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1、廊坊市2020年中考英语模拟试题及答案考生注意:1 .本试卷分为第I卷(选择题)、第II卷两部分。i3t卷满分 120分,考试时间120分钟。2 .答卷前,请你务必将自己的姓名、考生号、考点校、考场号、座位号填写在 “答题卡”上,并 在规定位置粘贴考试用条形码。答题时,务必将答案涂写在答题卡”上,答案答在试卷上无效。3 .考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡”一并交回。第I卷选择题、听力(共20小题。每小题1分,满分20分。)A.B.C三个选项中选出符合题意的图片。每I .听短对话,每段对话后有一个问题,从题中所给的段对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)17B.C.A.B.C三个选项中选出能回答问题的I

2、I.听下面的两段对话,每段对话后有几个问题,从题中所给的最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分,共5分)6. A. MathB. I m good at sport.C. I like red7. A. TomB. Not at all8. A. He is fortyB. He is from America9. A. We have English class every day.B. We shouldn t be lateC. He is outgoingC. He is very kindC. We take exercise every morning10. A. By readi

3、ng.B. I like it very much.C. I am good at it. 听对话,选择正确答案。听下面的两段对话,每段对话后有几个问题,从题中所给的A.B.C 三个选项中选出能回答问题的最佳选项。每段对话读两遍。1 分,共 5 分)听下面一段对话,回答第11 12 小题11. How many hours does Victor sleep every night?A. 7 B. 8 C. 912. What does Victor think of his lifestyle ?A. It makes him relaxed B. It makes him tired听下面

4、一段对话,回答第1315 小题13. Does Bill often walk to school?A. Yes, he doesB. No, he doesn t14. Where does Bill have breakfast ?A. At schoolB. At home15. How long does Bill read English every morning ?A. For forty minutesB. For half an hourC. it makes him unhealthyC. Hardly everC. On the wayC. For twenty minu

5、tes. 听短文,从题中所给的A.B.C 三个选项中选出能回答问题的最佳选项。短文读两遍。(每小题1分,共 5 分)16. Where does Mary come fromA. The UKB. Australia17. Who is in Beijing with Mary now ?A. Her grandparentsB. Her uncle18. Where did Mary go last Sunday morning ?A. To the zooB. To the bookstore19. Who told Mary the way ?C. The USAC. Her paren

6、tsC. To the parkA. An old manB. A boyC. A young woman20. What did Mary draw on the paper ?A. A pandaB. A lionC. A monkey二、完形填空(共 10小题;每小题1分,茜分10分)Being a young person is one thing, and being a good young one is 21 . A good person shouldhave these qualities(品质):First of all, health. A healthy body is

7、 the best riches(财富)._22_ it, nothingcan be done well. If you are poor in health, you will have to take _23day after day. Even you canwork, do sports and so on. Secondly, do something for others. Help those in trouble and _24the peoplearound you. If everyone did the same, What a 25 world it would be

8、! Thirdly, have the ability to workwith others.Cooperation(合作)and communication are two important keys to better human relation. Everyoneneeds friends _26_ no one can live through life alone or do everything he wants to.Besides the examples above, patriotism (爱国主义)is the one we should never 27 . Pat

9、riotismmeans love for one ' s country. It is one of the highest qualities of human's. Everyone should lovcountry. But people _28think that patriots(爱国者)must be soldiers or that they live in a time offighting for their country. This is _29_. A goodyoung person ' s work is not only fightin

10、g. A good youngperson will do the things his country asks him to do.I think a good young person of today should also have some training in art _30they can live betterand enjoy more.21. A.otherB.oneC. anotherD.the others22. A.WithB.WithoutC. AfterD.Before23. A.medicineB.foodC. drinkD.fruit24. A.take

11、afterB.talk aboutC. argue withD.care about25. A.wonderfulB.terribleC. badD.selfish26. A.ifB.becauseC. whileD.though27. A.rememberB.answerC. forgetD.ask28. A.sometimesB.neverC. nearlyD.hardly29. A.goodB.badC. rightD.wrong30. A.so thatB.such asC. whenD.but2分,茜分40分)三、阅读理解(共20小题;每小题阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四

