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1、交际用语归纳1. 喜欢与厌恶表达用语归纳喜好和厌恶(likes and dislikes)直接表达了一个人的情感和态度。究竟是喜欢还是不喜欢,要根据具体情况把你的真实情感明白地表达出来,而且表达厌恶时要注意委婉含蓄。    典型表达    I like / love the dinner you prepared yesterday (very much). 我(非常)喜欢/喜爱你昨天准备的晚餐。    I like / love to write poems in my spare time. 我喜欢在

2、业余时间写诗歌。    I quite like the story written by the famous professor. 我很喜欢那位著名教授写的故事。    I really enjoy reading English novels. 我确实喜欢看英文小说。    I am fond of listening to popular music like many young people. 像许多年轻人一样,我喜欢听流行音乐。    To tell the t

3、ruth, Im rather keen on science fictions.说实话,我对科幻小说颇有兴趣。    I dont like to play football after supper.我不喜欢晚饭后踢足球。    I dislike being treated like that.我不喜欢被那样对待。    I hate to laugh at others when they are in trouble.我讨厌在别人处于困境时嘲笑他们。案例探究   

4、_    Im fond of playing table tennis.    A. Do you like sports?  B. Which sport do you like best?    C. Playing table tennis is fun.   D. Is playing table tennis your favorite thing to do?    答案与解析:B. 本题考查表示喜好的交际用语。答语是:我喜欢打乒乓

5、球。说明对方问的可能是:你最喜欢什么运动?    巩固练习    1. Walking an hour every day is good for ones health.    Certainly. However,_.    A. I love doing it very much  B. I dont hate it    C. I dont like to do it every day  D. climbing a

6、mountain is also good    2. _. Did you do it yourself?    Im glad you like it. My sister did it for me.    A. I dont think so  B. I like your new hair style    C. I have no idea D. You look nice today    3. Which would y

7、ou rather have, tea or coffee?    _    A. Neither, thank you.  B. Yes, both. C. Why not? D. Sure, I would.    Key:1-3 CBA就医表达用语归纳    英语中看病这一交际项目有着各种不同的表达方式。看病时要真正做到“你有来言,我有去语”就得掌握下列内容。    典型表达    1. 医生询问病人

8、的用语:    Whats the matter / trouble with you?    Whats wrong with you?    Whats your trouble?你怎么了?    2. 病人应答语:    There's something wrong with my back.我背疼。    I have (got) a headache. / My head aches.我头疼。&#

9、160;   I have got a cough.我咳嗽。    I have got a pain here.我这儿疼。    It hurts here and there. 到处疼。    I dont feel well today. 我今天感到不舒服。    3. 医生诊断、提建议及安慰用语:    Let me take your temperature. 让我给你量体温。    I

10、ts nothing serious. 没有什么严重的。    Youll be all right soon. 你很快就会好的。    You had better ask for a leave and have a rest for a few days.你最好请假休息几天。    Drink more water and have a good rest. 多喝点水好好休息。    Take these pills 3 times a day. 这些药一天服三次。案例

11、探究    I feel sick, doctor._I am not sure, but I have got a bad headache.    A. How long have you been sick?  B. I'm sorry to hear that.    C. How are you feeling now?  D. Do you have a fever?    答案与解析:D.根据下文病人的答语I am not sure可

12、知医生问的是“你发烧吗?”    巩固练习     1. _.      There is a pain in my chest,and I cough a lot.    A. How are you?  B. You'd better stop smoking.   C. What's wrong with you?   D. What can I do for you?  &

13、#160; 2. I have a serious stomachache.    _.    A. Take it easy.   B. It doesn't matter.   C. That's OK.   D. Really?    Key:1-2 C A责备和抱怨用语归纳    在对方做错了事或者没有能够做好某事的时候,我们可能会去责备或者抱怨。值得注意的是,语气要委婉。当我们受到别人的责备

