




1、ad tem, conn perec a nd estalshhd Pak fuds ases managgme,and viage.di sue-on, a I d gges dmocatc fiaca, sstm, sengte nig Pak pat y and Chief ad fiancal, ul pulcjoul t oguaate s hhs new r ua consr uct on,by cty rua stycea g-rmet i nspect on uni e d of heg ht auat on.Through the m s ad -ngo<ernmet
2、-,racu wde ad lsof Yu sf, ive siain il .a dscil iay cae of efrs as nnedid sengthei ngg idiv_a se cor a nd drs al s difeet digee - iss trat gf, no、to benefs not do, a nd mes d of pheomenon;Thrre fr hones wk i s the new uHIos ad ne w prbl ems iidng -,y enougg, tramet m-surs ae not str ong e nough.o so
3、'e thhse prbllms we Wil pr I cee d fom the fonea, kew far honnsy ipod of ension te sti I gs consi I useis ad ehacing the mp eaton of te initatveAso, ppy ateton t a pply w h a thy have eannd, cnscously study reuls int planing w ork new ideaeg uatdpei ng teyuan, a n increase of 15%; leal gvernme n
4、t general budget revenue of 500 mlin Yuan,. Paiig , mode culue ceae s ne w Ma Cur ch ccmmui 、ceai ng L nic spot cul ue >d_aton base, e -ve. hg I e_UI on frm pr oViCal ad muni Upa l disCpl ne Inspect on Cmmss peoplesd- se Cal reorl Cnsa nty prom ote idepe ndet Cmm.nagats crution cul ue const uCton
5、 t r u.l - ten.* created eSabl shed D hi r ura .sty Park i ndee ndent CmmSstn agaistcuke poslin* fomed a support "sevibe or ad dscil ne hone- i polt and culue t oceae a god amoshee andfrsh deve opmet e nVionmet Altoug h we in.pement m plmetaininependet Cmmision agga n. corruin g uns asecs mlde
6、hhs m us efc-es, bu ,fom sueirof equirm eL aso e s must oldisac, mai pefmane fr al s .sem enoughsud, ld - aton, a nd lupevii on, a nd pevet on, a nd punshme nt, pec s lng emmecai alse nough pelfct ese ciOh i e I rolme nt bd wrk rrguat I ry - pe a s nnedd se I gteeanig ehance te conncioosne Is of hon
7、es,i I polis. To crae evet as a n opporu tEx ce ad leani I g par,uteri ncrasngthe g ovena nce caabily ad ada I led cnsucin, reifr cld ruls of the bra d mlsss of par,m - bes a nd drs awae nes, se nne of rons bii, sene of honor, im pro- work ng ail,ad l eelof sc etfic develpmet Should make ful use of
8、mmtngs, in pari _la iental ggoularning opporu, urt he steggheni ng te st udy and ld aton of te code the intesve ring euiat on, e duaton te mji,高淳碧桂园一期A标段地库采光井施工方案编制人:审核人:批准人:中太建设集团股份有限公司如15年4月4日Wcte ii fo me as u cul xu-emse - ta.rfcaied Pak st e.gaui-e- tiaa yesegt .aka yef aiia f-u- c we f gaaease
9、 u r r u -i u a yla g ve et-e. .g iemea-r a g ve eeild.ta-emeae a c ss egu*.wkgulat -see regt -.i i e_rr uext-t ie a -rsfirgir egr iiia ar r-rs eeed regte giVd-c u r s -ee gees egftft d eee -er wkei ti aiidg ieg-ete eau e atg gv es emsiu -ig i r tetiu-k u iet t-e. tg曲力甘J元I 19 a jzhiLjJ/; 地库工程采光井施工方案
10、采光井施工方案一.编制依据:1.1 建筑装饰装修工程质量验收规范GB50210-20011.2 玻璃幕墙工程质量验收标准JGJ/T139-20011.3 玻璃幕墙工程技术规范JGJ102-20031.4 钢结构工程施工质量验收规范GB50205-20011.5 铝合金门窗工程设计、施工及验收规范DBJ15-30-20021.6 地库施工图纸。二.施工准备2.1 技术准备地库采光井图纸,依据施工技术交底和安全交底作好各方面的准备。玻璃采光顶在施工前还得考虑:强度、抗震性能、防雷要求、防火要求,气密性、 水密性、保温性能、隔声性能等。2.2 材料要求2.2.1 玻璃采用6厚的双层夹丝夹胶玻璃,胶片
11、厚度大于0.76mm,结合部位采用结构胶密封。2.2.2 采光井骨架采用6*10*2.0镀锌方管,在现场依据施工图纸连接,玻璃粘接玻璃副框现场安装。2.3 主要机具:手提切割机、电动螺丝刀,电锤、电钻、玻璃刀、直尺、手动吸盘、运玻璃小车、钢卷尺、螺丝刀,内六角扳手、工具袋、抹布或棉丝、安全带、一“ t p-mot e wk, te u” tere.onniay,.aetb-kha.tenrue.s-u,Govenmentu Sons an. aag -er tm p et( B rtegte nig ruevri i n, puni rh au r of -n on. One s t ope
12、nte uanes of -er>ii on. Vgo-o-y p- omote the pay afarr pu- u ope, . a cue te. 7e,iin by te me*ppyatentintrouagro_ra.puluopinin-e,i rin, te pou foru forme . t .-. party m - berr a n. .ig ca.er p-pery - u ter pos Se uon. srong evs on a n. irpe uin. ouraiu ie it u- mpo-antb-eigr,r.o-lrre.toperona a.
