已阅读5页,还剩13页未读 继续免费阅读




1、配对阅读专项练习1A. The stomachache needs hot water. It;s best to()56. Candy studies very hard. She oftentake this medicine with hot honey water.studies late until 12 oclock everyB. This is a kind of Chinese herb. It is good tonight. She is stressed out and shedrop the body temperature.cant sleep well at ni

2、ght.C. This medicine is good for the people whohave a cold. But it is not useful for treating()57. John likes ice cream very much. Hefever.ate a lot of ice cream yesterday. ButD. If you feel pain in your throat and can t say anow he has a stomachache.word, this medicine is the right one for you.Take

3、 it and you can speak again very soon.()58. Miss Lin has a sore throat. She cantE. This medicine can help everyone sleep well.speak to her students now.Take it before you go to sleep, and you willfeel relaxed the next morning.()59. James doesnt feel very well. He has aF. This medicine can help child

4、ren who have aheadache. He has to take somesore throat. It is a little sweet, children willmedicine.like it.G. Take this medicine before you go to sleep. It()60. Betty had a cold 3 days ago. Hercan make you feel better and your head willtemperature is 39.5 C . She has anot ache any more.fever.H. Thi

5、s medicine is good for your aching tooth.Take it three times a day. Your toothache willstop soon.2左栏是五位病人的病情介绍,右栏是一些医生的建议,请将病人和建议进行匹配。1. .I cut my fingers just now. Its bleeding (流血).What should I do?57. My head aches. I have a fever, and I cough a lot.58. I broke my leg when I was playing basketbal

6、l yesterday. It; s so painful.59. Its difficult for me to fall asleep these days. And I always feel very sleepy the next day. Its so terrible!60. I cant see things clearly when they are far away from me.A. You ve got a cold. Take some medicine, drink more water and have enough rest. Youll be OK soon

7、.B. Eat some spicy food and drink some cold water.C. Lie in bed and have a good rest. Don t go anywhere. You ll be all right in a few days.D. Stick a woundplast on your finger, and don t let it touch any water.E. You should have your eyes checked. If you re short-sighted, you should wear a pair of g

8、lasses. Try to do eye exercises every day. Its good for your eyes.F. Use a magnifying glass to help you see the things far away.Or you may just see things around you.G. You can drink a glass of milk and listen to some light music before you go to bed. You may take some sleeping pills if necessary.H.

9、 Drink some tea or coffee before you go to bed.3配对阅读:左栏是五位学生对自己亲人的介绍,右栏是一些人物的介绍,请将人物和学生所介绍的人进行匹配,并将最佳选项的字母编号填写在答卷相应题目的答题位置上。()66. My brother is 16 years old. He isA.Mr. Smith is a farmer. He is very old, butvery tall. He can play basketball very well.()67. My mother is a housewife. She canB.he is ve

10、ry strong.Kate likes sports very much. She oftencook very delicious food.()68. My sister is very good atC.plays baseball after school.Mr. Longman is a middle-aged man. Hebadminton. She often plays badminton with me.D.teaches English in a middle school.Mrs. Black is a nurse. She works in a()69. My gr

11、andpa is old, but he stillworks on the farm every day.E.hospital.Sam likes basketball very much, but he is()70. My father is a teacher. He is 42years old.F.too short.Sally is an active girl. She likesG.H.badminton very much.Mrs. Brown doesnt have a job. She just stays at home and cooks the meals.Tim

12、 is a tall boy. He is 16 years old.()6. Jack keeps animalsbecause he enjoys their friendship.()7. Xiaoling likesmusic and is good at singing. But she enjoys a drama best of all.()8. Mike has manyhobbies. One of them is making or flying a kite.()9. Peter enjoy drivingand he buy an expensive car. He h

13、as not decided what brand of car he is going to buy.()10. Janes parents areboth famous singers.And of course, she wishes to become a singing star one day.A. There are many kinds of fish food that you can get in pet shops. Most are suitable)(合适的) for all kinds of fish. You should feed your fish once

14、a day only. It is important not to give them too much food. Just give them as much as they can eat in about 15 minutes. This will keep them healthy.B. Dreaming of owning your own car? World famous car makers such as Mercedes Benz, BMW, Wolkswagen, Audi, and General Motors have brought their latest p

15、roducts to the exhibition in Guangzhou sablieum.C. So sweet puppy! I am ready to give it out without any payment to anyone who will promise me that he/she will take good care of her.D. Do you want to hear “The Zoo? The Zoo”. A popular rock group from Australia, will give theirfirst Us concerttomorro

16、w night at 8:00 at Rosetall, City College.E. Do your children enjoy interesting stories, funny games, and exciting dances? Captain Good Fellow will be ready to teach all these things to children of all ages at the City Theatre on Saturday morning at 10:00, Free.F. Apr.20 Kite Festival: Weifang, Shan

17、dong Province s best-known kite city, will host (主办) a kite festival.G. Sunrise is being put up as part of celebrations of the Capital Theatres 50th anniversary.Ar Japanese I (9 a.m.-l I a.m. Saturday)After this course, youT i I be able to speak some daily Japanese.11 Li Lei is going to Japan fbr B.

