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1、钢铁专业分类词汇(1) 烧结 Sintering 抽风机 drawing fan, exhausting fan 除尘集灰斗 dust hopper 除尘设备 dedusting equipment 带式焙烧机 travelling grate ( induration ) machine 带式烧结机 continuous-strand sinter machine 点火器 igniter 垫底料给料机 bedding burden feeder 多管除尘器 multi-type deduster 二次混料机 secondary mixing machine 返矿仓 return ore bu

2、nker 废品率 reject rate 粉矿 fines 富矿 rich ore 鼓风机 blower 含铁品位 grade of iron 合格率 percent of pass 合格烧结矿 qualified sinter 回转窑 rotary kiln 混合料仓 mixing bunker 混合料给料机 mixed burden feeder 碱度 basicity 焦末 nut coke, coke breeze 精矿粉 concentrate fines 链蓖机 grate, chain-type grate 炉尘 dust 盘式烧结机 batch-type sinter mach

3、ine 破碎机 breaker 球团 pellet 球团矿 pellet 燃料 fuel material 燃烧器 burner 熔剂 flux 筛分设备 screening equipment 烧结 sintering 烧结车间 sintering plant 烧结矿 sinter 烧结矿返矿率 sinter return ratio 烧结矿品位 grade of sinter 生球 fresh ( green ) pellet 石灰石 limestone 熟料 clinker 竖炉 shaft furnace台车 pallet 无烟煤 anthracite, anthracitic coa

4、l 压块 briquette 氧化铁皮 scale 萤石 fluorite 圆盘给料机 disk-type feeder 圆盘造球机 disc-type pelletizing machine 圆筒造球机 cylinderical pelletizer 造球机 pelletizer, pelletizing machine 转鼓指数 drum index 自熔性烧结矿 self-fluxing sinter 作业率 operability(2) 焦化及耐火 Coking and refractory 氨 ammonia 氨工段 ammonia plant 耙焦机 coke-drawing ma

5、chine 白云石 dolomite 白云石砖 dolomite brick 苯 benzole 肥煤 fat coal, bituminous coal 副产品 by product 干熄煤机 dry quenching machine 高铝砖 alumina brick 铬镁砖 chromo-magnesite brick 铬砖 chromite brick 硅石 silica 灰粉 ash content 挥发物 volatiles, volatimeter 焦化厂 coking plant 焦炉 coke oven 焦炉煤气 coke oven gas 焦煤 coking coal 焦

6、炭转鼓试验 coke drum test 焦油 tar 抗渣性 slag resistance 炼焦 coking 炼焦炉组 coke oven buttery 晾焦台 wharf 炉门框 door frame 铝镁砖 aluminium 镁石 magnesite 镁砖 magnesia brick 磨煤机 coal pulverizer 耐火材料 refractory material 耐火度 refractoriness耐火粘土 refractory clay, fire clay 配煤 mixing coal 平煤机 coal levelling machine 启炉门机 door-ex

7、tracting machine 气孔率 porosity 气煤 gas coal, bottle coal 轻质膨胀粘土骨料 light weight expanded clay aggregate 燃烧室 combustion chamber 瘦煤 carbonaceous coal 碳砖 carbon brick 炭化室 (炉孔 ) co oven 推焦杆 pushing ram 脱苯塔 benzole scrubber 熄焦机 coke quenching machine 洗氨塔 ammonia scrubber 洗氨塔 ammonia washer 洗煤 washed coal 洗萘

8、塔 naphthalene scrubber 烟煤 bituminous coal, bituminite 粘土砖 chamotte brick 装煤孔 coal charging hole(3) 炼铁 Ironmaking 白云石 dolomite 崩料 ,坐料 slipping 布料器 distributor 称量车 weighing car 出铁场 casting house 出铁沟 tapping channel 出铁口 iron notch, taphole 出铁口喷火 blowing on taphole 出渣沟 slagging channel 吹慢风 slack-wind bl

9、owing 磁铁矿 magnetite 大料钟 large bell 低品位矿石 low grade ore 电动泥炮 motor operated mud gun 电子秤 electronic weigher 吊挂保护板 hanging protective plate 堵铁口机 taphole stopping machine 放灰阀 dust discharging valve 废气总管 waste gas main duct 风口 tuyere风口大套 tuyere-cooler casing 风口管 blast pipe 风口镜 tuyere glass 风口弯管 penstock