14、或者抱怨时,我们也要表示歉意。    典型表达    He is to blame. 他应负责任。    She blamed him for the traffic accident.她为交通事故责备他。    He shouldn't have done it.他本不该干那件事的。    Why can't you do something about it?    你为何不能为那件事出点力?&#

15、160;   He couldnt find the place. 他找不到那个地方。    You told him how to get there, but perhaps you should have drawn a map.你告诉了他如何去,但是也许你本应画张地图。    案例探究    I was really anxious about you. You shouldnt have left without a word.    _

16、0;   A. Why not?  B. Really?  C. I dont know. D. Im terribly sorry.    答案与解析D.做了错事理应表示歉意。巩固练习    1. You shouldnt have chosen that kind of book for me.    _    A. Oh, dont complain about a gift.    B. Sorry

17、. Ill give you a better one next time.    C. Whats wrong with you?    D. What can I do for you?    2. How could you say that?    _ I didnt mean to hurt you.    A. Excuse me.  B. I wont regret.  C. Im really sorry.&#

18、160;  D. Thats all right.    3. Everyone blames Dick for breaking the window.    _ He was busy doing his homework then.    A. Its unfair.   B. He is to blame.   C. Why not?   D. Not surprising.    Key: 1-3

19、 BCA约会表达用语归纳    清清楚楚地表达所要约会的时间和地点,明明白白地进行预定的活动。    典型表达    Are you / will you be free this afternoon? 你今天下午有空吗?    How about tomorrow morning?明天上午怎么样?    Shall we meet at the school gate?我们在校门口见面好吗?    Yes,Ill

20、be free then. 好,那时我有空。    No,I wont be free then. But Ill be free tomorrow.不行,那时我没空儿。但是我明天有空。    All right. See you then. 好,那时见。    How about going for a drink together? 一起去喝一杯怎么样?    What time shall we go? 我们什么时间去?    案例探究&#

21、160;   When shall we meet, at 6:00 or at 6:30?    _.    A. At any time   B. You make the time  C. Well, either time will do  D. Any time is OK    答案与解析:C.此题题干中的信息词是at 6:00 or at 6:30,表示两个时间概念。答语中的any不合适,因为any指三者或三者以上中的任何一个。巩固

22、练习    1. Hello,may I have an appointment with the doctor?    _    A. Sorry. He is busy at the moment.    B. Why didn't you call earlier?    C. Certainly. May I know your name?    D. Sorry. He doesnt want to

23、 see you.    2. Ill meet you outside the cinema in an hour, OK?    _.    A. No, 2 hours earlier   B. Yes, that's a good idea   C. OK, but I can manage   D. No, I don't think so    3. _?   

24、; OK. Let's meet at the usual place.    A. Would seven thirty be all right for you    B. Would you like to know where we will meet    C. Would you let me know when we all meet    D. Would you mind meeting at the usual place  &

25、#160; Key: 1-3 CBA告别表达用语归纳     学会用地道的英语来表达我们的离别之意。    典型表达    Im afraid I must be leaving now.我恐怕得告辞了。    I must be off now.我必须得走了。    Its time I met my brother. I have to go now.是我去见我哥哥的时候了,我现在得走了。    Im sorry

26、 I have to go now. 对不起我得走了。    I think its time for us to leave now.我想现在是我们告辞的时候了。        It was nice meeting you.=Nice to have met you.遇见你真是太好了。    案例探究    Its getting late. Im afraid I must be going now.    O

27、K. _     A. Take it easy.  B. Go slowly.   C. Stay longer.   D. See you.    答案与解析: D. 客人道别,主人同意,然后道别。Take it easy的意思是别紧张。巩固练习    1. Im afraid I have to say goodbye to you._.    A. Im sorry     B.

