已阅读5页,还剩6页未读 继续免费阅读




1、responsi bleforthe developmentofcompany management,i ncl udi ngthedevelopment ofsettlementand settlement standards ofpreparation, t hebusine ss unit cle aringw ork inspecti ona nd guida nce, busine ss settleme ntaudit ;23, isi n charge of thecom pany business andcosts cal culati on a nda nalysisofne

2、w proje cts a nd to developstandardsand provi dethe basis for deci sion-maki ng and re sponsibleforthecom prehe nsivee conomi c andtechnical i ndi catorsandstatisti cs,analysi s,summary andreporting;24,the compa nyresponsibl e for audit sofvarioustypes ofbusi nesscontracts,t hepr incipalofcontractpr

3、i ce (pur chase pri ce,freight,taxes,etc),paymentmethod,payment,settlement,suchasthe reasonable nessofthe data, a uthe nticit y,accura cy; 25, stri ctenforcement ofnationaltaxpolicy, isresponsi bleforthemonthly reporting,including taxcal culati ons,statistics,gothroughtherelevantformalities, receive

4、 inv oices; 26,t hecompany responsi bleforallkinds ofpri ce(includingpr oduct pri ce,materialpri ces,Freight,engineeringmachineryjobs price,pri ce, price) 'sterms ofmarket surveys,quotations,pri ce exception report ;27,is responsi ble forthe company's manageme nt, including confere nce organ

5、ize d by pri ce, of histori calpri ces,total s, etc;28,accordingtothe annualoperating plan, annualcosts and undergode com positi on, control, analysisa ndeval uation;res ponsi blefor costing a nd cost control ,ensureaccounti ngnum ber isreasona ble,corre ct, and com plete accounti ng reporta nd th e

6、 company's otherreports compile d andreportedtowork;1盘、柜、屏安装施工方案编写:审核:批准:变电站电气安装工程2012 年 6 月 15 日esponsi ble for the development of cmpany man,emet, i I C _i ng the pment of setement and selet sta. s of prepaat busie - ui ce aigw ork inspect on a nd guia ., buSne me nt audt ; 23, s i n Cage of t

7、he cmpay ad costs ca bail n a nd a nayss of new projecs a nd to dopsa.a- ad provide Ie bass for ,c sinmakiI gad re sponsile for Ie com prehe .sve e conomi c a. tecnca indcatrs and statsi cs, aals, summary a. reporig;24, the cmpa ny esponsll e for adi s of va.us types of bus ness cntacs, t he princip

8、al of cntrac pri (pu case pri - feght, axes, " payment mehod payment, se“et sucas the reasonaen_s of Ie data aule ntily, ac . acy " stict enforcmet of naiFeght engieeig maciey jbs price, pl ce p" s tems of make suqutains pri- epinepo. ;,7, s e.ons I e fr thecmpays mange nfinc - ig con

9、ee I ce ogaie d by price of hisori cal pri cs, tals etc、,Iccrdig I te anua opeg pan, anua css ad undego de com posii on, cntrl anals a nd ein; esons be fr csig a nd cost cntol , ennure - cut ng num ber s resona be cre ct and cm pee accunti ng epor a nd te cm | ays I te r.ors cmp- d ad reortd to wok;

10、esponsi ble for the pmentof cmpany ma. a I ad coss c. _i on a Id . of newp.jecs a Id . pnd. - ad provi de the bass fr -c s.im” I g ad re sponsie fr Ie cmpr.e e conomic and ecnca ii.i-ts a Id saaasi -, a na s, may . fg;24, the cmpa ny esonsll e fr adi s of -.us ypes .f busies cnt. * , the prlncial of

11、cntac pri (pu ca- pr ce feght, . , .t) pa.et meson. nnss of te daa aute ntil y,iccuacy " sti ct enforcmet of naipolng, idig ca culai ons sa - is, gthrougte r at formalt ec - e iv .ce s " t he cmpay resons be for al kinsce (icldig pr o.c pri ce, maela pr cs,i sc ex i e2 i elft 一 as gi"

12、ig - e_l ec is 11cs. s t 2 8 a-di. a lopeaig pla, anua costs ad unego de cm posit on, cntrol, aa - s a nd eal uain; resons ble fr csig a nd cs cntrol , ensue accuti ng num be s rrasna I le, cre c, ad com pl- acounti I g epor a nd the com pay's othe reorts cmpieKCDL302- 05(2008)51引用标准GB50171-92电气

