1、新人教版英语八年级下册词汇专练UnitlA根据所给中文完成以下句子。1. Many乘客got hurt in the accident.2. Take some药and have a good rest. You' II be better soon.3. She is躺on the beach and enjoying the sun.4. What' s the问题with your grandmother?5. They are talking about his苦恼.6. My little sister cut her 膝盖just now. She is cryin
2、g.7. His dog ' s死,死亡made him very sad.8.She has a very sore喉咙,she should drink much water.9. Whe n we are in dan ger , it' s very importa nt to make a good决定.10. Aron had a very strong护士 first.B用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Look! The baby has three tooth now.2. Do I need see a doctor? No. You needn' t
3、 seea doctor.3. There is something wrong with your throat. You ' d better drink lots of water.4. It' s important for us keep in good health.5. He has a headache. He should go to bed early.6. It is fun swim in such a hot day.7. Could you give me some advice about my math?8. Don' t be stre
4、ss out. It' s bad for your health.9. eat apples is good for my health.10. Doctors often tell usexercise more every day.Unit2A 根据所给中文完成以下句子。1. Gina自愿做to help me with my English.2. Let' s make some布告.3. A lot of people in the countryside are very 孤独.4. Sally has几个friends in China.5. She got a
5、feeling of满足when she succeeded in her work.6. Our school plans to募集money for the sick student.7. You can' t想象what life will be like in 10 years.8. The old man is聋的.He can' t hear anything.9.I 理解what you mean.10. An elephant扛heavy things with its nose.B用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. What should we do to hel
6、p stophun gry ?2. Let' s try our best to helphome children.3. The man is bli nd. The woma n is deaf. They aredisable people.4.1 feel veryluck to have a kind friend like you.5.1 came herespecial to see you.6. We can' t put offhave the meeti ng.7. Not only he but also Ibe good at play ing bask
7、etball.8. They all volun teer their timehelp other people.9. Tha nk you forin vite me to your home.10. AI ong the street you can see many trafficsig n.Unit3A根据所给中文完成以下句子。1. Throw these垃圾in the bin.2. I don ' t want to see the film and而且I haven' t got any money.3. I折叠the letter and put it in
8、the envelope.4. There was a terrible杂舌L after the party.5. He can' t swim.也不can I.6. Could you递me the salt?7. She厌恶the smell of smoke.8. The teleph one rang在期间 I was havi ng a shower.9. I tried to find a job in order to 提供clothes and food for my family.10. He依靠on you to help him.B用所给单词的适当形式填空。1.
9、 Could you pleasesweep he floor?2. You will find several shops in theneighbor.3. Hedevelop the little shop into a big store.4. The streets were littered withrubbish.5. Could you make your bed andfold your clothes?6. Did you receivefairness treatment?7. Could you pleasepass me that book?8. Don' t
10、 do that. It' s awaste of time.9. The climberdrop and hurt himself.10. When you ' re scared but you still do itanyway, that ' s brave.Unit4A根据所给中文完成以下句子。1. We shouldn' t允许teenagers to smoke.2. We' re late because we took the错误的way.3. Can you猜想how old he is?4. 交流is difficult when
11、two people don ' t speak the same Ianguage.5. They are always争吵with each other about money.6. Look at those dark云.It' s going to rain.7. My年纪较长的 brother lives in France and younger one lives in London.8. It' s too wet to walk. We ' ll go swimming代替.9. I' ll do 任何I can to help you
12、. 10. He 自愿给予me a drinkyesterday.B用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The teacher usuallyexplain the new words to us.2. Icopy out her notes into my notebook yesterday.3. Theyreturn from Italy last week.4. The car broke down so we had topush it to a garage.5. We studied thedevelop of babies in their first year of life.6
13、. Smoking can(cause) lung cancer.7. You must be(crazily) to ride a bike at night with no lights.8. After fin ish ing Un it 6, let ' s(continue) to learn Unit 7.9. (compare) your tran slati on with ours.10. It' s not(usually) for children to go to school on Saturday.Unit5A) 根据所给中文完成以下句子。1. Hi
14、s car didn ' t work during the heavy暴风雨2. Then a奇怪的thi ng happe ned.3. There was a strong风blowing outside.4. (突然,the phone rang while I was reading.5. The two(小学生)are helping the old granny cross the street.6. The bank最近ope ned in Germa ny.7.I un dersta nd完全地.8. Look at the奇怪的thi ng .What is it?