12、个选项中,选出最佳选项。AParking has been a problem for drivers for a long time in Taizhou. The Transportation Department ismapping out a new plan for the city' s parking system. There are about 100 thousand cars on the road inTaizhou but only enough parking space to provide room for 15 percent of these veh

13、icles. It is no wonder that local drivers get so worried trying to find a place to park.The number of the private car owners is becoming larger and larger. In March, the city sent out 1,500private car licenses, the highest number of licenses ever sent out in a month. And prices rose to over2000yuan,

14、 500 more than in February. Industry experts say this suggests that local people want to have their own cars.By the year 2020, the number of cars in Taizhou will probably reach 200 thousand. If one parking lotis for each car, then a lot of parking space should be built for these vehicles. The center

15、 of Taizhou is mostshort of parking space. However, experts point out that simply building more parking lots in these areas isnot practical and doesn ' t solve the problem. The idea of" Park & Ride " sTstsm has been suggestemeans that underground train and city train should be deve

16、loped quickly. Drivers can leave their vehicles in car parks near subway and bus stations and then they can ride public transport to go to the city center.Based on this idea, the city will cut down the number of parking lots in the city center and need higherparking fees. Meanwhile it will build mor

17、e parking areas near main subway and bus stops.31. The underlined phrase mapping" out" in the first paragraph means.A. makingB. arguingC. replyingD. comparing32. About drivers can find places to park their cars in Taizhou now.A. 85,000B. 100,000C. 15,000D. 200,00033. What can we infer from

18、 the second paragraph?A. The city sent out more private licenses in February.B. Less and less people bought cars in March.C. The city sent out less private licenses in March.D. More and more people are going to buy cars.34. According to the idea of a" Park & Ride " system, the city wil

19、l.A. send out more private car licensesB. build more parking lots near bus stopsC. encourage people to buy more carsD. build more parking areas in the city center35. This passage is mainly about.A. parking problemsB. heavy trafficC. pollution in TaizhouD. building more parking lots in the city cente

20、rBHelping others is a great thing to do. You can learn new things and have fun .There are many ways ofhelping others in your community.You can help people, animals or the environment. It can make you feel good too! How can you help?Charities(慈善机构) are organizations that help others, for example. UNI

21、CEF or the World WildlifeFund. You can help charities by giving your time, giving money or giving things that you own .You can also help people or places you know.Volunteering.Volunteering is when you give your time to help others .It' s something which you do not have to dfor which you will not

22、 be paid. Some ways of volunteering are:visiting old people to talk to them or help themwalking dogs at an animal shelter.(避难所)cleaning up a park.FundraisingFundraising is when you collect money to help others. Some ways of fundraising are:making cakes or biscuits to sell.doing a sponsored (赞助)activ

23、ity.For example,family and friends give you money if you finish a long walk.DonatingDonating is when you give your things or money to help others .Some ways of donating are:giving your old toys or clothes to a charity that helps sick children or poor people.giving your old books to a library.giving

24、your money to a charity.So, what can you do to help others?阅读短文,选择最佳答案。C.feel good D.have a hard time in the artcle?C.FourD.Fivemeans “ ” in Chinese.C.志愿活动D.捐物活动B.Giving your old computer to a charity.D.Making pancakes or sandwiches to sell.36. You ll when you help other people.A.feel uncomfortable

25、B.have a great job37. How many ways of volunteering are mentionedA.TwoB.Three38. The underlined word “ fundraisingA. 募款活动B. 慰问活动39. Which of the following is a way of donating?A.Cleaning up a park.C.Taking care of sick people in hospital.B.Ways of VolunteeringD.Helping Others.C40. What is the best t

26、itle for the passage?A.CharitiesC.A Great Thing to DoA great French writer has said that we should help everyone as much as we can because we often need help ourselves. The small even can help the great. About this, he told the following story.An ant was drinking at a small river and fell in it. She

27、 tried her best to reach the side, but she couldn move at all. The poor ant got too tried but was still doing her best when a big bird saw her. With a pity the bird threw a piece of wood. With it the ant reached the bank again. While she was testing and drying herself in the grass, she heard a man c

28、oming up. He was walking without shoes on his feet and carrying a gun in his hand. As soon as he saw the bird, he wished to kill her, and he would certainly do so, but the ant bit him in weaker and smaller than the bird herself that had saved her life.41. According to the French writer, we often nee

