已阅读5页,还剩31页未读 继续免费阅读




1、火电厂知识介绍火电厂知识介绍Power Plant Knowledge Introduction陕西西北发电运行有限责任公司陕西西北发电运行有限责任公司SHAANXI NORTHWEST POWER GENERATION CORPORATION LIMITED目 录CONTENTS1火力发电厂概述.11.1基本理论介绍.11.2火力发电厂生产过程.11.3电厂主要设备介绍.21.3.1锅炉主要设备.21.3.2汽轮机设备.21.3.3电气主要设备.31.4电厂主要系统介绍.31.4.1锅炉主要系统.31.4.2汽轮机主要系统 .31.4.3电气主接线系统 .42常规电厂运行管理.42.1电厂管

2、理组织机构.42.2主要岗位设置及职责.52.2.1电厂厂长岗位职责.52.2.2总工程师岗位职责.52.2.3安全工程师职责 .52.2.4专责工程师职责 .62.2.5值长岗位职责.62.2.6班长岗位职责.62.2.7主值班员岗位职责.73电厂安全培训.73.1安全组织机构.73.2岗位安全职责.83.2.1电厂厂长安全生产职责.83.2.1General Manager.83.2.2副厂长安全生产职责:.93.2.2Vice general manager of production department .93.2.3运行部长安全生产职责.103.2.3Manager of powe

3、r plant operation department.103.2.4检修部长安全职责.123.2.4Manager of maintenance department.123.2.5安全专工安全生产职责.133.2.5Engineer of production planning department.133.2.6值长安全职责.133.2.6Shift Leader Supervisor.143.3安全管理制度.153.3.1两票管理制度.153.3.2安全培训及检查管理制度.183.3.3消防器材管理制度.193.4现场安全培训.193.4.1机械部分.193.4.2化学部分.233.

4、4.3电气部分.253.5现场安全标识牌的识别.271火力发电厂概述火力发电厂概述基本理论介绍基本理论介绍火力发电厂是利用各种燃料燃烧释放的热能发电的动力设施,包括燃料燃烧释热和热能电能转换以及电能输出的所有设备、装置、仪表器件,以及为此目的设置在特定场所的建筑物、构筑物和所有有关生产和生活的附属设施。主要有蒸汽动力发电厂、燃气轮机发电厂、内燃机发电厂几种类型.1.2火力发电厂生产过程火力发电厂生产过程 储存在储煤场(或储煤罐)中的原煤由输煤设备从储煤场输送到锅炉炉膛,燃烧的煤放出大量的热能将炉膛四周水冷壁管内的水加热成汽水混合物。混合物被锅炉汽包内的汽水分离器进行分离,分离出的水经下降管送到


6、设备锅炉主要设备按锅炉的蒸汽压力:可将锅炉分为低压锅炉(压力小于 2.45MPa) ,中压锅炉(压力 2.944. 90MPa) ,高压锅炉(压力 7.8410. 8MPa) ,超高压锅炉(压力 11.814. 7MPa) ,亚临界锅炉(压力 15.719. 6MPa) ,超临界锅炉(压力 22.1MPa) ,超超临界锅炉(压力 3031MPa) 。按锅炉蒸发受热面内工质的流动方式分类:自然循环锅炉、强制循环锅炉、直流锅炉、复合循环锅炉。锅炉主要受热面:水冷壁、过热器、省煤器、锅炉主要辅机设备:一次风机:干燥燃料,将燃料送入炉膛,一般采用离心式风机。二次风机:克服空气预热器、风道、燃烧器阻力,

7、输送燃烧风,维持燃料充分燃烧。引风机:将烟气排除,维持炉膛压力,形成流动烟气,完成烟气及空气的热交换。汽轮机设备汽轮机设备汽轮机本体汽轮机本体(steam turbine proper)是完成蒸汽热能转换为机械能的汽轮机组的基本部分,即汽轮机本身。它与回热加热系统、调节保安系统、油系统、凝汽系统以及其他辅助设备共同组成汽轮机组。汽轮机本体由固定部分(静子)和转动部分(转子)组成。固定部分包括汽缸、隔板、喷嘴、汽封、紧固件和轴承等。转动部分包括主轴、叶轮或轮鼓、叶片和联轴器等。固定部分的喷嘴、隔板与转动部分的叶轮、叶片组成蒸汽热能转换为机械能的通流部分。汽缸是约束高压蒸汽不得外泄的外壳。汽轮机本