13、 ein of ua ._ ' s . y of inepa-y rue-, " aumpreenar - gras of .i . ner for te m ideeet Ccmm-in” nit uorr_I on -eae . u of -ea dng ca.e r of pay m be * - - onsre ngtenig key are uuin,un.ig,o-ias m onit- .eeu a. r - iy t ep-ob,p-omotehone- i po-tuL , rtenghen.i(ruiay 一,!., oy t he lpl-e nain
14、of JI第1页共7页Rt-y the C.uny -e.ingbo. a t he county e to uary ou "hee trieSpactuewhuStoimp-ovethegoveningai-yan.p-motingtheveopmet ofiXefeui-mla rue I ual-y - I I w your - p-oome nt equi-et r, a. auivey patu pate in the "hee t - l" campag . Re- G oup, pre | ae . by the patment i I the n
15、ea fuure of the .e I -og ca- a . po-iica - unnt - in of .ig cauls i n the <iyr ,ria. the e at i n-rmain,-age ha-S,isie.Ithinktheabiiy of epe- I g ir to rtreghe the patyS govening uapuiy i q Sionr of the unnt - in I f meaing , a importat topic emainrin-ontofpatym-beran.ca a a- -eV r, ne- t o fute
16、-p- oe a n. pon- T he abi ity of epe-ng the nue >u|ge rtr, ir aOigpay member an. ca.r - ata- ev er i pa-icu-a, .ig caoe r a a- -evS noton-you s eS a-Sh a ure u uncept oftetn.ee I .et Ccmmisin.lis u-uption,poiiuaintegiy,f_ru p-ie, ee uinof urr uption, ma .e for the peop-e p-amai u, hone rt eoerhi
17、p, a. Se ngthen the re nne of reronniiiy ea neryImp-net the re rponrib - of unurupf, mpementtt bao-nantuor-uinm-luer t ennueter izainof bi nnsr b。. I g, unrt_in I f a wi Suain.Nat I umbie . Wt t hei thi I kng, 0 | ee nce a n. untaU XX pra utUa -toehanueteabof-e g, on-ur a se uS of ugt on.legu-ate,pe
18、a<e umment FiS, the propu-ion.sem, a. enhace the sstm of uorupin riue the -un-gof our pay ha - bben thikngaouttuk-ngur-uton.Cu-e"y .- ouat u -ga ryS , maaement rySe ma. suevSi onme uanS not pee U,-m nisra aU r ae not vey san.a. ,E ne-ri<e be havir a n. make behav or, uorupin peseS a .'
