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2、leventh11th第十一twelve十二twelfthth12第十二thirteen十三thirteenthth13第十三fourteen十四fourteenthth14第十四fifteen十五fifteenth15th第十五sixteen十六sixteenth16th第十六seventeen十七seventeenth17th第十七eighteen十八eighteenth18th第十八nineteen十九nineteenth19th第十九twenty二十twentieth20th第二十(3)月份January 一月 February二月 March三月April四月 May五月 June六

3、月July七月 August八月 September九月October 十月 November1 -December十二月(4)表情的形容词proud自豪的sad难过的tired疲倦的angry生气的happy高兴的hungry饥饿的lucky幸运的thirsty渴的(5)名词parent父,母;家长hometown故乡lake湖elephant大象hill小山map地图animal动物garden花园water水camera照相机sky天空cloud云floor楼层bridge桥date日期meter米race赛跑river河Mrs.夫人,太太drawing画calendar日历people

4、人,人们tour旅行;旅游mountain山grass草program节日building建筑物neighbor邻居flower花paper纸glasses眼镜taxi出租车mobile手机phone照片picture照片,图画panda熊猫uncle叔叔,伯伯man男人(6)动词color上颜色climb攀爬drink喝guess猜shout喊叫(7)形容词tall 高的 shortshort hair短头发 young(8)介词In在.里面 onBehind 在后面(9)地点词sitting room客厅train station火车站City Library市图书馆(10)其他under

5、在 下面fast快only仅仅difficult 困难的(11)专有名词classmate 同班同学pupil小学生month月份hide藏try尝试smile微笑cook烹调write写矮的 long hair 长头发年轻的 lovely 可爱的在上面 beside在旁边museum 博物馆 cinema电影院hospital 医院bus stop公交车站brown棕色的busy忙的also也before在 之前Sun Moon Lake日月潭Sports Day运动会Easter复活节National Day国庆节the USA美国(12)短语look for寻找Easter Bunny复

6、活节兔子China中国the Great Wall长城Australia澳大利亚Teachers' Day 教师节pick up捡起WORD格式整理版你的寒假过得怎样?太棒了。我参观了长城我去了澳大利亚。我参观了博物馆。我看了电视。我和父母亲去了台湾。我坐邮轮逛了日月潭。那儿有张地图。在树下有一些熊。我拍了一张小象宝宝的照片, 你看到了什么动物?我们看到了老虎。你们有喂猴子食物吗?不,我们没有。我打算给蛋涂色。我打算把蛋藏起来。她准备做家庭作业。他们打算去滑冰。他们打算去找蛋。long jump跳远high jump跳身living room客厅play basketball打篮球ov

7、er there在那边next to紧挨着get on上车fall down跌倒;跌下cheer up振作起来watch a film看电影play football踢足球take a photo照相draw a picture画画play chess下象棋go straight直着走turn right1可右转turn left向左转turn on打开sit down坐下put on戴上重点句型1)How was your winter vacation ?It was wonderful. I visited the Great Wall.2) I went to Australia.3)

8、 I visited the museum.4) I watched TV.5) I went to Taiwan with my parents.6) I took a boat tour of Sun Moon Lake.7)There is a map over there.8)There are some bears under the tree.9) I took a photo of a baby elephant.10) What animals did you see ?We saw tigers.11)Did you give food to the monkeys ?No,

9、 we didn ' t.12) I ' m going to color the eggs.13) I ' m going to hide the eggs.14) She is going to do her homework.15) They are going to skate.16) They are going to look for the eggs.学习指导参考WORD格式整理版他们正在找蛋。她正在藏复活节彩蛋。我们准备外出春游。你打算随身携带什么?我打算带些水。他们准备上车。他们正在上车。高老师打算拍张照片。她正在拍张她学生的照片 我们打算开场运动会。

10、谁打算参加跳远?朱丽叶。彼得正在跑100米。杨明摔倒了。李华第三名。我们因你而骄傲。我跳高跳得不好。你住在几楼?在十二楼。他住在几楼?在十五楼。今天是几号?四月23日。一月一日是元旦。六月一日是儿童节。九月十日是教师节。十二月二十五日是圣诞节。那个男孩是谁?哪个男孩?那个在王涛旁边的男孩。17) They are looking for the eggs.18) She is hiding the Easer eggs.19) We are going for a spring outing.20) What are you going to take with you ?I ' m

11、going to take some water with me.21) They are going to get on the bus.22) They are getting on the bus.23) Miss Gao is going to take a photo.24) She is taking a photo of her pupils.25) We are going to have a Sports Day.26) Who will do long jump ?Julia will.27) Peter is running 100 meters.28) Yang Min