8、体还设有汽封系统。 给水泵:将除氧水箱的凝结水通过给水泵提高压力,经过高压加热器加热后,输送到锅炉省煤器入口,作为锅炉主给水。高低压加热器:利用汽轮机抽汽,对给水、凝结水进行加热,其目的是提高整个热力系统经济性。除氧器:除去锅炉给水中的各种气体,主要是水中的游离氧。空冷凝汽器:使汽轮机排汽口形成最佳真空,使工质膨胀到最低压力,尽可能多地将蒸汽热能转换为机械能,将乏汽凝结成水。凝结泵:将凝汽器的凝结水通过各级低压加热器补充到除氧器。油系统设备:一是为汽轮机的调节和保护系统提供工作用油,二是向汽轮机和发电机的各轴承供应大量的润滑油和冷却油。主要设备包括主油箱、主油泵、交直流油泵、冷油器、油净化装置

9、等。电气主要设备电气主要设备发电机本体在发电厂中,同步发电机是将机械能转变成电能的唯一电气设备。因而将一次能源(水力、煤、 油、风力、原子能等)转换为二次能源的发电机,现在几乎都是采用三相交流同步发电机。在发电厂中的交流同步发电机,电枢是静止的,磁极由原动机拖动旋转。其励磁方式为发电机的励磁线圈 FLQ(即转子绕组)由同轴的并激直流励磁机经电刷及滑环来供电。同步发电机由定子(固定部分)和转子(转动部分)两部分组成。定子由定子铁心、定子线圈、机座、端盖、风道等组成。定子铁心和线圈是磁和电通过的部分,其他部分起着固定、支持和冷却的作用。 转子由转子本体、护环、心环、转子线圈、滑环、同轴激磁机电枢组

10、成。主变压器:利用电磁感应原理,可以把一种电压的交流电能转换成同频率的另一种电压等级的交流电的一种设备。6.6KV、400V 配电装置:完成电能分配,控制设备的装置。电机:将电能转换成机械能或将机械能转换成电能的电能转换器。蓄电池:指放电后经充电能复原继续使用的化学电池。在供电系统中,过去多用铅酸蓄电池,现多采用镉镍蓄电池控制盘:有独立的支架,支架上有金属或绝缘底板或横梁,各种电子器件和电器元件安装在底板或横梁上的一种屏式的电控设备。电厂主要系统介绍电厂主要系统介绍锅炉主要系统锅炉主要系统汽水系统:锅炉的汽水系统的主要功用是接受燃料的热能,提升介质的热势能,增压增温,完成介质的状态转换。烟风系


12、给水。主机油系统:包括润滑油系统、顶轴油系统、调节、保安系统。汽轮机调节、保安系统:协调各系统同步地按照要求进行工作。其它系统:压缩空气系统、旁路系统、减温水系统、凝结水精处理系统等。电气主接线系统电气主接线系统电气主接线是根据电能输送和分配的要求,表示主要电气设备相互之间的连接关系,以及本发电厂与电力系统的电气连接关系。电气主接线中有时还包括发电厂的自用电部分。主要功能 :电气主接线反映了发电厂配电所的基本结构和功能。在运行中,它表明本发电厂变电所与高压电网、馈电线的连接方式以及相关一次设备的运行方式,成为调度控制和设备实际操作的依据;同时,电气主接线对电力供电系统运行的可能性、电能质量、经






18、2掌握各种工况下机组的启动、停用方法及事故处理程序。正确执行各项规章制度和值长的调度命令,负责当班期间安全、经济运行和文明生产。组织管辖内所有设备及系统的启动、监视、维护、调整、故障处理、停止等项工作。办理各类工作票和操作票,确保安全措施的实施。2.2.7主值班员岗位职责主值班员岗位职责2.1在班长的领导下,负责本机组起停操作和正常运行的监视调整任务,对本机组设备、系统的正确操作和安全、经济、稳定运行负责。 2.2严格执行运行规程,安全规程及两票五制,杜绝误操作。负责本机组人员值班纪律,防止各种违章行为导致事故的发生。2.3认真执行机组定期切换试验制度,负责本机组的

19、定期切换试验工作,并做好定期切换试验台帐的记录。2.4负责本机组的运行日志记录和报表的填写,确保纪录的完整性和报表数据的正确性。2.5负责本机组的事故处理。事故处理要判断准确,处理及时;对机组发生的各种异常运行情况,应积极采取措施进行排除。3电厂安全培训电厂安全培训安全组织机构安全组织机构电厂厂长副厂长兼总工安全专工运行部长各专业专工检修部长后勤综合管理员一值值长二值值长四值值长汽机专工锅炉专工电气专工化学专工输煤专工热控专工检修专工检修班(组)长岗位安全职责岗位安全职责3.2.1电厂厂长安全生产职责电厂厂长安全生产职责3.2.1General Manager3.1电厂厂长是电厂的安全生产第一

