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1、高考英语语法- 省略与替代(一)并列句中的省略在并列句中,第二分句(或第三、第四分句)往往可以省略与前句相同的成分。如:Some books are to be tasted, others (are) to be swallowed, and some few (are) to be chewed and digested.(二)简单句中的省略1 省略主语1)祈使句中的主语通常被省略。如:(You) Be seated, please.2)其他省略主语多限于少数现成的说法。如:(I)Thank you for your help. (谢谢你的帮助。)(It)Doesn t matter. (

2、没关系。)2省略主谓语或主谓语的一部分。如:(There is) No smoking. (禁止吸烟。)(Is there) Anything else ? (还有其他事吗?)(You come) This way, please. (请这边走)。(Will you)Have a smoke ? (吸支烟?)What (do you) think about a cup of tea ?(来一杯怎么样?)Why( do you ) not say hello to him ? (为什么不和他说声再见呢?)3省略宾语。如: Do you know Miss Gao ? (你认识高小姐吗?) I

3、don t know ( her ) . (我不认识。) Which of them is the better choice ?(他们中谁是更合适的人选?) Well, it s hard to tell ( it ) . (哟,这很难说。)4省略表语。如: Are you thirsty ? (你渴吗?) Yes, I am ( thirsty ) . (是的,我渴。)5同时省略几个成分。如: Are you feeling better now ? (你觉得好些吗?)( I am feeling ) Much better ( now) . (好多了。) Have you finishe

4、d your work ? (你完成工作了吗?)( I have ) Not( finished my work ) yet. (还没有。)( I wish ) Good luck ( to you ) ! (祝你顺利!)6其他一些省略结构1 )名词所有格所修饰的名词,若表示住宅、店铺、教堂或上文已暗示或明确指出过的事物时,常常可以省略。如:We spent the weekend at the Blacks .2 ) what和how引导的感叹句中,常可省略主语 it和be动词。如:What a wonderful victory ( it is ) for Wilma!How wonder

5、ful ( it was ) to be treated like a normal child, even when I was bad.3)不定式省略,单独使用不定式符号to 。代替动词不定式后被省略的动词,常在 beafraid , expect , forget , hope, intend , like , love , mean, prefer , refuse , seem, try , wand, wish 等后边。 如:I asked him to see the film,but he didn t want to.在have, need, ought, be going

6、, , used 等后。如:I didn t want to go there, but I had to.在某些形容词glad , happy, pleased , delighted 等后,如: Will you join in the game ? I d be glad to.否定形式的省略用not to 。如: Shall I go instead of him ? I prefer not to.如果不定式中含有be, have, have been ,通常保留be, have 和 have been 。如: Are you a sailor ? No, but I used to

7、 be. He hasn t finished ye t. Well, he ought to have.(三)复合句中的省略1 .定语从句中作宾语的关系代词that , which, whom常可以省略;当先行词是time , reason , place时作状语的关系副词when, why, where 也可以省去。如:This is the first time ( when) he had trouble with the boss.2 .当wh-疑问词引导宾语从句且后边的内容与前边重复时,可以把重复的内容省去,而保留wh-疑问词。如:Tom was sad, bu t I don t

8、 know why ( he was sad ) .3状语从句中的省略现象一般来说,省略现象多出现于下列五种状语从句中:由when, while , as, before , after , till , until , once 等引导的时间状语从句;由if , unless , whether 等引导的条件状语从句;由though , although , evenif , whatever 等引导的让步状语从句,由as, than 引导的让步状语从句;由as, as if , as though 方式状语从句。上述状语从句在省略时,并不是任何成分都可以省略,而是遵循一定的原则:1)当状语

9、从句的主语和主句的主语一致时,可以省略状语从句的主语和系动词be,这时从句中可出现如下结构:连词 (as, as if, once) + 名词Once( he was) a teacher, he now works in a government office.连词 (though , whether , when) + 形容词Work hard when ( you are ) young, or you ll regret.连词 (whether, as if, while) +介词短语He looked everywhere as if ( he was ) in search of