13、装置安装工程盘、柜及二次回路结线施工及验收规范DL50168-92电气装置安装工程电缆线路施工及验收规范DL5009.3-1997电力建设安全工作规程(变电所部分)GB50172-92电气装置安装工程蓄电池施工及验收规范(83)水电基火字第137号火电施工质量检验及评定标准第五篇电气装置(试行)2施工准备2.1 技术准备2.1.1 现场负责工程师(技术员)负责作好技术交底工作。2.1.2 施工负责人与现场负责工程师(技术员)在施工开始前,要认真做好以下 工作:a)施工前对所有的图纸要进行校核,修改过的部分必须经设计院认可方 可进行施工;b)按校核过的图纸对电缆清册进行校对。2.1.3 施工人员

14、在施工前要认真学习本工艺标准,并在施工中贯彻执行:2.1.4 直流蓄电池安装调试前,应具备以下条件:a)制造厂家技术说明书和其他技术文件齐全;b)直流屏、硅整流屏及电力电缆安装调试完毕;c)联系交流电源供电,应保证在充、放电期间连续供电。必要时应有备用电源,以防止充、放电过程中突然断电。2.22.3人员组织施工负责人:技术负责人:安质员:二次回路试验人员:安装人员:施工工器具:液压吊车撬 杠校线灯绝缘摇表皮 尺1名1名(或协助负责人1-2名)1名2-3名3-5名8T L=1.5m 自制 1000V50米1辆2根4对1台1把portng, icudig _i on* staisics g tro

15、ugIhe r an frma - sre e iv I ce s t he cmpay risponsibe for al kins ce (icldig pr oouc | ri ce, m l p. cs,钢 管32L=3米2根L=1.5米4根磁座钻1台电焊机1台水平尺1把钢卷尺5m准确度士0.2mm1只钢板尺1m准确度士0.1mm2只冲击钻176mm 附钻头© 121套2.4 对土建工程要求2.4.1 与盘、柜装置及二次回路电缆施工,二次回路结线安装有关的建筑物, 构筑物的建筑工程质量,应符合国家现行的建筑工程施工及验收规范中的有 关规定,当设备或设计有特殊要求时,尚应满足其

16、要求。2.4.2 屏、柜、箱安装前建筑工程应具备下列条件:a)屋顶、楼板施工完毕,不得渗漏;b)结束室内地面工作,室内沟道无积水、杂物;c)预埋件及预留孔符合设计要求,预埋件应牢固;d)门窗安装完毕;e)进行装饰工作时有可能损坏已安装设备或设备安装后不能再进行施工 的装饰工作全部结束;f)基础型钢的预埋应符合表中规定:基础型钢安装的允许偏差项目允许偏差mm/mmm/全长不宜度< 1< 5水平度< 1< 5位置误差及不平 行度< 5注:环形布置按设计要求g)基础型钢安装后,其顶部宜高出抹平地面 10mm;手车式成套柜按产品 技术要求执行。基础型钢应有明显的可靠接地。

17、2.4.3 二次线施工前建筑工程应具备下列条件:responsi bleforthe developmentofcompany management,i ncl udi ngthedevelopment ofsettlementand settlement standards ofpreparation, t hebusine ss unit cle aringw ork inspecti ona nd guida nce, busine ss settleme ntaudit ;23, isi n charge of thecompany business andcosts cal cula

18、ti on a nda nalysisofnew proje cts a nd to developstandardsand provi dethe basis for deci sion-maki ng and re sponsibleforthecom prehe nsivee conomi c andtechnical i ndi catorsandstatisti cs,analysi s,summary andreporting;24,the compa nyresponsibl e for audit sofvarioustypes ofbusi nesscontracts,the

19、pr incipalofcontractpri ce (pur chase pri ce,freight,taxes,etc),paymentmethod,payment,settlement,suchasthe reasonable nessofthe data, a uthe nticit y,accura cy; 25, stri ctenforcement ofnationaltaxpolicy, isresponsi bleforthemonthly reporting,including taxcalculati ons,statistics,gothroughtherelevan

20、tformalities,re ceive inv oice s;26,t hecompany responsi bleforallkinds ofprice(includingpr oduct pri ce,materialpri ces,Freight,engineeringmachineryjobs price,pri ce, price) 'sterms ofmarket surveys,quotations,pri ce exception report ;27,is responsi ble forthe company's manageme nt, includi

21、ng confere nce organize d by pri ce, of histori calpri ces,total s, etc;28,accordingtothe annual operating plan, annualcosts and undergode com positi on, control, analysisa ndeval uation;responsi blefor costing a nd costcontrol ,ensureaccounti ngnum ber isreasona ble,corre ct, and com plete accounti

22、 ng reporta nd thecom pany's otherreports compile d andreportedtowork;fe. g-eing a - e jeic id s la k s veyut-s. e-iel-t c a s g-"-. c ega e. 1r.s is - - acd-g a lea-g aalt a udrgc c-ay-v ai-c.gct ctu 一一-ge-ses 1c - aet cger -a s e et claetrr、L/L»/luuu - UU(乙UU。)a)预埋件符合设计、安置牢固;b)电缆沟、隧道

