



1、三年级人教版英语下学期填空题难点知识习题班级:_ 姓名:_1. 选出合适的单词填入横线上。many an   hungry old name1Hello, Im Lily. Whats your _?2Its _ elephant.3How _ are you?4How _ pens in you pencil box?5Im _. Can I have some cake?2. 找出下列单词中的反义词。dad  this  mum  that&

2、#160; morning  yes  lion  no  pen1(_)- (_)2(_)- (_)3(_)- (_)3. 看图选出合适的单词。1Whos that _ (man woman)?Hes Mr Jones.2Where are you from?Im from _ (Canada China). 3Is this your _ (father mother)?Yes, she is.4How

3、 many eggs? _ (Nine Ten). 5Whos that woman?Shes my _ (grandmother grandfather). 4. 选词填空。where   when what do   is   has1.-_are you from?- I am from China.2.-_is in your desk?-Oh, it''s a book.3.-_ is that girl?-She is my sister.4.-_ this

4、 your sister?-Yes, she is.5. Look at the giraffe! It_ a long neck.6.-_ you like bananas?-Yes, I do.5. 选用适当的单词补全句子。isn''t, don''t, can''t, aren''t, doesn''t(1)My mother_at home.(2)They_my hats.They are Peter''s.(3)I _ like singing. &

5、#160;(4)The boy_fly the kite.  (5)She_like dancing.6. 根据所给中文提示,写出单词。1_(醒一醒)up, Liu Tao. Its time for breakfast.2What _(时间)is it now? Its eight oclock.3Its six oclock. Its time for _(晚餐).4Its ten oclock. Its time for _(上课).5Its late. Its time for _(床)now.7. 读算式,将正确答案填在横线

6、上。1three + two = _ 2six ÷ three = _3seven- _ = four 4three×  three = _5_ - six = two 6four× two = _7four× one = _ 8two + eight = _9nine- _ = three 10nine ÷ three = _8. 按要求完成下列各题。1. isn''t(完整形式

7、)  2. where''s(完整形式)3. you are(缩写形式) 4. no(同音词)9. 根据提示完成下列句子,每空一词。1I can _ _ (跑得快).2I can _ _ (跳得远).3I can _ (游泳).4Can you _ (唱歌)?10. 选出合适的单词填入横线上。a Whats   it   an   like1_ this?2I _ red.3It is _ 

8、dog.4It is _ elephant.5Its a panda. I like _.11. 根据图片用介词in, on或 under填空。1.The bag is _ the desk. 2.The pencil box is _ the desk.3.The dog is _ the chair. 4.The pencil is _ the pencil box.5.The books are _ the bag.12. 填空题。1_(ride) is a very interesting activity.2Alice found_(her)&

9、#160;alone in a long, low hall.3Mozi used wood to make a bird. (同义句)Mozi_a bird_wood.4Mike_(not go) to bed until 12o''clock last night.13. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1Is this_ (you) English book?2Dont_ (eat) my cake.3Dont talk. I want _(sleep).4_ (come) in, please.14. 读句子,选择恰

10、当的词填空。(每个单词限用一次)A. red     B. is     C. coldD. under     E. pears     F. in1Dont open the door. Its_.2The apples are_.3Are these_? Yes, they are.4Where_ the cat? Its_ the chair.5Look! The bird is_

11、0;the tree.15. 看图选出正确的单词并写在横线上。1The dog is _ (on/in) the box. 2Look! The ball is _ (behind/under) the table. 3My cat is_ (in/on) the box. 4This is an _ (apple/orange). 5I''m a good _ (pupil/doctor). 16. 根据所给词的适当形式填空。1I love_(it) very much.2Here_(be) a dog for you.3Thank_(you) very much.4It _(be) a toy.5Here is a card for_(you).17. 选词填空。A. with B. too


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