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1、 betray to be not loyal to your country or a person who believes you are loyal to them, often by doing sth. that hurts them Some lawmakers say they feel betrayed by the president. 一些法律制定者说他们感觉被总统出卖了。一些法律制定者说他们感觉被总统出卖了。 He would rather die than betray his country to the enemy. 他宁愿死也不愿向敌人出卖自己的祖国。他宁愿死也

2、不愿向敌人出卖自己的祖国。vt. 出卖,背叛出卖,背叛请将下列句子翻译成英语。请将下列句子翻译成英语。(1) 你怎么能背叛我们?你怎么能背叛我们? How could you betray us?(2) 你背叛了我们的信任你背叛了我们的信任! You betray our trust!pretendto behave as if sth. is true when in fact you know it is notSarah pretended to be cheerful and said nothing about the argument.萨拉假装很开心,没有说起吵架的事。萨拉假装很开

3、心,没有说起吵架的事。I cant pretend (that) I understand these technical terms.我不能假装我懂这些专业术语。我不能假装我懂这些专业术语。v. 假装,装扮假装,装扮请根据汉语提示完成下列句子。请根据汉语提示完成下列句子。(1) He _ (假装不介意假装不介意), but I knew that he did. (2) He _. (假装对我友善假装对我友善). pretended that he didnt mindpretended to be friendly to meadmitA. to recognize or accept (

4、sth.) as true. admit to sth.; admit doing sth. ;admit that He will never admit his mistake. 他永远不会承认自己的错误。他永远不会承认自己的错误。 He admitted that he was wrong. 他承认自己错了。他承认自己错了。 George admitted having stolen the car. 乔治招认他偷了汽车。乔治招认他偷了汽车。 After questioning he admitted to the murder. 经过盘问后,他承认自己是凶手。经过盘问后,他承认自己是凶

5、手。v. 承认;允许进入承认;允许进入B. to allow (someone or sth.) to enter Each ticket admits two persons to the party. 每张票可供两个人入场参加聚会。每张票可供两个人入场参加聚会。 The hall can admit 1,000 people. 这个大厅可容纳这个大厅可容纳1000人。人。请根据汉语提示完成下列句子。请根据汉语提示完成下列句子。(1) He was proud of _ _ (他的儿子他的儿子被北大录取被北大录取).(2) I _ (承认我说了一些残酷无情的话承认我说了一些残酷无情的话) a

6、nd I am sorry.(3) Lily finally _ _ (承认误拿了我的笔承认误拿了我的笔记记). his son being admitted to Beijing Universityadmit that I made some cruel remarks admitted having taken my notes by mistakefocusthe main or central point of something, especially of attention or interest focus on 集中在集中在 in focus 受关注;焦点对准受关注;焦点对

7、准 out of focus 不受关注;不清晰地不受关注;不清晰地Tonights programme focuses on the way that homelessness affects the young.The main focus of interest at the fashion show was Christians evening wear.v. 集中注意力于集中注意力于,(使)聚焦,(使)聚焦请将下列句子译成英语。请将下列句子译成英语。(1) 他的眼睛慢慢开始看清楚那个看上他的眼睛慢慢开始看清楚那个看上去像是个小黑球的东西。去像是个小黑球的东西。 His eyes slo

8、wly began to focus on what looked like a small dark ball.(2)照片上孩子们的面部非常模糊。照片上孩子们的面部非常模糊。 The childrens faces were badly out of focus in the photograph.(3)这个报告关注的是技术如何影响人类这个报告关注的是技术如何影响人类生活而非商业活动。生活而非商业活动。 The reports focus is on how technology affects human life rather than business. keep ones word

9、遵守诺言遵守诺言 Jane kept her word and returned all the money. 简信守诺言把钱都还了。简信守诺言把钱都还了。 Dont believe him, for he never keeps his word. 别信他,他从不信守诺言。别信他,他从不信守诺言。同义词组同义词组: keep ones promise反义词组反义词组: break ones word请将下列句子翻译成英语。请将下列句子翻译成英语。如果我告诉某人我不会辜负他的信任,如果我告诉某人我不会辜负他的信任,我就会恪守诺言。我就会恪守诺言。When I tell someone I wi

10、ll not betray his confidence I keep my word.keep pace withShe followed Bob, barely keeping pace with him.她跟着鲍勃,勉强能跟上。她跟着鲍勃,勉强能跟上。与与pace相关的相关的 短语:短语:at your own pace 以适合自己的速度以适合自己的速度the pace of life 生活节奏生活节奏set the pace 树立榜样,带头树立榜样,带头force the pace 使加速发展使加速发展show your paces 显示自己的本领显示自己的本领齐头并进,跟上齐头并进,

11、跟上 as a result of 意为意为“由于由于” as a result 意为意为“因此因此”, 如:如: He became ill as a result of eating bad food. 由于吃了变质的食物,他病了。由于吃了变质的食物,他病了。 I missed my train. As a result, I was late. 没赶上火车,所以我迟到了。没赶上火车,所以我迟到了。 result from sth. “因因而发生;产生而发生;产生” result in sth. “产生某种作用或结果产生某种作用或结果” The problem results from p

12、ast errors. The accident resulted in the death of two passengers.请根据汉语提示完成下列句子。请根据汉语提示完成下列句子。(1) We _ (必须跟上必须跟上) the new development of modern scientific research.(2) She worked so fast that I _ _ (跟不上跟不上), and _ (因因此此), I fell behind.(3) _ (由由于他弄丢了票于他弄丢了票), we were not admitted into the theater.mus

