



1、7B Unit7单元测试一、用所给词的适当形式填空完成句子(10分)1. Many(visit)come to see interesting places in Beijing.2. The boy is( happy ) because he has no time to play .3. We should listen to the teacher(careful )in class.4. You should take( well ) care of yourself .5. This Maths problem is not difficult. I can work it out

2、( easy ).6. My mother( bring ) me a new T-shirt yesterday afternoon.7. May 12, 2008 is an(unusually) day. A great earthquake hit (发生) Wenchuan in Sichuan Province.8. The(woman) doctors are saving the boy.9.I saw a lot of smoke(come)from that door.10.Jim once(lose)his way when he was in Beijing last

3、year.二、根据汉语提示完成句子(10分)1. The baby is sleeping. Dort make any.(响声)2. I was (恐惧的)to stay in the dark room.3. Last week, an 8-year old girl (迷路)her way and cried in the street.4. Daniel likes (收集)stamps in the spare time.5. Jack is (粗心的).So he caint get good grades in English.6. Miss Green bought a ver

4、y beautiful毯子)last Sunday.7. (多么) an interesting story it is!8. My e-friend Nicky is fond of 收集)stamps.9. The moon turns around the(地球).10. The Class3, Grade 7 students are U) a trip to the Great Wall.三、单项选择(20分)题号1234567891011121314151617181920答案1 .You should speak politely to.A.the elder B.the eld

5、ly C.elderly D.the elderly2 .My father was watching mewhen someone knocked on the door.A.plays the piano B.playing piano C.playing the piano D.play piano3 .When the building burns,the firemen will arrive at once andthe fire.A.put up B.put down C.put offD.put out4.I usually go to schoolbike,but somet

6、imes I go to school foot.A.with;onB.on;byC.on;withD.by;on5.It isdifficult for usclimb up the mountain.A.very;can tB.to;notC.too;toD.very;to6.It s important the piano well.A.of him to play B.for him to play C.of him playing D.for him playing 7.You should do your homework.A.with yourself B.to yourself

7、 C.at yourself D.by yourself8 .They can take care of.A.yourself B.himself C.ourselves D.themselves9 .Thanks for me so many nice presents for my birthday.A.give B.to give C.givingD.gave10 .-Can I use your telephone,please? -No,you .A.can B.do C.cantD.dont11 .-What is he? -He is a.A.driveB.driverC.dri

8、veerD.drivor12 .She always spends a lot of money clothes.A.inB.onC.withD.at13 .It me five hours to finish the job last year.A.spent B.tookC.takes D.spend14 .-1 think drinking milk is good our health. -Yes,I agreeyou.A.for;withB.to;toC.with;toD.at;with15 .-Bob speaks Chinese quite well.-Yes,so he doe

9、s.He practices Chinese every day.D.spokeD. dancesD.closedD.some timesA.speaking B.speakC.speaks16 . Can you teach me how?A. danceB. dancing C. to dance17 .Don't forgetthe window when you leave.A.closing B.to close C.close 18.I play football on Monday afternoon.A.sometimes B.sometimes C.some time

10、19 .-do you go to see a film? -Sometimes.A.How long B.How often C.WhenD.How soon20 .用ow clever you are! -.A. I don't think so. B. Thank you.C. No, no, Im not clever. D. I agree with you. 四、句型转换(15分)1. There is a football match every year.(用 last week改写)There a football match.2. Somebody lives on

11、 the island.改为否定句 )lives on the island.3. He listens carefully but hears nothing.彼为 般过去时 )He carefully but nothing.4. Amy had a good time in Sunshine Park.做为 股疑问句 ) Amy a good time in Sunshine Park?5. The boy is so brave.(改为感叹句)he is6. Zhang Hua was in hospital for two months.(对戈 U 线部分提问)Zhang Hua i

12、n hospital?7. The girl could skate last year.(改为 股疑问句) the girl last year?五、完成句子(15分)1 .这房间太脏了。你愿意把它打扫干净吗?The room is too dirty.Would you like to help me?2 .他在来这里的路上从自行车上摔了下来,伤了腿。, he fell down his bike and his leg.3 .去年谁教你们英语?Who English last year?4 .我妹妹害怕晚上一个人出去。My sister is going out at night.5 .

13、我们盼望今早收到你的来信。We look to you soon.六、阅读下面的推荐信,根据首字母提示,写出信中所缺的单词。(10分)Dear sir/ madam:I would like to r Jack for this term ' s Best SAudsmtJack is a clever boy. He l things quickly. He is good at all the s,especially English, Chinese and G. He has good grades in Maths, t. He can organize class a we

14、ll.Jack always thinks of others first. He does a lot of work for our class. He often g a seat to the elderly on the bus and collects things for Project Hope.All of the students in our class think Jacks get the award.Im looking f to h from you soon.Yours faithfullyLily七、完形填空(10分)题号12345678910答案Mr Jen

15、kins lives in a town. He works in a museum. There are a lot of old wonderful things in it. He likes his work and 1 goes to work on time.One day he left his office at twelve. He went to eat something. As soon as he went out of the gate, he met an old friend of 2 .They hadn' tseen each other for a

16、bout five years. Of course they were very 3 .His friend asked him for dinner.In a restaurant they 4 a lot. Then his friend said “ Perhaps yore" drunk now.Let me help you to your 5 . ”“ No no, " said Mr Jenkins. “ My office is onlywo minutes: walk. 6 go there myself ”When his friend left, h

17、e felt 7 to stand. He was afraid to be late and stoppeda taxi. When he got on the driver asked, Where are you going sir? ”“ 8 the Park Street. ”“Oh! 9 , sir, " the driver said in a hurry ."It ' s just the Park Street.“OK!” Mr Jenkins said and got off. He brought out some money and thre

18、w(扔、抛)it to the driver. He 10, “But don' t drive so fast next time!1. A. alwaysB. neverC. sometimesD. seldom2. A. heB. himC. hisD. himself3. A. happyB. angryC. sorryD. surprised4. A. tookB. gotC. drankD. bought5. A. homeB. houseC. factoryD. office6. A. mustB. shouldC. canD. have to7. A. difficul

19、tB. easyC. happyD. afraid8. A. FromB. ToC. OverD. Up9. A .Thank youB. SorryC. CertainlyD. I d love to10. A. asked八、阅读理解(B. said10分)C. toldD. shoutedOnce a great boxer拳击手),Tom Brown, went to a restaurant for dinner. He put his bag near the door, but he was afraid that someone would take it away. So h

20、e got out a pen and a piece of paper and wrote on it. The great boxer, Tom Brown, left his bag here, and hell come back in a few minutes." He put the paper on his bag and went to have his dinner. When he came back, his bag wasn t there. But he found a piece of paper on the ground. It said, A gr

21、eat runner took away your bag, and he will not come back.( )1. Tom Brown went to the restaurant.A. for his bag B. to see the runner C. to have his meal D. for his pen ()2. Mr Brown was afraid.A. to put down his bag near the door B. he couldnt find his pen C.thieves would take his bag awayD. he could

22、nt get enough food for himself for the restaurant ( )3. Mr Brown wrote the words on the paper because he.A. was a boxerB. wanted to catch the thiefC. thought the thief would not steal his bag when he read the wordsD. wanted to get to know the runner ()4. When Mr Brown came back he.A. found another piece of paper on the ground B. found his bag was nhere C. saw the runner running towards him D. both A and B()5. Which is not right?A. Mr Brown was a great boxer. B. The thief w


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