



1、浦东新区2017年第一学期七年级期末试卷二根据音标写出正确的单词23. Would you please change the bætri of my car? I cant start it.24. The Apollo astronauts lændd on the moon in 1969.25. Its knvi:nint for people to buy things with Ali pay.26. sekndli, use you own head and present your point of view.27. The boys have decide

2、d to go kæmp next week.三选择最恰当的答案28. Which of the following underlined(划线的) parts is different in pronunciation(发音) from the others? A. add B. manager C. balloon D. relaxing29. Which of the following is not true?A. Lets have some cakes and some nuts. B. How much does it cost? C. Do you like your

3、 new flat? D. What does this sign mean? 30. This sign tells us how to do something. Its instruction sign.A. a B. an C. the D. /31. It would be better if you add some chocolate the milk.A. in B. of C. to D. with32. As we all know, Xinjiang is of China.A. west B. in the west C. on the west D. to the w

4、est33. There is traffic on Zhangyang Road every morning.A. many B. a lot C. much D. a few34. Its so cold outside. Id rather at home.A. not to stay B. to stay C. not stay D. stay35. The information sign tells us we have a picnic here.A. can B. should C. must D. need36. Mr. Smith teach music in a smal

5、l town before he came to China.A. used to B. use to C. was used to D. is used to37. When they lived in the city centre, they often Sam to the park.A. take B. took C. taking D. have taken38. There is some fruit in the fridge. We buy any.A. neednt B. dont need C. neednt to D. need39. Mum take me to th

6、e Technology Museum next Sunday.A. will be B. be going to C. is going to D. is going to be40. I saw some children kites in the park yesterday morning.A. flew B. flies C. flying D. to fly41. - I havent finished my report on the international food festival. - A. So do I B. So have I C. Neither do I D.

7、 Neither have I42. - Shall we buy some nuts for our picnic? - A. Thank you B. What a pity C. You re welcome D. It sounds great四选词填空,每个词只能填一次A. decided to B. young C. main D. history No one knows exactly how many cities there are in the world. But we know some cities are thousands of years old, and s

8、ome cities are 43 . Long ago, in 1788, England 44 send all its bad prisoners as far away as possible. So they were put on ships and sent all the way around the world to an island. This island was named Austrilia later. The 45 city was called Sydney. A. swimming B. famous for C. enjoy D. beautiful Hu

9、ndreds of years later, Sydney has made great change. It is one of the most 46 cities in the world. Millions of people live there today. The city is 47 warm weather, golden beaches, and the opera house. It is surrounded(围绕) by parks, rivers and many beaches. For people living in Sydney, 48 is a favou

10、rite sport. Maybe one day, you will visit the city by sea, Sydney.五用单词的适当形式完成句子49. Nancy has just bought three new to make her bedroom tidy. (shelf)50. Amys apartment is very because there are a lot of car on the street. (noise)51. You should talk to the , if you are not happy with the food in the r

11、estaurant. (manage)52. If you cant get there at 5 a.m., youll the first train. (missing)53. She raised her finger to her lips as a sign for (silent)54. The man will come at nine oclock. (remove)六改写句子,每空限填一词55. The ambulance worker drove quickly to the hospital. (改为一般疑问句) the ambulance worker quickly

12、 to the hospital?56. Kitty is going to make a cake for the old in the nursing home. (对划线部分提问) is Kitty going to for the old in the nursing home?57. Mr. Hu no longer smokes after he caught a bad cold. (保持句意不变) Mr. Hu doesnt smoke after he caught a bad cold.58. I like dogs better than cats. (保持句意不变) I

13、 dogs cats.59. on the internet do some shopping It is to wonderful (连词成句) 七阅读理解 ATimeClass8:00-8:50History9:00-9:50Maths9:50-10:05Mornig break10:10-11:00English11:10-12:00PE12:00-12:50Noon break1:00-1:50Art and Craft2:00-2:50ChemistryHi, my name is Alex. This is my school schedule. I have to wake up

14、 every morning at about 6:30. First, I have breakfast. Then I ride my bike to school. It takes me 20 minutes to get there.I have four classes in the morning. I like histroy most. Mr. Rudolph is really cool because he knows everything about history, and he tells us lots of interesting stories. We als

15、o get a 15-minute break in the morning. I usually talk to Seth and Franklin at that time. We also share our snack together, near the football pitch. To tell you the truth, I am not good at sports. However, Mrs Lee, our PE teacher, is still very strict with us.The afternoon is easier, since I have on

