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1、安徽省 2019 届高三高考模拟(六)英语试题考生注意:1 .本试卷分第i卷(选择题)和第n卷(非选择题)两部分。2答卷前,考生务必用 0 5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔将自己的姓名、班级和考号填写在试卷的相 应位置。3.请将第i卷的答案填在第n卷前面的答案栏上。第n卷用0. 5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔答题。4.本次考试时间 120 分钟,试卷满分 150 分。第I卷(选择题共 115 分)第一部分听力(共两节, 20 小题,满分 30 分) 第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分 7. 5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷

2、的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小 题。每段对话仅读一遍。l.What does the woman think of being a firefighter?A . Exciting .B. Dangerous.C. Rewarding .2.What can we learn from the conversation?A . The man was caught in the rain last night .B . In spite of the heavy rain, the show went on .C . The rain stopp

3、ed the show from being performed .3. Why didnt Henry bring the drinks?A . The drinks would be sent by the store .B . There were no drinks at the store .C . Henry forgot about it altogether .4. What time does the dialogue take place?A. 4:45.B. 5:00.C. 5:15.5. What does the woman suggest the man do?A

4、. Give up the problems .B . Go through the problems himself .C . Work out the problems with her help .第二节(共 1 5 小题:每小题 1. 5 分,满分 22. 5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、 B 、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小 题 5 秒钟;听完后,各心题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段对话,回答第 6 至 8 题。6. How long di

5、d the Dreadful Demons movies last?A . For 3 hours .B . For 6. 5 hours .C. For 7. 5 hours .7. Where did the man see Dreadful Demons?-2 A . In a cinema .B . At his house .C. At the womans house . 1 8 How does the woman get pocket money?A By working in a cinema B By doing housework at home C By cutting

6、 the grass for her neighbors 听第 7 段对话,回答第 9 至 11 题9 Why did Jack buy an old car?A Its cheapB Its in such a good condition C Its a collector s item10 When was Jacks car made?A In the 1940sB In the 1950s11 What does Jack plan to do with the car he bought?A Replace its engineB Enter it in some shows 听第

7、 8 段对话,回答第 12 至 14 题12 Why cant the woman see more?A She has to be in Chicago tomorrow B Shell get familiar with the companys branches C Shell have to take a train back 13 Where has the woman been staying?A Around the corner B At Hospitality Hotel 14 What is just two blocks away?A The taxi B The air

8、port shuttle 听第 9 段对话 ,回答第 15 至 17 题15 Why does the woman refuse to give the Scotch to the man?A She is too frightened to do so B She intends to find out more about the man C She knows the man is younger than 2116 What does the woman say she would tell the police?A That man s ageB The mans name and

9、addressCThe number of the man s license17 What is the woman probably ?AA xasguerBA customer听第 10 段对话 ,回答第 18 至 20 题18 Who did the garden probably belong to?A Carlton B Carltons neighbor 19 How did Carlton intend to do in the garden?A To steal some applesB To sell his ladder 20 What did the gardener

10、think of Carltons reply?A He half-believed it B He didnt believe it at all 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45 分)C In the 1960sCResell it C At Grand Hotel CSouth hospital C A policewomanCCarlton s friend CTo have a close look CHe had no doubt about it -4 第一节单项填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳选

11、项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21.Lin Dans recent book, which is based on his experienee as_ Olympic badminton gold winner,became_bestseller in China .A . /;aB. an; theC. /;theD. an; a22. Have decided what to do next year?Yes. _. I will study abroad in Harvard University or Yale UniversityA . If anythingB . If neces

12、saryC . If everD . If possible23 . As we all know, America ns seldom sit dow n to a regular meal as they like things_ immediately .A .be doneB . being doneC . doneD . having been done24 . I think we should wear _dresses at the party so that we can stand out among the crowd .A .usualB . casualC . fan

13、cyD . com mon25 . You said that our in come would be doubled the n ext year, and this is_ _I find too difficult to realizein practice .A . whereB . whatC . howD . why26 . Don worry . I am sure our parents will be here in time .But what if they? Its getting dark .A . won t comeB . isnt comingC . does

14、 nt comeD . would nt come27 . My dear, you better leave your key with the couple living next to your door, _you lock yourselfout one day .A . as long asB . as thoughC . in caseD . even if28 . There are times when a play became highly successful, even though most of the critics panned (抨击)it without_