10、something.连词(when, while , though) + 现在分词While ( I was ) walking along the street, I heard my name called.连词(when, if , even if , unless , once, until , than , as) + 过去分词The exhibition is more interesting than( it was ) expected.连词(as if , as though ) + 不定式He opened his lips as if( he were ) to spea

11、k.注意:当从句的主语和主句的宾语一致时,间或也有这样的省略:Her father told her to be careful when( she was ) crossing the street.2)当从句中的主语是it ,谓语动词中又含有系统动词be 时,可以把it 和系动词be 一起省略。此时构成连词(if ,unless , when, whenever) + 形容词的结构。如:Unless ( it is ) necessary, you d better not refer to the dictionary.另外,我们还可以用so 或 not 代替上文内容,此时可有if +

12、so/not 省略句式。Get up early tomorrow. If not ( you don t get up early ) , you will miss the first bus.He may not be at home then, if so ( he is not at home ) , leave him a note.替代(一) so 和 not 作替代词,代替被省略的某个词、词组或句子,一般同表示个人看法或想法的动词连用,作 be afraid ,believe , become, all , do, expect , fear , hope, imagine ,

13、 say, see, speak , suppose, think 等的宾语。Not代替否定的句子,还可放在perhaps , probably , absolutely 等副词后。如:She was not angry at first, but became so( =angry ) after a while. Is he the best student in the class ? I think so ( =He is best student in the class.) I think not ( =He is not the best student in the class

14、) .(二)替代的应用1 . So可以放在句首或句尾,但若谓语动词是see, notice, hear 等,则只能放在句首。如:I believe (say, think ) so. =So I believe (say, think ) He is absent today. So I see ( hear, notice ) .2 .在表示肯定或怀疑意义的句中不可用so。如:误: I doubt so. 正: I doubt it.3 .在ask和know之后也不用so。如:误: Why do you ask so ? 正: Why do you ask that ?4 do so 一般只

15、用替代动态动词,不替代静态动词。如:She said she would go with me, but she didn t do so. Alice feels better today. I think she does. So she does. 但不可说:I think she does so.基础训练1 .(2003 春季全国高考题)The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked as ifwhether he was goingin the right direction.A.seeingB.havingC.to have seen

16、D.to see2 .(2002 全国高考题)Meeting my uncle after all these years was an unforgettable moment, I willalways treasure.A.thatB.oneC.itD.what3.I often think of my childh ood,duringI lived on my uncle s farm.A.whichB.whenC.where D.who4. May I help you with some shoes , sir? Yes, I d like to try on those whi

17、te .A.one B.ones C.two D.pair5. Here are four choices , which do you think is the best?A.choicesB.thatC.ones D./6. What s the difference between the first house and the second? The first one has a garage while the second has .A.nothingB.noneC.no one D.neither7. Have you ever been to Shanghai? .A.Not

18、 yetB.Haven tC.Yet not D.Still not8. Don t forget to come to my birthday party. .A.I don tB.I won tC.I don t forget D.I won t forget9. Be sure to get up earlier tomorrow morning. .I ll be as early as a bird.A.OK.I willB.I m afraid 1 canC.Of course not D.No, I will10. What s the matter with you? I di

19、dn t pass the test , but 1 still A.hope soB.hope to C.hope itD.hope that11. Is she really ill? .She s in hospital.A.I hope soB.I m sure C.1 don t think so D.I m afraid so12.I am happy if you .A.happyB.areC.will D.be专心 爱心 用心413 . I say it is your turn to be on duty today. ?A.MineB.I C.Myself D.Me14 .