13、t keep pace with could not keep paceas a resultAs a result of his losing the ticketsbefore longbefore long 和和long before 副词短语副词短语before long 表示表示“不久,很不久,很快快”;long before可以单独使用表示可以单独使用表示“很久以前很久以前”,也可以后面接名词或,也可以后面接名词或从句,可以用在下面两个句型中:从句,可以用在下面两个句型中:(1) It is/was/will be long before “在在前需要很久前需要很久” ,“ 费时费

14、时间间才才” ;(2) It is/was not/wont be long before “不久就不久就”。 We hope to complete the project before long. They began the project yesterday, but we had made preparations long before. It was long before we knew what was wrong with our plan.请用请用before long或或long before完成下列句子。完成下列句子。(1) We were tired of wait

15、ing and hoped the bus would come _.(2) His plan seemed to be too difficult, but _ it proved to be easy and practicable.(3) It wasnt _ tragedy struck again.before long before long long before However, if you really sense that she wanted to embarrass you in public in public 固定词组,意为固定词组,意为“公然公然”、“公开公开地

16、地”、“当众当众”。 They are always quarrelling in public. 他们经常在大庭广众之下吵架。他们经常在大庭广众之下吵架。 She hasnt been seen in public for ten years. 她已有十年没有公开露面了。她已有十年没有公开露面了。 public作名词,常与作名词,常与the连用,意为连用,意为“公众公众”,“民众民众”。 The town gardens are open to the public from sunrise to sunset daily. 城市公园每天从早到晚对外开放。城市公园每天从早到晚对外开放。 Th

17、e public are not allowed to enter the place. 民众不允许进入此地。民众不允许进入此地。public: 还可作形容词,意为还可作形容词,意为“公共公共 的的”、“共有的共有的”。public buildings 公共建筑公共建筑public interests 公共利益公共利益public morals 公共道德公共道德public order 公共秩序公共秩序public places 公共场所公共场所public opinion 公众舆论公众舆论a public official 公务员公务员a public school 公立学校公立学校His

18、daughter is always shy in _ and she never dares to make a speech to _. the public; the public public; the publicC. the public; public D. public; public cant help doing sth. = cannot stop yourself doing sth. “忍不住做某事忍不住做某事” None of us could help laughing. 我们都忍不住笑了。我们都忍不住笑了。 She couldnt help crying at

19、the sad news. 听到这伤心的消息,她忍不住哭了。听到这伤心的消息,她忍不住哭了。 It seems you need to apologize quickly to avoid losing a good friend! 你似乎应该马上道歉,以避免失去一个你似乎应该马上道歉,以避免失去一个好朋友。好朋友。 avoid,“避免避免”,“防止防止”,后接,后接-ing形式作宾语,而不用不定式。形式作宾语,而不用不定式。 I try to avoid talking to him because he always says silly things. 我尽量避免和他说话,因为他总是说些

20、我尽量避免和他说话,因为他总是说些愚蠢的事。愚蠢的事。 She kept avoiding meeting my eyes. 她总是避免接触我的目光。她总是避免接触我的目光。后接后接 -ing 形式作宾语的动词形式作宾语的动词appreciate dislikefinishkeeppractise suggestmiss consider enjoyforgivementionresistexcuseadmitdelayescapeimaginemindriskfaceunderstand请完成下列句子。请完成下列句子。1. He tried to avoid _ (answer) my qu

21、estions.2. To avoid _ (get) wet, drivers must drive gently.3. He cant help _ (remember) the old days.4. I cant help _ (laugh) when I hear of it.answeringgettingrememberinglaughingTips for teacherLet the word fly 板块是帮助学生学板块是帮助学生学习一些一词多义、熟词生义的词汇。习一些一词多义、熟词生义的词汇。通过此环节,学生可以对一些常见词通过此环节,学生可以对一些常见词的用法、意思有一

22、个透彻的了解。的用法、意思有一个透彻的了解。方式、方法方式、方法manner of doing sth./ in a manner态度、举止态度、举止She has a calm relaxed manner.(复数复数)礼貌、礼仪礼貌、礼仪good/ bad manners/ no mannersIts good/ bad manners (to do sth).习俗、风俗习俗、风俗a book on the life and manners of Victoria多义名词多义名词mannerTranslation. 这似乎是一种十分古怪的决定事情的方法。这似乎是一种十分古怪的决定事情的方法

23、。 我想我觉察到他的态度有些冷淡。我想我觉察到他的态度有些冷淡。 对人指指点点是不礼貌的。对人指指点点是不礼貌的。 吃饭时,你应该注意餐桌礼仪。吃饭时,你应该注意餐桌礼仪。This seems rather an odd manner of deciding things.I thought I noticed a certain coldness in his manner.Its bad manners to point at people.You should notice table manners when eating.方法方法态度态度礼貌礼貌礼仪礼仪Game timeNow, g

24、uess the meanings: I suppose you could call us refugees (难民难民) in a manner of speaking.我想我想在某种意义在某种意义上你可以称我们为难民。上你可以称我们为难民。a painting in the manner of the early impressionists (印象派画家印象派画家)一幅一幅体现体现早期印象派风格的绘画早期印象派风格的绘画We would discuss all manners of subjects.我们可以讨论我们可以讨论各种各样各种各样的话题。的话题。请点击请点击 - My room gets very cold at night. - _. (2007江苏)江苏) A. So is mine B. So mine is C. So does mine D. So mine doesQuiz I: Multiple choice. -You forgot your purse when you went out.-Good heavens, _. A. so did I B. so I did C. I did so D. I so did. The bread in the window


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