18、 Japanese II (3 p.m.-5 p.mP Saturday)a holiday next year,12 Wu Hua can speak some Japanese h She wants to learn more about it13 Linda wants to learn a kind of musical instrument (AShe is free on Sun day.14 Tom is very interested in Taichi and yoga, but he has a part-time job on Sunday.15 Liu Mei thi

19、nks it5 impor-tant to learn to swim.You should have some basic knowledge of Japanese or learn Japanese I before you take this course.C. Swimming (9 a.m.-I I a.m. Sunday)After this course, you 11 be able to swim breaststroke (由永), backstroke (仰泳)and crawl ( rb 泳)、D. Knglish literature (3 p.m.-5 p.in.

20、 Sunday)Get to know the story of some famous English and American writers and leam to appreciate (欣赏)their works.E. Yoga (3 pm.5 p,m. Sunday)This kind of sports originated (来源 J;) in India. 11 can heip you relax your body and mind.F. Piano (91 a.m. Sunday)xam to play the piano with famous pianist Ma

21、 Long.G. Guitar (3 p.m5 p.m. Saturday)Do you want to sing the hottest pop songs while playing theguitar? Then came and join in this course.H. Taiehi (太极)(9 aPm,-l J a.m. Saturday)11 Just relax yourself and do the revision (复 习)work. Believe yourself. Tell yourself you can make it.12 Tell him that yo

22、u won t lend him anything unless he has asked fbr your permission.13 You can ask them to let you play fbr a while after you have finished yourA. My friend Jack always takes my things without my permission (未经我的允许).& I like Jay Chou very much* I want to go to his concert very muck But the ticket is t

23、oo expensive.C, My classmate fails the exam She is very sad now.D, I want to play computer games after dinner But my parents just don t let me do that.E, I quarrel (争吵)with my best friend She justLeam something about this ancient Chinese Kun航i.15 You can encourage her and tell her that she will pass

24、 the exam if she studies:Hbharder next time. Maybe you can help her with the study.homework. Let them know that you won t won t talk to me.be addicted to 上瘾)computer games, F. I want to buy a pair of Nike shoes. But I don t 14 ItJ $ quite right fbr you to do so. Maybe hav much money.you can help lie

25、r to prepare for the exam.My desk mate (同束)asks me to help her cheat (作弊)in the mid-tenn examination. I dont want to do that. So she is very angry.I am very nervous these dayss because the final examination is coming. I m afraid I may fail the exam.赠送一下资料北师大版七年级上册语文期中测试时间: 120分钟 满分: 120分20 分)1、下列加线词

26、语注音不正确的一项() ( 2 分)A、p a ish a n 跚s o ng震悚sh a nh u 珊瑚Pi枇谷kanku ip a oji uB、调侃盔甲炮制针灸li a nxu ech o ich uPiC、敛戏谑踌躇譬如j i ntu 1chu oz a oD、怀蝉蜕丰姿 绰 约确凿2、下列词语中有四个错别字,把它们分别找出来,填入表格中,然后把正确的字写出来。(2分)人声顶沸落日残霞百无聊赖风姿绰约津津乐道 月残星疏 肆意忘为 翩翩起舞万事如意大言不惭如法炮制惴惴不安水天相接前扬后合渚清沙白衣衫蓝褛错字更正3、关于课文内容的说法有误的一项是()(2分)A、慈母情深一文多次出现“第一次

27、”或“从来没有”,表明这印象不可磨灭, 以及具有重要或特殊的意义。B、贯穿从百草园到三味书屋全文的,是甜美的欢乐的回忆,是一颗天真调皮的童心,这就是这篇散文的意境美和韵味美之所在。C、雪地贺卡一文主要讲述了一个冬天的早晨,“我”下班发现一张寄给雪人的贺卡,好奇心之下,“我”以雪人的名义给写贺卡的李小屹回了一张贺卡,这样李小屹就有了一个有秘密的童年,后来为了不破坏她的美梦,“我”没有再回复。D、“霜叶红于二月花”这首句诗之所以为人传诵,只要是因为其精巧明丽,便于记诵。4、下列句中加点成语使用正确的是()(2分)A、这行云流水般的歌声使所有在场的听众获得了极大的艺术享受。B、在学习上,他非常勤奋,