20、责任人。必须认真贯彻执行国家有关安全生产的方针、政策、法规和上级有关规定,对各部门、各级人员安全生产责任制建立、落实负全面的领导责任。3.1General Manager, the key responsible person for the safety production of 三值值长the power plant, should carry out the related national safety production guide lines, rules, codes as well as relevant requirements made by superior depa

21、rtments carefully. He should be responsible for preparing safety production systems for different departments and supervising personnel at different levels to execute them.3.2负责建立和完善电厂的安全生产监督保证体系。并协调电厂的各级组织,配合行政做好安全工作。In charge of preparing and completing the safe production supervising syste

22、m in the power plant and cooperate with other departments to do the safety supervising work well.3.3根据上级下达的各项安全生产指标,审定电厂的年度安全工作目标计划,层层落实,确保其实现。3.3Approve the Annual Safe Production Planning in accordance with various safe production indexes from superior departments and supervise the execution.3.4主管

23、安全监察机构,按规定配备安监人员。3.4Be in charge of safety supervisory organs and assign safety supervisors. production regulations and measures in the power plant. Examine and approve the safety measures and technology measures plans and make sure capital needed is available.3.5贯彻安全生产重奖重罚的原则。主持一般事故、重大事故,参加特大事故的调查。

24、3.5Carry out the principle of handsome reward and severe punishment. Organize personnel to investigate common accidents, serious accidents and extra serious accidents.3.2.2副厂长安全生产职责:副厂长安全生产职责:3.2.2Vice general manager of production department 认真贯彻执行国家有关安全生产的方针、政策、法规和上级有关规定,并提出本电厂贯彻的具体意见,组织落实。

25、做好分管范围的安全工作,并承担相应的责任。The vice general manager should carry out the national safe production guide lines, rules, codes as well as relevant requirements made by superior departments carefully and bring out specific management plans suitable for the power plant and organize operators to execute

26、them . He should be responsible for supervising operators of his department to execute them.亲自阅处上级有关安全生产的文件、通报,结合本电厂实际提出具体贯彻的要求。Examine and review the documents or reporting about safe production from superior departments and bring out specific requirements, based on the actual product

27、ion situation. 经常深入现场、班组,解决安全生产问题。不断总结安全生产经验,落实安全奖惩办法。Go to work site frequently to check and solve safe production problems. Get safe production experiences from the accidents continuously and carry out reward and punishment systems.配合项目经理每月召开一次安全生产情况分析会,主持日常生产会,主持编制和审批电厂年度安全工作

28、目标、 “安全措施、技术措施”计划、 “安全性评价”整改计划等,做到项目、资金、时间、责任人的落实,并负责督促实施。Help the general manager to hold the safe production analysis meeting, organize daily production meetings, prepare and approve the Annual Safe Production Planning, Safe Measures and Technology Measures, Safety Evaluation, etc.Carry out

29、 and supervise the executions of projects, financial, time, and person responsible. 强化安全生产保证体系,落实各级生产管理(工作)人员的安全生产责任制。Strengthen safe production guarantee system. Put into effect safe production responsibility system of production management personnel at different levels. 发生事故,

30、应立即赶到现场协助处理事故,参加或主持对事故的调查,及时掌握事故调查情况,必要时召开事故现场会。Go to the accident site as soon as possible to take part in the investigation when the accidents occurring. Collect the accident investigation and hold a meeting at site if needed.3.2.3运行部长安全生产职责运行部长安全生产职责3.2.3Manager of power plant operation de

31、partment 发电运行部的第一安全责任人,对发电运行安全生产负主要领导责任。必须认真贯彻执行国家、上级和电厂有关安全生产的方针、政策、法规和制度。The manager of power plant operation department, the main responsible person of power plant operation department, should be responsible for the safe operation. He should carry out the national safe production gu

32、ide lines, rules, codes as well as relevant requirements made by superior departments and the power plant carefully.根据电厂年度安全工作目标分解到发电运行部的指标,组织制定各专业的细化指标和具体的实施措施,层层落实各级人员的安全责任,确保部门安全目标的实现。Organize personnel to make detailed standards and measures for different departments according to t

33、he indexes of power generation department from Power Plant Annual Safe Operation Planning, make personnel at different levels know their safe responsibility and make sure every department fulfill their safe planning.组织各专业按期完成厂部的“安全措施、技术措施”计划、安评工作及整改计划,贯彻落实防止重大事故的重点要求。Arrange each techn

