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1、湖北省宜昌市2018届九年级英语上学期第一次月考试题Units 1-3第一部分听力测试(25分)I .听句子选择图片:你将听到五个句子,请根据听到的内容选出五幅相关的图片。每个句子后你有5秒钟的答题时间。听一遍。共 5小题,计5分。L 2,= 3. 4. 5.n .听对话回答问题:你将听到六段对话,每段对话之后你将看到一个或几个问题。请根据听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。每段对话之后你有5至10秒钟的答题时间。听两遍。共10小题,计10分。请听第一段对话,回答第6小题。()6. Where are the speakers talking?A. In the library. B

2、. In the video shop.C. In the classroom.请听第二段对话,回答第 7小题。()7. Who is going to get some pictures?A. Miss Brown. B. Tom. C. Mr. White.请听第三段对话,回答第 8小题。()8. What is Bill doing on the computer?A. Playing computer games.B. Watching English videos.C. Checking e-mails.请听第四段对话,回答第 9至10两个小题。( )9. How long has

3、the girl learned English?A. For one year. B. For two years.C. For three years.( )10. What problem does the boy have in his English study?A. Grammar. B. Pronunciation.C. Listening.请听第五段对话,回答第11 至 12 两个小题。( )11. How much is the toy bear?A. 25 yuan. B. 39 yuan. C. 50 yuan.( )12. What color toy cars doe

4、s the man choose?A. Blue and black. B. Red and yellow.C. Blue and red.请听第六段对话,回答第13 至 15 三个小题。( )13. When did Mary go to the museum?A. Last Wednesday. B. Last Thursday.C. Last Friday.( )14. Which bus did Mary take first?A. The No. 11 bus. B. The No. 15 bus.C. The No. 30 bus.( )15. What is Mary mainl

5、y talking about?A. Her favorite paintings.B. The way to the museum.C. Her terrible experience.m.听短文选择答案:你将听到一段短文,然后你将看到 5个问题。请根据听到的短文内容选择能 回答所提问题的最佳答案。听完短文之后你将有1 分钟的答题时间。听两遍。共5 小题,计5 分。( )16. Why did Jane go to Scotland?A. To spend her holiday.s card?B. To work. C. To study.( )17. When did Mr. and M

6、rs. Black receive JaneA. This Monday. B. This Tuesday.C. This Saturday.()18. Who is Mary?A. Jane' s friend. B. Jane ' s si ster.C. Jane ' s aunt.()19. How many days did Jane stay in Edinburgh?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.()20. What didn ' t Jane talk about in her letter?A. Mountain-clim

7、bing.B. The hotel. C. The food.评.听短文填写表格:你将听到一段短文,请根据听到的短文内容完成表格中的有关信息:听完短文之后你将有 1分钟的等题时间.听两遍共5小题.计5分7to brtromc gund kurnersLearning lialiitsReasons / WaysCreating an interest in what they IcjimThe brain is (21) and it s also easier to pay atteniion forlong,Practicing and (22)* Use ii or lose ii. P

8、ractice makes perlcci.Developing ihcir (23)Take notes by writing down key words or by drawing (24) _ ,Asking questions(25) comestram questioning.第二部分语言知识及运用(30分)V.单项选择:从下列各题所给的A、B、G D四个选项中选择一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案。共15小题,计15分。()26.Why don' t you study with a group to learn Chinese?A. Of course B. Good ide

9、aC. That ' s true D. You ' re kidding()27.Alice, I guess you are only thirty years old. Is that true?-Oh, it ' s a .A. sign B. secret C. reason D. problem()28.- How does your sister improve her speaking skills?一 talking to her foreign friends a lot.A. For B. With C. By D. From()29.We hav

10、e just finished this lesson. Don ' t forget to it after class.We won t, Mrs. Wang.A. increase B. discoverC. spread D. review()30.Let' s go climbing next weekend.Great. But I' m not sure it will rain.A. whether B. where C. that D. why()31.What' s the meaning of this word? I don '

11、t know either. Let ' s in the dictionary.A. cut it up B. give it upC. look it up D. fix it up()32.- Danny, it seems that you like taking a bus to work.Yes. I think it ' s and also good for the environment.A. possible B. importantC. difficult D. convenient()33. Excuse me, could you please tel

12、l me how to get to Yiling Bus station ?Oh, it ' s not far. Just go along the street until you walk the market. You won' t miss it.A. Pass B. pass byC. past D. are past()34.- I have so many things to do these days.-Use your time, or you ' ll feel tired.A. wisely B. politelyC. easily D. lo

13、udly()35.- I heard that there dragon boat races in Zigui every year.-Yes, I t has become a traditional event for years.A. have B. has C. is D. areB. ( )36.- I put on several pounds these days. What should I do? Do more exercise and eat le ss junk food. I think junk food you eat, you' llbecome.A.