12、g is falling down.29) Li Hua is the third.30) We' re proud of you.31) I didn ' t do well in high jump.32) Which floor do you live on ?On the twelfth floor.33) Which floor does he live on ?On the fifteenth floor.34) What' s the date today ?It ' s April 23.35) January 1 is New Year 

13、9; s Day.36) June 1 is Children ' s Day.37) September 10 is Teachers ' Day.38) December 25 is Christmas Day.39)Who s that boy ?40)Which boy ?41) The boy beside Wang Tao.学习指导参考s go.s in December.s in January.42)The girl behind Sally.43) The girl with an umbrella.44) What' s he/she/they do

14、ing ?45) He ' s drawing a panda.46) They ' re reading a book.47) They ' re making flowers.48) Will you go to Wuyishan ? Yes, I will.去。49) Will you go by train ? Yes, I will.将。50) How is the weather in autumn ?51) It ' s very hot in July and August.52) It ' s Sunday today.Can we g

15、o to the cinema ? Yes. Let的,走吧。53) When is your birthday ?My birthday is in March.54) When is Christmas Day ? It月。55) When is New Year 's Day ? It56) When is the Spring Festival ?It ' s in January or February.57) How can I get to the train stationYou can take a bus.58) Which bus can I take ?

16、 Bus 60.59) I need to go to the hospital .60) How can I get there ?Go straight ,and then turn left.61) Hello. This is Li Ming.May I speak to Linda ? Speaking.那个在萨莉后面的女孩。拿着雨伞的女孩。他/她/他们在做什么?他在画熊猫。他们在读书。他们在做花。你将去武夷山吗?是的,我将你将做火车去吗?是的,我秋天天气怎么样?七月和八月很热。今天是星期天。我们能不能去电影院?好你的生日是什么时候? 我的生日是在三月。圣诞节在什么时候? 在十二元旦

17、在什么时候?在一月。春节在什么时候? 在一月或者二月。我怎样去火车站?你可以乘公交车。我可以乘几路车? 60路。我要去医院。我怎么样去那里?直着走,然后向左转。你好。我是李明。我能不能和琳达说话?请说。请来参加我的生日派对吧。今天的英语作业是什么?翻到60页。抄写新词六遍。谢谢你。不用谢。你在哪里?我在回家的路上。我在去市图书馆的路上。他在做什么? 我在写电子他在踢足球。他们在做什么?他们在看照片。他们在和菲豆玩。你有许多朋友吗?是的,我't.你有许多英语书吗?不,我你好。我是彼得。我能不能对不起。她不在家。请打她手62) Please come to my birthday part

18、y. Sure.当然可以。63)What' s today ' s English homework ?64) Turn to Page 60. Write the new words six times.65) Thank you. You ' re welcome.66) Where are you ? I ' m on my way home.67) I ' m on my way to the City Library.68) What is he doing ? He ' s reading an email.邮件。69) He 

19、9; s playing football.70) What are they doing ?They' re looking at the photos.71) They ' re playing with Fido.72) Do you have many friends ? Yes, I do.有。books ? No, I don73) Do you have many English没有。74) Hello. This is Peter. May I speak to Sally和萨利说话?75) Sorry. She isn ' t at home.Plea

20、se call her mobile phone.机。五年级上、下册语言知识归纳(单词、词组、句型练习) 一、英汉互译。1)故乡 2)父母 3)饿的4)棕色的5)天空 6) 运动会7)第一 8)楼层 9 )喝10)动物 11)第十五 12)自豪的13) 纸14) 熊猫 15) sitting room16) tomorrow17) 教师节 18 ) 七月 19)热的20)叔叔 21)假日22)告诉 23)跳舞 24)操场 25)星期日 26)眼镜 27)球员28)四月 29)的士 30)二十31)三十32)拉小提琴 33)短发女孩 34) 在六年级35) September 10th36) 一

21、位新学生 37)一个高个男孩 38)打篮球 g denbr_dgcld1) see(过去式)3) got (原形)5) Taiwan is Wang Tao ' s2) take(过去式)4) did (原形).(家乡)三、根据要求写单词。(日月潭)6) I took a boat tour of7) I went to Taiwan with my.(父母)8) I,m going to c the eggs.9) She is making some E eggs.10) Look. Kate is p up an egg.12) Peter will run 100.(100 米)13) We are going to have a.(运动会)14) Peter is the winner . He is very p.15) Which does Tom live on


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