19、; *'a- SU umpe. t-e.s thS si- te rtyuan,a n increase of 17.5%; localgovernme ntgeneral budgetrevenueof500 million Yuan,.Painting,modelculturecreate sne wMa Church community,creating Lakesce nic spot cult ureeducati on base,re ceive dhig h evaluationfrom pr ovincialand municipa ldiscipli ne Inspe
20、cti on Commissi on,he people'sdailyspe cialreport. Constantlyprom ote independentCommissionagainstcorruption cult ure constr uction tor uralextends,created establi shed Da hlin r uralindustry Park indepe ndentCommission againstcorrupti on culture positions,formedhasa support"servi celow dou
21、bleexcell ent "ofmembers leadteam,constantlyperfecta nde stablished Park fundsassets management,andvillage auditsupervision, a nd villagers democratic financial,system, strengthe ning Parkpart y,and Chief,andfina ncia l,full publi c, powerfult o guaranteeshas new r ural constructi on, by cityru
22、ral stylclean g overnmenti nspecti on unitle d ofheig htev aluation.Throughthe implementation ofhone stand clea ngover nmentcultural construction, andeffectively educatethe broad masses ofpartymembers andca dresand consci ously reg ulatedbehavi orand discipli ne, honestyinpoliti cs andculturetocreat
23、ea goodatmosphereand fresh devel opment environment.Althoug hwein implementim plementationindependentCommissionagai nst corruption g uidelines a spectsmade has must effectiveness,butawayfrom superiorofrequirem ents alsoexistsmust of distance,mainperformance for:a issystem enoughsound,educati on, a n
24、d supervision, a ndpreventi on,a nd punishme nt,aspect s long -termmechani smalsoe nough perfect,espe ciallyin enrollme nt bid workregulat oryaspects also neededstre ngthening; IIis regulatorysupervision exists lost ofYuwide, andlostofYu soft,inve stigation ill egaldisciplinary caseofeffortsalso nee
25、ded strengtheni ng,individualse ctorand ca dresal so differentdegreeexiststreatgift,nottobenefits notdo, and mess doofphenomenon;Three for honestworkisthe newsituationsand ne wprobl emsin finding timelyenough,treatmentmeasures are notstr onge nough.osolvethese problems,wewillpr ocee d fromthe foll o
26、wing fiveaspects ofrectification, makesureto implementthe provisionsofthe code.(A) deepeni ng thelearning, enhancethe consci ousne ss ofhonestyi npolitics.Tocreate event asan opportunity to Exceland learning part y,further increasi ngtheg overna nce capa bility andadvanced construction,reinforced r
27、ulesofthe broa d masses ofpartymembers a ndcadresaware ness, se nseofresponsi bility, sense ofhonor,im proveworki ng abilityand l evelofscientific development. Should make fulluseof meetings,in particularcentralgrouplearning opportunity,furt herstrengtheni ng thest udyand educati onofthe code,the in
28、tensivewarning educati on,education themajorityofpartymembers andcadres knownfear,knew fear, honesty inpoliti csoftensionthe strings,consci ousness andenhancingthe implementation of theinitiative.Also, payattention to applyw hatthey have learned,consciouslyst udyresultsinto planning work, ne widea注胶
29、枪、交流弧焊机等。2.4 作业条件:2.4.1 安装合金构架前,先检查洞口尺寸及标高是否符合设计要求。有预埋件的还应检查预埋件的数量、位置及埋设方法是否符合设计要求。2.4.2 按图纸要求尺寸弹好水平线。2.4.3 安装前,应检查到场的型材材质,依据设计图纸及明细对其进行品种、规格、数量、制作质量以及有无损伤,变形等进行检验。如发现数量、规格不符要求,制作质量粗劣或开裂等损坏,应及时提出并设法修整或更换。如有翘曲不平、偏差超标、表面损伤、变形及松动,应与有关人员协商解决,经处理,验收合格后才能安装。三、玻璃采光井安装工艺安装工艺流程:施工测量放线一预埋件安装一方管安装一玻璃安装-密封一清扫3.
30、1 施工测量放线复查由土建方移交的基准线,弹好水平线。3.2 预埋件安装3.2.1 按照设计分格尺寸进行分格定位3.2.2 检查定位无误后,按图纸要求埋设铁件;3.2.3 安装埋件时要控制好埋件表面的水平或垂直,防止出现歪、斜、倾等。3.2.4 检查预埋件是否牢固、位置是否准确。预埋件的位置误差应按设计要求进行复查。当设计无明确要求时,预埋件的标高偏差不应大于10mm,预埋件的位置与设计位置偏差不应大于20mm。3.3 方管安装:ewmeasure sto pr omotework,t hecouragetotake responsibility, dare tobreak hard to e
31、nsure district, Governme ntde cisions and arra ngementstoimplement.(B)strengtheni ng supervi sion, severelypunisha cts ofviolation. One istoopent hechannels ofsupervisi on.V igorouslypr omotethe partyaffairspublic, open,wi delyaccepte d supervisi on bythe masses,payattention tosocialgroups and publi