34、ical department to fulfill corresponding work plan according to the Safe Measure planning & Technology Measure planning, the safety evaluation & correcting planning and Important Requirements for Preventing Serious Accidents.组织各专业编制和修订现场运行操作规程。主持每月的运行安全分析会。对重大操作项目或试验工作,组织制定“安全措施、技术措施”和危险点分析预控

35、工作。Organize different departments to prepare and revise Field Operation Regulations. Hold monthly operation safety analysis meetings. As for important operation or tests, prepare Safe Measure planning & Technology Measure planning, the Potential Risks Analysis and Preventive Planning and arra

36、nge personnel to execute them.领导并支持安全员认真开展各项安全管理和监督工作。抽查班组的安全活动,做出领导发电运行部的安全检查和反违章活动,深入现场检查指导安全生产,严肃查出违章违纪行为。Encourage safety supervisor to manage and supervise operation and production. Select some shifts and exam their safety measures and improve their work. Go to the work site to gu

37、ide the production safety. If any operations which go against the operation regulation are found, punish the operators strictly.参加或组织有关事故和一、二类障碍的调查分析。Organize and take part in the accident investigation and analysis.3.2.4检修部长安全职责检修部长安全职责3.2.4Manager of maintenance department 检修维

38、护部的第一安全责任人,对检修维护部安全生产负主要领导责任。必须认真贯彻执行国家、上级和电厂有关安全生产的方针、政策、法规和制度。As the leader for maintenance department, he should be responsible for the safe production of maintenance department. He should carry out the national safe production guide lines, rules, codes as well as relevant requirements mad

39、e by superior departments and the power plant carefully.根据电厂年度安全工作目标分解到检修维护部的指标,组织制定各专业的细化指标和具体实施的措施,层层落实各级人员安全责任制,确保部门安全目标的实现。Organize personnel to make detailed standards and measures for different departments according to the indexes of maintenance department from Power Plant Annual

40、 Safe Operation Planning, make personnel at different level know their safe responsibility and make sure every department fulfill their safe planning.组织各专业按期完成厂部的“安全措施、技术措施”计划,安评工作及整改计划,贯彻落实防止重大事故的 25 项重点要求。组织各专业编制和修订设备检修工艺规程。3.24.3Make different departments work according to the Safe Measure

41、s planning & Technology Measure planning, the Safety Evaluation & Correcting planning and the 25 Important Requirements for Preventing Serious Accidents. Arrange personnel to prepare and revise the equipment maintenance technology regulation for different departments.组织制定重大检修施工项目的“措施”,并负责贯彻落实

42、。组织或参加事故和一、二类障碍的调查分析。Prepare and set maintenance measures for important maintenance work and take charge of fulfillment. Organize or take part in the investigation and analysis on accident and class A and class B malfunctions .3.2.5安全专工安全生产职责安全专工安全生产职责3.2.5Engineer of production planning depa

43、rtment深入生产现场检查,监督与安全有关的规章制度的执行。不定期检查部门和班组安全活动的情况,对发现的问题及时通知所属部门并向领导汇报,督促有关部门解决。Go to work site to check and supervise the implementation of safety production system. Check the departments or shifts causally to see whether they can work in accordance with safety production system. Repor

44、t faults to related leaders. Supervise and urge them to solve the problems. 协助领导组织并参加全公司的安全检查、安全性评价等工作,编制整改计划。作好安全资料的归纳、整理和保管工作。作好事故障碍报表及日常安全情况报表的填写和上报工作。Help the leader to organize and join in the power plant safety examinations, safety evaluation. Prepare and revise the planning. Col

45、lect and keep the safety materials. Take in charge of the archiving and reporting of Faults Log and Safety Log. 参加事故调查分析,编制年度安全与劳动保护措施计划,定期编写安全分析简报,起草本部门安全方面的通知、总结、报告、通报等文件。Attend the accidents investigation and analysis. Prepare the Annual Safety and Labor Protection Measures. Prepare

46、 the Safety Analysis Newsletter periodically. Draft the Notices, Work Summary, Reports, etc.发生事故立即赶到现场开展调查分析、收集事故资料等工作。负责工伤的鉴定工作,监督检查有关部门改善工作场所的劳动保护条件和工业卫生状况。When accident occurred, go to the site immediately. Check and analyze the accident, collect the information. Supervise and urge

47、related departments to improve field labor protection conditions and plant sanitation conditions. 对“工作票、操作票”执行情况进行检查,发现的问题向领导汇报并提出改进的意见。Check whether operators operate based on Work Permits as well as Operation Permits. Report to related leaders and bring out improving advice if proble