15、 .A . mercyB . intentionC . regretD . hesitation29 . _ on the wall is a picture of a tired woman with a baby on her back .A . Being hanged B . To be hungC . HangingD . Hung30 . The Internet has made_ possible to purchase goods in a foreign country and at a lower cost .A . thatB . thisC . oneD . it31

16、. Mary looks depressed .So _you if you failed your final exam .A . willB . wouldC . doD . did32 . Lin da, you could nt have chose n much better prese nt for me .A . Oh, it cant be helped .B . rm glad you like it so much .C . That s all right .D . Its nothing, isn ? it33 . It n ever_us huma n beings

17、un til the mid 1990s that some ani mals in the world can be clonedA . occurs toB . is occurred to C . occurred toD . has occurred to34 . Jennifer turned around to see Henrys car pull away and _ the road .A . bend downB . pull downC . slow clownD . head down35 . Look at the big smile on those stude n

18、ts faces! They _have won the basketball game .A . shouldB . couldC . canD . must第二节完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分 30 分) 3 -6 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项( A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填人空白处的最佳 选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。When you ask some one what is the opposite of love, most people will say hate . Both of these wordssuggest a deep 36 ,s

19、o it makes sense that most people would believe this to be 37. But theopposite of love is indifferenee .Lovi ng and hati ng both 38 a lot of en ergy . The differe nee is that whe n you love some one, your heart is39 to lovi ng more, and ignoring more of the flaws of others . But whe n you hate some

20、one, you will think40of him .When you are 41 a terrible experie nee, you may hare the pers on who does this terrible thing toyou .42 the in eide nt is over, a pers on is usually able to43 the feeli ng that has bee n leadi ng to histhoughts and emoti ons .Most people can 44 be ing hated by some one m

21、ore easily tha n being 45 by that pers on . If you want to getsome on es 46 ,try ignoring him . It ofte n produces such an ger and frustrati on that he will behave 47 a nd unkindly .It is always amaz ing to see the _48_ of some one who has bee n ignoring the letters for a debt . He isusually 49 when

22、 his aeeount is turned over and he is taken to court for money owed . He is even angrier 50 hediscovers that his bill ease has bee n reported . If you are in that 51 ,I think its better to let others know that youhave nt forgotte n what you 52 but you are trying to get the money to pay it .I have ha

23、d many occasions to 53 that theory in action .1 discovered that it takes a lot of energy to love orhate, but it takes almost no en ergy to be 54. On the other hand . in differe nee can 55 fierce emoti onsin others even though they are not offended .36 . A .emoti onB . thoughtCimpressi onD .belief37

24、. A .falseB . importa ntCtrueD .real38 . A .wasteB . takeCreceiveD .cost39 . A .welcomeB . priorCcloseD .ope n40 . A .everythi ngB . nothingC .anythingD . somethi ng41 . A .tak ing dow nB . gett ing overC .going throughD . liv ingthrough42 . A .BeforeB . OnceC .AfterD . Un less43 . A .spreadB . hide

25、C .shareD . release44 . A .han dleB . enjoyC .forbidD . stop45 . A .blockedB . lovedC .ignoredD . fooled46 . A .mi ndB . atte nti onC .sightD . help47 . A .hatefullyB . helpfullyC .harmfullyD . usefully48 . A .expressi onB. changeC .behaviorD . reactio n49 . A .satisfiedB. shockedC .in terestedD . e

26、xcited50 . A .howB . thatC .whe nD . what51 . A .situati onB . stateC .con diti onD . matter52 . A .gai nB . doubtC .oweD . pay53 . A .observeB . exploreC .checkD . test54 . A .safeB . in differe ntC .peacefulD . in active55 . A .controlB . overcomeC .reduceD . produce第三部分阅读理解(共20 小题;每小题 2 分,满分- 40

27、分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AMini Cruise and Stay BrugesAn overni ght cruise gives you a cha nee to relax and enjoy some of the great on-board en terta inment andfacilities available with P&O . This trip in Bruges includes 2 nights aboard P&O, sailing from Hull, and 2 ni

28、 ghts atthe lbis Hotel or l ni ght i n the NH Bruges and l ni ght i n the Floris Karos.Bruges well-preserved architccture makes it one of the most excit ing tourist attract ions in Europe . A visitto Bruges would nt be complete without a canal ride, eat ing the chocolates . Shopp ing for craft work,

29、 climb ingthe tower of trying several of the Belgia n beers After your coach journey back to the boat you will spe nd ano therni ght on board where you can take adva ntage of the en terta inment and restaura nts it has to offer.Our packages in clude a total of 4 ni ghts accommodati on (2 ni ghts on

30、board+1 or 2 ni ghts in a hotel on aroom only basis) with retur n coach transfers . A11 cab ins are bun ks (铺位)and will require one passe nger touse a ladder.Bruges route:Day l4:00 D m . Cheek at Hull Terminal 2 .5:00 p m. Boarding is completed .6:30 p . m. Ship leaves for Zeebrugge.Day 28:45 a . m.

