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1、【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流高等学校英语应用能力考试B级真题作文及参考范文.精品文档.高等学校英语应用能力考试(b级) 作文真题 (2017-2011)2017年12月(B级)Part V Writing(25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to complete the Field Trip Report according to the following information given in Chin

2、ese. Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet.说明:请根据所给信息,完成下列现场考察报告。写报告人:李俊杰接受报告人: 王晓林送交报告日期:2017年12月24日考察地点: JUK工厂考察时间:自2017年12月4日至2017年12月8日参加考察人员:李俊杰及其团队成员内容要点:为了了解水污染问题,我们去JUK工厂参观一周, 我们了解了污染的主要来源。工程师们向我们介绍了几种废水处理的方法。这次参观对我们的研究工作很有帮助。words for reference: 废水处理 waste water t

3、reatmentField Trip ReportReport to: Mr /Ms.(1)Report from: Mr /Ms.(2)Date :(3) Trip destination:(4) Trip period: from December 4.2017 to(5)Participants: Li Junjie & His team membersSummary_【参考范文】Field Trip ReportReport to: Mr/Ms.(1)Wang XiaolinReport from: Mr/Ms.(2)Li JunjieDate:(3) December 24t

4、h, 2017Trip destination:(4)JUK Factory Trip purpose: to know the water pollutionTrip period: from December 4.2017 to(5)December 8, 2017 Participants: Li Junjie & His team membersSummaryIn order to know the water pollution, we have visited JUK factory for a week. We have known the major source of

5、 the pollution and the engineers there have introduced several ways of waste water treatment. The visit is very helpful for our research.2017年6月(B级)Part V Writing(25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to complete the Guest Experience Card

6、according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet.说明:假定你是张建林,根据所给内容填写下列顾客意见反馈表。顾客姓名:张建林顾客邮址:zhangjl999抵达日期:2017年6月15日抵达时间:上午11:30内容:酒店员工非常友好,提供了良好的服务,尤其是一位名叫John Chen的员工。酒店的房间干净整洁,餐厅的食物美味可口,住店的体验很不错。但是酒店里市中心较远,建议酒店增设从酒店到地铁站的班车(s

7、huttle bus),为客人提供方便。Guest Experience CardWe value your feedbackName:(1)Email address:(2)Date of visit:(3) Time of visit:(4)Did our Team Members exceed your expectation? _Yes_ If yes,Please provide their names:(5)Comments:_Thank you for choosing our hotel.If you would like to talk to us about your ex

8、perience todayPlease contact the Guest Service Department at 1-888-601-1616.Part【参考范文1】Guest Experience CardWe value your feedbackName: Zhang JianlinEmail address:zhangj1999Date of visit: June 15th,2017Time of visit:11:30 AM Did our Team Members exceed your expectation? _Yes_ If yes,Please provide t

9、heir names: John Chen Comments:Hotel staff are very friendly, providing good services for us, especially John Chen.Hotel rooms are very tidy and clean, the food is very delicious, and experience of living rooms is nice.But the hotel is far away from the downtown, I suggest that increasing the shuttl

10、e bus between the hotel and the railway station. It can provide convenient for customers.Thank you for choosing our hotel.If you would like to talk to us about your experience today, please contact the Guest Service Department at 1-888-601-1616.【参考范文2】Comments:The staff of your hotel are very friend

11、ly, especially John Chen, offering us good services.The rooms in your hotel are clean and tidy. The dishes are delicious. It is a fantastic experience.However, its too far away from downtown. Would you please add shuttle buses from your hotel to the subway station? That will make guests convenient.2

12、016年12月(B级)Part VWriting(25minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to complete an application form according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet.说明:假定你是人力资源部的员工李建新,请根据下

13、列内容填写一份加班申请表。申请日期:2017年3月1日部门:人力资源部(Human Resources Department)加班时间:2017年3月5日9:00a.m. 5:00p.m.总加班时间:不超过8小时加班原因:公司最近需要招聘各类员工。人力资源部一周前登了招聘广告,并已收到很多求职信(application letter)。为了协助各部门安排面试,本人需要在周六加班一天,了解应聘人员情况,并安排面试。Overtime Request FormRequest Date: (1)Employees Name: (2)Department: (3)Date of Overtime: Ma