23、、竖井及人孔等处的地坪及抹面工作结束;c)电缆层、电缆沟、隧道等处的施工临时设施、模板及建筑废料等清理 干净,电缆室的门窗安装完毕。2.4.4 如发现影响电气安装的土建工程缺陷,即向现场负责工程师(技术员)反映,以便迅速与有关部门研究处理方案。2.5 设备检查及保管2.5.1 盘、柜应存放在室内或能避雨、雪、风、沙的干燥场所,对有特殊保管要 求的装置性设备和电气元件,应按规定保管。2.5.2 盘柜等在搬运和安装时应采取防震、防潮、防止柜架变形和漆面受损等 安全措施。2.5.3 盘柜到达现场后,在没有合适的存放条件时,应及时在规定的期限内验 收检查,并应符合下列要求:a)包装及密封良好;b)开箱

24、检查型号、规格符合设计要求,设备无损伤,附件、备件齐全;c)产品的技术文件齐全;d)外观检查合格;e)按审核过的图纸对盘、屏、柜、箱进行回路查线,如有和图纸不符者, 必须按图改正。2.5.4 二次电缆在运输过程中,不应使电缆及电缆盘受到损伤。严禁将电缆直 接由车上推下。电缆盘不应平放运输,平放贮存。2.5.5 运输或滚动电缆盘前,必须保证电缆盘牢固,电缆绕紧。2.5.6 电缆到达现场后,应按下列要求及时进行检查:a)产品的技术文件齐全;b)电缆型号、规格、长度应符合订货要求,电缆外观不应受损;c)当外观检查有怀疑时,应及时进行绝缘试验。2.5.7 电缆到达现场后,应按下列要求贮存:a)电缆应集

25、中分类存放,应标明型号、电压、规格、长度。电缆盘之间应有通道。地基应坚实,当受条件限制时,盘下应加垫,存放处不得积水;b)防火涂料、包带、堵料等防火材料,应根据材料性能和保管要求贮存和保管;c)电缆支架应分类保管,不得因受力变形。2.5.8 蓄电池到达现场后,应在产品规定的有效保管期限内进行安装及充电。不立即安装时,其保管应符合下列要求:a) 酸性和碱性蓄电池不得存放在同一室内;b) 蓄电池不得倒置,开箱存放时,不得重叠;c) 蓄电池应存放在清洁、干燥、通风良好、无阳光直射的室内。存放中严禁短路、受潮,并应定期清除灰尘,保持清洁;d) 蓄电池的保管室温宜为540。存放宜在放电状态下,拧上密气塞

26、清理干净,在极柱上涂抹防腐脂。2.5.9 蓄电池安装前,应按下列要求进行开箱外观检查:a) 蓄电池的型号、规格符合设计要求;b) 厂家技术说明书及其他技术文件齐全;c) 蓄电池外壳应无裂纹、损伤、漏液等现象;d) 蓄电池的正、负端柱必须极性正确,壳内部件应齐全无损伤,有孔气塞通气性能应良好;e) 极板无严重受潮和变形,槽内部件应齐全无损伤;f) 连接条、螺栓及螺母应齐全,无锈蚀;g) 带电解液的蓄电池,其液面高度应在两液面线之间;防漏运输螺塞应无松动、脱落。2.5.10 蓄电池盘柜开箱检查时,应通知建设单位、监理单位,同时应仔细清点,及时填写开箱记录,各单位代表签字认可。2.5.11 发现异常

27、由现场负责工程师(技术员)书面报告公司物资供应站,并与监理、甲方代表联系处理方案。3 施工工艺3.1 盘、柜、箱的就位及安装4.1.1 在基础型钢上依据施工标示出出每面盘、柜、箱的具体位置,然后按照实际盘、柜、箱的固定螺栓孔距在基础型钢上画出孔的实际位置。4.1.2 地脚螺栓的处理,有以下两种方法可供选择。a) 将螺栓的六角头去掉,用电焊机将螺杆焊在基础型钢的孔位上。待盘、柜就位后,用螺母将其与基础型钢固定;b) 用磁座钻在基础型钢的孔位上钻孔、滚丝,等盘、柜就位后,用螺栓将其与基础型钢连接固定。4.1.3 高层室内的盘、柜等开箱检查后,采用吊车吊到空中平台上,然后用钢管作滚杠,垫在盘、柜的底

28、部移动至安装位置,然后撤掉滚杠,就位固定。也可用小型液压插车两台将盘移动至安装位置后,将插车推出就位。fe. g-eing a - e jeic id s la k s veyut-s. e-iel-t c a s g-"-. c ega e. 1r.s is - - acd-g a lea-g aalt a udrgc c-ay-v ai-c.gct ctu 一一-ge-ses 1c - aet cger -a s e et claetrr、L/L»/luuu - UU(乙UU。)4.1.4 盘、柜就位后,应重新核对安装位置的正确性。4.1.5 盘、柜间的连接,要求每边上