31、 ( 9 . 30 a . m . Sar & Sun ) Ship arrives at Zeebrugge9:00 a . m. Coach leaves from 7,eehrugge9:30 a . m. Coach arrives at Bruges bus stati on .Enjoy one or two ni ghts in Bruges !Day 45,00 p . m . -Coach leaves from bus station .5:30 p . m. Coach arrives at Zeebrugge .9,00 p . m. Ship leaves f

32、or Hull .Day 58:15 a . m. ( 9 a . m . Sat & . Sun) Ship arrives at Hull .Please no te: We will call after your Look ing is made to confirm any additi onal passe nger n ames-thesemust be provided as they would appear on the clients passport. Book online with us!56 . How many ni ghts accommodatio

33、n will the trip offer?A . Two nights .B . Three nights . C . Four nights .D . Six nights .57 . Those who hope their trip to be complete should_ _ .A . learn how to make craft workB . join in the climbing the mountainsC . eat chocolates made by the local peopleD . try to drink as much Belgian beers a

34、s they can58 . How will visitors go to Bruges accord ing to the trip package?A . By ship .B . By coach,C . On foot .D . By plane .59 . Which of the follow ing routes is correct accord ing to the passage?A . HullTZeebrugge Bruges Zeebrugge Hull . 5 B . HullT2ecbrugge HullBruges Zeebrugge.C. Zeebrugge

35、 HullTBruges HullTZeebrugge.D.ZeebruggeTHullTBrugesTZeebruggeTHull,BMany years ago, Dr. Cronin occasi on ally wrote an unu sual treatme nt for some of his patie nts who werefeeli ng dow n. He would in sist that for six weeks the patie nt say Tha nk you for every kindn ess and keep arecord of it and

36、he had a remarkable cure rate .If you find yourself depressed, please con sult your doctor . But every one gets dow n at times, andsharpening your sense of gratitude can make an important differenee . l have observed again and again thatpeoples happ in ess is not usually found in getti ng what they

37、want it comes from appreciat ing what they have, nomatter how little .Writer Arthur Gordon used to tell about asking a physician friend of his for the name of the most effective pre-seription he knew . Well, ni tell you, his friend said . A colleague of mine once had a woman patient whosuffered from

38、 depression . The usual medications didn seem to help .One day this doctor delivered a small package to the woman- s home . I want you to take whats in thispackage, he said, and spe nd ten minu tes of every day look ing through it at some object in this room .In the package there was a magnifying gl

39、ass (放大镜) .The woman faithfully took the prescription .She began looking at her sofa . She was amazed at what she saw Then she examined the veins in a flowerpicked from her garde n, the color dots in an old photograph, and even her own skin . In days before close-upphotography, she d never seen the

40、likes of it before . She was amazed at the brand new world opening up beforeher eyes .As this woma n gazed at her world through a magnifying lens, she saw, in a completely differe nt way, whathad been around her all along . Her sense of wonder gave way to another, more powerful emotio n . Thephysici

41、a n said that her experie nee with the glass was the turning point of her ill ness . She began to get well.Do you practice gratitude? I think youll discover that it is no less than a powerful prescription for peace.60 . Why does the author mention Dr . Cronin in the beginning?A . To show that Dr . C

42、ronin was a great doctor.B . To in troduce what the author want, s to talk about .C . To introduce the best way of recovering from illness .D . To show his attitude towards Dr . Cronins unusual treatment .61. What do you think the doctor wan ted the woma n to un dersta nd?A . Life without wonder is

43、not worth livingB . Our life will continue if we take care of it .C . The glass will open a brand new world to her .D . Her life will get better with the help of the glass .62 . The un derl ined word prescripti onin Paragraph 5 probably means _.A . attackB . reactionC . treatmentD . medicine63 . Acc

