



1、Unit3A healthy diet【教学目标】1 .能正确理解,听读课文。2 .能听懂,会说,会读,会写;healthy, diet, a few, a little3 .能正确理解a few和a little的用法。4 .能运用电脑技术资源解决学习中的问题。5 .树立合理健康饮食的观念。【学情分析】学生对文本的理解问题不会很大, 这个话题功能是日常生活中经常出现的,因此理解课文不难,所以本节课的目的是将结合电脑技术的使用在自主学习能力的发展方面进行整合,并深入挖掘文本内容,使得学生学习的深度和广度提升, 这个部分对学生来说是个挑战。其次,在学习时,学生如何扎实的掌握四会单词,语 法a f

2、ew和a little的区别是重点。【教学重难点】1 .能正确理解,听读课文。(重点)2 .能听懂,会说,会读,会写;healthy, diet, a few, a little.(重点)3 .能正确理解a few和a little的用法(难点)4 .能运用电脑技术资源解决学习中的问题(重点,难点) 【课前准备】1 .单词卡片/时间展示图;2 .教学光盘或其他录音机设备;3 .教学课件。【教学过程】Step 1: Lead in1. Say the food you see on the screen quickly.(包括以下单词:rice, noodles, bread, tomatoes

3、, carrots, apples, oranges, fish, chicken, pork, milk, cheese cakes, sweets, chocolate and co2. Put these words into right column.分别为:谷物类(Cereal)肉类(Meat)蔬菜 类(Vegetables 水果类(Fruit)奶制品(Dairy Products)甜食(Sweet Food)(学 生要完成单词分类就必须先弄清分类条目,然而有部分单词是陌生的,此时学生有两个选择,选择点击Help键则可以直接得到上面这些生词的发音指导和中文 意思,利用PPT快速呈现实

4、物类单词或图片,帮助学生复习与本课内容相关的 食物类单词同时为下面的教学环节做铺垫。学生以小组讨论的形式完成单词分类,在学生完成此项学习活动时,分类词条中的 Cereal, Vegetables Dairy Products 等单词对于学生来说是不认识的,因此,此处教师会给出一个。如果选择点击 Tip键则会获得老师给出的关于如何通过百度来自主查询学习)3. Ss: show the resultsStep 2: Presentation1. T: Now I think you know the food very well. We eat food every day, but how to

5、 eat in a healthy way? (Teach: healthy,出示单词指导发音并渗透 health)2. Show the food pyramid, let students discuss the right order.(禾用上个环节的食品条目单词,教师和学生一起讨论放置到正确的位置,学生需要通过自主阅读一定的信息后来决定摆放的位置)l Cereal provides us energy. We eat cereal for breakfast, lunch and dinner.l Vegetables and fruit give us vitamins. They

6、are good for health.l Meat and Dairy Products give us protein which makes us strong, but too muchprotein is bad. And too much meat will make us fat.l Sweet food can make us happy. But there is too much sugar and fat in sweet food.Teacher与学生一起完成 food pyramid 后可以用句型 There is /are a lot of /some/alittl

7、e/a fewin the pyramd.、结一下3. T: Yes, a healthy diet should be like this. Now letr Y angcHingkhaMeike oa healthy diet?(Teach diet,出示单词,指导发音)4. Listen and find out which is Mike' s /Yang ling ' s diet? Name sweets cakes breadmilk eggs water Help和一个Tip供学生选择,来帮助学生利用手头的平板电脑来实现自主解决问题。在阅读信息的时候,遇到不理解

8、的地方,学生可以通过手头的平板电脑进行查询。让学生初步感知 Quantity,初步理解a few和a little的区别。学生利用手头的平板电脑自己来完成听的过程,可以根据自己的实际情况来决定听几遍,不像以往没听懂也只能一遍过去了,或者明明听好了还要再听一遍。ice cream rice fish meat noodles meat vegetables fruit eggs rice sweet food5. Let ' s readStudents read the story carefully, and then find the quantity of different f

9、ood they eat.Name a lot of some a few a little Mike sweets cakes ice cream rice bread milk fishmeat eggs water Yang ling noodles meat vegetables fruit eggs rice sweet food 完成这个学习活动时让学生通过观察表格自己总结出a few及a little的区别。并利用PPT完成一些口头练习。Step 3: Practice1. Read after the computer2. Discuss: Does Mike/Yang lin

10、g have a healthy diet?(结合 food pyramid) If there issomething wrong with his /her diet, please give him/her some suggestions.(教师给出一些模板句型如: Too many/much are/ is bad for health/ teeth/ You shmoregive(s) us energy/Vitamin/ProteirU 学生试着给出建议)Step 4: Consolidation让学生带上耳机跟着电脑自主跟读,比起以往的整个大课堂一起听读的有效性要更好。利用PP

11、T给学生提供一些句型用以给出建议也可以让学生用自己的话说一说,需要用到的资料和单词等都可以通过手头的平板电脑进行资料查询。1. T: Now you know Mike ' s and Yang ling , and diiteo you give some quite good suggestions to them. Do you want to know my diet? If you want to know, how can you ask?Ss: Do you have a healthy diet? Show a form ofeacher ' s diet My

12、 diet Breakfast Lunch Dinner a lot of porridge some bread some steamed buns some soya bean milk a lot of rice a lot of vegetables some fruit a little chocolate some rice a lot of vegetables some fruit some nuts 通过观察这份dietT: I' m a vegetaria利由PPT图片让学生了解素食者的饮食,让学生想一想可以用什么食物来替换肉食,让学生讨论适合素食者的食物金字塔,提

13、示学生可以利用电脑查询食物营养表。)2.课后延伸思考题(选做也可以都做)a. Do you have a healthy diet?1. I eatvegetables every day.a. nob. somec. a lot of2. I havefor lunch.a. some rice and some meat.b. some rice and some vegetables.c. some rice, some meat and some vegetables.3. I eat cakes, chocolate and sweets.a. always b. often c.

14、sometimes4. How often do you eat fruit?a. Never. b. Twice a week. c. Every day.5. Do you eat a lot at dinner?a. Always. b. Sometimes. c. Never.a=1 b=2c=3 a healthy diet:12-15an unhealthy diet:5-8Try to write: I often eat vegetables every day. I usually have-for lunch. Ichocolate and sweets. I fruit. I eat at dinner. My score is I have a/an b.设计适合以下人群的healthy diet (1) people keep fit(2) people have problems with high blood pressureStep 5:HomeworkListen, read and reci


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