28、 Thats all right    C. Never mind     D. I wish you could stay longer    2. Its late. Id like to say goodbye.    _.    A. Please stay more a while    B. Thats all right    C. Hope you had a

29、good time. See you tomorrow   D. Ill miss you    Key: 1-2 DC道歉表达用语归纳    1.  歉意用语表达常识在不同场合及不同情景中,道歉用语必须符合英美国家的习惯和礼节,语气既不能太强,太生硬,太矫揉造作,又不能太拘谨,太直率。否则我们会感到尴尬。    求人原谅小过失的道歉用语,“sorry”    表示给人造成了麻烦或冒犯了别人时,表示歉意,语气较重,常用的修饰副词有,so, ver

30、y, dreadfully, awfully等。    例:Oh! Im so sorry. 呀!抱歉得很。  Did I hurt you much? 我把你伤的很厉害吗?    Thats all right.那没关系。    I am very sorry to give you trouble. 我因烦扰你向你道歉。    Im dreadfully sorry ,but Ive broken a plate. 抱歉极了,我打破了一只碟子。 

31、60;  Im awfully sorry ,but I seem to have mislaid your books. 非常抱歉,我似乎误放了你的书。    对某事有意去做或有意不做道歉用语“excuse”    它表示请人原谅,麻烦别人,打扰别人,打断别人的话需要中断一下。语气较弱。    例: Excuse me for being late. 原谅我来晚了。    Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the stat

32、ion ? 劳驾,你能告诉我去车站的路吗?    Excuse me interrupting you. 请原谅我插言。    Excuse . ( 两个人同行,一人要小便、须向对方道歉,在宴会上有人要上厕所,只要说一声Excuse 大家就明白对方要去干什么。) 缓后道歉用语“apology”    指对已经做的或应做而未做的事情而言(如:我得罪过你,我向你辞谢,后来碰到你时,我向你道歉。)    例: I apologize to you for my rudeness .

33、 我因我的粗鲁而向你道歉。    。 I must (or have to ) apologize for not answering your letter in time .我没早回复你的信,向你道歉。    缓解语气道歉语“afraid”    如果做错某事或严重失职要告诉对方,既能使对方容易接受又不至使其太惊慌,通常使用“afraid”,有时东西遗失了,撞到了,打破了,等也使用afraid.例    Im afraid I have broken your cup .

34、 恐怕我打破了你的杯子。    Im very much afraid I have burned a hole in the rug . 真对不起,我在地毯上烧了一个洞。    Im afraid Ive spilt ink all over the tablecloth .我恐怕墨水溅满了你的桌布。    恳求道歉语“pardon”    表示未听清对方所说的话,要求重说一遍或严重的失职请求宽恕时使用。    例:  &#

35、160; I beg your pardon? 请您再说一遍好吗?    He said to his master, “Pardon me, sir.”  他对主人说,“请宽恕我,先生。” He begged his master to pardon him. 他请求他的主人宽恕他。2、道歉用语的句子结构在英语会话中表示歉意的句子结构起着不可忽视的重要作用,也是高考考察的一个方面。    转折语气“but”结构Excuse 及sorry表示歉意的句子中,but后是一个转折分句,but语气比较弱,句子翻译成汉语时but一般不

36、翻译出来。    例: Excuse me for breaking in? _ I have some news for you . A. so     B. and    C. but    D. yet (答案C.)    Im sorry, but I dont think I can make it to the party tonight .对不起,我想我今晚不能参加集会。  

37、0; Sorry, but I didnt quite catch that . 对不起,我没完全听清楚你的话。    I said: can I give you a lift? 我是说;我能使你上我的车吗?    sorry +不定式结构例: Im sorry to trouble you. 对不起,打扰你。    Im sorry to say that I cannot. 对不起,我不能。    Im sorry to be late . 对不起,迟到了。 

38、   介词 “for”表原因结构 Excuse me for coming so late . 原谅我来迟了。    Im sorry for what I said. 我因我说的话感到惋惜。    (3)I apologize for my lateness . 我因我的迟到表示歉意。    (4)I beg your pardon for disturbing you . 请宽恕我对你的打扰。    (5) You should apologize t

