doing sth.看到某人正在做某事一Who is Tom ?汤姆是谁?-Haven't you met him yet ? I saw you shaking hands with him at the meeting.你没见过他吗?在会上我看到你和他握手。用法拓展动词不定式作动词feel , hear, see , watch , notice , observe等感官动词以及have , let,make等使役动词后面的宾语补足语时,不定式符号 to要省略。但如果这些句子变成被动结构时,就必须 带to符

25、号。这些感官动词还可以接现在分词或者过去分词作宾语补足语,分别表示动作正在进行或者被动 完成的动作。 I saw Bob play the piano at John's party and on that occasion he was simply brilliant.我看见鲍勃在约翰的晚会上弹钢琴,在那个时候他简直光芒四射。I could feel the wind blowing on my face.我能感觉到风吹着我的脸。反馈 5.1To learn English well , we should find opportunities to hear English as

26、 much as wecan.A. speak B. speaking C. spoken 反馈 5.2 I felt my back against.So I turnedA. pressB. pressing C. pressedD. to speak,only to see a man with a gun in his hand.D . to press6. Standing inside were lots of strange creatures with white skin and large black eyes.里面站着许多白皮肤、眼睛又黑又大的奇怪生物。这是一个倒装句。英

27、语中为了表达生动,或为了强调表语或状语,或为了使句子平衡,还有时为了上下文衔接更紧密,采用倒装。在一个带有助动词be的谓语中,表语可移至句首,引起倒装。 Present at the conference were some famous scientists from many countries.出席这次大会的是一些来自许多国家的著名科学家。At the top of a hill stands a tree , which is said to be 200 years old.山顶上有棵树,据说都有200年的历史了。 Growing around the lake are wild f

28、lowers of different colors.湖的周围长着各种颜色的野花。 Gone are the days when we have to go hungry.我们挨饿的日子一去不复返了。反馈 6.1At the back of the old temple twelve huge stone statues together with pagoda.A. does stand ; a 8-storeyedB. do stand ; a 8-storyC . stands ; an 8- storeyD. stand ; an 8- storied反馈 6.2In the dark

29、 forests , some large enough to hold several English towns.A. stand many lakesB . lie many lakesC . many lakes lieD. many lakes stand7. The Yeti is said to be a large , hairy animal that walks on two feet like a human being.据说野人个子高大、满身毛发,像人一样用两只脚走路。主语+ be said/reported/believed/known + to do/to have

30、 done/to be doing=It is said/reported/believed/known that- clause (that 引导主语从句,it 是形式主语) He is said to like swimming. = It is said that he likes swimming.据说他喜欢游泳。 He is said to have gone abroad , so we didn't meet him.=It is said that he has gone abroad , so we didn't meet him.据说他出国了,所以我们没见到

31、他。 He is said to be studying English from a foreigner.=It is said that he is studying English from a foreigner.据说他在跟一名外国人学英语。反馈 7.1The local healthorganizationis reportedtwenty- five years age when Dr.Greenbecame its first president.A. to be set upB.being set upC . to have been set upD.having been s

32、et反馈 7.2Several diseasesarebelievedtothe lives of many children annually , malariaA. claim ; includedB.kill; to be includedC . be claiming ; is includedD.be killing ; included梅理整合一复妁夷表.右/ C H S: H L! L r Z J4 f: N C H fE3词汇 拓展尸HUJTUCIZHAN2.adj.无法解释的,神秘的adj.困惑的,茫然的vt.解释vt.使困惑n.解释adj.令人困惑3. 4. vi.消失一n

33、.施工,建筑物-vi.出现一n.出现 vt.建设,建筑-_ adj .建设性的5.vi.发生一n.发生6.n.可能性一adj .可能的一adj.不可能的一adv.可能7. adj.令人惊奇(惊叹)的一 vt.使吃惊- adj .感到吃惊的一n.吃惊8.n.伤害一vt.伤害9. vi.存在一_ n.存在10.n.陈述;声明一vt.陈述;声明11 .vi./、同意一n.分歧,不和一vi.同意一n.协议,一致意见12 .vt.组织,筹备;安排;处理 一adj.有组织的一n.组织13.vt.检查一n.检查14 .n.力里,力气一adj.强壮的一vt.加强15. adj.令人信服的 一 vt.使确信,使

34、相信 一 adj.确信的H语境记词心口"5©1. The idea p me so much that I stopped for a few seconds to try to make it out.2. There is no p that Bob can win the first prize in the match.3. The police are connecting this i with last week's terrorist bombing.4. Many beautiful fish are fast d because of the s

35、evere pollution.5. This river is ten times the l of that one.6. They put a screen around his bed so that the doctor could(检查)him.7. I have hardly enough(力气)left to move my feet.8. That plane crash(发生) only minutes after take- off.9. There wasn't enough(证据)to prove his guilt.10. To write a good e

