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1、.中考英语作文练习及范文A回想这三年的初中生活也是感慨万千在初中毕业典礼上,学校将举行"感恩教育仪式",请你根据下表提示的要点,用英语为该活动写一篇短文,简述这三年来要感恩的人和事,以及你的感想和将来打算感恩父母悉心照顾、不辞辛劳、请自拟至少一点感恩老师耐心教导、擅长鼓励、无私奉献感恩同学合作分享、互相帮助、共同进步感想和打算请结合自身实际,至少写两句话注意:1表达中必须包含所给要点,可以适当发挥,不要简单翻译2词数100左右开头已经写好,不计入总词数3表达中请勿提及真实校名及姓名How time flies!Three years has passed since I c

2、ame to the secondary schoolDuring the past three years,I have gained a lot and grown a lotFirst,I should say thanks to my dear parents 【解答】How times flies!Three years has passed since I came to the secondary schoolDuring the past three years,I have gained a lot and grown a lotFirst,I should say than

3、ks to my dear parentsThey take good care of me without any complaintThey work hard to support the whole familyThey are always trying their best to make me live a better life感恩父母Second,I'm thankful to all my teachers for their great help and supportThey are patient enough to spend lots of time ex

4、plaining problems to me【高分句型】Besides,They always encourage me when I am in troubleIt's unselfish of them to devote their time to education感恩老师【高分句型】Finally,I also feel very grateful to my classmatesWe work together and share things with each otherWe often help each other and learn from each othe

5、rAs a result,we have made great progress感恩同学I think I am lucky to have so much love and careI will never forget these happy days togetherI am going to do well in the future so that they can be proud of me【高分句型】感想和打算B你是光明实验中学的九年级学生张佳,在网上看到了学生家长Iceberg的博客,她的博客内容如下:I'm the mother of a fifteenyearol

6、d girl I have a rule for my daughter She should be among the top 3students, or she'll be punished惩罚in one way or another So far she has really done very well in school But some friends of mine keep telling me that I put too much stress on her Am I wrong?你读了Iceberg的博客内容,请给这位家长进展回复回复须包含如下要点:1说明你的看

7、法;2陈述你的理由至少两条并举例说明;3提出你的建议至少两条注意:1词数90左右回信的开头已为你写好,不计入总词数;2信须包括所有要点,可适当发挥,使短文连接、通顺;3信中不得出现真实的人名、校名等相关信息Hi, Mother Iceberg,Your worry is very common to parents in China As far as I'm concerned,it is not quite right for you to do soMy reasons are as followsFirstly,too much pressure leads to lack o

8、f time to participate in afterclassactivitiesAs a result,your daughter can't get fully developedFurthermore,by no means is punishment a wise choice to help her build selfconfidence,which is of great importance and value to a personSo I suggest you take your friends'adviceInstead of putting t

9、oo much pressure on you daughter,it is more advisable to allow her more time for other activitiesBesides,you might as well let her make mistakes of her own as we teenagers often do and give her support and encouragementin timeI hope you will find these suggestions helpfulZhang Jia【解答】Hi, Mother Iceb

10、erg,Your worry is very common to parents in ChinaAs far as I'm concerned,it is not quite right for you to do so作者的看法My reasons are as followsFirstly,too much pressure leads to lack of time to participate in afterclass activitiesAs a result,your daughter can't get fully developedFurthermore,b

11、y no means is punishment a wise choice to help her build selfconfidence,which is of great importance and value to a person高分句型一陈述理由So I suggest you take your friends'adviceInstead of putting too much pressure on you daughter,it is more advisable to allow her more time for other activities高分句型二Be

12、sides,you might as well let her make mistakes of her own as we teenagers often do and give her support and encouragement in timeI hope you will find these suggestions helpful提出建议YoursZhang JiaC假设你交了一个名叫Jack笔友,请根据下面相关信息,写一篇短文要求:1词数100左右 开头已给出,不计入总词数2短文应包括所给内容要点,可适当发挥3语句通顺,意思连接,书写工整I'm glad to tel

13、l you something about my penfriend Jack todayHe is of medium height He usually wears black glassesHe likes watching TV programs about sports He also likes action films He likes reading detective stories and listen to country musicHe is very brave and full of love Last week he saved an old man from t