14、rch 5, 2017Overtime needed: from (4) to 5:00p.m.Total Overtime: not to exceed (5) HoursReasons for Overtime Required:_ _【参考范文1】Request Date:1) March 1, 2017/ Mar. 1st, 2017Employees name: 2) Li Jianxin 员工姓名Department:3) Human Resources DepartmentDate of Overtime加班:March 5,2017Overtime needed:from 4)

15、9:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. Total overtime: not to exceed超过 5) 8 hoursReasons for Overtime Required:Our company has been recruiting all kinds of workers recently.The Human Resources Department posted recruitment advertisements a week ago and received many application letters.In order to help all kinds

16、of departments arrange the interview, I need to work overtime for one day on Saturday.Also, I want to know some information about applicants, and arrange an interview.【参考范文2】Reasons for Overtime Required:Our company has recently planned to recruit some employees of different departments. Human Resou

17、rces Department has posed a job advertisement one week ago, and received many application letters. So, I need to work extra hours on this Saturday, get to know candidates personal information, and assist other departments to arrange the whole interviews.2016年6月(B级)Part V Writing Directions: This par

18、t is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to complete a form according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet.说明:假定你是东方职业学院的学生李明,即将毕业,想应聘 ABC 公司销售员的职位,请根据以下内容完成求职申请表。1. 填表日期:2016 年 6 月 19 日2. 家庭住址:南京市新

19、华路 50 号3. 家庭电话:020-123*6784. 手机号码:150*67895. 电子邮箱:liming1236. 期望月薪:约 3000 元7. 能力与爱好:我能熟练使用计算机,并具有较强的英语口语能力。我还有较强的沟通能力与团队合作精神。我爱好阅读、运动和旅游。我愿意加班与出差。Employment ApplicationPersonal detailsDate of Application:(1)Name of Application:(2)Address:50XinhuaRoad,NanjingPersonal ContactHome telephone:020123*678M

20、obile:(3)Email Address:(4)Applied position:(5)Expected Salary:About3000yuanEducation Background2013-2016 Dongfang Professional Technical CollegeSkills & Hobbies:_【参考范文1】Employment ApplicationPersonal detailsDate of Application: (1)June19,2016Name of Application: (2)Ming LiAddress: 50 Xinhua Road

21、, NanjingPersonal ContactHome telephone: 020123*678Mobile: (3)150*6789Email Address: (4)liming123Applied position: (5)SalesmanExpected Salary: About 3000 yuanEducation Background2013-2016 Dongfang Professional Technical CollegeSkills & Hobbies:I am skilled at using the computer and speaking Engl

22、ish. Besides I have a good communication skill and team cooperation spirit. I am fond of reading, sports and traveling. I am willing to work overtime and go on business.【参考范文2】Skills & Hobbies:Operating computer skillfully;Owning a strong ability of spoken English;Having strong communication ski

23、lls and team work spirit;Being keen on reading, sporting and traveling;Being willing to work overtime and away on business. 2015年12月(B级)Part VWriting(25minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to complete a form according to the following inform

24、ation given inChinese. Remember to do your writing on the Translation/ Composition Sheet.说明:假定你是李俊,请根据下列内容填写请假申请表。姓名:李俊员工号:120485所在部门:市场部 (Marketing Department)请假类别: 病假 (Sick Leave)拟请假日期:2016年1月10日 24日请假理由:在过去数周,本人身体一直不适,由于本人在外地出差,无法及时就医。出差回来后,根据医生建议,需住院检查并治疗。请假时间为2周。 Leave Request FormEmployeeInfor

25、mationName:(1) EmployeeNumber: _(2)_Department:_(3)_LeaveType: _(4)_ StartingDate : _(5)_ ResumptionDate: January 25th, 2016 Reasonfor Leave: _ _Signatureof Applicant: Li Jun 【审题构思】 写请假申请表时需尤其注意格式的规范,包括称呼、日期、事由、联系方式等。在陈述事由时,可具体阐述请假的原因,措辞应礼貌得体。【参考范文1】Leave Request FormEmployee InformationName: Li Jun

