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1、Unit 5Meeting your ancestorsListening, Speaking and Writing(P 42)Listening and discussing Archaeologists use different methods of archaeometry. There are two major ways of dating objects. They are relative dating and absolute dating. Relative dating finds out the age of the object in relation to the

2、 age of another object. Relative dating only gives comparisons, not the actual dates. Absolute dating gives the age of the artifact in years. There are many examples of absolute dating.Radiocarbon (放射性碳) dating is one of the most commonly used measures. It measures the radiocarbon discovered in bone

3、s to find out how long they have been in the ground. All animals have carbon in their bodies which begin to decay as soon as they die. If you can measure the amount of carbon, you can tell how old the bones are. Can you date the object found in the ground? How can you date it? Listen to Part I of th

4、e tape and try to understand the wastepaper basket diagram on the right and fill in the layers. yogurt potsused envelopswaste paperorange skinListen to Part 2 and complete the passage below.It uses radioactivity to measure the amount of _ in living things. The _ in a dead body _ at a _ rate. We know

5、 how long that takes, so we can measure the amount of _ and _ how old a bone is.carbondisappearsfixedcarbonwork outcarbonThe age of the building depends on the number of layers it is resting on. The more layers, the more recent the building is. Say the order the houses were built. The oldest buildin

6、g is B because it has no layers underneath it. The second oldest building is C because it has one layer underneath it. That layer is the remains of the building in B. The most recent building is building A. It has two layers underneath. They are the remains of buildings B and C.(P 78)ListeningThe te

7、rracotta figures were discovered in 1974 by some local farmers near Xian, Shanxi province, China near the Mausouleum of the second Ming Emperor. The figures vary in height (183195 cm 6ft6ft 5in), according to their role, the tallest being the generals. Although they were found many years ago, resear

8、ch still continues into how they can be best preserved.Listen to the tape and write down the main idea of their dialogue.The main idea is that there are two problems that archaeologists are trying to solve in order to preserve terracotta warriors. One is how to protect the colours and the other is h

9、ow to protect the statues against moulds.Listen again and answer the questions.1. What is the first problem? Why is it easier to solve?2. How does the terracotta army show the power of Emperor Qin Shihuang?3. What caused the terracotta warriors to lose their colour?4. Why is it not easy to solve the

10、 problem of forty kinds of mould?1. What is the first problem? Why is it easier to solve? The first problem is how to protect the colours originally painted on the terracotta warriors. This problem is easier to solve because the scientists have discovered a new chemical protection which will keep th

11、e colours shining brightly.2. How does the terracotta army show the power of Emperor Qin Shihuang?Each terracotta warrior was a copy of a real soldier in Qins army. It must have needed a tremendous amount of organization to produce the number, the size of the statues and all this the Emperors power.

12、3. What caused the terracotta warriors to lose their colour?4. Why is it not easy to solve the problem of forty kinds of mould?The change in temperature and the sunlight when the warriors were excavated made them lose their colours.The forty kinds of mould are difficult to treat because they all nee

13、d different kinds of treatment.(P 81)Listening taskFlinders Petrie(1853-1942)British archaeologist and EgyptologistFlinders Petrie excavated at many of the most important archaeological sites in Egypt, such as Naukratis, Tanis, Abydos and Amarna1.Poor people did not bury their dead family members wi

14、th goods.2.Both rich and poor people preserved the bodies of their family members after death.3.The ancient Egyptians believed the spirits of dead people went to the afterlife.4.The ancient Egyptians believed everyone was first tested to see if they had lived a good life.5.If you had not lived a goo

15、d life, you went into the afterlife anyway.6.The God Anubis ate your spirit if you had led a bad life on the earth.Read these statements. Listen to the tape and decide whether they are true or false.FTTTFTNow listen to the tape again and write down the similarities and differences between the belief

16、s of rich and poor people. SimilaritiesDifferences 1. They both believed in life after death.2. They both had their bodies preserved.3. They both had goods in the grave for the journey to the afterlife.1. There were many more goods in the rich persons grave than in the poor persons.2. The rich perso

17、n was buried n a special building, but the poor person was not.3. The rich person had guidebooks for the journey to the afterlife, but the poor person did not.(P 44)Speaking and writingWhat words and phrases occur to you when looking at the objects from Sanxingdui Ruins? Discuss with your partner.Sa

18、mple discussionS1: Lets look at this mask more closely. It looks strange, dont you think so?S2: How large do you thin it is?S1: Well, I think its big enough for a man to wear over his face.S2: Is there anything to fix it to your face?S1: There doesnt seem to be. What do you think it was used for?S2:

19、 It could be for acting a part because it has such strange hair and face. It seems to be used to frighten people.S1: True. But the person wearing it wouldnt be able to see anything.S2: Youre right. I suppose it may have been used as a mask for a god and the person was guided by helpers. S1: Yes, thi

20、s sounds possible. What do you think it was made of?S2: Thats easy. It must be bronze. When you feel the weight, you know that must be true.S1: Im sure youre right, but perhaps well never know what it was really used for11. Special bronze tree It is 395 cm high with some branches on the tree. There

21、are three kinds of fruit on each branch. One of the fruit is a peach. The tree may have had a religious meaning and is connected with the sky and the earth.Sample description for guidebook2. Bronze mask This is a man-face mask with two eyes, two ears and hair. It fits over an adult face. You can see

22、 the teeth and they look as if the man was smiling. The eyebrows grow into the hair. The nose is very flat. This mask may have represented a god so that the person who wore it would have acted the role of the god.3. Bronze bird This is a very realistic and lively bronze statue of a bird. Its wing is not realistic but shows some feathers pointing to the sky. It represented the idea that all animals have spirits and birds were es


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