39、o him for what you have done . 你因所做的事而向他道歉。主从复合句结构例:    Im afraid I have made a mistake. 恐怕我犯一个错误。    Im sorry Im late for dinner. 对不起,吃饭来晚了。    3.道歉语的回答谈话的一方表示歉意、另一方表示请他不要介意,安慰他,请他放心,常用Thats all right. 那没关系。   Its all right. 没关系。  

40、60; Oh, that doesnt  matter. 哦那没关系。 Oh dont worry about that .哦那没什么。    Of course not.     当然不。No, certainly not.  当然不。    Oh, never mind about that .哦那没关系。Dont think any more about it.  不要想那件事了。等用语。    总之

41、,我们对表示道歉语的使用要从情景入手,要合情合理、恰如其分。    1. We missed you at this mornings meeting, Diana.    _, but if I hadnt had to meet a friend, I would have been there.    A. Me, too            B. Im sorry  

42、  C. Never mind        D. Thank you    2. Im terribly sorry I broke your glass.    _.    A. Thats right     B. Bad luck    C. Sorry        &

43、#160;    D. You can forget it答案与解析    1. B. 理解题干中miss(没有看到)的确切含义是解本题的关键,听话者必须对自己缺席会议道歉,并解释原因。    2. D. 当朋友或同事不小心摔坏你的东西时,你就可以说Forget it(没关系、不必在意),Its nothing / all right(没关系)或者I never liked it anyway(我根本不太喜欢这东西),这样,给他一个台阶下,从而打破尴尬局面。    巩固练习&

44、#160;   1. Oh dear!Ive just broken a window.    _. It cant be helped.    A. Never mind        B. All right    C. Thats fine      D. Not at all    2. Im sorry Im calling y

45、ou so late.    _ okay.     A. This is          B. Youre   C. Thats          D. Im    Key:A C介绍表达用语归纳    典型表达    May I introdu

46、ce you to my friend Hang Kai?    我可以把你介绍给我的朋友杭凯吗?    Please allow me to introduce you to my classmates.请允许我把你介绍给我的同学。    Id like you to meet my friend,Maria.我想请你见一见我的朋友玛利娅。    May I introduce myself?Im Jim Green.我做一下自我介绍好吗?我是杰姆?格林。 

47、60;  How do you do?My name is Cui Hengbiao.你好,我是崔恒标。    Im Kate. Happy to know you. 我是凯特,很高兴认识你。    Id like you to meet Jim. Hes a friend of mine.我想请你见一下吉姆,他是我的一个朋友。    案例探究    Hi,Im your new neighbor. My name is David.  

48、0; _    A. Do you live alone?    B. Where are you from?    C. Hi!Its good to see you. Im George.    D. Oh,you are my new neighbor.    答案与解析C.本题考查介绍的口语交际用语。对方说出了是新邻居并做了自我介绍,你也要问候并做出自我介绍。巩固练习    1. Let me introdu

49、ce myself. Im Vincent.    _.    A. What a pleasure   B. Its my pleasure   C. Pleased to meet you  D. Im very pleased    2. Kate,this is Susan Jones,my old school friend.Nice to meet you._.    A. Nice to meet you

50、0; B. Me, too  C. Its my pleasure to meet you  D. Thank you    3. Peter,this is my classmate Li Hua.    _    A. How are you?  B. How do you like me?  C. How do you do?  D. Thank you.    Key:1-3 CAC问路表达用语归纳 

51、0;  典型表达    Excuse me. Where is the Pacific Hotel?    对不起,请问太平洋宾馆在哪儿?    Go down this street until you see the tall building.沿着这条路走,直到你看到那个高楼。    Does this road lead to the Agriculture Bank of China?    这条马路到/通向中国农业银行吗?&

