



1、雅思阅读长难句之插入语插人语也是 IELTS 阅读中常出现的一种结构。它一般是对句子中一个句子成分的解释或补 充说明,通常是不重要的内容。插入语的标志:(1) 插人语结构前后用逗号断开.如 :The book, I think, doesn't provide informationabout the population in that area.其中.插入语结构I think便是这种特点。(2) 插人语结构前后用破折号断开,如:The paper said the volcano destroyed most-if notall-of the buildings and const

2、ruction on the island 。其中,插入 if not all 就属于此类结构。(3) 插入语成分用括号表示,例如:Keeping your head, (instead of crowding and pushing to get to an exit), may make the difference between,(4) 插入语通常置于主谓之间,女口: People who make great success, with no exception, are theman who utilize their own odd moments wisely.对付插人语的办法

3、是先略去不读。插人语常常插在主语和谓语之间.也可以插在句子中其他两个句子成分之间。 有的插人语比较长, 如果对插人语特别注意,会造成原来句子主要意思的中断,造成理解困难。而插入语常常是不重要的内容,所以应先略去不读.这样被分隔的两个句子成分就接上了。1. How did Contre Saint-Beuve , an essay attacking the methods of the critic Saint-Beuve , turn into the start of the novel Remembrance of Things Past ?翻译: Contre Saint-Beuve

4、一文 一篇抨击批评家 Saint-Beuve 批评方法的 文章 是如 何转变成为小说 Remembrance of Things Past 的开端的?结构分析: 这个句子考察的是一个比较简单的含有插入语的句子。 其实单从句子形式中的前 后成对出现的两个逗号就比较容易看出是插入语。本句的主语和谓语部分被插入语an essayattacking the methods of the critic Saint-Beuve 所分割。同时插入语部分也是前面 Contre Saint-Beuve 的同位语,只是为了进一步解释说明一下这篇文章。2. In relationships of mutual de

5、pendence, such as between labor and management or within an organization or a family, the question of who is more powerful turns on who is less dependent on the other.翻译:在相互依赖的关系中.例如,劳资关系或在一个家庭或一个组织中,谁更有力量的问题就转换成谁更少依赖于另一方。结构分析: such as between labor and management or within an organization or a fami

6、ly 是插人 语,同时也是举例说明, 是不重要的内容 .可以先略去不读。 全句的谓语是 turns on, the question of who is more powerful 是主语.宾语从句 who is less dependent on the other 是 turns on 的宾语。3. A child hears it spoken from morning till night and , (what is more important) , always in its genuine form ,with the right pronunciation , right i

7、ntonation , right use of words and right structure.翻译:儿童从早到晚都能听到别人在讲(母语),而且更重要的是,听到的总是一种正确的发音、语调、用词以及语法结构的纯正语言。结构分析:共有2个谓语动词,其中主句的是hear& (what is more)是插入语,而插入语并不重要。所以要先理解插入语两端的内容,再理解插入语。因此,对于插入语,我们的处理 方法是:"先读两端,再读中间”。with后面的right, right, and right,是并列结构。4. In developing countries, where at

8、 least 16 cities are expected to have more than 12 million people each by the end of this decade, failing to give priority to public transport would be disastrous.翻译:在发展中国家,在那里,至少有 16个城市在近 10年之末人口会超过 1200 万,不优 先考虑公共交通是灾难性的。结构分析: where at least 16 cities are expected to have more than 12 million peop

9、le each by the end of this decade 是插人语,是一个定语从句,修饰 developing countries 。全句主语是动名 词短语 failing to give priority to public transport.5. Work,(for most American and Chinese women aged 55 and under) ,involves responsibility for a household,a child or children ,and a job outside the home as well.翻译:对于大多数美国

10、和中国的 55 岁或者以下的妇女而言,工作的全部职责包括了负责家 务、照顾孩子以及在家务之外还要上班。结构分析:只有一个谓语动词: involves。 (for most American and Chinese women aged 55 and un der)是插 入语。本句的主干为:Work in volves respo nsibility。 for后 面的内 容修饰 responsibility ,而 a household, a child or children , and a job outside the home as well 为并列 结构。6. Although Gutman admits that forced separation by sale was frequent ,he shows that the slaves preference, revealed most clearly on plantations where sale was infrequent ,was very much for stable monogamy.翻译:虽然古特曼承认,由于奴隶买卖而造成的被迫离散甚为频繁,但他还是证明,奴隶的 偏爱在那些奴隶买卖并不频繁的种植园


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