14、 more; the heavier B. the more; the heavierC. more; heavier D. the more; heavier()37.Tony, I don ' t know how your house. I ' m now at the gate of the People ' sHospital in Park Street. Stay there and wait for a while. I ' ll pick you up soon. A. reach B. to reachC. reached D. reachi

15、ng()38.having a trip to Chiang Mai in Thailand? Sounds good.A. Shall we B. Could you please C. What about D. Would you mind ()39.I' m sorry I can ' t remember. In XuefuPark.A. when did I first meet you B. when I first met you C. where did I first meet you D. where I first met you ()40.My fam

16、ily are going to Jiuzhaigou for our holiday. Have a good trip!A. No problem B. I don ' t mind thatC. Not really D. Sounds like funVI.完形填空:先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。共15小题,计15分。 易读度What is your best subject at school? For some it might be English.Others might like mathbest. For

17、some students, when it comes to different subjects, imbalance (不平衡)becomesa(n) 41 . Should you try to balance all subjects, or just 42 more time on your favorite subject?t be the best at 44 . ButIt is 43 to like one or two subjects better. You can at the same time, you can ' t allow a large gap

18、( 差品巨)between what you like and dislike, “ said Lin Yuhong, 17, from Shenzhen. "I got 45 marks in chemistry and physics last term.I don' t like those subjects, but to enter a key university, I have to spend more time 46 them.”That ' s why most teachers 47 telling the“ bucket ( 木桶)story

19、" to their students.The story says that the shortest board 48 the bucket ' s volume (容量)of water. However, some students stick to ( 坚持)their main 49 Pan Qianlin, 16, from Shanghai, said, “I 50 math. I spend most of my free time doing math exercises. I have 51 several prizes in math. I will

20、keep on working in this area.” In UK and US schools, students face 52 problems. However, they are often 53 to choose either the liberal arts (文科)or the sciences. They can choose subjects at 16.If they have a 54 subject, they simply don' t choose it.The most successful students in one subject are

21、 sometimes 55 in another. AlbertEinstein is a famous example. The scientist was described as stupid by his teacher for being unable to read well.()41. A. experience B. expression C. problem D. practice()42. A. put B. pass C. lose D. spend()43. A. strange B. normal C. interesting D. wonderful()44. A.

22、 everything B. something C. nothing D. anything()45. A. poor B. clear C. deep D. full ()46. A. checking B. taking C. improving D. discussing()47. A. imagine B. forget C. mind D. keep()48. A. changes B. brings C. decides D. makes()49. A. interests B. subjects C. secrets D. programs()50. A. finish B.

23、choose C. drop D. love()51. A. collected B. won C. touched D. counted()52. A. hard B. easy C. similar D. different ()53. A. warned B. encouraged C. stopped D. promised()54. A. weak B. special C. boring D. funny()55. A. excellent B. successful C. common D. terrible第三节(共10小题,计10分)综合填空:根据所给汉语、首字母和上下文,完

24、成空格中所缺单词,使短文完整通顺。每空一词。Everyone experiences unhappy times sometimes. 56 if you_are generally a happy person, take a look at the following habits to experience greater amounts of joy.Sometimes people put too much 57 ( 兴趣)into trying to control every small thing in their lives. Learn to let it go,relax

25、 and ride the road that life takes you. Try something new, take a chance, but above all, smile and enjoy.Your relationships won ' t grow without your 58 ( 关注)。 You' re going to make 59 every now and then. You will go a day or two when you feel like you' re running properly. Youare a huma

26、n being. You are going to fail from time to 60. But that ' s how you grow.The greatest discovery you will ever make is that you can change your life by simply changing your attitude. Not every day will be 61 (_ 完美的),but if you p62 attention, you willrealize that 99.9% of the time you are having

27、either a good day or a great day.You do have e63_time to exercise. If you say. no, you ' re lying to yourself. At least, 30minutes of exercise every day on countless occasions by countless medical studies to 64_(增长) the strength, happiness and longevity(长寿) of human lives.Eating too much makes y

28、ou fat. Working too much leaves your family at home missing you.Playing too much leaves important work undone. In 65 , the important thing to remember is this: Long-term happiness is never found in one good thing; it is combination , it isa balanced lifestyle.第三部分阅读与写作(65分)口.阅读理解:读 A、B两篇短文,根据短文内容选择最