48、m is found. 3.2.6值长安全职责值长安全职责3.2.6Shift Supervisor.1模范带头贯彻执行上级有关安全工作的决定、批示以及各种安全规章制度,认真吸取安全生产经验教训,在值班中是全值安全第一责任人、应熟悉并严格执行规程以及本单位制定的现场规程、安全管理制度、掌握运行、备用系统运行方式、各种安全措施,周围环境、人员情况等都应符合安全生产的要求,掌握设备缺陷,积极主动创造条件联系处理,避免扩大或造成事故。.1Take the lead to perform relevant safety regulation issued, decide all kinds of sa

49、fety systems and summarize safe production experiences. As a responsible person on duty, he must familiar with and perform relevant regulations as well as onsite rules& management systems, , operation mode of equipments in operation and standby status, various safety measures, work surroundings, ope

50、rators, etc. and make sure they can satisfy production requirements. Know the equipments potential defects and prevent them from becoming seriously.2掌握检修设备和运行设备的隔离情况,做到安全可靠,坚持执行工作票制度,保证安全技术措施符合规程的规定,符合现场实际,负责向调度申报设备计划检修、试验及临检申请,将调度批准的时间报告电厂主管生产副总经理和有关部门,并对以上各项负安全责任。.2As for the equipments needing re

51、pairing, make sure they are isolated from the operating equipment reliably and safely. Make sure the maintenance done following the work permit system. Make sure the safety technical measures are qualified and in accordance with the actual field situation. Take charge of applying for equipment maint

52、enance, tests or temporary repair. Report the time schedule approved by dispatching department to vice production manager and related departments and take responsibility for the safety measures for the work above. .3对运行设备和运行系统的操作、倒换,必须执行操作票制度,贯彻逐级审批手续,严格执行发受令人的复诵制和统一调度术语,认真坚持发受令时录音,由于无操作票或操作票书写造成的误操

53、作值长负重要责任。.3If the operating equipments or operating system has to be switched over, operate following the operation permit system. Approve the work permits. Repeat the commands and use the unified dispatching terminology. Tape the commands. Be responsible for the faults due to operation without work

54、 permits or incorrect work permits.4所有生产现场安全生产的一切指挥工作,要贯彻“安全第一”的方针,任何违反规程制度的错误指挥,造成后果者,要负直接责任。.4Take Safety First as the work guide line to command field production. Be responsible for the faults due to incorrect command.5值长临时指挥人员参加运行操作及处理缺陷时,值长必须考虑他们能否胜任,对不符合规程要求的工作人员,值长要对他们的工作及人身安全负责。.5If the shif

55、t supervisor has to assign some operators to attend operations and trouble-shooting temporarily, he has to ensure these operators are qualified and competent. If not, he has to take responsibility for their personal safety.6当值的事故、障碍和异常,一定要深入了解清楚,组织分析,向运行部提供原始材料。.6Organize operators to investigate an

56、d analyze the faults, accidents and abnormal situations happened in his shift and provide the original information to operation department.3.3安全管理制度安全管理制度3.3.1两票管理制度两票管理制度.1热力机械工作票管理制度为了加强项目部热力机械工作票的管理,规范检修人员和运行人员在整个检修及操作过程中的要求和程序,避免因检修过程和操作过程中的失误而造成人身及设备事故,保证电力生产中人身、电网和设备的安全,依据有关法律、法规、制定本制度。.1Therm

57、al mechanical work permit management systemThe management system is constituted in order to strengthen the management on thermal mechanical work permit of project department, specify the requirements and procedures for maintenance personnel and operators, avoid any accident for personnel or equipmen

58、t due to improper operation or errors, and guarantee safety of the personnel, power grid and equipment in power generation, according to relevant laws and regulations.1.1适用范围:本制度适用于电厂热机工作票管理工作。Application scopeThis system applies to the management for thermal mechanical work permit in power plant.管理

59、职责:Management responsibilities:工作票签发人、工作负责人、工作许可人应负工作的安全责任。Work permit issuer, person responsible and work permitter should be responsible for safety of work.工作票签发人应对下列事项负责:Work permit issuer should be responsible for the following items:a 工作是否必要和可能。a Make sure the necessity of operation.b 工作票上所填写的安

60、全措施是否正确和完善。b Ensure whether the safety measures filled in work permit are correct and complete.c 经常到现场检查工作是否安全地进行。c Frequently visit the site to see whether everything is done with safety.1.2.3工作负责人应对下列事项负责:.1.2.3Personnel responsible should be responsible for the following items:a 正确地和安全地组织工作。a Cor


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