29、d help from others, so we should .A. help others as possible as we canB. get as much help as we canC. help the people who may be useful to us D. both B and C42. An ant could not reach the bank from the river .A. because she did not try toB. because she was too tiredC. because she didn t cry for help

30、D. though she tried her best43. Though the ant was too tired, she.A. lost hope B. stopped trying C. cried for help D. went on trying44. The sentence “ we often need help ourselves " means.A. we often help ourselvesB. we ourselves often need helpC. we often need ourselves helpD. we have duty to

31、help others45. The writer tells the story in order show.A. how the bird saved an antB. how an ant saved a birdC. how clever the ant isD. that even the small can help the greatD请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思通顺,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。选项中有一项为多余项。Wd ve heard about several“ poor students “in the past

32、year. Cui Qingtao, astudent from Yunnan, working with his parents on a building site when he got an admission letter(录 取通 知 书)from Peking University. 46 She is a student form Hebei. She was doing her part-time job in a different city when her family got her admission letter from Peking University.47

33、 For example, they are all strong and optimistic ( 乐观 的).Li Enhuisaid in an interview, “As long as we are alive, there are no problems that cannot be solved, and many people don' t have my experiences. 48 " Such an idea makes many adults feel embarrassed. He refused to accept donation money

34、 and decided to make money by himself. This is also the common thing that ” poor students " have.Whatever kind of values you hold, such personalities( 品 格)are necessary for growth.49 Not everything goes well all the time. Only being strong and optimistic, can one go through difficulties. In fac

35、t, living in poor families doesnsuch good p erspncamiies, and living inhappiness doesn' promise optimistic attitudes(态度).We like such poor students; because they are strong and optimistic.For them, few can choose their lifestyles. 50 That' s why they are highly praised.Every one of us should

36、 learn from them.A. Life is full of ups and downs.B. A girl named WangXiiiyi is another exampleC Poor students': are usuallv h ard-'w orking and caring.D. .And ihese experiences make me grow and become better,E. Bom tn poor families, these students have a let in common.F. However, all of the

37、m can choose their attitudes towards life.第II卷非选择题四、语法填空(共 10小题;每小题1分,茜分10分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式(每空一词)movejTLarrynationbadajnazestrangewxitesaddeepjRusiicLast night one of my Chinese friends took me to a concert of Chinese folk music. The piece whichwas played on the erhu especially moved m

38、e. The musicwas 51 beautiful, but under the beauty I sensed a strong 52 and pain. The piece had a simple name, Erquan Yingyue (Moon Reflected on Second Spring), but it was one of the most 53 pieces of music that I ' ve ever heard. The erhu sounded so sad that I almost cried along with it as I li

39、stened. Llater looked up the history of Erquan Yingyue, and I began to understand the sadness in the music.The music was 54 by Abing. A folk musician who was born in the city of Wuxi in 1893. His mother died when he was very young. Abing' s father taughtyimratoy55 instruments, such as thedrums,

40、dizi and erhu, and by age 17, Abing was known for his musical ability. However, after his father died, Abing ' s life g ew56 . He was very poor. Not only that, he developed a serious illness and became blind. For several years, he had no home. He lived on the streets and played music to make mon

41、ey. Even after Abing got 57 and had a home again, he continued to sing and play on the streets. He performed in this way for many years. Abing 58 m usical skills made him very popular during his lifetime. By the end of his life, he could play over 600 pieces of music. Many of these were written by A

42、bing himself. It is a pity that only six pieces of music in total were recorded for the future world to hear, but his popularity continues to this day. Today, Abing' s Erquan Yomgyue is a piece which all the great emasters play and praise. It has become one of China 59 treasures. Its sad beauty

43、not only paints a picture of Abing ' s own life bumakes people recall their 60 wounds from their own sad orpainful experiences.五、词汇运用根据下列句子所给的汉语注释及句意,写出句子空缺处各单词的正确形式。每个空格限填一词。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)61. My robot doesn ' t work. I will put two new(池)into it.62. He knew nothing about the accident,

44、and(也不)did I.63. The best time to Yangzhou is spring,there are many tourist(attract) here.64. Christmas is one of the most important festivals in( 西方的)countries.65. Because of the heavy smog, many planes to north have been(取消)。66. We all think that the trip to Shanghai will be (amaze). We are lookin