29、佳答案;读 C篇短文,将方框里的五个句子 还原到短文当中。共15小题,计30分。AGujarat is a state in the western part of India. Every year more than 2,000 festivalsare celebrated there. The International Kite Festival is one of the biggest. It's celebrated in many cities in Gujarat like Ahmedabad and Surat.The festival starts on Jan

30、uary 14th of each year and continues until January 15th. Thesedays have also become a public holiday, so that everyone can take part in the celebration.The festival marks the day when winter begins to turn into summer. It is the sign for farmers in Gujarat that the sun is back and that harvest (收获)s

31、eason is coming near.During the festival, the markets are often filled with kite buyers and sellers. In theheart of Ahmedabad, there is one of the most famous kite markets, the Patang Bazaar. Thismarket is open 24 hours a day during the festival. Moreover, many families in Ahmedabadmake kites at hom

32、e and set up small shops in their own homes. There is also a kite museumin Ahmedabad. It was established in 1985 and has a large collection of special kites.Many cities in Gujarat organize kite competitions. The best place to enjoy this festivalis the Sardar Patel Stadium ( 体育场)or the Ahmedabad Poli

33、ce Stadium. The Sardar PatelStadium can hold over 54,000 people. While in Ahmedabad Police Stadium, people can lie down to see the sky filled with thousands of kites.()66. The International Kite Festival is celebrated for.A. one day B. two daysC. three days D. four days()67. The festival has a speci

34、al meaning for Gujarat's.A. farmers B. touristsC. traders D. artists()68. Which of the following is TRUE according to Paragraph 3?A. The biggest kite market is in Ahmedabad.B. There are many kite museums in Ahmedabad.C. The Patang Bazaar doesn't close during the festival.D. Many families sel

35、l their home-made kites in the market.()69. What does the underlined wordaestablished " in Paragraph 3 mean in Chinese?A.发现B. 毁坏C. 建立 D. 遗忘()70. The last paragraph mainly talks about.A. kite competitionsB. different kinds of stadiumsC. the best time to enjoy the festivalD. the best places to en

36、joy the festivalBWhat' s this by my door? A handwritten letter from an olduniversity friend. It standsout among the bills and junk mail like gold. In my opinion, the Government should be praised for saying publicly that the new secondary school should teach students how to write personal and bus

37、iness letters.Letter-writingskills have fallen off a lot in the age of e-mailsand text messages. Manystudents leave school only able to write a letter for a job application (申请),let aloneother kinds of letters. You can' t turn back the clock, butyou canstick to your own rulesto protect old-fashi

38、oned values (价值观).Someonewho leavesschoolunable to write a letter,t ram home that message,-other means ofis going into the adult world unprepared. And if teachers don who else will?Usually, it does not matter whether someone can write a letter or not communication will serve. And with computerized s

39、pell checks, people can get by for years without the kind of letter-writing skills. But it is the rare occasion (时亥U) that matters -when things can not be made clear with a simple text message. When the former England cricket ( 板球)captain Andrew Strauss decided to leave his job, he had sent handwrit

40、tenletters to his teammates. Many people thought it unbelievable. But besides disbelief, there was something else: admiration.I have been a letter-writing lover all my adult life, and I am just about to sit down and write to my university friend. I hope the sight of a letter by his door will give hi

41、m as much joy as his did me.()71. How did the writer feel when receiving the handwritten letter?A. Relaxed. B. Excited.C. Worried. D. Shocked.()72. The underlined part “ram home that message " in Paragraph 2 means ” .A. teach the students how to write letters of applicationB. teach the students

42、 how to protect traditional valuesC. teach the students the importance of communicationD. teach the students the importance of letter writing(73. The example of Andrew Strauss shows that.A. letter-writing skills are very importantB. handwritten letters can bring admirationC. handwritten letters are

43、more important than e-mailsD. whether someone can write a letter makes little difference (74. What ' s the passage mainly about?A. A study on why handwritten letters become less popular.B. A discussion about the bad results of modern technology.C. A call for more attention to letter writing.D. A

44、 touching story between two friends.()75. In which part of a newspaper could we probably find the passage?A. Sports. B. Arts.C. Education. D. Technology.CJ A. Different teachers have different teaching methods (方法):B. In class, discussing is very importantj C. Choosing is very important for your gra