10、damper风量 blast volume 风量控制器 blast volume controller 风速 blast velocity 富矿 rich ore, premiun ore 高炉 blast furnace 高炉鼓风机 blast furnace blower 高炉骨架 frame of furnace 高炉利用系数 utilization coefficient 高炉煤气 BF gas 高炉外壳 shell of furnace 高品位烧结矿 high grade sintered ore 高压炉顶 high pressure on top 格砖 checker brick

11、鼓风机站 blower station 褐铁矿 brown iron ore 换热式热风炉 intermittent stove 荒煤气 crude gas 黄铁矿 , 赤铁矿 hematite 混风阀 mixed air valve 计划休风 scheduled down-time 焦比 coke ratio 焦炭 coke 紧急休风 emergency blowing-down 静电除尘器 electrostatic precipitator 卷扬机室 hoist room 均压阀 equalizer valve 开铁口机 tapper, tapping machine 块矿 brique

12、tte 块矿 lump ore 矿槽 bunker 矿粉 fine ore 冷风阀 cold blast valve 冷风阀 cooled blast valve 冷风总管 cooled blast main duct 冷却水箱 cooling water box 立式冷却壁 cooling stave 料车 skip 料车 skip car 料线 ,料面高度 stockline 料钟 bell 料柱 stock column 硫酸渣 purple ore 炉衬 linings 炉底 bottom炉顶 top 炉顶卷扬机 top hoist 炉顶平台 top platform 炉顶温度 top

13、 temperature 炉顶压力 top pressure 炉腹 bosh 炉缸 hearth 炉缸压力 hearth pressure 炉喉 (护 )板 stock line armor 炉喉 throat 炉况不顺 blast wandering 炉前工 , 高炉工人 blast furnace operator 炉身 stack 炉身冷却壁 stock cooling plate 炉腰 waist, straight section 螺旋推进式泥炮 spiral type clay gun 慢风 slow-wind blowing 煤气调节阀 gas regulating valve

14、煤气阀 gas valve 煤气放散阀 bleeder valve 煤气换向阀 gas reversing valve 煤气净化 gas cleaning (purifying) 煤气总管 main gas duct 泥炮 mud ( clay ) gun 泥炮 mud, clay 皮带秤 belt scale 皮带运输机 belt conveyer 撇渣器 skimmer 贫矿 lean, low grade ore 砌体 brickwork 气缸式泥炮 cylinder type clay gun 切断闸板 cut-off damper 球团矿 pellet 燃烧器 burner 燃烧室

15、combustion chamber 热风阀 hot blast valve 热风阀 hot blast valve 热风炉 stove 热风炉交叉并联透风 staggered parallel blowing 热风围管 hot blast circular duct 热风温度 hot blast temperature 热风总管 hot blast main duct 熔剂 flux 上升管 uptake duct烧结矿 sinter 石灰石 lime stone 水冲渣 granulation 双料钟 double bell 死铁层 old horse 探尺 ,料尺 stock rod 探

16、尺卷扬机 stock rod winch 铁精矿 concentrate 铁矿石 iron ore 铁水罐 hot metal ladle 铁水罐车 hot metal ladle car 铁渣比 iron and slag ratio 透风期 on blast 透平发电机 turbo-generator 透平鼓风机 turbo-blower 外燃式热风炉 external combustion type stove 外燃室 external combustion chamber 文氏管洗涤器 venturi scrubber 无料钟炉顶 bell-less top 下降管 downcomer

17、 duct 小料钟 small bell 斜桥 skip bridge, hoist bridge 休风 blowing-down休风率 downtime percentage 蓄热式热风炉 ,考伯式热风炉 cowper stove 蓄热室 checker chamber 旋风除尘器 cyclone 旋转布料器 rotary burden distributor烟道阀 duct damper 移动保护板 movable protective plate 有效利用系数 productivity coefficient 有效面积 effective volume 鱼雷式铁水罐 torpedo la

18、dle 鱼雷式铁水罐车 torpedo ladle car 造渣 slag-making 造渣厂富氧鼓风 oxygen-enriched blast 造渣填加剂 slag-making addition 渣场 slag yard 渣罐 slag pot, slag ladle 渣罐车 slag pot car 渣罐车备用停车线 slag tapping stand-by track 渣坑 slag pocket, slag pit 渣口 , 出渣口 slag notch渣口 slag notch, cinder notch 渣口大套 slag notch cooler 渣口喷火 blowing

19、 on the monkey 渣口水箱 monkey jacket 渣口小套 , 小渣口 monkey 渣口小套 slag (notch) tuyere 渣盘 slag pan 整粒矿石 sized ore 重力除尘器 gravity dust collector 主沟 main channel 柱塞式泥炮 plunger type clay gun 铸铁机 pig moulding machine 铸铁块 , 锭 pig ingot 装料漏斗 charging hopper 自熔性矿石 self-fluxing ore(4) 炼钢 Steelmaking 奥式体钢 austenitic st