26、Employee Number: 120485Department: Marketing DepartmentLeave Type: Sick LeaveStarting Date : January 10th, 2016 Resumption Date: January 25th, 2016 Reason for Leave: This letter is to ask you for 2 weeks of sick leave, as my doctor advised me to be treated in the hospital. Actually, I didnt feel wel

27、l in the pass few weeks. But I didnt see a doctor in time due to a business trip off this city. I apologize for any inconvenience caused by this leave and look forwarp89 to being return to the office as usual once I have sufficiently recovered. Signature of Applicant: Li Jun 【参考范文2】Reason for Leave:

28、 I have been not well in the last weeks, and I haven't immediately seen the doctor due to being on business in other city. After I came back, the doctor made a check on me and suggested me to be under treatment in the hospital. Therefore, I ask for two weeks' leave.Signature of Applicant: Li

29、 Jun 2015年6月(B级)Part Writing (25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required tocomplete a MEMO according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do your writing on the Translation/ Composition Sheet. 说明:根据所给信息完成以下备忘录。送达:全体员工发自:经理

30、主要内容:关于资金发件日期:2015年6月14日内容:公司去年取得很大业绩,每位员工下月将收到奖金$500, 与下月工资一起发放。希望大家继续努力工作,为公司的发展做出新的贡献。祝愿公司明年取得更大的成绩。签名:Joan BlackburnWords for reference:奖金: bonus业绩: achievement 做贡献: make contributionsMEMODate: _From: _To: _ Re: _Message:_Signature: _【参考范文1】Part WritingMEMODate: June 14, 2015-6-30From: ManagerTo

31、: All the staffRe: The Bonus Message :Great achievements have taken place in our company in the last year, so each of the staff will receive a bonus of $500 next month, which will be released together with the salary. So you are hoped to keep working hard in the coming year, and make great contribut

32、ions to the development of the company. So we hope a better achievement in the coming year.Signature: Joan Blackburn 【解析】这是一份备忘录,要求注意格式。对本题而言,要把题中所给的要点都写全,如,发放奖金及其原因,对大家的希望,以及对来年的期望等,另外还有其它部分的要素都写准确。重要的是没有单词拼写错误,条理清楚,明白无误。【审题构思】本文要求写一篇备忘录。正文中应包括备忘内容、目标群体以及结束语等。写作时应注意备忘录的格式,其中包括收件人姓名和职务、发件人姓名和职务,发件日期

33、、事由、署名等,语言应简洁易懂,确保没有遗漏题干中的要点。【参考范文2】inform通知make achievement 取得成就issue发放,发行feel free to do sth. 自由做某事,不要拘束做某事contact联系proposal建议MEMODate: June 14, 2015From: ManagerTo: All staffRe: About bonusMessage: I feel happy and honored to inform you that our company made great achievements last year. It has b

34、een decided that each employee will receive a bonus of $500, which will be issued together with next months salary. I hope you can continue to work hard and make new contributions to the development of the company. Wish our company greater success next year. Please feel free to contact me if you hav

35、eany further proposals. Signature: Joan Blackburn 【参考范文3】MEMODate: June 14, 2015From: Joan Blackburn To: All employeesRe: Rewards to the employeesMessage: Our company made great achievements last year. Therefore, each employee will receive a bonus of 500 dollars, which will be given to you together

36、with your next month's salary. I hope that all of us will keep working hard to make more contributions to the development of our company. Wishing that we can make more magnificent achievements next year.Signature: Joan Blackburn 2014年12月(B级)Part V Writing (25 minutes)Directions: This part is to

37、test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to fill in the Employee Complaint Form according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet.说明:假定你是陈军,公司销售部员工,向本部门经理张明写一封投诉信。内容:1. 事由:更换电脑;2. 原因:4台电脑坏了,其余6台速度很慢,部门员工的工作已经受

38、到影响,部门员工一个月前就已经报告了;3. 要求:购买10台新电脑。抄送:公司采购部写信时间:2014年12月21日Words for reference:采购部门:Purchasing DepartmentEmployee ComplaintName of Department( 1 )Name of Department Manager( 2 )Job TitleClerkcc( 3 )Date of Complaint( 4 )Describe in detail the nature of your complaint:_Employee Signature ( 5 )【参考范文1】E