32、 copini onsupervision,the powerfulforce formedtourge party membersand leadingcadre s properlyexercisetheirpowers.Second, strong supervision a ndinspection.Democraticlifeintofull play,importantbriefings,re ports relatedto personalmattersand evaluation ofca dres'study of inner-partysupervisorysyst
33、em,a comprehensive graspofguidelines forthe implementationofthe independent Commission against corr uption-related cases of leading cadres of party members,focusonstre ngthening key areas ofpr oje ctsele ction,funding, officialsmonitor, detecta nd re ctifythe problem, promote honesty in politics. Th
34、ird,strengthen disciplinaryinvestigation.Seriouslythe implementationofJI.Recently,the Countyleading bodiesatt hecounty levelto carry out "three trees" practice,w hich is toimprove thegoverninga bilityand pr omotingthe developme nt of XXeffective measure.Icarefullyfollowyourdeployment requi
35、rements,and activelyparticipatei nthe "threetree s"campaign.ReadGroup,prepared byt heDepartmentinthe nearfutureofthe ideol ogicala ndpolitica lconstruction ofleading ca dresin thecity reader, readt herelevant information, largerharvest,inspired.I thi nkthe abilityofrepellingis tostrengthe
36、nthe party's governing ca pacity i nquestionsofthe const ructionofmeani ng,anim portantto picremainsin front ofpartymembers and ca dres at all levels,weneed tofurt herexpl oreand ponder.The ability of repellingt hename suggests, isaski ng party membersa ndcadresatalllevels in parti cular,lea din
37、gca dres at all levels,not only ourselves,establ ish acorrect concept oftheindepe ndentCommissionagainstcorruption,politicalintegrity, self -discipli ne,rejection ofcorruption,madeforthe people,pragmatic, honestleadership,a ndstre ngthenthe se nse ofresponsibilit y,earne stly implement t heresponsi
38、bilityofuncorrupte d,impleme ntation oftheba oliana nti-corr upti on measurestoe nsur ethe realization of busi ness-buil ding ,construction ofawin-winsituati on. Next, Icombinedwith their thi nking,ex perience and contactXXpracti cal,onhowto e nhancet he ability ofrepelling,onfour aspects ofcog niti
39、on.Irregularities,pleasecomment.First,theconstruction ofthepropulsion system,andenhancethe systemofcorruption sincethe foundingof our part y,havebeenthinking abouttackli ng corruption.Currently, democratic legalsystem,management systemand supervision mechani smis not perfect, administrativeacts are
40、notverysta ndardized, E nterpri se be haviora nd market behavior,corr uption presentsa diverse ,pluralistic, complextre nds,this shiftthestrugglebetwee nthe two,willa ccompanyWcte ii fo me as u cul xu-emse - ta.rfcaied Pak st e.gaui-e- tiaa yesegt .aka yef aiia f-u- c we f gaaease u r r u -i u a yla
41、 g ve et-e. .g iemea-r a g ve eeild.ta-emeae a c ss egu*.wkgulat -see regt -.i i e_rr uext-t ie a -rsfirgir egr iiia ar r-rs eeed regte giVd-c u r s -ee gees egftft d eee -er wkei ti aiidg ieg-ete eau e atg gv es emsiu -ig i r tetiu-k u iet t-e. tg曲力甘J元I 19 a jzhiLjJ/; 地库工程采光井施工方案3.3.1 将加工完成的钢管按分层次搬
42、运到各部位,临时堆放。堆放时应用木块 垫好,防止碰伤表面;3.3.2 根据水平线,将每根型材的水平标高位置调整好,稍紧连接件螺栓;3.3.3 再调整左右位置,检查是否符合设计分格尺寸及位置,如有偏差应及时 调整。经检查合格后,进行加固。3.3.4 安装纵、横骨架时均应拉线,并保证接口处的平整,连接不能有松动, 接口间隙应符合设计要求。3.4 玻璃安装3.4.1 安装前应将铁件或钢架全部检查一遍,合格后再将相应规格的面材搬入 就位,然后自上而下进行安装;3.4.2 安装过程中用拉线控制相邻玻璃面的平整度。3.4.3 安装时,应先就位,临时固定,然后拉线调整;3.4.4 安装过程中,如缝宽有误差,
43、应均分在每条胶缝中,防止误差积累在某 一条缝中或某一块面材上。3.5 密封3.5.1 密封部位的清扫和干燥,采用甲苯对密封面进行清扫,清扫时应特别注 意不要让溶液散发到接缝以外的场所,清扫用纱布脏污后应常更换,以 保证清扫效果,最后用干燥清洁的纱布将溶剂蒸发后的痕迹拭去,保持 密封面干燥;3.5.2 贴防护纸胶带:为防止密封材料使用时污染装饰面,同时为使密封胶缝 与面材交界线平直,应贴好纸胶带,要注意纸胶带本身的平直;第3页共7页wk t-e ”., ha G- -us-rang -lr tm p - et( B rof一n on. Oe of-pe-_ on. lelhepay .arr p
44、- u ope, w " *ppy ate g-.ra. p" for- an. .ig - u- ter po-s Se -n. 0ng ,pe3in. ouaiu ie it u-、, mpo-an"«ig r,3re”,-.!-.“ a. e- au.pr ”, gas- i_i . ee""min” n-r-utonr e . of- g ay ._b_ * - onsre are u uin, a.-iy teprob - hone- i po - , rteng (ruia,in-lg.on. Sei o-y t he .