16、ly two classes. Chemistry is my favourite. We often do fun experiments(实验). I want to be a doctor one day. Art and craft is also fun. Our teacher, Mrs. Lester, is nice. She encourages us even if our drawing is bad. After class, I ride my bike home. I spend about an hour doing my homework and tehn, I

17、 go out with friends for a while.60. How many classes does Alex have a day?A. 2 B. 4 C. 6 D. 861. Which class is NOT Alexs favourite?A. History B. PE C. Chemistry D. Art and craft62. Who are the WE in paragraph 3(段落3)?A. Seth and Franklin B. Mr. Rudolph and Mrs. Lester C. All the school students D.

18、Alex and his classmates63. If a students drawing is not good, Mrs. Lester will .A. make the student draw it again B. not shout at the studeentC. not encourage the studetn D. give the student an “ F”64. What can we learn from the passage?A. Alexs home is next to the school. B. Alex has no time to pla

19、y after school.C. Alex has his own dream job. D. Alexdoesnt like his teachers.BFor a Beautiful and Healthy Smile When you have fresh breath and white teeth, the only thing you can do is to smile. But what if you have some dental problems? That would be 65 ! So we need to take special care of our tee

20、th. Dont use your teeth as tools One of the biggest mistakes people do with their teeth is to use their teeth as tools. They think their teeth are like scissors or 66 . They remove tags(标签) from clothes, open bottles or packages with their teeth. Its very dangerous to do so. Because you may have you

21、r teeth broken or even 67 . We should know that the teeth are mainly used for chewing food.Brush your teeth every day While this tip is the easiest, many people forget to brush their teeth twice a day daily. Brushing your teeth 68 removes dirt from the surface of your teeth. When you brush your teet

22、h, move your toothbrush back and forth gently enough. Make sure every time your brush your teeth, you should brush every tooth 15-20 times with a soft toothbrush.Healthy eating sugary foods can be harmful for your teeth. They can cause toothache easily. To keep teeth beautiful and healthy, you shoul

23、d limit the sugary foods in your diet. When you are hungry, eat some apples instead of a candy bar. Your teeth will 69 you!Its not as 70 to have a beautiful and healthy smile as you may think. Just take good care of your teeth and you can have the brightest smile in your world.65. A. exciting B. ter

24、rible C. pleasant D. missing66. A. forks B. stones C. plates D. knives67. A. take off B. pulled out C. knocked down D. put on68. A. regularly B. quickly C. sincerely D. specially69. A. help B. hurt C. thank D. lose70. A. fresh B. comfortable C. usual D. difficultC 填入适当的词,使内容通顺,并且语法正确,每空限填一词,首字母已给。 I

25、 lived in the cuontryside with my big family when I was a child. Days werent so easy as it now, mother and my grandmother always planted m 71 kinds of vegetables in our yard. At that time, meat was a little e 72 , and we didnt have enough money to eat it every day, so if meat was on the table for di

26、nner,it was a special dinner. We usually ate rice, many kinds of soup and other side dishes for breakfast, l 73 , and dinner. Every meal was the same. I didnt like vegetables, like most children. But if I took some vegetables off my plate, my mother would say,“Dont do that. You cant eat the meal w 7

27、4 vegetables. If you really dont want this meal because of the vegetables,dont eat dinner.” I didnt have any choice. I had to eat vegetables. Then mom would be pleased with me. However, I really wanted sweet food such as moon cakes and apple p 75 , so I often bought them, but I could never buy enoug

28、h because mom didnt give me enough money. As I grew up, I really like vegetables and it is true that vegetables are good for our health.D 根据短文,回答问题 In Spain, the well-known Tomato Festival attracts plenty of people around the world every year. On the last Wednesday in August, people gather in major

29、Spain Squares and throw tomatoes at each other to celebrate the festival. They do it just for fun. During the festival, there are all kinds of activities, but the most exciting part is the tomato fight. On that day of the fight, shopkeepers cover their windows and doors in order to keep away from th

30、e tomato fight. At the same time, thousands of tourists and local people come to the town square together. Then large trucks full of tomatoes arrive. From the back of the large trucks, a great town band start to throw tomatoes at others. Then the crowds fight back, throwing the tomatoes at anything and any one. Soon the streets are in the sea of red tomato juice. However, people in the fight have to follow some rules: It is usua


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