20、eel 八角钢材 octagon bar 白云石 dolomite 板坯连铸机 slab casting machine 半封闭型电炉 semi-closed type EAF 保护渣 slag powder 补炉机 fettling machine 不锈钢 stainless steel 敞开固定型电炉 open stationary type EAF 敞开回转型电炉 open rotating type EAF 敞开斜动型电炉 open tilting type EAF 超低头方坯连铸机 extra low head caster(ELH)for bloom, super low head

21、 caster ( SLH ) 超高功率电炉 UHP electrical furnace 车屑 chip 车铸 bogie (buggy,car) casting 称量 weighing 出钢 tapping 出铁盘 tapping pan 出渣 slagging 除渣器 deslagger 储槽 storage bunker 吹氧转炉 basic oxygen furnace 打印机 stamping machine 大密封罩 , 狗窝 dog house 带卷 strip coil 带型连铸机 belt type CCM 单炉浇铸 batch cast 捣固料 ramming compo

22、und捣糊 pound to paste 捣炉机 stoking machine 底吹氧气转炉 bottom bloom oxygen converter 底注 , 下注 uphill casting, uphill teeming 底电极 bottom electrode 地下料仓 underground bunker 电极 electrode 电极压放 slip, slipping 电极接长系统 electrode jointing system 电极把持器 electrode holder 电极柱 electrode mast 电极糊 electrode paste 电极套壳 elect

23、rode casing 电极压放装置 electrode slipping device 电炉 electrical arc-furnace (EAF) 电炉钢 electric arc furnace (EAF) steel 顶吹氧气转炉 top bloom oxygen converter 顶底复合吹转炉 top and bottom com bined blown converter 多流连铸机 multi-strand CCM 多炉连铸 continuous continuous casting 二次精炼 secondary refining 矾土 , 氧化铝 alumina 方坯连铸

24、机 billet cast machine 非铁合金 non ferro-alloy 废钢 scrap 废钢跨 scrap bay 废铁 iron scrap 沸腾钢 unkilled steel 分类料仓 classification bin 封闭固定型电炉 closed stationary type EAF 封闭回转型电炉 closed rotating type EAF 付枪 , 付氧枪 sublance 负偏差 negative deviation 富氧鼓风 oxygen-enriched blowing 钢包 , 盛钢桶 ladle 钢包加热炉 ladle heating furn

25、ace 钢包旋转台 turret, ladle turnable 钢锭 ingot 钢锭模 ingot mould 钢筋 reinforcing bar, rebar 钢坯清理间 billet conditioning yard 钢种 kinds of steel 高位料仓 overhead bunker高压炉顶 high pressure top 铬铁 ferro-chromium 给料 feeding 工具钢 tool steel 工业纯铁 armco-iron 鼓肚 bulging 固定碳 fix carbon content 硅锰合金 silicon manganese alloy 硅

26、铁 ferro-silicon 合金钢 alloy steel 化学成份 chemical composition 弧型连铸机 bow type CCM 滑动水口 slide gate 还原剂 reductant 还原剂 reduction agent, reductant 灰份 ash 挥发物 volatile 混料 mixed material 混铁炉 mixer 火焰切割机 torch cutting machine 火焰清理 flame deseaming, hot scarfing 夹杂物 impurity 加料管 charging chute 碱性渣 basic slag 结构钢

27、structural steel 结晶器 mould, crystalliser 焦比 specific coke rate 焦炭 coke 交流电弧炉 AC electrical arc furnace 浇铸吊车 casting crane 浇铸机 casting machine 浇铸坑 casting pit 浇铸平台 casting platform 浇铸周期 casting cycle 浇注 casting 浇注 teeming 浇注底板 pouring bottom plate 金属硅 silicon metal 浸入式水口 submerged nozzle 开浇 cast-on开铁

28、口机 open hole machine 可浇注性 castability 可逆皮带运输机 reverse belt conveyer 坑铸 pit-casting孔型设计 groove design 矿石 mineral 拉矫机 straightening and withdrawal machine 拉坯机 withdrawal device 冷轧带卷 cold-rolled coil 冷轧钢 cold-rolled steel 立弯型连铸机 vertical type CCM, straight mould bent run-out plant 粒度 grain size 连铸 cont