39、mployee ComplaintName of Department (1)Sales DepartmentName of Department Manager (2)Li JunJob TitleClerkCc (3) Purchasing DepartmentDate of Complaint (4) December 21st, 2014Describe in detail the nature of your complaint:Two computers are out of use, and the other four are very slow. This situation

40、 has affected the employees work greatly. Some employees in our department had reported this one month ago, but received no reply.投诉内容I hope the six computers can be replaced by new ones as soon as possible.要求的解决方法Im looking forward to your reply.结束语Employee Signature(5) Wang Jun【参考范文2】Describe in d

41、etail the nature of your complaint:Several computers need to be replaced. Two computers have broken down, and the other four are rather inefficient, thus having greatly reduced the employeesworking efficiency. Whats worse, this situation had been reported one month ago, but no reply was received.I h

42、ope six computers can be bought to replace the old ones as soon as possible.Im looking forward to your early reply. 【参考范文3】Describe in detail the nature of your complaint:Two computers in our department had been broken for a long time, and the other four run quite slowly now. As a result, the work o

43、f some of our employees in our department has been influenced greatly. The employees in our department had reported this as early as one month ago, but unfortunately, nothing is done to deal with it.We advise the Purchasing Department to buy six new computers to replace the old ones, so that we can

44、work much more efficiently. 2014年6月(B级)Part V Writing (25 minutes)Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical writing. You are required to complete the Memo (备忘录) according to the following information given in Chinese. Remember to do your writing on the Translation/Composition She

45、et.说明:假定你是部门秘书Alice Wang,以部门办公室(Department Office)的名义给全体员工发送一份内部通知,并抄送(CC)给公司人力资源部(HR Department)。内容如下:1发送时间:2014年6月15日2部门决定举行年度野餐(annual department picnic) ;3举办时间为7月1日;4提供全部餐饮,还有奖品(prize);5欢迎带配偶(spouse)和孩子;6联系方式:秘书电话555-2345;7 6月25日(星期三)前告知是否参加以及参加人数。 MemoDate(1) To(2) From(3) Subject(4) CC(5) Mess

46、age_【审题构思】本文要求写一篇备忘录,告知公司全体员工年度野餐的有关事项。写作时要简练扼要地将题目中所提供的信息表达出来,注意不要遗漏所给信息。语言应简洁、准确、易懂,且较为正式。【参考范文1】MemoDate(1) June 15, 2014To(2) All the staffFrom(3)Department OfficeSubject(4) Annual department picniccc(5) HR DepartmentMessageOur company is going to hold the annual department picnic on July 1. We

47、will provide all the food and beverage, as well as attractive prizes. Your spouses and children will also be welcomed. All the staff is required to tell us before June 25 whether you will take part in the picnic or not and how many people you are going to bring with you. You can call 555-2345 to con

48、tact the secretary. 【闪光词汇】annual department picnic 年度野餐food and beverage 食物和饮料spouses and children 配偶和孩子take part in 参加contact 联系secretary 秘书【参考范文2】MessageThe annual department picnic will be held on July 1st. Free food and drinks are available. Prizes will be awarded to winners of the games. Your s

49、pouse and children are warmly welcomed. For more details, please contact the secretary at 555-2345 before Wednesday, June 25th and tell her if you will attend it and how many people you will bring.2013年12月(B级)Part Writing (25 minutes) Directions: This part is to test your ability to do practical wri

50、ting. You are required to fill in the Application Form according to the following information given in Chinese. Re- member to do your writing on the Translation/Composition Sheet.说明:请根据下列内容填写一份求职申请表。申请人:王军申请日期:2013年l2月22日联系地址:海东市东方路450号联系电话子邮件:xialei000163.Com申请职位:机械工程师可开始工作日期:2014年1月1日预期工资:不低于人民币5000元月个人经历:2003年毕业于东方学院;现在在SFG公司工作,担任机械工程师,负责维护机器设备。工作期间,接受过国内与国外的技术培训。优点:善于沟通,并能很好地与团队成员合作。Words for reference:机械工程师mechanical engineer维护maintainAPPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENTDate of Application: (1) PERSONALINFORMATIONName: (2) Address: 450 Dongfang Road,HaidongCo


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