36、ssay you must first(组织) your ideas logically.E!短语回顾 Fuanyuhuigu1. in 信任;信仰2. up 加紧,加强,促进3. go 走失,迷路4. to 由于,因为5. get for 为做好准备6. put 放(唱片);穿上;增加(体重)7. up 醒来8.back往后拉9. up出现,现身10 . do on 研究11 . take of 负责,接管12 . up 编造,捏造,杜撰13 . look 调查;检查14 . up 放弃15 . find 查明16 . in 作为回报17 . hands with 握手18 . draw a

37、 得出结论19 . be to 与相类似20 . run 追,追赶21 . belong 属于22 . in one's 在某人看来23 . make one's to 前往,至U 去留典句分析 出IANUFENK1. Witnesses also say they saw Justin walking towards his house at 10.45 p. m.证人们也说他们看到贾斯汀在晚上十点四十五分朝家的方向走去的。句型提炼:see sb.doing sth.看到某人正在做某事2. Standing inside were lots of strange creatu

38、res with white skin and large black eyes.里面站着许多白皮肤、眼睛又黑又大的奇怪生物。句型提炼:表语提前,以示强调,若谓语动词是系表结构,则表语可提到句首。3. We will not give up until we find out what happened.我们决不会放弃,直到查明事情的真相。句型提炼:notuntil直到才4. The Yeti is said to be a large , hairy animal that walks on two feet like a human being.据说野人个子高大、满身毛发,像人一样用两只脚

39、走路。句型提炼:.be said to do.据说课时提升作业必修2 Unit 11 .单项填空1. Bungee jumping is an adventurous sport, popular with young adults, of which courage matters more than.A. energyB. forceC. powerD. strength2. In my view, London ' s not as expensive in price as Tokyo but Tokyo is in traffic.A. the most organizedB

40、. more organizedC. so organized asD. as organized as3. (2013 连云港模拟 )一The excellent student is said in Germany for two years.- No wonder he has a good command of German.A. to studyB. to be studyingC. to have studiedD. studied4. (2013 南通模拟)Hi, Susan, you look tired.I for months for the coming celebrat

41、ion of our school' s 60th anniversary.A. was preparingB. have been preparingC. had preparedD. prepare5. The computer program is a to me. The more I think of it, the more questions I think of to ask.D. matchA. puzzleB. practiceC. company6. (2013 南京模拟 )that the government can lead them out of the

42、trouble, people are optimistic about the future of the country.A. ConvincingB. ConvincedC. To convinceD. Having convinced7. (2013 南通模拟 )The sports meeting, originally be held last Friday, was finally delayed becauseof the bad weather.A. due toB. thanks toC. owing toD. according to8. Are things getti

43、ng even worse now without Jackson?一I ' m afraid so. But it is certain that he will finally.A. show upB. get upC. take upD. put up9. The has confirmed the first person' s story.A. evidenceB. conditionC. situationD. occasion10. "If, " he added, "to carry out the plan, we would s

44、urely make a big profit for our company.A. to permitB. to be permittedC. permittingD. permitted11. Listen! Do you hear someone for help?A. callingB. callC. to callD. called12. News came from the school office Wang Lin had won the first prize in the maths competition.A. whichB. whatC. thatD. where13.

45、 The president will attend the Earth Summit there, so there is no of his coming back this week.A. useB. possibilityC. needD. doubt14. (2013 南京模拟)Our country has great changes in the past 30 years, which are the result ofreform and opening-up.A. appearedB. happenedC. occurredD. witnessed15. (2013 徐州模

46、拟)一I ' d like to a room with a bath for a week.一I ' m sorry, sir. We are all booked up. You know it is the tourist season these days.A. keepB. reserveC. appointD. fixn.完形填空Some years ago, an American policeman found a woman lying near a lonely road. She did not appear to have 1 , but she was

47、 trembling and clearly in a state of shock, so he rushed her to the2hospital. She began to tell the doctor on duty a story which was3 in all respects. She had been 4along a country road 5 she had been stopped by a flying saucer 6 in front of her. She had been forced to leave the car and 7 the flying

48、 saucer by creatures which looked like human beings and which could easily make themselves 8 although they could not 9 . They could read her thoughts and she could read 10 . They tested her politely and allowed her to 11 after carrying out a number of tests on her. As she seemed to be 12 in other as

49、pects, the doctor decided that she was probably suffering from the side effects of some medicine. The woman insisted on being13 to go home, but when she gaveher address, it was in a town over a thousand miles from the 14 . The police then started to make inquiries and soon 15 that there was already a 16 going on for the woman, 17 husband badly reported that she had 18 . Her car had been found with the driver' s door o


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