29、inuous casting 连铸机 continuous casting machine- CCM 溜槽 ,溜管 chute 硫印 sulphur print 六角钢材 hexahedral bar 炉壁结瘤 wall accretion 炉衬 furnace lining 炉顶料仓 top bin 炉盖 furnace cover 炉缸结瘤 hearth accretion 炉龄 campaign 炉体 furnace body 炉子跨 furnace bay 漏钢 breakout 铝块 aluminium block 马式体钢 Martensitic steel 埋弧电炉 submer

30、ged electric furnace 煤粉 pulverized coal 锰铁 ferro-manganese 磨煤机 coal pulverizer 模铸 mold casting 木材 timber 木片 wood chip 镍铁 ferro-nickel 喷煤 coal injection 偏差 deviation 平炉 open hearth furnace(OHF) 平炉钢 open hearth furnace (OHF) steel 破碎 crush 全连铸 sequence casting 热轧带卷 hot-rolled coil 热轧钢 hot-rolled steel

31、 熔剂 flux 塞棒 stopper rod 筛分 screen筛分机 screen 烧结锰矿 sintered manganese ore 渗碳 carbon penetration 生铁 pig iron 石灰石 lime stone 石英 quartz 石墨电极 graphitized electrode 竖炉 , 竖式电炉 shaft electrical arc furnace 酸性渣 acidic slag 双壳电炉 twin-shell electrical arc furnace 顺行 smooth working 四流连铸机 four-strand CCM 碳化钙 calc

32、ium carbide 碳素钢 carbon steel 碳素电极 carbon electrode 炭砖 charcoal brick 特殊钢 special steel 铜瓦 copper content element 添加剂 additive 铁合金 ferro-alloy 脱锭机 , 脱模机 ingot stripper 脱磷 dephosphorise 脱硫 desulphurise 脱气 degassing 脱气剂 degassing agent 脱碳 decarburization 脱氧 deoxidising 脱引锭杆装置 dummy bar disconnection de

33、vice 弯曲辊 bending roll 弯曲应力 bending stress 弯曲装置 bending device 无烟煤 ,白煤 bituminite 下降烟罩操作法 declined hood operation process 休风率 downtime ratio 悬挂支架 suspension frame 旋转浇铸台 rotating casting table 压下率 screw-down rate 氩氧脱碳 argon-oxygen decarburization ACD 氧枪 oxygen lance 冶炼设备 melting equipment 冶炼周期 tap-to-

34、tap cycle 一炉钢 one heat steel 乙炔切割 acetylene cutting 异型钢材 shapped bar引锭杆 dummy bar 引锭杆架 dummy bar tilter 引锭杆坑 dummy bar pit 引锭杆头 dummy bar head 萤石 fluorite优质钢 high-grade steel 有效容积 effective volume 鱼尾板 splice bar 原料 raw material 原料跨 raw material bay 增碳 carburize 渣罐 cinder pot 渣铁比 slag rate 轧辊孔型设计 rol

35、l pass design 轧屑 mill scale 轧制道次 pass 轧制周期 rolling cycle 真空电弧精炼 vacuum arc refining V AR 真空脱气 vacuum arc degassing VAD 振动管运输机 vibrating pipe conveyer 镇静钢 killed steel 正偏差 positive deviation 支架辊 back-up roll, supporting roll 直流电弧炉 DC electrical arc furnace 中间罐 tundish 中间料仓 intermediate bin 中心铸管 , 塞棒袖

36、砖 central pouring pipe, sleeve brick 珠光体钢 pearlite steel 铸模 casting mould 铸坯导辊 strand guide roller转炉钢 basic oxygen converter steel, basic oxygen furnace (BOF) steel 自耗电极 consumable electrode 自焙电极 self-baked electrode 综合冶炼强度 comprehensive rate of driving 足辊 foot roll 钻孔机 driller(5) 轧钢 Rolling 八辊轧机 MK

37、W mill 板坯 slab 半连续热带轧机 semi-continuous hot-strip mill 薄板 sheet薄板轧机 sheet mill 保温炉 heat holding furnace 扁锭 slab ingot, slab 扁钢 flat bar 不可逆轧机 non-reversing mill 步进梁式加热炉 walking beam type furnace 槽钢 channel 车底式加热炉 car bottom furnace 车轮轧机 railway-wheel mill 车丝机 threading machine 成卷 coiling 成品包装跨 packin