28、总是不耻下问,经常连老师都被他问倒。C、这么好的天气去郊游,同学们可以在大自然中尽情地享受天伦之乐 D、多美的景色啊,一座座高山亭亭玉立在我们面前。5、文学常识及古诗词默写填空(10 分)(1)从百草园到三味书屋的作者是 ,原名。请写出该作者的另一篇作品或文集名称 。(2)停车坐爱枫林晚,。(3) , 不是春光。胜彳以春光,。(4)无边落木萧萧下,。(5)渔家傲.塞下秋来风景异中写出边关将士思念家乡,但是因为没有为国建功立业而不能回家的矛盾痛苦心情的句子6、对下列两首诗歌的理解不正确的是()(2分)秋词刘禹锡自古逢秋悲寂寥,我言秋日胜春朝。晴空一鹤排云上,便引诗情到碧霄。天净沙秋思马致远枯藤老

29、树昏鸦,小桥流水人家,古道西风瘦马。夕阳西下,断肠人在天涯。A、秋词的作者刘禹锡是唐代人,秋思的作者马致远是元代人。B、“我言秋日胜春朝”的大致意思是:我认为秋天的景致胜过明艳美丽、万物 更新的春景。C、秋词中“排云上”的鹤矫健凌厉、奋发有为,这一形象冲破了秋天的肃 杀之气;秋思中“枯藤老树昏鸦”等形象,则写尽了秋天的肃杀之气。D、这两首诗同是咏秋之作,所写之景虽不同,但均没有摆脱“悲秋”的情调, 读后使人悲情顿生。二、阅读理解(50分)(一)阅读下列课内文段,完成文后题。(17分)不必说 的菜畦,的石井栏,的皂荚树,的桑棋,也不必说鸣蝉在树叶里 ,肥胖的黄蜂 在菜花上,轻捷的叫天子忽然从草间

30、直 向云霄里去了。单是周围的短短的泥墙根一带,就有无限的趣味。油蛉在这里低唱,蟋蟀们在这里弹琴。翻开断砖来,有时会遇见蝶蚣,还有斑螫,倘若用手指按住它的脊梁,便会啪的一声,从后窍喷出一阵烟雾。何首乌藤和木莲藤缠络着,木莲有莲房一般的果实,何首乌有臃月中的根。我于是常常拔它起来,牵连不断地拔起来,也曾因此弄坏了泥墙,却从来没有见过有一块根像人样。 如果不怕刺,还可以摘到覆盆子,像小珊瑚 珠攒成的小球,又酸又甜,色味比桑棋要好得远。冬天的百草园比较的无味;雪一下可就两样了。拍雪人和塑雪罗汉需要人们鉴赏, 这是荒园,人迹罕至,所以不相宜,只好来捕鸟。薄薄的雪是不行的;总须积雪 盖了地面一两天,鸟雀们

31、久已无处觅食的时候才好。扫开一块雪,露出地面,用一枝短棒 起一面大的竹筛来,下面 些秋谷,棒上 一条长纯,人远远地 着,鸟雀下来啄食,走到竹筛底下的时候,将绳子一,便 住了。但所得的是麻雀居多,也有白颊的“张飞鸟”,性子很躁,养不过夜的。1、在选文第一段横线处填上适当的词语。(4分)2、从下列词语中选择恰当的动词填在第二段的横线处,只填序号。并谈谈这些词有什么特点。(4分)备选词:A、顶B、支C、撒D、拴E、系F、拉G、牵H、拽I、 罩J、盖K、看3、不必说也不必说单是”句式有何特点?仿照例句,造一个句子(不少于20字)。(3分)4、第二段文字写冬天百草园很无味,而写雪地捕鸟却津津乐道,这样写