29、、中、下部各采用1只螺栓连接。4.1.6 全列(或单独)盘柜按上述方法连接和固定后,用线坠和白线绳测量盘柜 的水平偏差和垂直度。然后用撬杠调整,使水平偏差、垂直度,整列盘、柜 面偏差符合规范要求。同时,模拟母线应对齐,其误差不应超过视差范围, 并应完整,安装牢固。4.1.7 控制、保护盘柜内的电器装置安装调试应按照厂家技术资料要求进行。4.1.8 蓄电池组的安装应符合下列要求: 蓄电池放置的平台、基架及间距应符合设计要求。 蓄电池安装应平稳,同列电池应高低一致,排列整齐。 连接条及抽头的接线应正确,接头连接部分涂以电力复合脂,螺母应 紧固。3.2.8.

30、4 有抗震要求时,其抗震设施应符合有关规定并牢固可靠。 镉银蓄电池直流系统成套装置应符合国家现行技术标准的规定。4质量标准(包括对质量通病的措施)4.1 盘、柜、箱的就位及安装。4.1.1 配电盘、柜、箱安装后应垂直,屏间应紧密无隙,连接螺栓不得缺少和 松动,屏面不应相互参差不齐,其偏差应符合下表:盘、柜、屏安装的允许偏差表项目允许偏差(mm)垂直度(每米)<1.5水平偏差相邻两盘顶 部<2成列盘顶部<5盘面偏差相邻两盘边 成列盘面< 1<5盘间接缝<24.1.2 盘、柜、箱应用螺栓牢固可靠的固定在基础上,不准采用焊接方法固 定。4.1.3 端

31、子箱安装应牢固,封闭良好,安装位置应便于检查。4.1.4 配电盘、柜、箱的接地应可靠良好。对装有电器的可开启的盘、柜、箱 门应以多股软导线与主接地网可靠连接。4.1.5 对于安装在同一地点的盘、柜、箱其表面颜色应和谐一致。模拟母线颜7esponsi ble for the development of cmpany man,emet, i I C _i ng the pment of setement and selet sta. s of prepaat busie - ui ceaigw ork inspect on a nd guia ., buSne me nt audt ; 23,

32、s in Cage of the cmpay ad costs ca bail n a nd anayss of new projecs a nd todopsa.a- ad provide Ie bass for ,c sinmaki I g ad re sponsile for Ie com prehe .sve e conomi c a. tecnca i ndcatrs and statsics, aal s, summary a. reporig;24, the cmpa ny esponsll e for adi s of va.us typesof bus ness cntacs

33、, the principal of cntrac pri (pu case pri- feght, axes, " payment mehod payment, se“et sucas the reasonae n_s of Ie data aule ntil y, ac . acy " sti ct enforcmet of naiona polCy S responsible for Ie monthly reporting, i»d>g _i on* stats gtrougIhe reevan forma *re CVe iv I Ce * &qu

34、ot; the cmpay responsibe for al ce(icldig produC 1ri ce, maeralpri,Feght engieeig maCiey jbs price, pl ce p" s tems of make su'ey,qutains price epinepo. ;,7, s e.ons I e fr the cmpays mangenfinC - ig conee I ce ogaie d by price of hisori cal pri cs, tals etc、,ICcrdig I te anua opegpan, anua

35、 cssad undego de com posii on,cntrl anals and evlin; esons be fr csig a nd cost cntol , ennure - cut ng num ber s resona ble cre ct and cm pee accunting epor a nd te cm | ays I te r.ors cmp- d ad reortd to wok;色应符合表中的规定。模拟母线的标志颜色电压(KV)颜 色电压(KV)颜 色电压(KV)颜 色交流0.23深 灰交流13.8-20浅 绿交流220紫交流0.40黄 褐交流35浅 黄交流330白交流 3深 绿交流60橙 黄交流500淡 黄交流 6深 蓝交流110朱 红直 流褐交流 10绛 红交流154天 蓝直流500深 紫5安全措施5.1 控保屏在拆箱时,应将箱板等杂物清理干净,以免阻碍通道或钉子扎脚。5.2 移动屏盘时,应有足够的人力,统一指挥 ,防止倾倒伤人,狭窄处要防止 挤手。5.3 屏盘底座加垫时,不可将手伸入盘底,多面屏并列时要防止挤手。5.4 对重心偏移在一侧的屏盘,在未安装好以前,应有防止倾倒的措施。5.5 各种屏盘内安装各式开关、熔断器,凡直立者应一律上口是电源,下口是 负荷。5.6 在扩建变电所工作时,要和变电所签订安全合同。5.7 凡有关带电屏的接线,


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