45、des in1 Americat D* How to get textbooks makes each student feelj hardj E. You can learn some knowledge and do exercises! by yourselfAmerican schools are quite different from those in China. In China students usually havelittle chances to choose their courses and teachers, while in America students

46、must choose their courses and teachers at the beginning of the term.(76). So in the first term, don' t choose too many courses, or you' ll feel very nervous. Then you have to ask for some teaching plans. There is some information aboutsubjects, time arranging ( 安排),marks and textbooks. At th

47、e same time, you must choose the teachers. (77)_ .If a teacher is called“killer ” , many students will giveup choosing him or her. Because this kind of teacher will leave too much homework, give too many exams and too low grades.There is another thing after you choose the courses and the teachers. (

48、78). The textbooks in America are very expensive. Each copy is about $30-50. In order to save money, many students buy some used textbooks, and some students usually borrow textbooks from the school library. You must make enough preparations before class. (79). The teachers encourage you to ask ques

49、tions or show your own opinions. They don' t usually ask you to sit well; they allow you to sit or stand everywhere you like instead. They don' tgive you too much homework, either.(80). So in American schools, you mustdo almost all things yourself.vrn.写作:本大题共三部分,计 25分。A.根据所给汉语和提示词完成下列句子。共 5小

50、题,计10分。81 .他问我书店是不是在银行的旁边。(beside)He asked me the bank.82 .露西天生具有弹钢琴的天赋。(born)Lucy a talent for playing the piano.83 .在阅览室大声朗读是不礼貌的。(aloud)It ' s impolite in the reading room.84 .因为天气炎热,所以妈妈告诫我多喝水。(warn)Mom because it was hot.85 .他总是捉弄我,这让我非常生气。(play)He always and it makes me really angry. C.书面表

51、达。共1小题,计15分。86 .假如彳叫Maria ,来自美国,很喜欢研究中国的节日文化,最近你正在研究中国的传统节日-.元宵节。请你根据下面的要点提示写一篇英语短文向你班同学简要介绍一下元宵节。要点提示:1. When do Chinese people celebrate it?2. What do Chinese people eat and do on that day?要求:80词左右,开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。参考词汇:阴历月 lunar month ;谜riddleI'm Maria. Chinese people really have a wonderful t

52、ime on that day.九年级阶段性大练习Units 1-3 听力材料及参考答案听力材料I .听句子选择图片:1. Father Christmas spreads love and joy everywhere he goes.2. Our teacher often warns us not to swim in the river.3. The story of Chang ' e is one of many traditional folk stories.4. I wonder whether June is a good time to visit Hong Ko

53、ng.5. He paid 5 yuan for the old English-Chinese dictionary.n .听对话回答问题:请听第一段对话,回答第 6小题。W: Could you answer the question, Jim?M: Sorry, Miss White. I wasn t listening. Could you please repeat the question?请听第二段对话,回答第7 小题。W: Tom, will you go andget some pictures in Mr. White s office, please?M: Sure,

54、Miss Brown. I ll get back in a minute.请听第三段对话,回答第8 小题。W: Merry Christmas, Bill! What are you doing on the computer?M: Merry Christmas, Gina! Comeand have a look. I received many beautiful e- cards. They re from my friends all over the world.请听第四段对话,回答第9 至 10 两个小题。M: Your English is really good. How

55、long have you studied it?W: Three years.M: I ve studied it for only one year. Do you think it s difficult?W: I don t think so, but sometimes I m not quite sure about the grammar.M: I often have problems with the pronunciation.W: You need to do more listening and speaking. By the way, there s an Engl

56、ish evening partyin our school today. It starts at 7:30. Do you want to go?M: Yes, I d love to.请听第五段对话,回答第11 至 12 两个小题。M: I want to buy some Christmas gifts for my kids.W: Well, what about toys? This toy bear sells pretty well among children. It costs 39 yuan.M: Um, I don t think my sons will like s

57、oft toys.W: I m sorry, then what about those toy cars? Boys always like those.M: Well, they look nice. What colors do you have?W: Red, blue, black and yellow. They were 50 yuan each. But now they are on sale, so 50yuan for both.M: OK. I ll take a red one and a yellow one. Here isthe money.W: Thank y

58、ou. Do you want to buy some chocolate for your wife?M: No, thanks. I ve already bought flowers.请听第六段对话,回答第 13至15三个小题。M: Did you go to the museum last Wednesday, Mary?W: Yes. But we didn ' t see any paintings there.M: You didn ' t? Why ?W: We took the wrong bus that day. When we got there, the museum was already closed.M: That ' s terrible.


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