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1、欢迎阅读罗素名言中英文导读:1 、我们两次出生于这个世界,第一次是为了存在,第二次是为了生存。Two times we were born in this world, for the first time in order to exist, the second is to survive.2、 使我们无法自由和高尚地活着的最主要原因是对财富的迷恋。We are unable to make free and noble living is the main reason for the fascination with wealth.3、许多人宁愿死,也不愿思考,事实上他们也确实至死都没

2、有 思考。Many people would rather die than think, in fact they do not have to think.4、无聊,对于道德家来说是一个严重的问题,因为人类的罪过 半数以上都是源于对它的恐惧。Boredom is a serious problem for the moral home, because more than half of the sins of mankind are derived from the fear of it.5、爱国就是为一些很无聊的理由去杀人或被杀。Patriotism is for some very

3、boring reason to kill or be killed.6、倘若一个人不依靠温暖的神话就无法面对生活中的不幸,那么他可就有点软弱和可鄙了。If a person does not rely on the warmth of the myth cannot face the misfortunes in life, so he is a little weak and despicable.7、中国是一切规则的例外。China is an exception to all the rules.8、一切社会的不平等,从长远看来,都是收入上的不平等。Inequality in all

4、societies, in the long run, is inequality in income.9、广义地说,最渴望权力之人就是最可能获得权力之人。Broadly speaking, the person who is most eager to poweris the most likely to gain power.10 、他不在自己的所有中寻求快乐,却在别人的所有中寻求痛 苦。He does not seek pleasure in all of his own, but in others he seeks for pain.11 、人活在世上,主要是在做两件事:一、改变物体

5、的位置和 形状,二、支使别人这样干。People living in the world, mainly doing two things: first, change the position and shape of the object, and make others do two.12 、你相信什么并不重要,重要的是你别完全相信他。What you believe is not important, it is important that you do not trust him completely.13 、幸福源于参差多态。Happiness comes from divers

6、ity.14 、世上的麻烦是这样的:愚者过于自信而智者满腹怀疑。The trouble is this: a fool too confident and wise is full of doubts.15 、恐惧是迷信的根源,也是造成残忍的主要原因之一。智慧 始于征服恐惧。Fear is the root cause of superstition, and one of the main causes of cruelty. Wisdom begins with the conquest of fear.16 、作为一个人,对父母要尊敬,对子女要慈爱,对穷亲戚要 慷慨,对一切人要有礼貌。A

7、s a person, respect for parents, love for their children, to be generous to poor relatives, to all people to be polite.17 、人们对他人的抱怨,往往只是天生的私心对超出了正常范 围的贪心的合理反应。People often complain about others, just born of selfishness beyond the normal range of the greedy reasonable reaction.18 、这世界充满了神奇的事物,耐心等待着我

8、们变聪明好来发 现。The world is full of amazing things, waiting for us to be smart to find.19 、世界充满了神奇的东西,它们在耐心地等待我们变得更有 智慧。The world is full of amazing things, they are waiting for usto become more intelligent.20、缺乏,是幸福必不可少的一个条件。Lack, is an essential condition for happiness.21 、定义无所谓真假,它是意志的表现,而不是命题。It is n

9、ot true, it is the expression of the will, but not the proposition.22、只有在彻底绝望的牢固基础上,才能安全地建造灵魂的家 园。Only on the solid foundation of utter despair, can the home of the soul be built safely.23、通过认识到那些引起焦虑的事物并不重要可以缓解大部分忧虑。By recognizing that the things that cause anxiety are not important, you can ease m

10、ost of the worries.24、世界上真的存在智慧这种东西吗还是看起来只是极其精炼的愚蠢 ?Is it true that there is such a thing as wisdom in the world,or does it look just as stupid as it is?25、一切伟大的著作都有令人生厌的章节,一切伟人的生活都 有无聊乏味的时候。All great books are boring chapters, all great lives are boring.26、我相信,一种有意识的思想可以在潜意识中扎根,只要那 思想足够强烈并具有足够的力量。I

11、 believe that a conscious mind can take root in the subconscious, as long as it is strong enough and has sufficient strength.27、放弃自己想要的某些东西是幸福生活不可或缺的一部分。Giving up some of the things you want is an indispensable part of happiness.28、伦理学起源于劝说他人为了与自己合作而作出牺牲的艺术。Ethics originates from the art of persuadi

12、ng others to make sacrifices in order to work with themselves.29、要理解一个名词,就必须熟悉那个名词指代的东西。To understand a noun, it is necessary to be familiar with the term.30、这个世界最大的麻烦,就在傻瓜与狂热分子对自我总是如此确定,而智者的内心却总充满疑惑。The biggest trouble in the world is that the fool and the mad man are always so sure of himself, and

13、 the wise mans heart is always full of doubts.31 、父亲们最根本的缺点,在于想要自己的孩子为自己争光。The fundamental defect of fathers, is that they want theirchildren to honor.32、当心灵回到起点时,它已经在过程中有了新的觉悟。When the mind back to the starting point, it has been inthe process of a new consciousness.33、精神崩溃的一个最初征兆就是坚信自己的工作非常非常重要。Th

14、e first sign of a mental breakdown is the belief that ones work is very important.34、你能在浪费时间中获得乐趣,就不是浪费时间。Its not a waste of time that you can have fun in a waste oftime.35、幸福的生活,在大体上必须是宁静的生活。因为,惟有在宁静气氛中,才能产生真正的快乐。A happy life, in general, must be a quiet life. Because, onlyin the quiet atmosphere,

15、can produce real happiness.36、即使真相并不令人愉快,也一定要做到诚实,因为掩盖真相往往要费更大力气。Even if the truth is not pleasant, it must be honest, because the cover up the truth often costs more effort.37、参差多态才是幸福的本源。Diversity is the origin of happiness.38、自由、道德和人类的尊严恰恰在于人们行善不是因为善被 推行而是因为人们向往它,盼望它,热爱它。Freedom, morality, and human dignity are precisely the people who do good not because they are being carried out, but because they are lo


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