45、p-e nain ofji."y te -,-i a tourry ou "tree t-s p-ui u. - hus t nga ofX e.ui. ._ rue I ua - . -,- 一 p”e n . .i r, a. au , pat. pre"tree t lp-g . Re. Ga -a Hog -untin of - .ig -.- i n te ut, ,. . te re at i n-.aion, -age ha.s, insire of .pe-.g st rtr.egh.e the patys go-ening ur-iy i ain
46、g, a i.pori-i topiu re.riay . - beran. 一 _ a . r, - ne. i o ute _p- ore- T _e rs, s roig pay .ember an. -. at a-e- - i pa - -, .ig ua-e r a a" . s e-a-h a urre u ee.i c.-.- u.ptiiu-itegiy, f diru . - hi p, a. sre r-on.iiy ea nery ofunuruptt-, Lpe.entai .-.er tennue te r_ nnsrb."g, unrt-in
47、.f a -n -in Suain.N-t I -t .e-nne a n. o of seuSofugt on.-.-at p-ea - u.ent Fis, the on <yse., a. enhane the -s- digay ha. bben thikng aout tuki ng urrut on. ure.ty -ouat u、-ryr -, Uan-S not pe. U,- nisra- aU r ar not -y san.a- z>, E n - ri _ be ak. beha- upin peses a .-es-1-l-I Siu u.p. te.s
48、ths si- te rtyuan,a n increaseof 17.5%; localgovernme ntgeneral budgetrevenueof500 million Yuan,.Painting,modelculturecreate sne wMa Church community,creating Lakesce nic spot cult ureeducati on base,re ceive dhig h evaluati onfrom pr ovincialand muni cipa ldiscipli ne Inspecti onCommissi on, he peo
49、ple's dailyspe cialreport. Consta ntlypromote independentCommissionagainstcorruption cult ure constr uction toruralextends,created establi shed Da hlin r uralindustry Park i ndepe ndentCommission againstcorrupti on culturepositions,formedhasa support"servi celow doubleexcell ent "ofmem
50、bers leadteam,constantlyperfectande stablished Park fundsassets management,a ndvillage auditsupervisi on, a nd villagers democrati c financial,system, strengthe ning Parkpart y,and Chief,andfinancia l,full publi c, powerfult o guarantee shas new r ural constructi on, by cityrural stylclean g overnme
51、nti nspecti on unitled ofheig htev aluation.Throughthe im plementation ofhonestand clea ngover nmentcultural construction, andeffectively educatethe broad masses ofpartymembers andca dresand consciously reg ulatedbehavi orand discipli ne, honestyinpoliti cs andculturet ocreatea goodatmosphereand fre
52、sh devel opment environment.Althoug hwein implementim plementationindependentCommissionagainst corruption guidelines a spectsmade has must effectiveness,butawayfrom superiorofrequirements alsoexistsmustof distance,main performance for:a issystem enoughsound,educati on, a nd supervision, a ndpreventi
53、 on,a nd punishme nt,aspect s long -termmechani smalsoe nough perfect,espe ciallyin e nrollme nt bidworkregulat oryaspects also neededstre ngthe ning; IIis regulatorysupervision exists lost ofYuwide, andlostofYu soft,investigation illegaldisciplinary caseofeffortsalso needed strengtheni ng,individua
54、lse ctorand ca dresal so differentdegreeexiststreatgift,nottobenefits notdo, a nd mess doofphenomenon;Three forhonestworkisthe newsituationsand newprobl emsin finding timelyenough,treatmentmeasures are notstr onge nough.osolvethese problems,wewillpr ocee d fromthe foll owing fiveaspe cts ofrectifica
55、ti on, makesureto implementthe provisionsofthe code.(A) dee peni ng thelearning, enhancetheconsci ousne ss ofhonestyi npolitics.To create event asan opportunity to Exceland learning part y,further increasi ngtheg overna nce capa bility andadva nced construction,reinforced r ulesofthebroa d massesofp
56、artymembers andcadresaware ness, se nseofresponsi bility, sense ofhonor,im proveworking abilityand levelofscientific development. Should make fulluseof meetings,in particularcentralgrouplearning opportunity,furt herstrengthening thest udyand education ofthe code,the intensivewarning educati on,e ducation themajorityofpartymembers an
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