44、ording to the passage, practicing gratitude is a way of_ .A . keeping our mind in peaceB . living our life to the fullestC . curi ng some deadly diseasesD . curi ng some men tal problems 6 Studies have shown that sleeping and learning go hand in hand. Even a short nap can boost our memoryand sharpen

45、 our thinking . But the relationship goes deeper than that.The brain is not passive while you sleep, ” scientist Anat Arzi said . Its quite active . You can do manythings while you are asleep .Arzi and her coworkers didn try to teach the sleeping volunteers any complex information, like new wordsor

46、facts. In stead, the scie ntists taught volun teers to make new connections betwee n smells and sounds.When we smell something good, like a flower . we take deep breaths, When we smell something bad, wetake short breaths. Arzi and her coworkers based their experiment on these reactions and the knowl

47、edge thatour senses dont turn off while we sleep .Once the volunteers fell asleep in the lab, the scientists went to work . They gave the volunteers a whiff ofsome thing pleasa nt and at the same time played a particular musical note . The volun teers did nt wake up, butthey did hear-and sniff deepl

48、y . Then the scientists gave the volunteers a whiff of something terrible and playeda differe nt musical note . Aga in, the volun teers heard and smelle d a short snort this time-but did nt wakeup . The researchers repeated the experime nt while the volun teers slept .After just four repetiti ons, v

49、olun teers made a connection betwee n the musical no tes and their pairedsmells . When the scientists played the musical tone that went with good smells, The sleepers breatheddeeply-even though there was no good smell . And when the scientists played the musical tone that went withbad smells, the sl

50、eepers breathed briefl y despite there being no bad smell .The next day, the volunteers woke up with the sound-smell connection complete . They breathed deeplywhen hearing one tone and cut their breaths short when hearing the other . Which must have been unusual forthem: lmag ine walk ing dow n the

51、street and tak ing a deep breath upon heari ng a particular sound !64 . What does the un derli ned word that in Paragraph l refer to?A . Our brain is passive during sleep .B . Eno ugh sleep can ben efit our health .C . Sleeping and learning go hand in hand .D . Sleep can ben efit our memory and thin

52、king .65 . In the study, the volun teers were taught _.A .to become active during sleepB . to make sound-smell connectionC . to lear n new words and scie ntific factsD . to tell differe nt smells66 . How did the volun teers react whe n smelli ng someth ing n ice and heari ng musical no tes?A .They w

53、ent on sleeping deeply.B . They dreamed wonderful dreams .C . They woke up at once .D . They took short breaths .67 . The passage mainly tells us that_.A . our brain can tell different smells during sleepB . special smells and sounds can improve our memoryC . our brain can actually lear n someth ing

54、 new duri ng sleepD . the volunteers will always hear similar sounds on the streetDWhy do some parents tend to hold back their disabled children from experiencing life? Even when they aregrown, the parents will not allow certain things to happen . Its true that they do have a certain amount of 7 res

55、ponsibility in protecting their severely disabled adult child, but at what point do they become overly protective?Parents want to create a safe haven, a place where they know that nothing bad will happen to their belovedchild . This seems to be a respectable and no table act in cari ng for a pers on

56、 with a disability, but it can have aside effect. When protecting their child from suspected hardships, not wanting anything bad to happe n to them,they very well may be preve nti ng good things from happe ning to them .In life we all make mistakes, it is how we are able to grow and strengthen our c

57、haracter . Parents may feelthat in certain instances their child will get hurt or mistreated in some way, so they build walls in their own mi ndsconvincing themselves of the n eed to shelter . However, the disabled, yes eve n the severely disabled deserveto make personal mistakes as well. Even more,

58、 they have the right to succeed .Pare nts should do everyth ing and anything with in their power to see their disabled childre n lead asomewhat normal life . Parents should help their children, not hold them down . This could make them thinkthey are unworthy and that their parents do not believe in

59、them .Whatever it may be, let them at least try . If they want to attend college, so be it . Parents should find out allthey can, and be involved in every detail . Get to know the aides, experience it with them . If they want to dareand someday marry, so be it . Don t shut them out and form bad or c

60、ritical opinions about them just because youare afraid . Unite as a family and make it work .Accord ingto thepassage, if the pare nts overprotect their disabled childre n, the childre n will _ .A .In many American cities, one can find beautifullyMotion Pictures in the 1920s and 1930s . And many of them are decorat


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