38、g bay 初轧机 blooming mill 初轧坯翻转装置 bloom turnover device 出料拉杆 kick-out arm 穿孔机 piercing mill 粗轧机 rough mill 淬火炉 hardening furnace 搭接炉焊管机 lap-welded pipe mill 打包用带钢轧机 package mill 打捆机 bundle machine 打捆机 bundler 打印台 stamping station 大型型钢轧机 heavy section mill 导辊装置 roller guide 地上卷取机 up coiler 地下卷取机 down c

39、oiler 地下卷取机 down coiler 地下油库 oil cellar 地下运输机 tunnel conveyer 叠板轧机 pack mill 定径机 sizing mill 定心机 centering machine 镀槽 coating bath 镀锡板 tinning sheet 镀锡槽 tinning bath 镀锡线 tinning line 镀锌板 galvanized sheet 镀锌槽 galvanizing bath 镀锌线 galvanizing line 堆储跨 storage bay 堆垛机 piler 钝化处理 passivation 多辊矫直机 multi

40、-roll straightening machine 方钢 square bar 方坯 bloom 非连续性轧机 non-continuous rolling mill 飞锯 flying saw 干燥台 drying station 钢坯 , 小方坯 billet 钢坯库 billet store 钢坯修磨 conditioning 高速线材轧机 high speed wire rod mill 高压水除鳞 hydraulic jet descaler 工字钢 I-bar 工字钢轧机 I-beam mill 工作辊换辊装置 work roll changer 工作辊支撑装置 work ro

41、ller supporting apparatus 钩式运输机 hook transfer 光亮退火炉 bright annealing furnace 轨梁轧机 rail-beam section mill 滚筒剪 drum type shear 横切机 transversal shear 厚板 heavy plate 厚板轧机 heavy plate mill 环形加热炉 rotary hearth furnace 换辊小车 roll change carriage 荒管 , 毛管 , 空心坯 pierced billet, hollow billet 回火炉 tempering furn

42、ace 回转剪 rotary cropping shear 活套 loop 活套张紧辊 bridle roll 机后输出辊道 mill run-out table 机架 , 牌坊 stand, housing 机架辊 breast roll 机前输入辊道 mill run-in table 挤压机 extruder 夹送辊 deflector pinch roll 加热炉 heating furnace 碱槽 alkaline bath 剪切跨 shear bay 减径机 reducing mill 矫直机 straightening machine, straightening mill 角

43、钢 angle steel 揭盖机 cover carriage 紧卷 tight coil 进料拉杆 kick-in arm 浸镀 immersion coating井式炉 pit batch type furnace 精轧机 finish mill 精整加工线 finishing machine 精整跨 finishing bay 卷材 , 线卷 coil 均热炉 pit furnace 均热炉跨 soaking pit bay 均整机 ,整径机 (管 ) reeling machine 开卷机 , 拆卷机 decoiler 开坯机 cogging mill 可逆辊道 reversing

44、table 空心坯减径机 shell-reducing mill 拉丝机 wire-drawing machine 扩径机 (管 ) repiercing machine 冷床 cold bed 冷锯 cold saw 冷轧板带钢 cold rolled strip 立辊 vertical roll 连续式加热炉 continuous type furnace 连续酸洗 continuous acid-washing 链式运输机 chain transfer 磷化处理 phosphate treatment 磷酸 phosphoric acid 硫酸 sulfurous acid 炉卷机 st

45、eckel mill 炉用卷取机 furnace coiler 轮箍轧机 tyre mill 内表修磨 inside grinding 拧接头机 coupling applicator 盘条 rod coil 平立 (万能 ) 轧机 horizontal-vertical (HV) mill 平整机 temper machine 破鳞辊 descaling roll 破鳞机 scale breaker, descaler 切边 side crops 切边剪 end trimming shear 切头 top crops 切头剪 end shear 切尾 end crops 去刺机 deburr

46、ing machine 热处理 heat treatment 热带轧机 hot-strip mill 热镀 hot-dip coating 热锯 hot saw热轧板带钢 hot rolled strip 乳化液 emulsion 森吉米尔轧机 Sendzimir mill 上料台架 ingoing skid 深冲薄钢板 deep drawing sheet 石油管套管 pipe case 收集台 collecting table 受料辊道 receiving table 输出辊道 run-out table 输入辊道 run-in table 水力除鳞 hydraulic descaler 水压试验机 hydraulic pressure tester 酸槽 acid bath 酸洗槽 pickling bath 酸洗工段 pickling department 酸洗机 pickling machine 酸洗线 pickling line 酸洗用酸 acid for pickling 甩尾 back-end whip 丝扣保护套 thread protector 四机架连续式带钢冷轧机 four-stand tendem cold strip mill 松卷 loose coil 碎断剪 chopping shear


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