14、he waterHe often says he is unhappy because he has too much homework He wants more time to play I think it is the most important for a student to do homework first【解答】I'm glad to tell you something about my penfriend Jack today He is of medium height He usually wears black glasses外貌He likes watc

15、hing TV programs about sports He also likes action films He likes reading detective stories and listen to country music爱好He is very brave and full of love Last week he saved an old man from the water品质He often says he is unhappy because he has too much homework 【高分句型一】He wants more time to play 问题I

16、think it is the most important for a student to do homework first我的观点【高分句型二】D近几年来,越来越多的外国游客来我们张家界旅游,请你以Notice to Visitors 为题,帮助景区接待处给外国友人写几条游客须知,以保护张家界的旅游环境游客须知:1不要在林中用火start fire以保护树木;2不要乱扔垃圾,请带走废纸废弃物;3请保持河流清洁,不要在河里游泳;4请勿伤害动物,不可以给动物喂食;5保护植物,请不要摘花要求: 1内容必须包括所提示信息,可适当发挥2文中不能出

17、现自己的真实姓名和学校名称3不少于50词文章开头已给出,不计入总词数38. First,in order to Protect trees,you aren't allowed to start a fire【高分句型一】Second,don't throw rubbish everywhere,and take away your wastesThird ,keep the river clean and don't swim in itFourth,please don't harm the animals and you ca

18、n't feed themFifth,protect the plants and don't pick up flowers【高分句型二】【高分句型一】First,in order to protect trees,you aren't allowed to start a fire第一,为了保护树木,在林中用火是不被允许的in order to 固定搭配,译为为了;并注意you aren't allowed to start a fire,中被动语态的运用【高分句型二】Fifth,protect the plants and d

19、on't pick up flowers第五,保护好植物并且不要摘花 pick up 固定搭配,采摘在写作过程中要注意知识点是否遗漏,并综合运用所学语法知识,组织语言EWrite at least 60 words about the topic “I finished a task successfully请以我成功地完成了一项任务为题,写一篇不少于60词的短文,标点符号不占格。你在初中四年的学习生活中一定完成过家长,学校和老师布置的一项任务。请你简单描绘一次完成任务的经历。注意文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及相关信息,苟泽不予评分。I finished a tas

20、k successfullyThe memory that I first finished the speech my teacher assigned to me still stays fresh in my mind. I used to be very shy and rarely speak in front of class. But when I was in Grade 7, my teacher asked me to give a speech to my classmates. Standing on the stage and looking at all my cl

21、assmates made me very nervous. I started my presentation with a shaking voice. Suddenly I saw my teacher gazing at me with an encouraging looking. With his encouragement, I become more and more confident and finally finished this speech in a applause. This is an very important experience for me beca

22、use I not only overcame my fear but also learnt that the courage to try is also very important.F请以“_和我的快乐光阴为题写一篇至少60词的短文,你的家人,朋友,物件或是你的某项爱好与活动曾经给你留下了幸福开心的时刻。请选取一个角度,描写你和他它幸福快乐的瞬间。注意:短文中不得出现考生的姓名、校名及其他相关信息,否那么不予评分,标点符号不占格The following is for reference only 一下表述仅供参考communicate with., share.with, learn

23、 from., enjoy, relax My happy moment with Hope Hope is a cat. I first saw her on a street and it was raining. She looked dirty, cold, hungry, and obviously, she had nowhere to go. So I decided to take it home. In the following days, we had a wonderful time together. I fed her and talked to her somet

24、imes, even I knew she might not understand. She was so adorable and she always followed me wherever I went. One day, she just jumped out of the window and ran away. Maybe she missed her mom, I guess. But I will never forget the happy moment with her. G每个人有自己的美丽梦想。最近,你班就“我们的梦想展开了一次讨论。下面是你们小组的议论情况汇总,请根据所给要点写一篇英语短文,向英语校刊投稿.NameDreamPhilip想当音乐家,很有音乐天赋,曾经创作了具有地方特色音乐并获奖Anita比起做导演更想当演员,她在校戏剧社担任主角,2019年首次亮相荧屏Andy擅长解谜,梦想成为一名侦探, 查明一切真相I想做导游,为了实现梦想,我认为要求:1. 表达清楚,语法正确,上下文连接; 2. 必须包括所有相关信息,并作适


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