45、g forward to it.67. He asked me what the(invent) name is?68. When she was alone, she(prefer) to lie in bed.69. Sandy regretted(complain) that to her mother.70. India has the second largest(人口 ) in the world.六、综合填空(共 10小题;每小题1分,茜分10分)阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(一个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式(不超过3个单词)。A young officer was a

46、t the railway station. _71 his way home, he wanted to telephone his mother72(tell) her the time of his train so that she could meet him at the station in her car. He looked in allhis pockets,73(find) that he did not have the right money 74 the telephone, so he wentoutside and looked around for someo

47、ne to help him. At last 75_ old soldier came by, and the youngofficer _76(stop) him and said,“ Have you got change for ten pence77 (wait) a m3ment,”the old soldier answered , beginning to put his hand in his poc ket, "I ' ll se8_ I can help you. "" Don' tyou know how 79_ (spea

48、k) to an officer ? the young man said 80(anger), “ Now let ' s startagain. Have you got change for ten pence?”" No, sir. " The old man answered quickly.七、阅读与表达(共5小题,每小题1分,满分5分)阅读下面的短文,按要求回答问题。In the town of Lampang in northern Thailand, there is an unusual group of musicians. They play

49、 many different kinds of musiceverything from traditional Thai songs to music by Beethoven. Both children and adults love this group. What makes them so popular? Is it their music? Their looks7 Yes, it's both of the things, but it's also something else: they're elephants.These musical el

50、ephants started at the TECC in Lampang. The TECC protects elephants. It teaches people to understand and love them. And, like many zoos around the world, the TECC encourages elephants to paint.Richard Lair works for the TECC. He loves his job there and knows a lot about elephants. He says some of th

51、e animals' paintings are very good. But, in fact, elephants hear better than they see. And so he had an idea: if elephants are smart and they have good hearing, maybe they can play music. To test his idea, Lair and a friend started the Thai Elephant Orchestra. During a performance, the elephants

52、 play a number of instruments, including the drums and the xylophone ( 木琴).But can elephants really make music properly? Yes, says Lair. They are very creative. Human encourage the animals to play, but the elephants make their own songs; they don't just copy their trainers or other people. There

53、 are now CDs of the group's music which make money for the TECC. And the music these artists create is pretty amazing81. Where are the unusual group of musical elephants from?82. What kinds of music do the elephants play?83. What do workers at the TECC encourage elephants to do?84. Is Richard La

54、ir fit for his job? Why?85. Who are "these artists" mentioned in the last sentence?八、书面表达(共 1题,?茜分15分)国家提出一对夫妇可生育两个孩子的政策后,全社会展开了热议。某校也就是否想要个弟弟或妹妹”对部分学生进行了一次问卷调查。请彳根据此结果写一份调查报告,并适当阐述你的观点。问卷调查结果如下:观点支持反对人数比例40%60%原因1 .再也不会感到孤单;2 .能互相帮助,分享快乐分担忧愁;3 .1 .担心父母对自己的爱和关注;2 .打扰自己的学习;3 .要求:1.词数90左右。2

55、.条理清楚,书写工整,句式规范。3 .短文中不能出现真实的姓名、地名。文章开头已给出,不计入总数。Recently,a survey has been made in our school on whether you want a little brother or sister. The opinions are different. _参考答案1-5 ABBBC、听力(共20小题。每小题1分,满分20分。)6-10 AACBA 11-15CAABC16-20 CCABA二、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,?茜分10分)21-25 CBADD26-30 BCADA三、阅读理解(共20小题

56、;每小题2分,?茜分40分)21-25 CBABD 26 30 ACDBA 41-45 ABDBD 46-50 BEDAF四、语法填空(共 10小题;每小题1分,?茜分10分)51. strangely 52. sadness 53. moving 54. written 55. musical56. worse 57. married 58. amazing 59. national 60. deepest五、词汇运用 根据下列句子所给的汉语注释及句意,写出句子空缺处各单词的正确形式。每个空格限填一词。(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)61.batteries62. neither/nor63.attractions64.western65.cancelled66.amazing67.inventor' s68. preferred69. complaining70. population六、综合填空(共10小题;每小题1分,茜分10分)71. On72. to tell73.finding74. for75. An76. stopped77.


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