20、Don t come in unless .A.invitingB.inviting to C.invited to D.being invited to15 . I usually go there by train. Why not by boat for a change?A.to try goingB.try to go C.to try and go D.try going16 .The doctor did what he could the boy, but in vain.A.saveB.to save C.saving D.saved17 .He spent most of

21、his spare timenovels.A.to readB.reading C.to reading D.for reading18 .All the girl want do isstay at home and study hard.A./ ; toB.to ; to C.to ; / D.either B or C19 . Why did you take a taxi? I .I was late.A.have toB.have to do C.had to D.had to do20 . Why didn t you do your homework yesterday? But

22、 , sir.A.I did soB.I didn t do it C.I didn t forget D.I did do it21 .He is very famous here , so we had no troublehim yesterday.A.to findB.finding C.found D.in founding22 . How often do they give the concert? .A.For twice a month B.In twice a month C.Twice a month D.Twice month23 .He is not his sist

23、er , but .A.taller than ; stronger B.so tall as ; strong C.taller than ; is stronger D.as tall as;stronger 24. You look happy today , Mary. I like my new dress and Mother , too.A.likesB.does C.is D.do25 . What do you think made Mary so upset? her new bicycle.A.As she lostB.Lost C.Losing D.Because of

24、 losing26 . Who s got all my money? He .A.doesB.is C.was D.has27 .The children are madetwelve hours a day.A.to workB.work C.working D.worked28 .We often hear himEnglish songs.A.to singB.sing C.singing D.to be singing1.1 I m very busy prepari ng for the exam , so I can t helpthe house work.A.doingB.d

25、o C.did D.done30 .What doctors can do ispeople s life.A.saveB.saving C.to save D.A or C31 .Althoughto stop , he kept on working.A.tellB.told C.was told D.having told32 .Ask him to take you homepossible.A.atB.while C.if D.if they33 .The English book for kids is the best of its kind .A.that has ever b

26、een made B.ever made C.ever been made D.has ever been made34 . Will Susan win the Nobel Prize this time? It is likely that she .A.will B.does C.will do D.wins it35.I prefer the climate of Kunming toof Wuhan.A.it B.oneC.this D.that36 . Mr.Black has just arrived. Really? .He didn t accept our invitati

27、on.A.I can t imagine it B.1 don t think so C.I hope soD.I don t believe him专心 爱心 用心37 .They live on a busy main road.must be very noisy.A.There B.It C.That D.They38 .We don t go to the cinema as much as .A.we used to go B.we used to do C.used to D.we used to39 .Canada has a large area thanChina.A.th

28、at of B.the one of C.it ofD./40 . , I ll have a letter sent to your company.A.If necessary B.If it were necessaryC.As I m necessary D.Unless it is necessary41 . Shall I invite Mike to my party? Yes, it will be nice if you .A.do B.do invite C.are D.invite42 . Have you been here long? .A.No, not very

29、B.Not much C.Yes, only little D.No, only yesterday43 . Do you follow me? Yes, .A.it is goodB.I will C.perfectly D.very good44 .Look out for carsthe street.A.when crossed B.when crossing C.if you crossed D.while you are crossing45 .She worked very hardstill rather poor in health.A.though she B.althou

30、gh she C.though D.although was46. Is the stamp very unusual? .A.Yes, very much B.Yes , it is so C.Yes , very D.Yes , not very47. Can you climb that tree , my boy? ?A.IB.Mine C.Myself D.Me48. Will you waste your time and money on that? Certainly .A.I not B.noC.won t D.not49. What happened to the boy?

31、 He s making so much noise. He wanted to play football , but his mother warned him .A.not B.to C.not to D.不填50. Shall I wake you up tomorrow morning? Yes, .A.please do B.you shall C.you will D.you may51. You have three children , but I have only two .A.one B.ones C./ D.child52. Mary said the lecture

32、 was boring. Yes, I said .A.that B.this C.the kind D.the same53. Alice , why didn t you do it the day before? I , but I had an unexpected visitor.A.hadB.would C.was going toD.does54. Do you need a new tie to go with your new suit, Mr.Smith? No.A.I m having plenty of ties B.I have lots of ties to do

33、itC.I think I have several that will do D.There are lots of ties to do it55. Are you a film star? .A.Yes, I was B.I used to beC.I used to D.I m used to56. I ll be away on a business trip.Would you mind looking after my cat? Not at all.A.I ve no time B.I d rather notC.I d like itD.I d be happy to57. I m going to dig it up. What ?A.with B.by C.at D.from58. Fri


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