52、#160;   No. Turn right at the first crossing.不,在第一个十字路口向右拐。    Excuse me. Which is the way to the No. 1 Middle School?    打扰一下,请问哪条路到一中?    You can take No.503 bus. 你可以乘503路公交车。    Excuse me. Could you tell me the way to the airpo

53、rt?    打扰了。你能告诉我去飞机场的路吗?    It's over there. It's in that direction. 在那儿,就在那个方向。    Can you tell me how to get to the People's Park?    你能告诉我怎么去人民公园吗?    Sorry,I don't know. I'm a stranger here.对不起,我不知道。我也

54、是刚来这儿。案例探究    Excuse me, can you tell me where the nearest bank is,please?    _ Oh yes!Its past the office, next to a big market.    A. Mm,let me think.    B. Oh, I beg your pardon?    C. Youre welcome.    

55、;  D. What do you mean?    答案与解析:A.本题考查问路情景中的口语交际用语。此题题干中的信息词是Oh yes!表明说话者有一个思考的过程。意思是“哦,让我想想。”    巩固练习    1. _       Its only about ten minutes walk.    A. Hello,can you tell me the way to the station?

56、60; B. Turn left at the traffic lights.    C. Shall I take a bus?   D. Is it far from here?    2. Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the airport?    _.    A. Certainly, you can take No. 3 bus   B. No, I dont know h

57、ow    C. Yes, you could go by bus   D. Along this road    3. Excuse me, could you tell me if there is a hospital near here?    _    A. Why not?   B. No, I couldnt.    C. Sorry, Im a stranger here myself.&#

58、160;  D. My pleasure.    Key:1-3 DAC询问表达用语归纳      1、请求允许和应答    第一:    A.提出请求    May /Can /could I use (borrow/take/ask/see) ?(我可以用/借/问/看吗?)    I wonder /I am wondering if?(不知道我能否?)    W

59、ould you please?(能请你吗?)    Do you think ?(你是否认为?)    B.回答请求     同意Sure./Certainly./Of course. / By all means./ Yes, do please. / Here you are. / Help yourself.(可以/当然/拿去/请便。)     回绝I'm afraid(我恐怕)    I'm sorr

60、y, but(对不起, 但是)    I'm sorry you can't. /You'd better not.你最好别这样。    典型示例    1) -Could I borrow your car for a few days?    - _.    A. Yes, you may borrow.   B. Yes, go on.    C. Sure, her

61、e you are. Enjoy your journey.   D. It doesn't matter.    答案: C    2) -I wonder if I could use your computer tonight?    - _I'm not using it right now.    A. Sure, go ahead.   B. I don't know.   C.

62、It doesn't matter.   D. Who cares    答案: A第二:     A.提出请求    Do / Would you mind if I / my doing(你是否介意?)    B.回答请求    同意No, I don't mind./ Of course not. / Not at all.(不介意。/当然不介意/一点也不介意)   

63、; Please do./ Go ahead, please./ OK.(行, 做吧。)    不同意Yes, I do.(我介意)    典型示例    1)-Would you mind changing seats with me?    - _    A. Yes, you can.   B. Of course, I like to.   C. No, I don't mind 

64、  D. Certainly, please do.    答案:C    2)-Do you mind my smoking here?    - _    A. No, thanks.   B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I'd rather not. D. Good idea.    答案:B    3)-Do you mind if I read the ne

65、wspaper on the table?- _.A. Good news for you B. Go ahead, please C. Yes, sure  D. No, I can't    答案:B.    在用mind句型征求对方的意见时, 如果表示同意, 也可明确表示"please do/做吧, Go ahead, please./行".2、邀请与应答     A.提出邀请    Would you like to ? 

66、;   Will /Can you come to ?(你能来参加吗?)    I'd like to invite you to (我想邀请你)    B. 回答邀请    同意Yes / thank you, I'd love to.  (谢谢, 我愿意。)    Yes, it's very kind of you. (愿意, 你太好了。)    That would be v

67、ery nice.(那太好了。)    回绝Thanks/Sorry, I (非常感谢/抱歉, 我)    I'd like to but/ I'd love to but(我很愿意去, 但是)    典型示例    1)-Can you go to the concert with us this evening?    -_    A. No, I already have plans.