32、有什么好处? ( 3分)5、文中遗漏一句 有人说,何首乌根是有像人形的,吃了便可成仙 ”应放在何处?插入这一句有什么作用? (3分)(二)阅读下文,完成文后题。(15分)真情当时我叫他“小老弟”。其实,我们的年龄还差着辈分,我只能这样称呼他。那天,家里电冰箱坏了,我到修理部请求上门修理。修理部的同志说:“现在人手少,需稍候两天,你要急,可以拉来修理。”这可难为了年过花甲的我,正当我一筹莫展的时候,“旧书旧报纸的卖!” 一声吆喝使我闪出了一个念头。看上去他二十多岁,一个很精神的小伙子。我叫了一声“小老弟”,把来意向他讲一遍,并表明急切的心情,最后还特别加重了一句“我给您劳务费!”他憨厚地笑了笑:

33、“走吧”。我们二人从三楼把冰箱抬到平板车上,拉到修理部。冰箱修好了,他又帮我抬 回家。我当即从衣兜里掏出二十元钱,他的脸“腾”地红了:“您还真给钱呀?”我说:“那当然。”他执意不要。最后他说:“你有旧书旧报就卖给我吧。”看来这 是他惟一的要求。我把所有的旧书旧报纸都找了出来。 我想说不要钱,可在他坦诚的表现面前愧于开口。说真格的,平时我总是用怀疑的目光看这些人, 对他们存有戒心。而这件事使我转变了看法,在我们生活中,无论是北京人还是外地人;无论从事何种工作的人,人人都有一片真情,人人都有可能向你献出一片真心,只要我们敞开心扉,相互信任,相互帮助,我们的周围就会是一个真诚明亮的世界!1、文中的主

34、要人物是 (2分)2、用简明的语言概述事情的起因、经过和结果。(3分)起因:经过:结果:3、给文章分层正确的一项是()(3分)A、|B、|C、|D、|4、文中划线的部分是人物的 描写。(A、语言描写B、行动描写C、肖像描写D、心理描写)它真实地刻画出小伙子是一个 的人。(A、朴实善良B、慷慨大方C、主动热情D、无私无畏)(4分)5、第段在文中的作用是()(3分)A、说明是“小老弟”那种乐于助人的精神感动了我,使我改变了对外地人的看法。B、真切地表明,只要用一颗真诚的心待人,就会得到别人的帮助。C-鲜明地揭示出所记事情的意义一一只要我们相互信任,相互帮助,人世间就会充满真情,具有极强的感染力。D

35、 、深刻地表现出无论是哪儿的人,无论是从事何种工作的人,都有一片真情的社会现实。(三)阅读下文,完成文后题。( 18 分)新年临近,邮局工作人员罗茜在阅读所有寄给圣诞老人的1005 封信时,发现只有一名叫约翰万古的10岁儿童没有向圣诞老人要给自己的礼物。信中写道: “亲爱的圣诞老人,我想要的惟一的一样礼物就是给我妈妈一辆电动轮椅。 她不能走路。两手也没有力气,不能再使用那辆两年前慈善机构赠予的手摇车。 我是多么希望她能到室外看我做游戏呀!您能满足我的愿望吗?爱你的约翰万古:罗茜读完信,禁不住落下泪来,她立即决定为居住在巴宁市的万古和他的母亲尽些力。于是,她拿起电话。接着奇迹般的故事就发生了。她

36、首先打电话给加州一家名为 “行动自如”的轮椅供应商店。商店的总经理又与位于纽约的轮椅制造商取得了联系。这家公司当即决定送一辆电动轮椅给万古的母亲,并且在星期四送到,他们还在车身上放一个圣诞礼物的红蝴蝶结。显然,他们是圣诞老人的支持者。星期五, 这辆价值3000 美元的轮椅送到了万古和他妈妈居住的一座小公寓门前。在场的有10 多位记者和前来祝福的人们。万古的妈妈哭了。她说道: “这是我度过的最美好的圣诞节。今后,我不再终日因居在家中了。 ”她和儿子都是在 1981 年的一次车祸中致残的。由于她的脊骨骨节破裂,她得依靠别人扶着坐上这辆灰白色的新轮椅,在附近停车场上进行试车。赠送轮椅的福都拉斯公司的代表奈克彼得斯说:“这是一个一心想到妈妈而不只是自己的孩子。我们感到,应该为他做些事。有时,金钱并不意味着一切。”邮局工作人员同时也赠送给他们一些食品以及显微镜、喷气飞机模型、电子游戏机等礼物。万古把其中一些食品装在匣内,包起来送给楼内的一个邻居。对此,万古解释说:“把东西赠给那些需要的人们,会使我们感到快乐。”妈妈说, 应该时时如此,也许天使就是这样来考验人们的。1、本文记叙的人称是什么? ()( 3分)A、第一i人称B、第二人称 C、第三人称2、请你用一句话概括万古的心愿。(不


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