



1、课题Un it 5 A Read and write课型阅读课教 学 目 标一 Knowledge aims :1 Can read the word: trunk .2 Can understand and read the sentence : That elephant is drinking water with its trunk.3 En able the Ss master the pattern : What is she/it doi ng?She '/It'4 Can use the pattern:is with in the real situation

2、.5 Can read the dialogue in the book .二 Ability aims :1 Can use the pattern in their daily life.2 Cultivate the Ss' abilities in listening ,speaking, reading and writing .3 Develop their con scious ness of competiti on and abilities of com muni cati on .三 Emotion aims :1 Enable Ss love animals a

3、nd protect animals in their lives.教学重难点教学重点:1 Enable the Ss master the pattern : What is she/it doing?She s/It s2 Can use the pattern:is with in the real situation.教学难点: 2 Can use the pattern:is with in the real situation.教具准备1与教学相配套的多媒体课件。2与教学相配套的光盘。3学生需要的阅读纸,板书用贴图。教学活动过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1 Warm up

4、exercise .1 Greet in g.T: Now let' begin our class.Hello,boys and girls.Do you like animals?My favourite animal is s your1An swerteacher'squesti ons.favouriteanimal?What' your favouritean imal?Ca n s ?What can s do?T:Here are some pictures about lovely animals.Let s enjoy it together and

5、 think :Which animal do you like best?OK?2 Look at the pictures and say.T: 'white.What about you?出示:I like the .It'.(fat/tall/black .)T:Yes,the animals are so nice like them very much.Loo, what 's this?Itcantakemanypictures.Wow,it's a camera .I took many pictures about Animals.Look,w

6、hat 'this?Step 2 Prese ntati on and Practise .1 Present:What is it doing?Show a part of the animals or show the pictures quickly, lead Ss to guess:What' this?What is it doing?(板书)T:Wow,they are so lovely.Look, so many ani mals.2 Make a dialogue.A:Hello,Do you see a ?B:Yes,l do./ No,I don t.&

7、#39;A:What is it doi ng?B:lt 'A:Oh,how funny!(cute/lovely )(1) Give a model.(2) Practise in groups of 4.3LeadSsun dersta ndthepattern:is with .Then lead them use it .T:Do you see an elepha nt?Look at this elepha nt. Is it big?Is it strong?What is it doing?(1)Teach:tru nk.T:What about that elepha

8、 nt?ls it drinking water?T:Here comes a fat cat.Is it tak ing a bath?Is it catch ing butterflies?So it 'catching T:What about the bear?Is it catch ing a mouse?And the mon key?2 Review the words about an imals.Step 2 Presentation and Practise .1 Learn:What is it doi ng?2 Make a dialogue3Un dersta

9、 ndthepattern: is with .Then lead them use it .(1)Read:tru nk.-It's drinking water with its trunk.-It ' taking a bath with its trunk.It ' catching a mouse with its han ds.-It ' catching fish with a fork.It ' swinging with its han ds.这样自然亲 切的交谈,引 导学生复习 了动物名称, 以及一局部 的动词。利用猜一猜 的方式引出

10、 这个重点句 型,能在师生 间构建信息 沟,引导学生 想象、思维。(2)Make a dialogue.A:Look at the .What is it doing?(2)Make a dialogue.is withB:lt 'with its A:Oh,how funny/cute/lovely 这个句型是'S very funny.Who is he?本课的难点,4 Prese nt:What is she doi ng?What is he doi ng?He 'Daxiong.这个环节的T:And here are Daxi ong 's pare

11、nts.Look at his fathers4 Lear n: Whatis she设计能突破he very short?What's he like?And his mother?Is she kind?What's she like?Look at his strict mother.Whatdoing?What is he doing?这个难点,引is she doing? Do you kno w?Let's look at some tips.(Tips: waterT-shirt)导学生在生板书活中运用这T:What is father doi ng?个句

12、型。(听声音:水声 Mmm , So nice flowers.)T:What isDaxiong doing?Let 'slisten,OK?(1) Listen to a story,think:What is Daxiong doing?Mom:Daxi on g,whatareyou(1)L iste ntoadoin g?Daxi on g,Daxi on g!Oh,dad,what is he doing?story,think:Whatis DaxiongDaxi on g:OK,let me see!'play ing football with his hea

13、d.doing?通过逐步呈Mom:Oh,naughty Daxiong!Go to the study,do your homework.现大雄家人It' 7:00p.m.It' time to do homework.正在做的事,Daxiong is playing football with his head Oh,n aughty Daxi ong.自然引出下(2)Liste n to the story,read after the computer.The n面的这个故act out the story.T:Now,ca n you be mom?Let' l

14、iste n to the story and(2)Listen to the story,read after the computer.Then act事。这个故事read after the computer,OK?A Read after the computer.out the story.贴近生活又B Act out the story in groups of 3.A Read after the computer.生动有趣,孩T:It'7:30p.m.lt'timetodoB Act out the story in groupshomework,too.Loo

15、k,What is Daxi ong doing no w?Ca n you make a dialogue?You can use .Pay attention toof 3.子们能在学the expressi ons.一学、演一演学习文档仅供惨考的过程中,掌握语言知识,开展创新意C Have a show.T:OK ,mom!Daxiong goes to his study and do homework.Look,he 's'in his book?hey are see ing ani mals.But what an imals do they see?Lets h

16、ave a look,OK?Step 3 Go to the text.1 Lead Ss wacth the cartoon and think:What can they see?2 Lead Ss read the dialogue by themselves and try to complete the exercises.3 Lead Ss read after the computer.4Lead Ss have a role play.T:Good!The animals are so cute and lovely.They are all very happy with t

17、heir family.Look,they run,they jump,they swim.They are ni ce.They are cute.They live around us all the time.They are our good frien ds.But they are not always so happy.Sometimes they are also very poor.Look at the tibetan antelope,they are so nice and strong.They live together,and they love eath oth

18、er.But no w,people ofte n shoot them.They have no home and family.Look,they are cryin g.Liste n,they are shouting, Please,please help me,please help my family.Where is my family.A nd look at the whales.They are jumping so happily in the sea in the old times.But now,people often eat their meat.And th

19、ere are many other animals.The number of them become smaller and smaller.So ,I want to say ,please,please love ani mals.My friendDaxi ongloves ani mals verymuch.Look,he ' writing .He 'writing a proposal.Step 4 Exte nsion.1Lead the Ss read the proposal together.2Write a proposal in groups of 4.C Have a show.Step 3 Go to the text.1 Wacth the cartoon and thin k:What can they see?2 Read the dialogue by th


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