68、    B. I'd love to, but I'm busy tonight.    C. No, I really don't like being with you.    D. I'm ill, so I shouldn't go out.    答案:B    2)- We are going to have a dancing party tonight. Would you like to

69、join us?- _.A. Yes, it's very kind of you   B. Of course not. I have no idea   C. No, I can't   D. That's all set   答案:A3、提供帮助及应答     A.提供帮助    Can I help you / What can I do for you?(有什么可以为您效劳吗?)    Wou

70、ld you like me to help you with ?(我能帮您做吗?)    B.应答    接受帮助Thanks. That would be nice./ It's so nice of you.(多谢, 那太好了)    Thank you for your help.(感谢你的帮助)    礼貌地回绝No, thanks./ That's ok. I can manage it myself. (谢谢, 不用了。我能处理) &#

71、160;  典型示例    1)-This box is too heavy for me to carry upstairs.    - _    A. You may ask for help.   B. Let me give you a hand.    C. Please do me a favor.   D. I'd come to help    答案:B 

72、0;  2)-Can I help you with your suitcase?    -_    A. That's OK. I can manage    B. It's not very light    C. I can help you with it    D. Put it down on the ground    答案:A4、问 路    

73、A.询问道路    Excuse me, can you tell me the way to ?    Excuse me, where is / how can I get to?(抱歉, 请问去怎么走呢?)    Is this right(the right way to)?(请问这是去的路吗?)    B.回答    当知道对方询问的道路, 就一定要给出具体信息Go down(up)the street. /Turn right(lef

74、t)(顺着街道往上/下走。在右/左转。)    Go straight ahead till you see (往前直走直到你看见)    It's on the right(left)corner just ahead.(在前面右边/左边转角处。)    当不知道对方询问的道路, 抱歉地说明原委Sorry, I don't know. Sorry, I'm a stranger here.(抱歉, 我不知道。)    典型示例  

75、  -Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the post office?    -_    A. Don't ask that.    B. Sorry, I'm a stranger here.    C. No, I can't say that.    D. No, you're driving too fast.   

76、 答案:B5、询问具体信息     A.询问询问的主题为:时间、地点、距离、费用、人物、事件、频率等。    Who/ What/ When/ Where(何人/何事/何时/何地)    How long/How often/How many (时间多长或距离多远/频率/数量多少)    B. 回答:直扣主题, 提供对方需要的信息。注意:    特殊疑问句的答语通常针对特殊疑问词做出具体的回答。    一般

77、疑问句通常用yes和no来回答, 时态人称要一致。    当情态动词must引起一般问句:"必须吗?", 其否定回答通常用"you needn't/don't have to"表示"没有必要".选择疑问句是问话者提供两个或两个以上答案供对方择一回答的问句, 答语应做出一个明确的选择。    反意问句的答语应根据实际情况确定:内容是肯定的, 就用yes, 其后则跟肯定句 ;内容是否定的, 则用no, 其后则跟否定句。    典型示例

78、    1)-Paul, _?    -Oh, that's my father! And beside him, my mother.    A. what is the person over there    B. who's talking over there    C. what are they doing    D. which is that    答案

79、:B    2)-How often do you go dancing?    -_    A. I will go dancing tomorrow.    B. Yesterday.    C. Every other day.   D. I've been dancing for a year.    答案:C, 意为"每隔一天去跳一次舞。" 

80、0;  3)-Are there any drug-stores around here?    -_    A. Yes, there is one on the left corner    B. Yes, it is    C. No, it isn't    D. Oh, you must have a cold    答案:A    4)-Shall we sit up here on the grass or down there near the water?    -_ 


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