15、9. Do you think she ' s telling the真相?us.1O.lf we don ' t prepare for the speech con test, they will _战胜B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. What _ your parents_ (do) at nine o ' clock last night.2. We had no classes at that time. We_ _ (plant) trees.3. When the rain storm _ (sudde n) came, what were you d
16、oing?4. He hit his hand _ (heavy)against the wall.5. The news on TV _ (report) that a heavy rain was in the area.6. We stood there for a moment _ (silenee)7. He is_ _ (sleep) and he has slept for 10 hours.8. The room is dark, please turn on these_ _ ( light).9. She_ _ (make) her dress the n whole af
17、ter noon.10. I_ _( teleph one) a friend whe n Bob _ _(come) in.Unit61. The young夫妻decided to move to Shanghai.2. His mother bought a 金的 ring.3. The king has many(妻子,but he likes Mary best.4. The boy thought the emperor was very(愚蠢的5. The sun is(照耀)bright. Let ' s go to the beach to have a sun ba
18、th.6. Wu Song is so勇敢that he can beat the tiger.7. David is her 丈夫.They married 2 years ago.8. The teacher提醒me to take my ID card to school tomorrow.9. He did his homework the day一整天10. He speaks in a low嗓音B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Why do you keep(laugh) all the time.2. I can' t seem(get) the story str
19、aight.3. You should go shopp ing in stead of(stay) at home.4. He continued(work) when he was ill.5. Yu Gong found a good waysolve his problem6. They plan climb the mountain this weekend.7. I heard themlaugh when I pass his house.8. Guo Jingming beganwrite novels when he was 16 years old.9. I n En gl
20、a nd ,pupilsbe able to watch a new TV program called Mon key.10. Last year I went to Qingdao and fall in love with it.Unit7A根据汉语或首字母提示完成以下句子。1. China has the largest人口in the world.2. An成年的elephant weighs around six tons吨.3. The room covered ten平方miles.4. The first woman to 成功in climbing the Qomolang
21、ma was Junko Tabei fromJapa n.5. People lived in terrible 条件in the past.6. His father死from traffic accident last year.7. The Great Wall ia an古老的man-made object.8. Many an imals are in dan ger. We should do someth ing to保护them.9. The well井is 30 meters深.10. Ten people,包含a baby, were hurt in the accide
22、nt事故.B用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. I believe you willsuccessful if you don ' t give up.2. It wasfreeze cold tha morning.3. The elephantweight 5,000 kilos.4. Ma nytour come to visit the Great Wall.5. We all think Zhang Lili is thebeautiful woman teacher in China.Unit8A根据汉语或首字母提示完成以下句子。1. China scienee and科技is
23、 developing开展fast.2. His son has studied 在国夕卜for five years.3. We all know Diaoyu Islands属于to China forever.4. Alice in Wonderland is a 名著.5. They live in one of the most 现代的cities in the world.6. A boy came across the gaden朝着them .7. He is from France and he can speak法语very well.8. I will remember
24、the day 永远.9. Tom found a lot of财宝on the old island.10. We all lost ourselves in the美丽of the nature.B用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Yesterday' s tale nt show was a greatsucceed.2. She has alreadyread the book.3. Do you realize theimportant of health.4. liste n to music is a good way to relax.5. May students ar
25、einterest in pop music.Unit9A )根据所给中文完成以下句子。1.1 have never heard of any(厕所)museums.2. Our hometown is a(禾口平的)village.3. Practice makes(完美的).4. She had an(不寻常的)experienee.5. (不管)you like running or jumping, you can take part in them in the sportsmeeti ng.6. Festival (春节)is often in January or Februar
26、y.7. These are(社会的problems.8. Parents should(鼓励)children to do things by themselves.9. You have made(进步)in your English.10. It' s(难以置信的)that he didn ' t pass the exam.B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. It' s a great way(spe nd ) a Saturday after noon.2 Have you ever(study) with more tha n three frien ds?
27、3 In ever(see) such an excit ing movie.4. We saw him(read) a book whe n we passed.5. He is late, he has(probable) missed the early bus.6. There are four(thousa nd) people in the park.7. The pia nist gave a fine(perform).8. Four fifths of the juice(be) orange. It ' s very pure.9. Why not(join)an
28、En glish club to practice(speak) En glish?10. The collector has many(collect ion).Uni t10A )根据所给中文完成以下句子。1. We all(把视为)him as an honest friend.2. The building is some c世纪old.3. The teacher is(检查)out our homework4. Look ! She' s standing (在其中)the ten children.5. Baby has a(柔软的)skin.6. 尤其是 is Tom
29、good at swim ming.7. They will ha meeting to discuss this problem tomorrow.8. Can you c数数numbers?9. Yesterday I bought two围巾for my mother and my sister.10. Tom is a(老实的)boy/an(老实的)boy .B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. Henever(go) to the scienee museum.2. you ever(dri nk) coke?3. There are many toy (bear)in my home
30、.4. His brother never gave up (try)to help.5. I can' t(raise)a family on what I earn.6. My mom ' s had a bread(make)for a long time.7. Last term I(learn) many English words.8. They(not read) the interesting books yet.9. The museum(be)here for over 20 years.10. It(be)one of the oldest buildin
31、gs in this small town.附答案:Unit 1A1.passengers2. medicine 3. lying7.death8.throat9.decisi onB)用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. teeth4.matter5.trouble1O.temperature2. to see, see 3. drink6.believes4. to keep5. go 6. swimmi ng 2. 7. advice8. stressed 9. Eat ing10.to exerciseUn it 2A)volu nteers2. no tices3. l on ely4.
32、several 5. satisfact ion6. raise 7.imag ine8. deaf9.un dersta nd 10. carriesB) hunger2. homeless 3. disabled 4. lucky5 specially6 having 7.am8.to help9.i nvit ing10.sig nsUn it 3A)rubbish2. any way3. folded 4. mess 5. Neither 6. pass 7. hates 8. while9. provide10. depe ndsB) sweep2. n eighborhood3.
33、developed 4. rubbish5.fold6. fair7.pass88. waste9. dropped10. any wayUnit 4A) allow2. wrong3. guess 4.Communi cati on5. arguing6. clouds7. elder8. in stead 9. whatever10i. offeredB) explains2. copied3. retur ned 4. push5. developme nt6. cause7. crazy8. con ti nue9. Compare 10. usualUnit 5A1.rai nstorm 2.stra nge 3.wi nd4. Sudde nl y5.pupils6.rece ntly7pletely8.stra nge9.truth10.beatB)were doing2.were planting3.suddenly 叩4.Heavily5.reported6.silently 7.asleep
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